I'm never going to be thin or fit...



  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    ...You don't have commit to eating perfectly or exercising every day... you just have to commit to not making any more excuses. A 2 lb. bag of carrots is a dollar! A pound of apples is eighty cents! Put them together and they are half the price of a bag of chips and 4 times the food, so I call BS on people who say "healthy food is expensive"...

    This is so right. I don't buy junk food and all that pre-made crap, but I see it in the stores and it's not particularly cheap as far as I'm concerned. It's obviously convenient though, and people who eat it have developed a taste for it, so they crave it. I cook pretty much everything from scratch, and it's very affordable. If you are willing to cut back on meat a little - most people eat too much of it anyway - and you are willing to use frozen fruits and vegetables - which are just as nutritious as fresh, eating heathy is easy and affordable. Buy staples in bulk, watch for sales, get produce when it's in season, etc... :drinker:
  • kimberk67
    You are not going to give up. Log those calories. @ least then you are aware of what your intake is.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    If you give up every time you hav a bad day, or 2, or 10, you will not succeed. The only way you will succeed is to not quit.
  • karmahunger
    karmahunger Posts: 373 Member
    The gym pass problem: I was supposed to get one, I but I was missing a document. I said I already had it cos I was expecting to.

    Everyone: Thank you for your kind words! I needed it today. <33
  • Kairunz
    Kairunz Posts: 51
    I should mention, it's feeling impossible because I can't AFFORD healthy food. I can't AFFORD a gym pass. All I can do walk, I can't run because I don't have a proper bra, which I need. I can't afford one. Don't even have runners. All the food I have is salty and bad...

    My wife and I +4 year old daughter live off about $550 NZ a week we eat healthy for $120 NZ a week. We spend $60+ of that on fresh fruit and vegetables. We make everything ourselves and pretty much have no processed food. I have never been to a gym and most of my exercise is walking. Take a close look at your budget and I bet their are things you don't need that you could spend on healthy food. Don't give up! You can do this!
  • Tempe729
    Tempe729 Posts: 270 Member
    Okay my love first things first...stop making excuses! You don't need an expensive gym pass or over priced 'healthy' foods. Walking for 60 minus a day at a pace that makes you breathless but you can still talk can burn up to and over 700 calories.

    Gym memberships are over rated. Want to lift weights..get a couple cans of soup. Want to use the elliptical..go up and down two or the same steps for 15 minutes. Want a treadmill..go outside and walk.

    As for the not being able to afford healthy foods..that is bull. I feed my family of three very healthy well balanced meals on a budget of $200 a month. It all comes down to wise spending. Instead of fresh veggies go with frozen..same for meats. Store brand is just as good as name brand but a whole lot cheaper.

    If you can't afford a good bra, wrap them girls up tight in an ace bandage. Make yourself a workout jar. Each time you workout for at least an hour drop a dollar in it. If you do it every day for a month..get a good bra. Same for shoes.
    Workout shoes don't have to be expensive but have to be comfortable.

    Until you stop feeling sorry for yourself, and quit making excuses, this will be hard.

    I love to help people any way I can. Feel free to friend me. Also check it my pages for a little help.




    I agree whole-heartedly with this ^

    GIVE THIS A TRY! http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/

    You can select what body part (or several) and specifically narrow the search to "No-Equipment", also you can set up a free account and get an idea of a base workout & food plan.... that plus MFP has helped me tons!

    But it really is amazing how much good you'll do your body and how much progress you'll make just by counting your calories/watching what you eat and walking a few days a week!
  • got2tryagain
    The gym pass problem: I was supposed to get one, I but I was missing a document. I said I already had it cos I was expecting to.

    Everyone: Thank you for your kind words! I needed it today. <33
    Just remember everyone has bad days. It is not easy for any of us. When I mess up and want to give up I keep thinking of the reasons I started this to begin with. You will make it to your goal just like I will! Im sure we will both have rough patches along the way but I promise it will be worth it! Good luck on your journey.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    2 days is nothing out of a lifetime of eating healthily. Everyone slips up, I think life would be pretty boring if we were perfect every single day. Even my personal trainer has a 'cheat meal' once a week!

