Eat Healthy; Get Fit; Lose 100+ New Group 1st Weigh in Jan.



  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    yes, Kaechelle, i was at water aerobics this morning, too (and didn't have time to check-in before leaving the house). i hope yours went well. :smile: i'm enjoying mine. i did weigh when i woke & slipped on my suit.

    i'm at 219.0 :bigsmile: this was a good week for me. i got all my water in daily (most days more), i got in 30 minutes every day in exercise (half of the days, a full 60 min), and stayed under my calorie limit every day, too.

    i bought a new scale this fall. it is great to have (our old one was very old, not digital) this is much more accurate. the only fussing:grumble: i've heard about scales was on a thread on mfp with people who have purchased and had trouble with the weight watchers scale. Sounded like a number of them were fighting the same issues you are,Kaechelle, they could step on and off the scale 4 or 5 times :noway: and get at least 3 different numbers.:huh:

    Laura, the not eating before :yawn: bedtime sounds like a good idea. and something i have sometimes had issues with in my own diet. after a certain point in the evening it should just be water (or a hot cup of tea) before bed.

    the idea is we need digestion time after eating. since everyone keeps different schedules, let's suggest we all try to stop eating at least 2 hours before going to bed (whatever time that is).:flowerforyou:

    pinkhocky- glad you're back & yes, :glasses: vacation & diet are even harder than being home where (supposedly) we have more control.
    trish- :flowerforyou: congratulations on your breakthrough, good for you not giving up, but continuing to push through.

    keep going everyone, we can do it and we are winning. i will aim for sunday evening for the chart again. i am astounded how much we have lost as a group in less than two months. you all deserve gold medals!!!! :drinker: -katie
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    firefrog, you are welcome to join us.
    we check-in every Friday with our weight. we have also been doing a weekly challenge to help us focus on healthy habits that we are all trying to build. week 1- 64 oz of water or more daily, week 2- 30 min. or more of exercise daily.
    this week, it will be not eating after 8:30 - or 2 hours before going to bed.

    we have been keeping a chart to watch our weekly progress. it has been helpful to watch it happen and know we are in this together. if you check back a page or two, i'm sure you will see the chart. to get you started. i need your starting weight.
    we are quite proud of ourselves, with good reason. if you look at last week's chart you will see that since the beginning of the year, we have already lost over 200 lbs.
  • mhagoaliemom
    I was 219.5 this morning. Worked out 30 -60 minutes everyday this week & drank all my water plus some! I'm looking forward to the challenge this week. I have a hard time with that one but I'm up for it!
    Congrats to everyone & keep it up! Everyone is doing great! it's so exciting to see our totals! WoooHooo!!

  • michfitzhome
    michfitzhome Posts: 187 Member
    I like the 830 or 2 hours b/4 bed, fits better for me b/c i get home from gym at 800 or 830 some nights and i need snack to make it thru the night. I am still bad on the water, need to pick that up this week.

  • dltracy
    dltracy Posts: 15 Member
    I almost forgot to check in. I was at 241 this morning. That's up 1/4 pound from last Friday. I'm not enjoying this maintaining, gaining, losing a little, maintaining, etc. I lost every week for over 7 months and now it's like slogging through quick sand. But, I am still down 71 pounds so I will run with that and keep on trucking to get the next 60 pounds off - even if it takes forever. I am not exercising - but have been extremely active with other stuff.

  • jenmonkee
    So this week was a great week for me in terms of water intake, exercising at least 1 hour everyday at the gym, and staying under my calories. However, there was no weightloss :cry: and I attribute this to late night snacking. Yes I am staying under my calories, but I get bored at night and "need" something to crunch on. I am really hoping to break 200 lbs by then end of the month (3.5 lbs) but I have to be realistic that it might not happen. I think the challenge this week is a GREAT one, especially since it seems to be my down fall. Great job to all! I am just trying to take it one day at a time..that's all I can do!
  • gracefullyjenn
    would love to join you guys. I have a long road to go but I know I can do it
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Katie, dropped down to 215.2 this morning (toldja Saturday was my good weight day), but I did not make it to the gym yesterday, so I guess I ended up failing the challenge afterall. Going with hubby this morning for run though.
  • Brandywithrow
    I think we should cut the exercise down to at least 4- 5 times a week now, It was good last week to get everyone into it but everyone needs rest days the let there muscles repair! Good Luck this new week everyone :)
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    gracefullyjenn- you are welcome to join us. we check in with our weight each Friday. We do keep a chart (i try to get put together on Sundays) it helps us to see where we have come from. I need your current weight to get you started on the chart this week. last week's is on page 16, if you want to see it.

    we have also been doing weekly challenges. just a little something to help us build a new healthy lifestyle and remain focused. (we are all in for the long haul, and wouldn't want to get bored). we have done a week of water challenge- 64 oz or more a day, we have done a week of exercise challenge- 30 min or more a day for a week, and our current challenge is to try not to eat after 8:30pm or 2 hours before bed.

