

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Welcome to everyone who is new. Keep coming back lots

    Did 1 hr training games on the Wii today. Tomorrow I'll do some yoga and then take the extremepump class. Then after class, since I'm in town, I'll go to one store, can get eggs on sale, plus I want to get some cake mix they have a coupon for. Also some sour cream for brownies that I'm going to try on Vince.

    Made some pork, white bean and kale soup. Today's the first day its been chilly so I've been eating it. Only problem is that it is pretty high in calories. Want to try Barbie's soup next.

    You know, barbie hasn't posted much lately. Hope everything's OK. Neither has mini (and others)

    youngfleur - I remember when he retired FIL used to say "where did I find the time to work" Now I understand why he felt that way

    Meg - I bet you enjoyed those Fritos. It's OK to wander down that path once in a while....as long as its once in a while. Whenever I've had too much of something that I usually don't have, then I feel so "yuk" and will want it even less and less.

    Denise needs her high school diploma (or at least a copy of it) for her job. Why they require the diploma, that I don't know. Anyway, opened a lot of boxes but where it would have been, I couldn't find it. Wonder if she took it?

    Robin - I am so so proud of you!

    yardtigress - when Bryan was in college, he raved about Steak & Shake so one time when we were down here we went to it. To be honest, I didn't think it was all that great. Not bad, but I don't think I'd go out of my way to go to one

    4Dogmama - that's great your hubby does the food shopping and doesn't buy the junk. It's the same way here, I do the food shopping but if I let Vince, he'd buy all kinds of junk food. Congrats on the superb weight loss!

    To all our Canadian friends....you CAN ship the leftovers down here :)

    It really rained cats and dogs here this morning. Lightening and all. But now it's stopped, just cold and gloomy. We did measure the backyard since we contracted for them to fertilize and seed 10,000 square feet. Vince is very OCD about some things, so he had us measuring things so that he knows what 10,000 square feet it is....:)

    Lin - I just love it when I have just two or three items and the person in line in front of me has their week's worth and then a lane opens up!

    DeeDee - yep, the guy who got fired was the one whose wive I invited in. But the guy who is in charge of the project said that she really needs to stay at home. She was telling me about another pool install that they went to. I remember when the mason was here. He was a spanish-type person. His wife came with him, but she did do a lot of work. But he also brought his 4 (my guess is about) year old son. Admitted, the boy was so well behaved it was amazing. But to me you just don't bring your child to work with you, not one that young. Maybe to spanish-type people the norm is to have your family at the job, and since the "wife" wasn't working, she felt the need to be at the job. She was telling me that she was amazed at how much English the guy understood. I would think that she should be there only if his boss asked her to to translate. The wife being there is a sort-of distraction, and her in the house made it so that she wasn't a distraction. Well, I just hope I did the right thing and didn't cause him to get fired.

    jolene - hope that shot doesn't hurt too much. Just think of the relief you'll feel from it.

    Hope everyone has a spectacular night.

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    I hope the weekend was great. I am having some computer trouble. I know that I will need to get a new computer but I keep putting it off. I lost my toolbars so I am missing being able to open up other programs easily and going back and forth between pages.

    It was great to read everyone's post. I am pretty much over the bug or whatever I had. Friends are calling and telling me that they have been feeling awful too so I guess it was some type of virus. My husband was off this weekend (he works every other weekend) and it was frustrating to feel so tired. I really like to do fun things when we are off together. I did tutor yesterday and went grocery shopping, then crashed. Today we went to the movies and out for a light dinner. Exercise tomorrow....I just want to make sure I get to the gym and get moving!

    Looking forward to everyone's news!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hi! Had a wonderful time celebrating my b-day last night with friends, cards, homemade pizza, homemade blueberry crisp and ice cream. Oh, and boysenberry brandy, lol! It's soooooo good, turned out a little different than last year since I didn't add as much sugar this time.

    I've been reading some inspirational quotes on the subject of weight loss, thought you all might like to read this. I am not the author, but I certainly can relate to whoever wrote it. The mountain seems so large sometimes!

