

  • KathyLoriTheGreat
    Hello everyone. I'm Kathy and I just got into FitnessPal about a week ago. I'm trying to lose 20 pounds, nothing major but the weight has slowly crept up on me over the years. So far, down 2 pounds. I have a raw food coach who's helping me ( nothing like putting up money to keep you motivated ). Doing Physique 57, strength training and HIIT training to try to build some muscle to keep my metabolism up. I lose weight pretty slowly ( normally around 1 lb a week ), so it will be a long haul for me.
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good morning everyone and Happy Thanksgiving to Canadian, Happy Columbus to U.S. and Happy Day to everyone else

    Just caught up on all the thread since I last posted on Friday - boy we are a chatty lot.

    Just making some cauliflower soup as the cauli's were on special at the grocery store and for once looked nice and large and white.

    Had a childhood memory this morning. I recently had to have two large trees cut down because they were diseased which meant that I lost my washing lines. So, this morning I had to go outside with my clothes airer rack and shiver while I hung up all my stuff. It reminded me of when I was a kid and mum would do the washing in the kitchen sink and then I'd have to take it out to the garage to use the mangle to wring it as dry as possible and then stand outside hanging it on the line. In winter it used to come in stiff as boards! (I lived in England then). It is supposed to go up to 14c this afternoon so it should be dry and fresh-smelling and I've saved a mess of money by not using the dryer and helped the environment into the bargain.

    My DBF and I are off out this afternoon. A nearby little town and area are having an artist studio tour - we probably won't buy anything but it gives me ideas of things to make for Christmas and greeting cards. Saw some really cute cards yesterday that will be easy to replicate using similar ideas.

    Welcome to all the newcomers.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Replys to page 8...yep I'm still reading Friday...

    texasgal- congrats on that loss:flowerforyou:

    4thoseiluv- yep almost there to that healthy BMI that's such a good feeling:drinker:

    jb-I take a lot of vitamins and Super B is one of them, I've taken it for years as it helps keep my 'moods' in check and boy can I tell when I don't get it....it's just one of those things that works for my body:wink:

    genealace-going into the holidays with a plan is a good thing and doing the meals ahead of time to help DBF is a great idea in helping in eating better:drinker:

    wessecg-WTG on turning away from those goodies and doing only a mini 100 cal muffin...it's all in the planning and being aware of the foods around you.

    Well that's it for page 8....will work on page 9 later.

  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Good morning Ladies!

    A quick pop in, yes, its weigh–in day and not surprising I am up a pound but that Thanksgiving dinner (2 days in a row) was so worth it!! Back on track today, time to pull a few frozen items from the garden (never did get out there after the killing frost.) They are predicting snow for us this week so I really want to get those little packages of new tulip bulbs in the ground soon. I think I might have disturbed some of my old ones when I exuberantly pulled out the snap dragons that were passed their ‘best before dates’.

    Oh, oh, delay that losing the extra pound; hubby is in the kitchen making ‘real’ bacon and waffles. I am thankful when he cooks; really, its just that he still doesn’t know any ‘skinny recipes’ and that I have changed my eating habits. No, he is not about to change (trust me, I keep trying.)

    Meg – sometimes you just gotta’ do it…

    Robin – do you want to come do mine after you are finished? I still have 80 boxes from the flood and I know that so much of it must be purged… sigh….

    Tigress – it sounds like my bead collection is way-y-y smaller than yours as I have only just started to make jewelry this past year. I haven’t yet found a way to organize it so I don’t get overwhelmed; it seems I always have more ideas than I have time.

    4Dogmom – with your hubby’s help you are going to make it!

    Liz – shipwreck stew?? It sounds interesting, can you share?

    Lin- Cars and computers, two reasons why I dye my hair. I used to like it when you could figure out what was wrong with your car and fix it yourself. I took a powder-puff mechanics course and could do minor repairs on my old jalopy. Now when a light flashes on the dashboard, you just know the car computer is going to cost you a small fortune. Thank goodness yours were only batteries.

    DeeDee – yes, back to the honey and lemon, hope your throat is feeling better today.

    Dar – Now that is my kind of birthday, a whole week!! Lucky you to have such a thoughtful group of family and friends!

