Is Diet Coke bad for the body?



  • spippin73
    You bet cha!!! Way too much sodium and it eats away at your stomach lining. Google it and you'll change to tea and water!!!
  • wfte
    wfte Posts: 195 Member
    Diet soda will keep you fat. Here is why: the artificial sugars cause your body to crave sugar, therefore increasing your appetite after drinking it. The artificial ingredients make you hold onto belly fat. Have you ever noticed that most people who drink diet sodas are overweight?

    Ever think that maybe that may be the case as skinny people don't care about losing weight? How do you know the overweight people drinking diet sodas aren't in the process of losing weight, with their diet soda being part of the process?
  • CarSidDar
    CarSidDar Posts: 118 Member
    You bet cha!!! Way too much sodium and it eats away at your stomach lining. Google it and you'll change to tea and water!!!

    Google anything and you can find what you want to find.

    What you need is to find peer reviewed articles from scientific journals.

    Did you know Diet Coke is full of a chemical called dihydrogen monoxide? google that and you will find this really cool site It is full of facts. Real facts.

    go look. I'll wait for you here.
  • wfte
    wfte Posts: 195 Member
    From that link:

    "What is the link between Dihydrogen Monoxide and school violence?

    A recent stunning revelation is that in every single instance of violence in our country's schools, including infamous shootings in high schools in Denver and Arkansas, Dihydrogen Monoxide was involved. In fact, DHMO is often very available to students of all ages within the assumed safe confines of school buildings. None of the school administrators with which we spoke could say for certain how much of the substance is in use within their very hallways."

    Errmm, what were we saying about causation and correlation?

    I'm sure there was water at each of those incidents, and chocolate and other stuff. Hardly proves it was responsible!
  • TorontoDiane
    TorontoDiane Posts: 1,413 Member
    Aspartame is made of three basic components: 40 percent aspartic acid, 50 percent phenylalanine and 10 percent methanol. Methanol, also known as wood alcohol, is a deadly neurotoxin that breaks down into formaldehyde in the body, according to Dr. Mercola. Aspartic acid and phenylalanine are both amino acids that affect neurotransmitters in the brain by destroying neurons. Dr. Russell L. Blaylock, a professor of neurosurgery at the Medical University of Mississippi, categorizes aspartame as an "excitotoxin" because it stimulates, or "excites", neural cells to death

    Read more:

    enough said !!!! and thats only the bit about aspartame
  • stratusofkiser
    stratusofkiser Posts: 54 Member
    It can be bad for the body. its corrosive to the teeth. It contains aspertame sweetener which interferes with your potassium absorption (potassium helps your muscles contract) so as long as you dont have any heart, blood pressure problems its probably ok in moderation. I cant do aspertame because of extreme headaches. Oh and also as long as you do not have PKU which you are typically checked at birth for that.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Diet Coke broke into my house and committed acts of vandalism!
  • alladream
    alladream Posts: 261 Member

    Talks about the problems with aspartame, which has really been found to cause/increase depression and other problems, even suspected of contributing to brain tumours. I stuck to natural junk food personally, since the chemicals mess me up and don't do anything good or fun for me.
  • Pualana
    Pualana Posts: 15
    The thing is...does anyone really care? People will go on doing stuff even though they know it is wrong/ bad for them (I.e. Smoking)...because they are stubborn. As for me, I only get 2 ten minute breaks for working 8 hours, and I find that my Coke Zero on my second break forces me to sit down and relax. So, if my job doesn't kill me first (most likely from stress), then just let :tongue: Diet Pop try..
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Aspartame is made of three basic components: 40 percent aspartic acid, 50 percent phenylalanine and 10 percent methanol. Methanol, also known as wood alcohol, is a deadly neurotoxin that breaks down into formaldehyde in the body, according to Dr. Mercola. Aspartic acid and phenylalanine are both amino acids that affect neurotransmitters in the brain by destroying neurons. Dr. Russell L. Blaylock, a professor of neurosurgery at the Medical University of Mississippi, categorizes aspartame as an "excitotoxin" because it stimulates, or "excites", neural cells to death

    Read more:

    enough said !!!! and thats only the bit about aspartame

    1. Livestrong is not a reliable source. They don't actually verify any of the references or articles for factual accuracy.

    2. There is no methanol in aspartame, it's a byproduct of the human body metabolizing it, not an ingredient. It also happens to be a normal metabolic byproduct of human metabolism. Your body is breaking things down into methanol, then breaking the methanol into formic acid, then formaldehyde, then eliminating it from the body in your breath 24 hours a day.

    3. There is no medical evidence that aspartame is at all toxic to the brain. In fact, aspartic acid, the main ingredient in aspartame, IS AN AMINO ACID THAT THE BODY PRODUCES CONSTANTLY. The other ingredient is phenylalanine, an essential amino acid that you must eat in order to live. Four ounces of chicken breast contain the same amount of aspartic acid and phenylalanine as 25 cans of diet soda. If aspartame is so evil and bad, should all the chicken, pork, beef, beans, tofu, etc that we eat kill us all that much faster?

    If aspartic acid kills neurotransmitters, than your body must be slaughtering them, as it makes way more aspartic acid than you'd ever be able to drink from diet soda. Also, another great source of aspartic acid? Avocados. And we all know how much avocados kill brain cells...
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    From that link:

    "What is the link between Dihydrogen Monoxide and school violence?

    A recent stunning revelation is that in every single instance of violence in our country's schools, including infamous shootings in high schools in Denver and Arkansas, Dihydrogen Monoxide was involved. In fact, DHMO is often very available to students of all ages within the assumed safe confines of school buildings. None of the school administrators with which we spoke could say for certain how much of the substance is in use within their very hallways."

    Errmm, what were we saying about causation and correlation?

    I'm sure there was water at each of those incidents, and chocolate and other stuff. Hardly proves it was responsible!
    That was exactly the point being made about aspartame. There is exactly ZERO causative evidence of any of the claims of aspartame's evilness in this thread.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    Is Diet Coke bad for the body? Does it slow down weight loss?

    In moderation... it won't hurt you. it's def. not good for you. regular coke isn't all that great, either.
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    It's quite sad how many people are so very gullable and believe everything they read on the damn Internet. Sad.
  • cthon98
    cthon98 Posts: 19
    Does it have any man made chemicals in it? Did it come from the ground or used to be alive? Then ya its probably bad for you. Am I purist no...I love Chemicals.

    Everyone needs to pound a package of Oreos every once in a while right?

    but ya unnatural stuff not good for you. Its kind of easy really....The word unnatural? Ya its UN NATURAL

    You don't know what you're talking about here. Just because it's not "Natural" doesn't mean it's bad. After all, nature isn't designed around our existence. Nature doesn't have to tailor it's products to best suit us. Whereas the stuff we develop, the stuff we research and make for ourselves? That is more likely to be appropriately suited for us, as we know our bodies and needs better than random plants and animals do.

    I'm not saying that all man made things are the best options always, just that the argument that 'natural is better always' is heavily flawed.
  • krisalexine
    krisalexine Posts: 78 Member
    This topic has been debated to death by almost everyone. My opinion (and my opinion ONLY... not science based for all you trolls getting ready to jump down my throat): there's no "proof" that Diet Coke is bad for the body... but there IS proof that it's not GOOD for it.

    Put stuff in your body that is PROVEN to do good for the body, and you will feel amazing. Look at Diet Coke as a once in a while treat, not a go-around to being able to drink soft drinks during a "diet".
  • wfte
    wfte Posts: 195 Member
    From that link:

    "What is the link between Dihydrogen Monoxide and school violence?

    A recent stunning revelation is that in every single instance of violence in our country's schools, including infamous shootings in high schools in Denver and Arkansas, Dihydrogen Monoxide was involved. In fact, DHMO is often very available to students of all ages within the assumed safe confines of school buildings. None of the school administrators with which we spoke could say for certain how much of the substance is in use within their very hallways."

    Errmm, what were we saying about causation and correlation?

    I'm sure there was water at each of those incidents, and chocolate and other stuff. Hardly proves it was responsible!
    That was exactly the point being made about aspartame. There is exactly ZERO causative evidence of any of the claims of aspartame's evilness in this thread.

    Well I apologise then. Written text doesn't always carry sarcasm or irony well.
  • CarSidDar
    CarSidDar Posts: 118 Member
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Hmmm some studies say that it results in nervous system problems....

    I don't touch it.

    I'm not familiar with nervous system issues -- do you have any links to those studies?


    I would appreciate that as well! A couple years ago in my food chemistry class, we were taught that there weren't any substantiated studies that showed significant problems with aspartame in humans, but I'm certainly interested to see what the latest research says. I've never heard of this.
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    This topic has been debated to death by almost everyone. My opinion (and my opinion ONLY... not science based for all you trolls getting ready to jump down my throat): there's no "proof" that Diet Coke is bad for the body... but there IS proof that it's not GOOD for it.

    Put stuff in your body that is PROVEN to do good for the body, and you will feel amazing. Look at Diet Coke as a once in a while treat, not a go-around to being able to drink soft drinks during a "diet".

    There you have it. Great post!
    And love the profile pic!
  • CarSidDar
    CarSidDar Posts: 118 Member
    As with all these blanket statements....please provide references to the scientific literature. I would like to read the original research reports on how Diet Coke is bad for me.