    Climb The Mountain

    I tried to climb the mountain today. As I inched my way up the path, I felt out of breath and had to turn back.
    I tried to climb the mountain today. But, It was so hot outside, I thought I had better stay in my nice air-conditioned house and rest up for tomorrow's attempt.
    I tried to climb the mountain today. On my journey, darkness started to fall and I was full of fear, so I had to return to a safe place.
    I was ready to climb the mountain today. But I had so may other things to do, so instead of climbing the mountain I took care of the much more important tasks; I washed my car, mowed the grass and watched the big game. Today the mountain will have to wait.
    I was going to climb the mountain today. But as I stared at the mountain in all it's majestic beauty, I knew I had no chance of making it to the top, so I figured why even begin trying.
    I had forgotten about climbing the mountain today, until an old friend came by and asked what I was up to lately. I told him about all my plans to climb that mountain someday. I went on and on about how I was going to accomplish the task.
    He stopped me and said, "I just got back from climbing that mountain. for the longest time I told myself I was going to try to climb it but never made any progress."
    "I almost let the dream of making it to the top die. I came up with every excuse of why I could not make it up the mountain, but never once did I give myself a reason why I could. One day as I stared at the mountain and pondered, I realized that if I didn't make an attempt at this dream all my dreams would eventually die."
    " The next morning, I started my climb. It was not easy, and at times I wanted to quit. But no matter what I faced, I placed one foot in front of the other, keeping a steady pace. When the wind tried to blow me over the edge, I kept walking. When the voices inside my head screamed, stop! I focused on my goal, never letting it out of sight. I kept moving forward. I could not quit because I knew I had come too far to stop now. Time and time again, I reassured myself that I was going to finish this journey. I struggled mightily to make it to the top, but I CLIMBED THE MOUNTAIN."
    "I have to be going," my friend said. "Tomorrow is a new day to accomplish more dreams. By the way what are you going to do tomorrow?"
    I looked at him, with intensity and confidence in my eyes, and said, "I HAVE A MOUNTAIN TO CLIMB."Author unknown

    Talk to you soon, time to get dinner out of the oven. Hope you're having a wonderful Sunday evening!

    :smile: jb
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Wow, according to my diary I still have 1844 more calories I can eat today!! My fitbit thinks I'm doing all the work when I'm riding my horse. It was a great weekend for riding. In all I rode for almost 8 hours this weekend. The 15 pounds I've lost have really made me feel more balanced on my Reo's back. I thought I'd share a picture from today. I think my horse looks gorgeous. Hope everyone had a weekend as great as mine!!



    I had to edit this, it cut part of my horse off. I cropped the picture. I hope all of him shows up. It still cuts him off : (
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Deborah- :smile: that is not good news about your GF still having hot flashes in her 60”s! I don’t really suffer from hot flashes. I suffer from the craving for sweets. I feel like a monster who cant get enough sweets, driven to eat sweets. I hate it!

    Wessecg/Cheryl- I love the picture of you on your horse. So peaceful and beautiful. You are lucky!

    Jolene- :smile: welcome. That is awesome that you are able to fit into the clothes before you wanted to. 90 lbs lost is awesome. Have you lost all this while doing MFP? I have lost 30 and need to lose another 85 or so. You are right, small steps and small goals. Look at the big picture can sometimes feel overwhelming! Hope all goes well with the synvisc injections. I had them in both knees and it worked but not for very long. Some people have great results! Praying that you will be one of those people!

    Faye-:wink: congrats on getting your elk. Awesome picture ! Thanks for sharing. Did you hike in and camp for the hunt? I would like to hear about the hunt, but you can also send me a message. Yummy, elk steaks.I just defrosted some for tomorrow nights dinner. Glad you back safely after your trip and back to MFP!

    Polly-:smile: congrats on the NSV of dropping 2 pant sizes and also resisting the Halloween candy and cookies! Good luck with the math class. I would be in the same boat that you are in! We are Packers fans here too! I don’t know why, other than my girls think some of the players are cute.

    Gail:smile: , you are doing really well for just having your surgery 6 months ago. Its good that you can recognize when to stop and take care of your self.

    Kate:smile: , if your drinking your water ,you should flush that sodium right out. I am glad that you had a yummy meal!