    Sally – glad you’re feeling better.

    Jb_2011- that is quite an inspirational quote and so true. We all put off climbing the mountain but when we start it is so liberating to know we can do it.

    Cheryl – wonderful picture and it looks like a fabulous place for a ride, so peaceful!

    Linda aka. Sundance- a great, a work-out partner keeps you on track. So sorry about Nancy and her health problems. Good for you for choosing to eat healthy while they had their burgers.

    Gini – congrats on the smaller size jeans, sorry no ideas for muffin tops, I’m still dealing with the entire ‘cake effect’ but I know someone out there has conquered it, right?

    Wanda - good for you on the bike and how lovely to have people finally notice your efforts, congratulations!

    Amanda – what a fabulous picture!! You must be so proud and how wonderful that you can enjoy life to its fullest.

    Wow, look at the time! Hope everyone is having a great day,sorry I may have missed some of ou but I need to get going before mine is half over!

    cheers, Kate
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Since I have the day off, I went walking at Santee Lakes...a pretty park-like place near my home. There are all varieties of ducks, egrets, herons, and sometimes pelicans. It makes it more fun to walk when there are things to watch. I made good time too...Shaved two minutes off my usual per mile time. (It's only two miles around.) I don't get to go over there much now. It's usually almost dark when I get home.

    Last night was salmon for supper. I really don't care for it, but I will keep eating it as long as it helps. I was down two pounds this morning. I hope I can keep it off this time.

    All this talk of Thanksgiving makes me anxious (make that hungry) for ours. (I know. I'm wishing my life away.) Happy Thanksgiving to those celebrating today.

    My NSV this weekend was buying smaller sized jeans. I haven't had long pants on since spring...and mine didn't fit. YAY!!
    I had to do a quick shopping trip before going to a football game Saturday evening.

    Have a wonderful week, everyone.

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi my friends. This is fall break here at the college and as usual, here I am! I am always here on breaks. I won’t be here all week though; I’m taking Thursday and Friday off…Thursday is my well-deserved mani-pedi from my first 15 pounds lost. Friday DH is taking me downtown somewhere for a weekend to celebrate our anniversary. I hope that doesn’t ruin the scale LOL :laugh:

    I’m getting increasingly frustrated with DD#1. She is now going around telling people how much she hates me in particular and hates living with us and wants to find a friend to move in with. She thinks she does all the work in the house and no one else does anything. Things came to a head Friday when she was home from 8:30 (when she got up ) to 12:30 (when she went to work) and she washed the dishes by hand, ate breakfast, and took a shower. During that time she did not have the time to go see my dad in the nursing home. She was not able to explain what she did with the rest of the time. She thinks she is the only one to go to the nursing home (we each go 2 days a week) and so it was unfair to expect that of her. To tell you the truth I wish she could move out. She simply isn’t ready…at nearly 20 she is like a 14 year old. I keep hoping she and the boyfriend will elope! :indifferent:

    Enough carrying on….it’s making me have high blood pressure!

    Robin: congrats on your one week! And on your purging and cleaning. I love corned beef!

    4Dogmom: yay for new exercise wear!!!

    Polly: I’m with you on the bras. New lingerie is my 30# treat. Nothing wrong with slide rules! But I hear you on getting overwhelmed!

    Lin: I would never be brave enough to make my own milk! Hope you enjoyed it!

    DeeDee; OMG I misread your post and thought you said “I have enough CATS for soup tonight” and I nearly fell out of my chair!!!!! Did they howl when you cooked them????? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Dar: well here is another “happy birthday”!

    Jolene: hope your injections help!

    Michele: I did feel kind of yucky later from the frito binge! :sick:

    Sally: glad you are feeling better!

    Jb: hope your birthday was grand!

    Cheryl: your horse does look beautiful, but you look MAHHHHHHHHVELOUS! :love: Your pictures really show a change. Congrats!

    Linda: making voodoo dolls! Good for you to stay on your path. Pass the thread LOL

    Barbie: welcome back!

    Gini: shopping wears me out too! Good news on the jeans

    Wanda: great NSV!!!!!

    Amanda: glad you had a great time at the wedding. Your new pic is great! Sorry to hear about your cousin and sending him best wishes.

