Boob Jobs-



  • mhoward685
    mhoward685 Posts: 129 Member
    I'd like a lift but wouldn't want implants.
  • Kristie18
    Kristie18 Posts: 332 Member
    Since I have lost weight I went from a c to about an a. Maybe a b! I totally would get a nice set of ta tas if I had the money to do so.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member

    You'll get the attention from the guys who only date girls for their boob size, leaving behind all the guys who can look past the boobs and at other beauty characteristics or personality traits.

    So you're telling me that since my boobs are naturally big, I'll never get a man who can look at my other "beauty characteristics or personality traits"? :noway:
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member

    You'll get the attention from the guys who only date girls for their boob size, leaving behind all the guys who can look past the boobs and at other beauty characteristics or personality traits.

    So you're telling me that since my boobs are naturally big, I'll never get a man who can look at my other "beauty characteristics or personality traits"? :noway:

    Yup. That's exactly what she said.

    So since your life is damned..... how you do'n ;)

  • Littlegurl
    Littlegurl Posts: 172 Member
    Eh, not worth it. Boobs are boobs. Little ones are cute and go well with nice fit bodies. Push-up bras are cheap.

    ^^ This is a wise woman....boobs - we like them all.

    I understand what u r saying about little boobs being cute with fit bodies. How about absolutely non-existent boobs with nothing to push-up. That was me before boob job. I knew I had done the right thing for me when I felt confident enough to wear a tank top (with a regular non padded bra). I was walking through a parking lot and 2 guys nearly got whiplash when I walked by them. Nothing like that had ever happened to me. Maybe it's wrong for me to feel this way, but I liked it. I felt sexy for the first time. And after having 2 kids I needed that. Having kids made my 'boobs' go from very tiny to completely flat chested.
  • stomachflu
    stomachflu Posts: 134 Member
    When I am done loosing I want to get a lift and evened out. I have lost so much weight in my right boob I just look silly. But I will stay at least my same size, not go bigger.
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    If you have to ask a bunch of total strangers if you should do it or not, then you are not 100% committed to it, so, no. Please do NOT make a permanent(well, they can be taken out, but...)surgical change for your body.
    If I were to do it, I'd do it while I was young and had no husband/kids that I'd be leaving behind if the worst happened to me. Then again, a lot of women GET boobs when they have children(I'm one of them), so....
  • I really am shocked and appalled by the responses. As a woman who also wanted a boob job by the time I was 13 and was teased daily for my "valleys" (yes, they said I didn't even have plains), I did not feel sexy or confident with my natural chest. So to all of you that say she is beautiful and fine just the way she is, you are right, but you also don't know how it feels to be insecure about a flat chest and want to do something about it. I got my boob job when I was 20, and it was the best decision I have ever made.
    There are lots of things to consider, but if it is something that boers you this much then I know you'll be happy with implants.
    To address a few of the reasons I can recall that people have posted for not to get a boob job:
    -They feel or look bad: if you are saying this have you actually felt them or looked at them naked?? Mine feel amazingly soft, they bounce and jiggle & all the fabulous things boobs should do if you aren't flat chested. And they look beyond amazing. Shape of fake boobs is pretty much like shape of natural boobs just bigger, so for those of you who say they look bad, well they looked bad to start with. Mine were round and even to start with, and now they're perky, round, full and perfect.
    -surgery: yes it will be a risk and financial cost, and you will have to decide for yourself if that is worth it to you. I've never had any sickness, hospitalization, etc other than my augmentation surgery but I did perfectly fine in surgery and the recovery is hard the first few days, but its definitely not that bad. I will strongly suggest that you do a lot of research if/when you decide to pursue surgery. Find a surgeon who has done other people with great results, have consultations with as many of them as you like, be sure they are board certified, and ask how many augmentations they have performed, what their rate of infection or complications are. I had NO trouble with my surgery at all.
    -Guys will only look at you for your boobs: lol, really?? Well yes, if you get huge ones then they will look, but so what. I've never had a guy date me for my boobs, it's pretty easy to see through people like that. And maybe she wants a little positive attention given to the tatas!
    I can't even remember all the silly things people have been saying. Oh yeah, real men don't want fake boobs. Seriously?? That one makes me laugh. I would think a real man would support a woman's choice to feel sexy and confident. If that takes a boob job then so be it. I got my boobs for me and it helped me be the confident, take no bs woman I am today, I'm not afraid to tell anyone they're fake and no one gets to tease me or make me feel like less of a woman for having a flat chest. So all of you who haven't been made to feel that way should think about it before you judge someone for trying to improve their body image. That's what we're doing on here right???? Trying to get fit and look great to feel better about our bodies, and perhaps find some support and encouragement along the way!?!
    The last entertaining one I can recall was fake boobs = high maintenance. Well I guess if you want to judge someone off of one thing, then go ahead and call me high maintenance. But I consider myself strong and willing to take action to improve myself with regard to an aspect of my body that made me insecure and unhappy. So is fixing my hair, wearing make up, picking out nice clothes to look and feel good a bad thing??? Is all that high maintenance?? If so, then I'm wayyyyyyy high maintenance because I do all of that and I'm proud of it. I want to look good because it makes me feel good. It's like putting on that awesome pair of jeans or cute pumps and you feel an extra bounce in your step because you feel like you rock today! What is so wrong with that????

    I've gotten way off track. The point is, if this is important to you then look into it and decide for yourself if its worth it. It was beyond worth it to me and I can actually speak from experience and not judgement or assumptions.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    All this talk about getting a boob job "for yourself" is ridiculous.

    I've been musing on this post for a few days now and I finally wanted to address it.

    Why is it so ridiculous for a woman to want breast implants? Regardless of if we do it to be 'attractive to ourselves' or not, it's a personal choice. Personally, my breasts have changed so much over the years, they don't even feel like my own anymore. And my husband supports me in the changes I want to make with my weightloss, so why wouldn't he want to support me with changes I want to make via surgery?

    Clothing fit has everything to do with confidence and it's not just about the SIZE of the breasts, but how perky they are or how they hang. If you have to look in the mirror and see something you hate about your body on a daily basis knowing that there are options out there to change it, why wouldn't you?

    I appreciate saying 'love yourself' etc etc, but unless you have breasts and know how they affect your opinion of yourself, I think you should avoid saying it's 'ridiculous' to want implants.

  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member

    I just wanted to say thank you so much to EVERYONE who shared their opinion. The good, the bad, the boobs are boobs, etc.

    I've definitely got a lot to think about and i'm happy that I could rely on the awesome members of MFP to give me an honest opinion!

    I dont know if i'll do it, if I want to do it, If it's worth it to me... But that's something I'll have to decide for myself. If i were i would probably get a B at the very largest a C. I don't want to be "tits on a stick" or even be more "generically attractive" to the opposite sex. I simply want to be more proportional, not get told by my doctor "well... you have underdeveloped breasts, don't you?", not be able to wear MANY clothing, not be able to wear ANYTHING i feel is sexy (hey, even PINK doesn't carry my size!), and all in all I am tired of this social stigma that I am somehow less of a women because I have small breasts.

    Again, I don't know if i'll do it. I dont know if it's worth it. But nothing is more frusterating that the feeling of "If I work hard enough I can change!" when it comes to your body. No amount of lifting, small caloric deficit, healthy lifestyle is going to change that. ever.

    we'll see, we'll see.

  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    There is a disappointing lack of pictures in this thread
  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
    I looked through a few pages and didn't see any pics....dangit :(

    edit: I see I'm not the only one lol
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    Hard to make a fair assessment without pics....
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    After I'm done having children, I'm probably going to get a slight breast reduction down to a C cup and a lift done. I have always had naturally large perky boobs, and while they look good most of the time, they can cause a lot of discomfort for working out, and I have trouble fitting into shirts. With the pregnancy, they are enormous now, and I know they are going to look like big deflated balloons after the babies are done with them.
  • ExcelWithMel
    ExcelWithMel Posts: 192 Member
    I did it. I love it.

    You look to have a very small frame. You could do it, but you wouldn't want to go very big or they would look fake, and that's all people would notice about you - not your nice figure that you work hard to maintain...or your brain.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Whatever you do, make sure that they are still proportional. You don't want to be doomed to a life where every shirt or dress you try to wear is either too tight across your chest or too big everywhere else.
  • ExcelWithMel
    ExcelWithMel Posts: 192 Member
    no matter the doctor;
    they will look fake for at least a year
    they will always feel fake.

    it will hurt A LOT ALOT

    Do you know this from experience?
    Mine only hurt a lot for the first 2 days. By day 5, not really much at all.

    Oh, and mine looked completely real within @ 3 weeks, and besides the scars (which are healing nicely), no one would ever know I got them done unless I told them. The trick is to go with a modest size for your shape, and a really good doctor.

    You also can't feel my implants unless you take your fingertips and shove them up under where my breasts meet my body, and who does that?
  • FabMrFox
    FabMrFox Posts: 259 Member
    My wife was a large "B" before kids and ended up a small "A" after kids. To be clear I was fine with the way she was and I didn't want her to get them but after seeing how happy/confident/less whiney she was afterwards with clothing etc. I'm glad she did and they are admittedly fun for both of us. She got small "C" that looks well proportioned for her size. So now I'm for them if they make you feel better about yourself. Against them if you just want attention lol
  • tbodega
    tbodega Posts: 186
    My fiance brought up the question to me the other day as to whether she should consider implants.

    I simply told her "No" since I am happy with what nature gave her and it's not like she's flat to begin with.

    I think the only time that I've really supported the idea of a boob job is on one of my close friends (ex gf) who had a double mastectomy. In her case, it made sense and she's a happy survivor.
  • I'm not a fan of the huge boobs. I was always a "B" and then grew to a "C" after kids, nursing and gaining some weight. Let me tell you, I would love to go back to a B. Even a C feels like they get in the way to me. I would have surgery to lift them and give them a more youthful look but not to make them bigger.

    Having said that, if getting implants that look proportionate to your size and body shape is what you want, then go for it. Don't go for the ginourmous boobs - get something that looks good not trashy. Do your homework carefully when choosing a doctor, type of implant, and size.