    we're looking to change our lives and we'd be glad to have you journey with us. We started the first of the year and already, as a group have lost over 200 lbs, which is totally awesome to think about. it isn't easy, but we're not alone- stick around! -katie
  • marlemcdougal
    marlemcdougal Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Everyone, Sorry for the late check in, I had an issue with my scale. After many years of noble service, my scale has officially died. I have a weight watchers scale also, but I can't ever get a consistent number from it, so I am opting to use the scale at the gym Unfortunately the gym scale has always been heavier than my other one. So.... I'm going to bite the bullet, and record a weight gain this week (although I'm fairly certain I actually had a 1 lb loss). Oh well, my weight for this week is 301.7:ohwell:
  • jgrandison
    jgrandison Posts: 45 Member
    Hello everyone, sorry for the late entry, i am up 0.9 weighed in at 237.7, of course really depressing had a funky week i have not been on the site in a few days, was having a pity party, now i am back it is a new week and i will work harder.
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    I truly believe in each and everyone of you! I think we are all doing an amazing job! I'm glad I'm not on this journey alone and I have all of you to help me along. We all will have struggles and little bumps in the road trying to reach our goals but I know I can turn to you all to get the support I need. I hope you all know that I'm here for you as well!!! I think that it is awesome that we have had at least one person a week ask/join our group~ our journey to success! Hugs everyone! I hope you all have an awesome week! I can't wait to see this week's chart to see how much we have all lost now! :bigsmile:
  • Nicmc8
    Nicmc8 Posts: 178 Member
    Ok guys... I need some help and motivation. I have been eating horrible for 7-8 days now and I have not completed a food diary during that time either. I was doing so good.... then I got off schedule and I am being lazy about getting back into my routine. I cannot give up now, I have to find strength. Help me!
  • Nicmc8
    Nicmc8 Posts: 178 Member
    Found a quote that I find motivational....

    When you look back in a year's time, will you be saying, "I'm so glad I stuck it out!" or "Why did I waste another year?"
  • mhagoaliemom
    Found a quote that I find motivational....

    When you look back in a year's time, will you be saying, "I'm so glad I stuck it out!" or "Why did I waste another year?"

    Soooo true! Thanks for posting it. I'm planning on saying the first one in a year!:drinker:
  • michfitzhome
    michfitzhome Posts: 187 Member
    I do not know how to post the quote, but i love it!!!

    About food journalling you need to do it even when you have a bad day. i will not let myself "play" on facebook or on the computer unless i have food journalled. it is what has helped me keep journalling, b/c i notice if i missed 1 day before i knew it i was not journaling or losing of 2 weeks. good luck!

  • Heather_b1986
    Heather_b1986 Posts: 125 Member
    hi everyone, i have lost 3 lbs this week new weight 238lb really pleased with that, only 6 lbs to go before i promised i would treat myself to have my hair done woohoo! :drinker:

    i have been doing 30 min excercise each day plus i decided to enter a 5 k charity race for life in june,( you can walk, jog or run) i wanted to see how far i could walk so off i went lol and discovered i had walked just under 5 miles which i think is bout 7 k either way its more than 5 k lol so now i cant wait! :bigsmile:

    well done everyone, not sure how i will manage the not eating 2 hours before bed but i will definately give it a go :smile:
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Found a quote that I find motivational....

    When you look back in a year's time, will you be saying, "I'm so glad I stuck it out!" or "Why did I waste another year?"

    It totally comes down to will power. Sad to say but you totally have to be in the right mind set. I have wanted to lose weight and get back up on that horse and do it since 2007. It took me until Dec 28th 2009 to get serious and have enough will power and strength to do it. It is funny sometime when you truly want something but you can't make yourself do it. It can be so down right aggravating! We are learning that this has to be a life style change not a diet. If you surround yourself with great food choices and an awesome support system your not going to fail! You might have some days or even weeks you don't do your best. That is when you reach out for help and hold yourself accountable and say I'm not doing so well I need your help to hold me up and keep me walking straight! I really want this for myself and I'm going to fight to do it and to get it because I AM WORTH IT! I'm not willing to waste another second, minute, day, week, month or year! Meal planning really helps! Make a shopping list. Stick to the shopping list. Know what you are going to have for meals every day. Keep your food fun and exciting. Try different foods. Set small goals and stick to them. Baby steps! Don't take on to much all at ones! Make yourself listen to the angel sitting on your shoulder. Get a bright colored index card and write why your are worth it. Because I'm beautiful, have energy to play with my child, get in to those skinny jeans I have hanging the closet, buy new "cute clothes". Read this card when you think you are about to make a bad choice that you really don't want to make. Have it in many places on the frig, in the car, in your purse. Another great rule is don't allow yourself to put anything in your mouth until it is logged! When you log it before you eat it you can sometime decide not to eat it as you realize that has to many calories, to much sodium ect. Seeing this you can talk yourself out of allowing yourself to eat it.

    Nicmc8 I believe in YOU! YOU CAN DO THIS!

    Another good quote is "IF IT IS TO BE, IT IS UP TO ME!"

    Hugs!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    hi everyone, i have lost 3 lbs this week new weight 238lb really pleased with that, only 6 lbs to go before i promised i would treat myself to have my hair done woohoo! :drinker:

    i have been doing 30 min excercise each day plus i decided to enter a 5 k charity race for life in june,( you can walk, jog or run) i wanted to see how far i could walk so off i went lol and discovered i had walked just under 5 miles which i think is bout 7 k either way its more than 5 k lol so now i cant wait! :bigsmile:

    well done everyone, not sure how i will manage the not eating 2 hours before bed but i will definately give it a go :smile:

    Awesome! Congrats on the weight loss and for signing up for the charity race!