    M: enjoy your run….it will be winter before we all know it

    Laura: yay for smaller bras. I would love that NSV!

    Kate: don’t worry that weight will be off before you know it

    Eilleen: yay for your NSV!!!

    Newbies: welcome!

    All the others I missed take care and have a glorious day! My fitness buddy is here so we are off to walk. Meg :drinker:
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Ok, I had to "google" it. NSV is non-scale victory. Now I know.:smile:
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Good Evening Ladies,
    I have managed to get through 5 pages of posts so I am still WAY behind in the news. Maybe I should start the the end and work forward?!
    Anyway last night was horrible but I take heart from the knowlage that it is the last night at my old location and tonight is the first night of working with my assisted living residents. I am also looking forward to them opening the wellness center so I will be able to get a bit of a workout before or after work.
    My goals for October will be modest....

    1) keep food journal daily
    2) work out 3x a week
    3) drink 8 glasses of water daily
    4) spend at least an hour everyday to get yard ready for winter

    Have a great rest of you day!!!
  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    Just checking in before I start cleanup of my home office. So far, I've managed to avoid it but I'm running out of excuses! Had a great Thanksgiving with my family yesterday and today I'm back on track!

    Lin, I don't like almond milk or soy milk either. You may want to try rice milk which is a close second in taste to 'real' milk. I can actually put that on cereal ~ it has a hint of sweetness, but good. I love my dairy (milk, creamer, yogurt, cheese)! Can't imagine doing without it unless it posed a health concern. BTW, what is Vitamix? I'm assuming it has no flavor since you use it both in smoothies and soups.

    On to the bra discussion ~ my favorite bras are the ones with the 'self-adjusting' straps. No slippage at all.

    M, good job on the bit of running you added to our walk! Ah, comfort food ~ on days when I want it, I work backwards from dinner in my tracker to make sure I get to have some. What book are you reading? I was so close to finishing Unsaid last night, but just couldn't keep my eyes open long enough! Tonight I may hit the sack a bit earlier.

    Laura, very nice NSV on the bras (and the cleaning out drawers). There are some very pretty bras around for the 'smaller' woman ~ I can hardly wait! You're going page by page and making me laugh! :laugh:

    jb, loved the quote you shared with us!

    Eileen, you're so lucky to have such a pleasant place to do your walk ~ just dont be walking in the dark! If you're not crazy about salmon, have you tried arctic char? I think it has a light, less fishy taste, but I enjoy all fish. Nice NSV with the jeans!

    Cheryl, yep, as I said before, he is a beauty! I'm glad you figured out what NSV means ~ now you can share some with us! We all have them, we just don't recognize them all the time.

    Welcome, Kathy! I've never met anyone who does the raw food thing. I'd be interested in hearing all about it as you go along! Does that mean you don't eat meat? or "shudder* just eat it raw... :ohwell: Well done on the loss!!

    genealace, I remember those days well! I was always so afraid I'd get my fingers caught. Didn't help that my grandmother was standing there watching me and kept shouting "Watch out for your fingers!!!":laugh: Enjoy the artist studio tour...

    Meg, I went through that with our DD as well. My DD left home at 17yo because she though she knew everything. She came home 5 (long) months later (a 25 weight loss for me), but she was a changed person. Definitely for the best, much more humble and appreciative of what she left behind, and very grateful for whatever she received. Being away made her grow up quickly. She's know almost ten years older and a wonderful daughter and mother to our two grandsons! We are very close now...

    For those of you who have been feeling under the weather, hugs!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    Hi Deborah - my Vitamix is my hot rod blender!!

    I wanted one for decades---looked at them every time I went to the State Fair and never got one. Ha, I guess it's more of a bucket list item isn't it? :laugh:

  • ginib
    ginib Posts: 62 Member
    Too funny about the Vitamix. Guess they might only be sold in the states. LOL. They are actually made in the next city over from me, yet I don't have one! There is an outlet store around the corner from me and might just have to put it on my Christmas list. My sister has one and it literally saved her life last year when she had a dog pull her off her feet into the asphalt. Broke her jaw in three places, a number of her teeth, and moved everything around in her mouth. She was wired shut for 6 weeks and could only have things she could sip. Unfortunately things did not heal properly and while she has braces now, she's facing more surgery and wires. She took whole meals - meat, veggies and potatoes and blended them into something she could eat.