    Ok, so you can't afford a gym, then why not try the 'couck to 5k' thing. I think you can just download it. Or get a cheap exercise DVD. Nothing wrong with long walks either, and anyone can do squats/lunges/crunches etc at home. Buy some free weights and a skipping rope, that can't cost much.

    I'm sure you can get a cheap sports bra, and trainers (sneakers?). My Nike trainers were about £40 and I will wear them to death! Also have a look on ebay. I sold some trainers I bought and didn't like, so someone got a £45 pair of trainers for about £5, and they'd been worn twice.

    I don't get the 'eating healthily is expensive' thing to be honest. You can make some really healthy meals quite cheaply, and they last. Try making veg and lentil soup for example - sweet potato, swede, carrots, peas, lentils, stock cube etc doesn't cost much and will last you, and is filling. Jacket potatoes are cheap - just a potato in the oven! Then you can put what you like in it. I don't know about the US, but our supermarkets do good deals on meat for example. You can get 3 things for £10 in one - so 3 packs of 4 chicken breasts, or a pack of mince, chicken breasts and a whole chicken. We're a family of 4, but if there's just 1 of you then you can cook it and freeze leftovers, so it'll last you a lot longer. To me, convenience foods look really expensive.

    I sometimes feel like 'I'm never going to be thin or fit' but then I look at photos from last year, after i'd had my 2nd baby, and I realise how far I've come.

    Take it a month at a time, don't get obsessed with weighing yourself every day. Take measurements once a month. You can do it!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    as other have noted these are all excuses.

    although i think it's true bout the sports bra though. I'm a 34H/I and the only sports bra I get that are good enough (enell and sock absorber) and last are like $60. It's expensive at first but considering that these last well over a year it's pretty cheap in the long run. i could buy 2 cheapo bras that i'd have to replace 2 or 3 times a year and end up paying more than i spend for the one really good bra.

    as for food, eating healthy is about the same price as eating non healthy. and if you're broke doesnt it cost more money to overeat?
  • Hellavaloosa
    No, you won't be thin or fit if you give up now. Two blowout days are gone and done - forget them and eat clean and exercise today. Don't worry - it happens to us all and champions are made from off days!
  • carsmakemebeep
    carsmakemebeep Posts: 87 Member
    Hey, you have your whole life to live! :) whether you are fat or thin,live a good happy one. Either way has trials (skinny or fat course of life) but as long as you work hard yet remain care free it will all work out :)
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    You either want to do it, or you don't. You either will, or you won't. Whatever happens, it is YOUR decision and only you are responsible. Many have done it before you, so it IS possible.

    I like this response, I'd also add its sometimes a case of how bad you want it. Previously I've tried to lose weight, and have lost a bit (up to 7kg/15lb) but for one reason or another I just wasn't motivated enough to persevere with it. Over time I resigned the weight as my lifestyle hadn't fundamentally changed.
    This time around I'm overflowing with motivation, I know this will be the last time I'll be losing weight and I'm determined to get to my target.

    If you want it bad enough, then you'll do it. It may not be your time right now, it's a big lifestyle change and a lot of work, and ultimately you will be the only one benefitting from it so you have to have a lot of self monitvation.
  • chatterbox3110
    chatterbox3110 Posts: 630 Member
    Hey, chin up!

    Yesterday is done and dusted, nothing can change it so look forward, not backward - new day, new challenge.

    I've just had an 11lb gain whilst on holiday, but managed to get 8lbs of that off this week, which I know is all water as I bloat awfully every time I fly. I'm still up 3lbs, but I'll take that as I just had 11 days of not rigidly dieting and I believe in myself that I'll get back on track.

    Believe in yourself - at the end of the day, whatever anyone says or does to try to help you, you are the only person who can make it happen.

    Good luck.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Everyone has slip-ups. That's nothing to be ashamed of at all. You can do one of two things. You can either give up and thus all your work so far was for nothing. OR you can pick yourself back up, go "hey, I messed up, but tomorrow is another day and I can get back on track".

