Need to lose between 30-40 lbs??



    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    Morning everyone!

    Happyyyy Fridayyy! I am very happy it is the weekend, but I definitely must keep this momentum going and stay good this weekend. I need to set realistic goals for me because I knowwww I will be eating out and probably drinkiing. So, my goal is to make sure I hit my 4x a week gym. This means gym today after work and tommorow (Saturday). That should curb some of the gaining and going over calories. I also want to up my water intake for the weekends.

    Anyone else have mini-weekend goals for themselves? I know this is a rough part of the week for all of us.
  • Good Morning All! Ugh. I have had a terrible week for food. Funny, that sounds like the food attacked me. In truth, I just didn't say no. I didn't exercise and I gained 4 lbs, so reporting my weight was futile. When I am stressed I eat and I have been stressed. I eat when I am bored, happy, sad, tired, lonely, angry etc. I eat to reward my self and comfort myself. And the minute I say that's it, it's time to get this under control, that's when I eat like there's no tomorrow. Don't know why. If I can figure it out...... I'll be a svelte millionare! :)

    Have a great day everyone!
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    'Hi everyone hope its ok if I join late. I am 30 years old and getting married in 4 weeks. I steped on the docter scale a month ago and was 203 lbs, I was horrified, I am 5'9" that is my highest weight. I have been working out and tring to eat better. I have a very hard time with sugar. I am down to 198.8 as if today. I am hopping to lose another 5lbs by the time I get married. I would like to be 170lbs.
    I am hoping that with the wedding stress I don't gain any more. I am marring a sugarholic. he eats a very large bowl of Ice cream everyday...with toppings.
    Thanks everyone
  • :heart: Weekend Challenge:heart:

    So sorry i'm posting it late guys! I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend! Lets all make it a point to burn a minimum of 200 calories this weekend!
    What is the best excersise you have found to help with weight loss and/or inches. Please post your response! I think we can all use new ideas!

    My favorite excersise to help lose inches (believe it or not) is the Wii Fit Plus! I have fallen outta touch with it lately, I will jump back on today! The yoga and stretching has really helped me lose inches in my waist and theighs!!

    Keep up the great work everyone and remember to get in at least 64oz of water a day!!!
  • MsFitnesse
    MsFitnesse Posts: 6 Member
    Hi I hope it isn't too late to join the team. I am 32 and work as a project manager. I haven't gained anymore weight but haven't been able to lose it. I'll lose 5 pounds and gain it back because I've had trouble watching my sugar intake. However, I refuse to carry this extra baggage another year! I truly believe my six pack WILL return by September with your support :smile: I think the weigh ins will make me accountable to see progress weekly.

    CW: 148
    Mini Goal Weight March 3: 143
    GW: 125
  • MsFitnesse
    MsFitnesse Posts: 6 Member
    Hi I hope it isn't too late to join the team. I am 32 and work as a project manager. I haven't gained anymore weight but haven't been able to lose it. I'll lose 5 pounds and gain it back because I've had trouble watching my sugar intake. However, I refuse to carry this extra baggage another year! I truly believe my six pack WILL return by September with your support :smile: I think the weigh ins will make me accountable to see progress weekly.

    CW: 148
    Mini Goal Weight March 3: 143
    GW: 125
  • Sorry I missed the weight-in! Crazy week plowing snow in Halifax!! I'm scrappin the last week all together, too much work, no time to exercise...but on the other hand no time to eat much either!! lol

    I'll have my resilts posted 1st thing next wednesday!!

  • Hello all!! Are you saying 200 for the whole weekend or each day of the weekend? I did not do very well last night. Went out and had mexican with my inlaws. I only had 1 margarita but a ton of chips.. But I guess that can be my cheat meal. I think the 30 day shred really really helps with the inches. I am starting it back up on Monday if anyone is interested. We have a thread, so let me know!! Good luck to everyone this weekend!
  • :heart: Weekend Challenge:heart:

    So sorry i'm posting it late guys! I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend! Lets all make it a point to burn a minimum of 200 calories this weekend!
    What is the best excersise you have found to help with weight loss and/or inches. Please post your response! I think we can all use new ideas!

    My favorite excersise to help lose inches (believe it or not) is the Wii Fit Plus! I have fallen outta touch with it lately, I will jump back on today! The yoga and stretching has really helped me lose inches in my waist and theighs!!

    Keep up the great work everyone and remember to get in at least 64oz of water a day!!!

    Just burned600+ on the eleptical!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I am deliriously happy its Friday. My eating is out of control and not sure what to do about it. I am studying for the CPA exam and take the first section tomorrow morning - MAN AM I STRESSED OUT!!!! I had a melt down last night and had not one, not two, not three but FOUR pieces of pizza. I sure did feel better after but of course this morning I feel just plain fat. TOM was due this week and hasn't shown up yet so that just contributes to it all.