    Just had to bop in and comment. On my way home soon and off to Zumba.

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good afternoon beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Dar:smile: Happy birthday:flowerforyou: . I have a friend who celebrates the entire month:laugh: !!! I'm thinking I might do that this year!

    Jolene:smile: Hope the injections help your knee pain :flowerforyou: !

    SallyCC:smile: Glad you're feeling better!!!

    Jb:smile: I'm in the process of climbing my mountain, I stumble every once in awhile but pick myself up and continue the climb!!! One day I will be at the top:bigsmile: !!! Thanks for the quote, I really enjoyed it.

    Cheryl:smile: Your horse is beautiful, but so is the rider!!! That path looks so inviting, the fall leaves are gorgeous!!!

    Linda:smile: Prayers for Nancy on the way!!! What does Elk taste like? I've had Bison and I like it, but never had Elk.

    Nbauwens:smile: Welcome to the group:flowerforyou: ! I think I will be logging my food forever!!!

    Gennyturner:smile: Welcome to the group:flowerforyou: !!!

    Barbie:smile: Hope your weekend was wonderful!!! Glad you're back, you were missed!!!

    Gini:smile: Thanks for the link to the recipe!!! I don't know how to get rid of the muffin top:angry: ,I'm sure enough exercise will help, however in the meantime Spanx does wonders at smoothing everything out:laugh: !!!

    Wanda:smile: Congrats on people noticing your weight loss!!!

    Amanda:smile: You and your daughter look beautiful!!! Looking forward to seeing some more pics from the wedding!!! Glad you had fun dancing!!! Sending a prayer for your cousin!!!

    Lin:smile: Thanks for the info on the Vitamix, I'll go to the website and check it out!!!

    Tigress:smile: Good for you going to the mall to get your exercise in!!!

    M:smile: Good for you getting in a run!!!! I'm not quite ready for that yet:noway: , I'll stick to my fast walking!!!

    Laura80111:smile: Great NSV, smaller bras!!!! I loved it when I had to go buy smaller ones!!!

    JaneMartin:smile: Hope you have a great day with Violet!!!

    Kathylori:smile: Welcome to the group:flowerforyou: !!!

    Genealace:smile: Hope you have a fun time at the studio tour!!!

    Kate:smile: SNOW:noway: , I'm shivering just thinking about it!!!! I couldn't live any farther north than I do now! When it's in the 60's I'm cold!!!! Right now it's 45 here, I have the heat turned up, have long sleeves and a sweater on, I'm still cold. You should see me taking the dog out today, I have a coat, gloves and a hat on!!!! My ginger, lemon, honey concoction worked fabulously, I feel great today!!!

    Eileen:smile: Congrats for smaller size jeans!!!!

    Meg:smile: Hope things with DD#1 gets better, I know that has to be hard on you and hubby!!! Wish I had words of wisdom but I just don't. I'm still laughing about "enough cats for soup":laugh: , I like cats just not in my soup:noway: , or anything edible for that matter:sick: . I guess I should have spelled out CALORIES!!!!

    Peggy:smile: Hope tonight will be a better night for you!!!

    Deborah:smile: Glad your Thanksgiving was wonderful!!! Vitamix is a blender, go to the Vitamix website and check it out!!! I think I'm going to buy one:bigsmile: !!!

    It has been a good day, I had a meeting at 11:30 this morning and I've been free the rest of the day. I managed to finish my Halloween tree in the foyer, it looks really good, I'm almost finished with all the decorations, just a few more pumpkins to put out, and the wreath for the front door!!! I feel like it's taken me forever to get them up this year:frown: !!! Funny story, I was walking the dog earlier today, we walked up to the gate at my driveway, and my SIL just happened to come by,so she stopped, now she's sitting in her nice warm car, and I'm standing out in the cold wind brrrrr...she looks at the dog and says " Noel has really lost some weight", now the funny thing about this is she hasn't said a word about my weight loss:angry::grumble: , yes the dog has lost 3 pounds, I've lost 36:sad: :frown: :grumble: :ohwell: . And now it's time to take the sweet doggie back outside, she started to prance around a bit! Have a fabulous evening everyone!!!!