    The choice is yours and yours alone.
  • Kyrosh
    Kyrosh Posts: 238
    Okay my love first things first...stop making excuses! You don't need an expensive gym pass or over priced 'healthy' foods. Walking for 60 minus a day at a pace that makes you breathless but you can still talk can burn up to and over 700 calories.

    Gym memberships are over rated. Want to lift weights..get a couple cans of soup. Want to use the elliptical..go up and down two or the same steps for 15 minutes. Want a treadmill..go outside and walk.

    As for the not being able to afford healthy foods..that is bull. I feed my family of three very healthy well balanced meals on a budget of $200 a month. It all comes down to wise spending. Instead of fresh veggies go with frozen..same for meats. Store brand is just as good as name brand but a whole lot cheaper.

    If you can't afford a good bra, wrap them girls up tight in an ace bandage. Make yourself a workout jar. Each time you workout for at least an hour drop a dollar in it. If you do it every day for a month..get a good bra. Same for shoes.
    Workout shoes don't have to be expensive but have to be comfortable.

    Until you stop feeling sorry for yourself, and quit making excuses, this will be hard.

    I love to help people any way I can. Feel free to friend me. Also check it my pages for a little help.




  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    This happens to me nearly every weekend but on Monday I just dust myself off and get back on the wagon, as long as you have more good days then bad you'll lose, don't sweat it :D

    Here's some tips though, I'm a bit of a forager when I get the emotional snacking on so try to rid your house of all junk! It's hard to stick to a diet when you know there's a party size bag of doritos in the pantry and a tub of full fat sour cream in the fridge.

    Get some low fat hummus in and crunchy veg to dip and snack on, low cal ice lollies in the freezer when you get a sweet tooth and some low cal hot chocolate for when you need a choccy fix, if you're a big portion girl like me pad out all your meals with loads of salad and a low fat dressing, or some nice stir fried veggies depending on the meal.

    You can do it!!!!
  • karmahunger
    karmahunger Posts: 373 Member
    This happens to me nearly every weekend but on Monday I just dust myself off and get back on the wagon, as long as you have more good days then bad you'll lose, don't sweat it :D

    Here's some tips though, I'm a bit of a forager when I get the emotional snacking on so try to rid your house of all junk! It's hard to stick to a diet when you know there's a party size bag of doritos in the pantry and a tub of full fat sour cream in the fridge.

    Get some low fat hummus in and crunchy veg to dip and snack on, low cal ice lollies in the freezer when you get a sweet tooth and some low cal hot chocolate for when you need a choccy fix, if you're a big portion girl like me pad out all your meals with loads of salad and a low fat dressing, or some nice stir fried veggies depending on the meal.

    You can do it!!!!

    Thanks! It's a new day now, it's 2am and I am over my self-pitying.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I should mention, it's feeling impossible because I can't AFFORD healthy food. I can't AFFORD a gym pass. All I can do walk, I can't run because I don't have a proper bra, which I need. I can't afford one. Don't even have runners. All the food I have is salty and bad...
    I can't afford a gym pass either. For months, my main exercise was walking, and I lost loads of weight just doing that. You can start strength training with just your body weight - that's free. There are tons of free workouts on the internet that you can do at home - try youtube and bodyrock.tv for starters. Healthy food doesn't have to be more expensive, sometimes it just takes more planning and research to work out the best places to buy things from, and which veggies are in season etc.

    I used to think I would never be thin or fit, until one day I decided to just do it. I'm not going to pretend it's always easy, but being overweight sure isn't easy either. Ultimately, it's your choice.
  • mohanj
    mohanj Posts: 381 Member
    Very well said.
  • estebanfavela
    estebanfavela Posts: 5 Member
    i have lost 45 pounds before starting here on the website, but honestly 2 days is nothing, get your head back in the game!
    it's for your own good, whatever your first motivation was, be it to look better or to simply feel healthier you have to go on. please! xD