    I guess I am just losing it. Once I take that test tomorrow, I hope to feel better. Maybe I will celebrate by going on a good hike and burn some of these calories I have been collecting.

    Thanks for listening. Have a Great Friday!

    Is it done? I'm sure you ACED it!! And now you can reward yourself with some quality outdoors time, fresh air and peace :)

    Don't worry about being perfect all the time...just get back on the wagon and keep plugging away the best you can. You will build muscle and boost your metabolism and even if it takes a month, sooner or later those pounds WILL melt away. You can do it!:flowerforyou:
  • :heart: Weekend Challenge:heart:

    So sorry i'm posting it late guys! I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend! Lets all make it a point to burn a minimum of 200 calories this weekend!
    What is the best excersise you have found to help with weight loss and/or inches. Please post your response! I think we can all use new ideas!

    My favorite excersise to help lose inches (believe it or not) is the Wii Fit Plus! I have fallen outta touch with it lately, I will jump back on today! The yoga and stretching has really helped me lose inches in my waist and theighs!!

    Keep up the great work everyone and remember to get in at least 64oz of water a day!!!

    done!! I am using an elliptical crosstrainer and I am becoming a junkie when it comes to that thing. I make it a goal to do 60 min on it at least 4 times a week. I dont know how accurate the calorie counter on it is but I hit anywhere from 750 to 800 each session. whether it is right or not is irrelevant to me though because just seeing that number motivates me to do it and I am super stoked to see results. Not just on the scale but after only 10 lbs lost I am down a pants size ( now 14 ) and my legs and booty are lookin nice and firm * like that! * I just wish i had one at home so I didnt have to trek to the gym! I would def recommend the the elliptical, its low impact and and seems to burn maximum calories.
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    just burned 200 on a walk with the dog, will do another walk in a bit, and again tomorrow....
    monday is back to normal life, my babysitting stint is over... so that means i can make it to fitness classes this week,
    2-3 spins,and 2 zumbas. :)

    here's hoping for a great week after a successful weekend.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I burned 850 calories doing Aerobics and dance this weekend.

    I actually want to lose 60 lbs, but I figured I'd join in here to achieve my 1/2 way goal!
  • i burned 700 calories on the eleptical yesterday and almost 800 today walking!!

    Challenge DONE!!!

    :glasses: :devil:
  • If it's not to late I would love to join the group. I'm 36 years old. I have a 12 and 9 year old. I am a teacher so my days are never dull but the stress adds to my weight gain and inability to lose. I put on 30 lbs in college (15 years ago) and it never came off. I added about 10 more when I had children. I've been trying for several years to lose but I ALWAYS get stuck at the same 190 mark and then climb back up. It's time to lose this for good.

    Highest weight: 217 (after baby)
    Current weight: 196
    Goal: 165
    MIni goal: 194
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Hey jaiferh, I find that I need to lose a certain amount of weight before it stays off. For example, I've been at 195 for a very long time, and whether I lose or gain 5 lbs, I always return to this point. It's happened to me at other weights too (205 and 225). I hope that you can find a weight that sticks too, and get beyond that stubborn 190!
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Posting on the weekend challenge: I burned 129 cals yesterday and 280 cals today according to MFP. That equals 409 for the weekend -- which I am counting as goal met! :laugh: 35 days into Power 90!! And I finally reached 100 crunches today, too. :drinker:

    Speaking of calories burned... the hubby bought me a Polar F7 HRM for our anniversary, but it hasn't arrived yet. Can't wait to get a more accurate look at how many cals I'm actually burning! Hopefully it'll get here this week. :heart:
  • sspalding
    sspalding Posts: 91 Member
    I met my weekend goal got walks in both days and loved having a reason to be accountable!
  • Hi all, I just got the weekend challenge today. I didn't actually "exercise" per se, or at least what I count as exercise. I did walk for 30 minutes both Saturday and Sunday with my kiddos and I played oustide with my kids on Saturday for about 2.5 hours! I think that counts. Chasing a 5 year old and a 19 month old around for 2.5 hours was exhausting. Sometimes I feel like I never sit down and take time to myself, which is why I enjoy my 30 minutes on the elliptical at night. My mind gets to rest :) I swear, when I am home I am constantly up and doing something. So much so, that when I don't have to do that and CAN actually sit down, I feel odd, and I jump up to find something to do :) I think I did okay last week. Sunday was my cheat day so I went over when I had dessert that evening. But Friday I went out to eat with my inlaws, and got a Guiltless Grill salad from Chilis so I was under my calories that day. I was proud of myself!

    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    Back to Monday work week yall!

    I always struggle with the weekends. I really like the mini-challenges tho! They are easy enough and help keep everyone accountable. I need to kick it back into gear because I really dont know if Im going to make my goals if I keep going this way. Great during to the week, not so great durring the weekend.

    Keep the motivating words coming!
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