    Gini,:smile: butternut squash enchiladas –how do those taste? What a lovely bike ride you had!

    Terri-:smile: I hope all was ok with your GS. The weather in So Calif is still blazing hot during the day and only down to the 60’s at night!

    Michele-:smile: on my gosh, just trying to keep up with all the pool/spa building is mind boggling. The pork, white bean and kale soup sounds good, is it? That is funny about Dads going away. The house is so much calmer, and there are no expectations that you might have some help. Is funny, but true!

    DianeRLarson-:smile: welcome. You will enjoy being here! You will find much support and encouragement!

    Carolyn, :smile: the chili and muffins have my mouth watering right now. I will have to go to skinnytaste and check out the recipies!

    Youngfleur-:flowerforyou: congrats on your weight loss. Retirement, oh , I cant wait to be retired. I am an older Mom and my DH and I have 2 girls 15&13. We have to put them through college so retirement is going to be a long way off! Enjoy the leaves changing. We don’t really get any weather changes here is So, Calif.

    Meg:flowerforyou: , that sound like a good binge, but what is amazing that you have not had that behavior for a YEAR! That is awesome. I know you will burn off the extra in no time. Fall seems to bring the feeling of wanting to be comforted, warm and cuddly. My daughter keeps saying this (84 degree) weather makes me feel sleepy. I have to laugh because this weather is so summer like. I think it must have to do with the sun /time as day light savings is right around the corner. No, No you don’t want uterine prolapsed. Too bad that there is not a shot , that can just dry up ones uterus. I don’t have a voodoo doll,but maybe we can make some! Lol Thanks for the well wishes!

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter:smile: Congrats on your 1 week completed. Your doing an awesome job!
    Tigress, Hot dogs really! I am glad that you got your clean up done. I did go to your web page and your jewelry is beautiful!

    4DogMom-:smile: it must be so nice for you to have such a supportive DH. Glad that you bought some tops to help you celebrate the new you!

    Liz- :flowerforyou: what is ship wrecked stew? Glad that you were able to get a walk in today. Bless you for caring for your DD. I am sure at times it must be very hard, but you chose to love your DD and not just place her somewhere like other people do. God Bless you!

    Lin:wink: - almond milk, sounds very good. I don’t drink much milk, but I do love almonds. They are my favorite nut. Sorry for the loss of your friend. Happy that your employer is going to retain your retirement health benefits.

    Nancy,:happy: hope all is going well with all the cut backs at the school. It must be such a stressful time! I love your dogs name-Buster!

    Lentigogirl- :wink: thank you for turning the Halloween candy into something positive- sweet memories of my friend –Kathy!

    Drkatiebug, :smile: any new grandbabies yet?

    Kathyszoo, :happy: praying for you and your daughter, Smile- thank you for that saying!

    Mwheatcraft54 M- :bigsmile: congrats on the 10 inches lost ! That’s awesome. I had my DD measure me and She said I added an inch in my neck, lost an inch in my waist and gain 2 inches in my hips. Oh, Well she tried, but this was not accurate!

    Kackie- :flowerforyou: welcome back!

    DeeDee. :wink: Hope you are not going to get sick! Good idea to drink the honey with your tea. They have found that pasteurized dark honey has antimicrobial effects and can sooth a night time cough.

    Dar, :drinker: sounds as if you had a fabulous birthday! We heard the same weather report too about the rain, but the San Diego weather forecasters never seem to get it right! Glad you are back!

    Sally Welcome, :happy: hope that you are feeling back to your ole self soon!

    Jane- :smile: praying for your friend, I am so happy that you had a great time with Violet. I think your DIL might be starting to realize how much you did for her!

    Jb – :bigsmile: Thank you so much for the story- the mountain to climb. I can so relate to this climb. Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday party. So, happy for you.

    Amanda- :bigsmile: your grandbaby twins are so cute! I did like their pictures! Glad that your cousin is doing well.

    Laura 80111 :smile: - hope you are feeling better. Just thinking about the room spinning makes me feel sick to my stomach.

    Today, my youngest DD and I went to the gym . We rode the recumbent bikes for 50 mins. I met a friend of a friend who introduced me to MFP. We are going to try and meet at the gym, so now I am excited and I will have a work out partner! :drinker: :drinker: Please pray for my friend Nancy, she has been having health problems and has a difficult time exercising right now. She is such a wonderful person and she was doing so well on MFP. :heart: I was going to make elk steak tonight, but both DD did not want ELK! They wanted In and Out burger. So, I went and got them both what they wanted and I came home and ate healthy food. They both are thin and eat healthy organic 95% of the time, so an occasional junk food trip is ok. I read somewhere in a magazine at the doctors office that it was better to weigh every day if you are trying to lose weight. If you are trying to maintain then weigh less often. We are all missing our girl time now that DH is home. Ok, well I am finally caught up! Still need to determine Oct goals.:ohwell:
    If I missed anyone I am sorry. I did read all the posts, phew! Has anyone heard from Jan or Dixie? Jan was doing so well to stop smoking. I pray that her and Dixie are doing ok.

    Barbie, God bless you and thank you for keeping the posts going. I would not have succeeded this far, if God had not placed you in my life! :drinker: :heart:

    My DD is pestering me to get off the computer, so I guess I will! Here’s to another day, another week,, to be self loving and self nurturing. One day, One step at a time. :flowerforyou:
    Linda aka Sundanceb :heart: Blessings for a good week!
  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    thanks for posting this, jb~ it was GREAT! :flowerforyou:

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sun!!Spending time with Violet .Homecoming was nice,daughter looked beautiful.
    Cheryl the pic is so nice.The background leaves-so pretty.Love ur horse.
    Hope you all had a nice week-end.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Cheryl - great picture!
  • nbauwens
    New to this thread.. I have been away for 6 months and steadily gained weight. Not sure if it was the not logging (I previously lost 60 lbs will on MFP) but was also on metformin. During the 6 months I didnt really change what I ate but didnt log.. but gained back 35 lbs. I have been back on metformin and started logging again and have lost almost 9 lbs this week. I want to be back to last lowest weight by the new year so goal to lose 30 lbs in 3 months.
  • gennyturner
    gennyturner Posts: 25 Member
    I would love to be part of the 50 group. I'm not sure about Yoga but starting Monday I'm going to take a stike class and try 1 new machine for October.
    Always looking for new friends with good advice and support.
    Thanks for the great insight.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,961 Member

    I am home from my trip and way behind reading the posts but I wanted to wish all my Canadian friends Happy Thanksgiving

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington (very close to Canada)
  • ginib
    ginib Posts: 62 Member
    Here's the link to the Butternut squash enchiladas:

    I use Frontera grill enchilada sauce and divide the pan in half and use green sauce on half and red on the other side. Yum! I need to make a run over the Whole foods to get more sauce or find some online.

    Didn't end up looking for bras today, but I did run into Old Navy to try on some jeans. The smaller size fit, but a little too much muffin top showing for me. Any ideas on how to get rid of that? I need go go shopping in my guest room. That's where my extra clothes are stored. Hoping I'll find some things up there that I couldn't wear last year. While my weight has been holding pretty steady, I think the Zumba and bike riding has rearranged things a little. I do use my weights too, but not enough. I poop out too easily. LOL.

    So much activity for all of you this weekend. Hope those of you celebrating Thanksgiving had a wonderful meal and did not overindulge. It's so easy to do with all the temptations. If you did go a little overboard, don't hang on to the regret. Let it go and move on.

    MIchele - so happy the pool is almost finished. We had an above ground that had to come own a couple of years ago. I did enjoy it. When we redid the back porch a few years ago, we added an alcove for a hot tub. Here in Ohio, it is so nice to go out there when it's snowing. The contrast of the hot and cold is so refreshing.

    Meg - I had a binge night a week or so ago too. Haven't done that in a verrrrry long time. I was ravenous for some unknown reason and went from one thing to another. Finally convinced myself to go to bed.

    Cheryl - beautiful horse. I used to ride as a kid. Then stopped when I gained weight. Not sure if I'd have the strength to haul my butt up on the saddle anymore. I'd love to take my granddaughter riding some time tho.

    Wishing you all a good week,
  • poohmarsh
    poohmarsh Posts: 11 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving to all our Canadian friends!!! I hope you enjoy your time with family and friends.

    Thank you for all the support regarding my bike adventure! I do come from a long line of stubborn people. I could not exercise this week since I hurt my foot last week biking, but I could not take it anymore!!! I am so afraid of falling back into old habits. So, I got back up on the bike and did not fall once!!! Still feels a little out of control and scary, but like I said ... from LONG line of stubborn people.

    NSV this week. Suddenly, I had quite a few people commenting on my weight loss. For some reason, they just suddenly noticed. I haven't lost much the last two weeks. Maybe, I lost some inches. One friend even grabbed the extra material in the legs of my pants and said, "We have got to get this girl to do some shopping!" So, I went shopping in my closet. Haven't had time to try them on, but hope some of the pants will work for now.

    Gini- Thanks for the link to the butternut enchiladas recipe. Can't wait to try them.
    Cheryl - I love your horse - beautiful!! The place you were riding looks calm and relaxing.
    Faye - I know that drive from Atlanta to Indy well. I travel it often going home to visit family and friends. Your trip sounded wonderful!
    Barbie - glad you're back safely from your trip. Can't wait to hear about it.
    Robin - the picture of your granddaughter - she is gorgeous! She must be fun.

    Enjoyed reading all the posts. Sorry I don't have time to reply to all. I have to go. I have hall duty in the morning!

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    Just a quick drop in today to say that I had the most amazing time at the Monkey World wedding! What a great weekend. I spent over six hours dancing with barely a break, forgot how much I love dancing!

    I have changed my profile pic to one of me at the wedding with my darling daughter who will fly back to Germany later today. Will try to post some with the monkeys later.

    Just heard that another of my cousins has been rushed into hospital with a perforated bowel! He is only 34. Horrendous.

    Ok all, back later.

    Love and hugs
    Amanda x
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,117 Member
    On my way out to met a friend and her granddaughter for breakfast/coffee.

    Amanda---what a beautiful picture! You are both gorgeous.

    Cheryl - looks like you had a wonderful day and the scenery is great. I had a horse while I was growing up. I loved it! Not just the riding but even cleaning and grooming the horse and keeping the tack cleaned. Only time in my life I actually enjoyed cleaning.

    Barbie - glad you're back and hope you had a wonderful time.

    Regarding the almond milk, I couldn't wait so I tried it last night. It's ok but it's not something I'll look forward to. I did not strain it through cheesecloth so it's very thick. That doesn't matter in a smoothie but it's still not a substitute for dairy milk. Okay, I'll stand up in front of the room and admit I'm a dairy addict. I have Greek yogurt everyday. I put a cup of nonfat milk in my smoothie every evening along with a scoop of protein powder--yep, WHEY. I adore cheese. I tried commercial almond milk and I don't like it; same with soy milk. So many tell me if I'd stop consuming dairy products that my sinus drainage and allergies would improve. Apparently I'll never know. Ha.

    Vitamix---I LOVE IT! I got one this year that was a QVC special. So while pricey they only charge you like one-fifth each month and no carrying charge so that finally pushed me over the edge. I use it each and every day. I make a smoothie with lots of frozen fruit every evening. My other favorite is to make soup. There are so many recipes out there for delicious and nutritious soups. I've not had any problem and I'd have to grab my paperwork but there a very long warranty on them. Anyway, it's just what I needed to really push some changes in my life. (Sales pitch over.)

    Ooops, gonna be late. Gotta get going.

    Wishing everyone a healthy, safe day.

    :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Good morning all, just stopping by before I go and exercise. The pool is closed today, as it's a holiday and everything on an army post that can close does. So I decided to go to the mall and walk, do some stairs, and maybe even buy a candle.

    Polly- I feel for you and the straps falling down. I finally found a bali bra that I can wear and that doesn't happen. I promptly came home and through away all my other falling down (&%&*) strap bra's the next time I went past the bali outlet, I went in and bought 5 of the very same bra.

    4 dogmom- Good for you, I also reward myself with no food things. Saturday I bought 10 99 cent little sample nail polishes, in colors that I would never buy in full size. I have been having fun with them.

    Cheryl- Beautiful horse, who is that skinny lady riding your horse. Oh that is you :happy: Looking good!!! You really look great, keep up that good work.

    Nbauwens- Metformin is supposed to help you not gain weight, I take that and another that makes you gain, so the counter act and I can hardly lose. But I am hanging in there and trying hard. Keep at it.

    So I'm off to the mall.

  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning and happy Monday, everyone! I'm not going to be able to respond to everyone today - I totally took yesterday off, including responding to everyone, so I'm just starting clean this week. Maybe we should call this "Cleaning House Monday" and move on?

    It must have been a "Tired of micromanaging" weekend. I made a chocolate cake for the kiddos for Friday night, and I had a small piece - and when I calculated the calories it was about 500 calories. Fortunately I exercise around 900 calories off a day, so it wasn't bad in diet, just not particularly nutritious. I had a good mix of healthy and not-so-healthy eating over the weekend, but I really need to get back on track this week. Also, my weight didn't really change this week. Just in a holding pattern for a bit. I knew it would come, so I need to keep my chin up and not get discouraged. The good news is I'm enjoying exercising so much that I'm doing extra. I even ran part of my walk with my husband on Saturday - ran, not jogged. It was fun, and my lungs don't ache.

    Yesterday, as I mentioned, was my off-day, and for once I took it completely off - no exercising to speak of, just puttered in the kitchen, read a book in bed, went to the store, helped DH make pizzas last night (and made three loaves of wheat baguettes after we were done with the pizza oven), and watched some football (although I'm just about finished with sports for the year - every team I watch seems doomed). It was rainy and cold, dreary, so it was a good day to cuddle in a blanket.

    Today can't seem to make its mind up, but I'm going to go for a run anyway. I also have a lot of work to do, so I'm going to try to buckle down and do it. It's a good day for a hot, comfort-food dinner tonight though - will have to think this through.

    Anyway, stay warm, and if you need help warm up your water when you drink it!


  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Lovely Monday morning,

    Just marking a spot, will be back to read and catch up with everyone later...and because I missed the weekend of checking:blushing: it's sure to take some time to get caught up with everyone.

    Had a NSV this weekend, not that it's one that I'm terriably happy about but the alternative is less than lovely...so I cleaned out my under's drawer and sorted and tried on bras....pulled out the smaller ones...yep they fit so I'm not sure if I should :laugh: or :sad: that I'm smaller...but hubby put it all in perspective for me...my choices are bigger bras be fat and unhealthy or smaller bras and fit and healthy...so I'm going to stick with the fit and healthy:wink:

    I will be back later...everyone have a good day logging, drinking and moving:drinker:

  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Sundance - so I have permission to weigh everyday!!!! Yay!!!

    Thanks Jane, Gardengail and Poohmarsh for thinking my horse is beautiful - wish I could have figured out how to keep MFP from chopping his head off.

    Ginib - I once had a sweet lady helping me with barn chores so she could ride a horse, but poor thing really couldn't lift herself into the saddle. She was probably closing in on 300 pounds and it was just too much to lift onto the stirrup no matter how high the mounting block. In fact, I had a lot of difficulty whenever I weighed over 180 so that was a big incentive for me.
    If you live near Chicago I welcome people to bring kids over.

    Linder - Everytime I complain about barn chores I ask myself, "How much weight would you gain if you weren't mucking stalls, cleaning tack, dumping 50 pound bags of feed, loading/unloading hay, etc."

    Yartigress - I was actually hesitant about posting a picture where I was wearing 3 layers of clothing including that bulky vest - but thank you for calling me skinny. Although I have to admit, I still like the layered me picture better than the one of me 15 pounds ago. Can't wait for the next 15 to say bye-bye.

    Laura - I don't know what an NSV is. I do know about the smaller bras though. A few months ago I finally broke down and bought 'D' cups and can happily say they are not fitting anymore!!!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Columbus day!Gonna spend the day with Violet.Will check in later.Have a great day!
    jane m