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good afternoon! I'm just about to leave for work, but wanted to share the poem from my blog. While I was working in the garden today it just popped in my head and wouldn't leave me be until I wrote it down!

    My garden, my garden!
    Hit by light frost!
    Some leaves have now withered,
    But all is not lost!

    There's broccoli and cabbage
    Red chard and kale,
    More than I'd find
    At any old sale.

    My garden, my garden!
    You treat me to fruit!
    Delicious fall berries
    And all kinds of roots!

    Parsnip and radish,
    Carrots and beets,
    I dig and I wash
    And I find them so sweet!

    My garden, my garden!
    You're full of lush greens,
    Spinach and lettuce,
    Scallions and peas!

    'Maters and 'taters
    Yet to come home,
    Peppers and green beans
    And maybe some corn!

    My October garden,
    I love you so true!
    I'd have to go shopping
    If it wasn't for you!

    :smile: jb

    P.S. Have a wonderful day!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    jb---that is great! THANKS FOR SHARING.

  • CSueB
    CSueB Posts: 31 Member
    I too, am very happy to find this group........and my condolences on your dear friend....cancer is ugly, and takes too many before their time (according to OUR clock)....adding my prayers to you and her family. I have just "refound" MFP after signing up last March and then doing nothing.... but after making a lot of progress thanks to many things, had started sliding back to my old eating ways, and then scale starting inching up....but this time I said NO WAY! Thanks in part to my wonderful daughter in law....ANYWAY.... I will be anxiously awaiting new posts to see how everyone is doing....I know that having accountability people is so key to our succes..... that being said.......WE CAN DOOOOOOOO ITTTTTTTTT! :flowerforyou: make good choices, and chug a lug that water! :drinker:
  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    hey, Lin!
    i, too, am a dairy addict~ i LOVE dairy products!! :heart:

    i also have tried avoiding them to relieve sinus problems, but i don't like the soy or almond "milk" either. :noway:

    milk makes me happy, and it helps keep me FULL,,,, and with as much weight as i've been haulin' around all these years, i better have STRONG bones!!! :laugh:

    just felt let to put my two cents worth in.... :tongue:

    janie :flowerforyou:
  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member

    ♥♥♥ your garden poem! thanks for sharing it! :happy: :heart: :flowerforyou:

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    hey, Lin!
    i, too, am a dairy addict~ i LOVE dairy products!! :heart:

    i also have tried avoiding them to relieve sinus problems, but i don't like the soy or almond "milk" either. :noway:

    milk makes me happy, and it helps keep me FULL,,,, and with as much weight as i've been haulin' around all these years, i better have STRONG bones!!! :laugh:

    just felt let to put my two cents worth in.... :tongue:

    janie :flowerforyou:

    THANKS---glad I'm not the only dairy freak out here. The only substitute I did like was a really high calorie, full of unknown extra processed ingredients, Silk CHOCOLATE almond milk. Yeah, that's healthy right? Ha.

    I've tried rice milk as well although it was a long time ago. Maybe I could give it another whirl when my checkbook heals up again....too many $$ experiments lately.

    And full disclosure, I did NOT eat any salmon this week. I ate no meat or eggs at all and did lose 3.8 lbs. Apparently my toe in the water with Dr. Fuhrman's "Eat to Live" was a good one.

    Time to tame the trash.......I hear my neighbors rolling their carts out to the curb.

    :drinker: :drinker:
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    I hope everyone had a great weekend. I finally feel more like my normal self!! Today was a good organizing day. My husband had to work so I got some cleaning and cooking done. I made a turkey chili, some egg cupcakes and a pear/bleu cheese chicken salad. I feel ready for the week. My schedule tomorrow opened up so it feels good to have time to get back to work at a slower pace. I moved around a lot today...but I know that tomorrow I have to get myself to the gym!!

    Have a good night!
  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    Hi Deborah - my Vitamix is my hot rod blender!!

    I wanted one for decades---looked at them every time I went to the State Fair and never got one. Ha, I guess it's more of a bucket list item isn't it? :laugh:


    Now THAT is too funny ~ I've never heard of it before (I live in a cave)!!!:laugh: