Animal Rescuers......



  • Kougra
    Kougra Posts: 358 Member
    <<<<<This is my Jupiter Kitty aka Juju. Hubster and I rescued her from the Humane Society. She was surrendered by her former owner because she finished college and didn't want to take her back home. This is sad but at the same time, a blessing to me. She is the best kitty ever. =^_^=
  • tetracat
    tetracat Posts: 74 Member
    My profile pic is Midnight. I'd like to say that I rescued him, but he actually demanded that I take him home. He stuck his little paws out and grabbed me and wouldn't let go. Now he and his brother are giant spoiled brats! I love them both so much:)
  • dalana84
    dalana84 Posts: 75 Member
    Love this! I've been doing rescue for over 7 years. My latest Kitty and itty, bitty pitty were abandoned in an apartment. As soon as I figure out how to save pics on my kindle I'll get some up
  • cookieluvsya
    cookieluvsya Posts: 136 Member

    I just rescued this pup... she was abandoned at only a couple weeks old with a parasite. The breeder basically threw her away! She is healthy now and a great little pup with my boys!

    what a beautiful dog awwww!
  • olgamarie_t
    olgamarie_t Posts: 58 Member
    even though this has nothing to do with health ,its nice to know people care about animals.

    Nina,my american eskimo was not a rescue but she rescued me from my depression.

    Johnson ,our soon to be 1 yr old cat was rescued from the street at about 4 weeks,he was skinny and weak,now he is a cutie pie
  • downinaggieland98
    downinaggieland98 Posts: 224 Member

    Here is my 6 year old rescued American Bulldog. We've fostered about 13 AmBulls, Dexter was a foster failure. If everyone could foster and adopt rescues, it would make such a big difference!
  • downinaggieland98
    downinaggieland98 Posts: 224 Member
    even though this has nothing to do with health ,its nice to know people care about animals.

    ... I think my pets have a lot to do with my health ;)
  • Erica_Rae
    Erica_Rae Posts: 96 Member
    Done :) I have two rescued cats at home, the one in my profile picture's name is Harley. He is a HUGE 25lb Maine Coon. And the biggest sweetheart ever !!
  • Tigger228
    Tigger228 Posts: 23 Member
    She's always on my weight loss counter and my cover photo for facebook. We should all try to organize a day to do this :)

    Great idea by the way!
  • cmkell87
    cmkell87 Posts: 43 Member
    Rufus is my Catahoula hound Pointer mix. He was abandoned by a roommate in college that thought it would be fun to get a puppy. He was a WalMart special. He found a place in my heart and became mine. Hes they best dog ever and best hiking buddy.
  • transvenouspacer
    transvenouspacer Posts: 182 Member

    I just rescued this pup... she was abandoned at only a couple weeks old with a parasite. The breeder basically threw her away! She is healthy now and a great little pup with my boys!

    Clearly she is just waiting for the right moment to chew off your face. Notice the adorable ears and big puppy dog eyes...a sure sign that she is about to attack :tongue:

    She's beautiful. Thank you for rescuing her and giving her a forever home!
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    My profile photo is my sheppard rotti mix, Liebherr. He is 8 months old and is from a local rescue organization. He is the friendliest dog ever. Just a bundle of energy and love. He makes me a better person and shows me how to take joy in the small things in life.

    Previously we had a cat who we adopted from a friend as a kitten before the kittens were taken to the local humane society. He was an awesome cat with such a fun personaliy. I miss him everyday.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    My boy is a rescue! So is my sister's kitty who I rescued myself from behind our apartment at the time. :)
  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member
    don't have any here at work, but my house is FULL

    - Dog - German Sheppard/Belgian Malinois
    - Cat - Mix
    - 2 Macaws
    -- Greenwing
    -- Blue/gold
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    this a pic of our newest rescue, Smokey...

    We have 2 dogs and 6 (yes, 6) cats. The dogs and 3 cats are rescues, the other 3 cats are strays that we have taken in over the years. I am a sucker for a stray animals, so, I feed them. If I am going to feed it, I name it. If I name it, I need to take to vet to get fixed and rabies shot. If I spend $200+ on animal to make sure it is healthy to re-release, I keep it :laugh: I even moved 2 stray cats that were living under my deck to our new house, I didn't want to leave them behind at the mercy of the new owners. One cat unfortunately had cancer, but the other is now comfortable on my couch.
  • pretygrlsmom
    pretygrlsmom Posts: 17 Member
    This is Shadow and he is a rescue and I also have Saydee also rescue. I rescue dogs that are chained to trees and nurse dogs back to health that have been dumped. I have overwhelming compassion for dogs that have be abandoned. It is emotionally draining and financially draining but i wouldn't have it any other way...except maybe add one winning lottery ticket!!!!!!!
  • aemoomoo
    aemoomoo Posts: 70 Member
    I have a german shepherd mix that I rescued from the animal shelter 8 years ago...he's on my ticker...he's my baby for sure! :)
  • Cameo530
    Cameo530 Posts: 155 Member
    This is Titus, a rescue dog who spent 7 months in the shelter before we adopted. I have been using one of his photos (see my profile for others) for my avatar since he and I were struck by a car. It was a deliberate attack by some some kid who, apparently, thought I was somebody else. Anyway, Titus got hurt worse than I did... he had a compound, transverse fracture of the right fore leg. He underwent orthopaedic surgery to repair the fracture and is healing, slowly, and is now able to walk on the leg, albeit with a limp.

    That is appalling! I'm so sorry to hear about the attack on you and Titus. How in the world does anyone ever feel justified committing an act like that?!
  • punkinkat
    punkinkat Posts: 85 Member
    All of my pets are (and have always been) rescues in some for or another... Currently, I live with: Jack the Pumpkin Cat (who was living in a drug den and eating spaghetti when I took him); Luna (a farm kitten who was due to be drowned, along with her twin sister); and Nikko (who we got from our local Humane Society).

    Here is a picture of Nikko (all dressed up for Halloween last year!):

    And here is my boy, Jack:

    I don't really have any pics of Luna; she's super-shy.
  • deniseblossoms
    deniseblossoms Posts: 373 Member
    These two are Chunk and Sammy (brothers) that I rescued when they were two weeks old in a factory I was working in. The mother had a litter when the plant was on a shutdown, she couldn't come back when the plant started running 24/7. I estimated the bd 3/18/07. I rescued a third one (Callie) when when she turned up on my doorstep October of '09 weighing 6 lbs and about 8/9 months. I couldn't turn her away. I chose her Birthday as 2/11 to share mine.