husband hasn't noticed.



  • stephanieb72
    stephanieb72 Posts: 390 Member
    I decided to let go of my irritation in my husband for not saying anything/much about my 43 pound loss when I realized he had also said nothing about my 80 lb. weight gain since we got married. Love that man!! :happy:

    made me laugh:laugh: Good way to look at it!
  • waylandcool
    waylandcool Posts: 175 Member
    If he's like my husband then maybe he's scared to comment on your weight. Some guys think that a woman's age and weight are off limits, often because they mistakenly offended someone.

    This is also true, sometimes when a man would say something like

    "Wow you have really slimmed down!"

    Emotional women translate that as:

    "OMG you were so fat before"

    When that is not what we said at all.

    +1. I have gotten in lots of trouble on this subject so I just tip toe around it as much as I can. Knowing me, I will compliment some one on losing weight as nicely as I can and get the book thrown at me.
  • nalia08
    nalia08 Posts: 252
    My husband never says when he thinks I've gained weight. He will acknowledge when he thinks I've lost some though. I guess it's really different based on the person. I never say anything about a person weight unless I've seen they have kept it off for a while. Then I'll politely ask: Have you lost some weight? You look very different to me.
  • Scottish_charlene_84
    Ive lost 40 odd lb and my hubby has said nothing!!! Ur not alone!
  • beach_please
    beach_please Posts: 533 Member
    My clothes are hanging off my body and I just can't imagine why he doesn't say anything. grrrrrrr

    If your clothes are hanging off your body, go shopping. Buy a pair of skinny jeans, some heels, and a cute, fitted top. Chances are he'll notice your new body. He may not verbalize it, but he'll notice.
  • LeslieC1970
    I decided to let go of my irritation in my husband for not saying anything/much about my 43 pound loss when I realized he had also said nothing about my 80 lb. weight gain since we got married. Love that man!! :happy:

    This. My spouse is the same way. He has never commented about my weight gain but he is slow to notice the losses. He has recently started to say he is noticing the differences and while not graceful with words (you have less floppy bits and your shoulders are not as puffy), he never fails to make me know I am number one no matter what.
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    He's not saying, "Hey, you've lost weight. You look great!" because he's afraid you're respons will be, "Are you saying I was fat and ugly before?!?!"
  • victorious27
    victorious27 Posts: 250 Member
    My clothes are hanging off my body and I just can't imagine why he doesn't say anything.

    Sometimes it takes a new outfit showing off the progress to turn some heads.

    I agree with this... With guys, no matter the age, they like some form of "sexy", whether clothes or confidence. Make sure you've been holding your head high and are wanting more than anything to see your weight loss through. When you've got yourself believing that...get you something "sexy" to wear. It doesn't even have to be something skin tight...just something that you know he think is the most attractive thing on you. Like a specific shirt (obviously in your new size) or type of jeans that flatters you....or both!

    Set up a "date night" and go shopping for it. Get a flattering dress or something along those lines.

    Not only is it a good way to get away from the house and kids (not sure how old they are...but still, if it applies), but it will give you grounds to "talk" about it and show off your weight loss. :)
  • gottagettagrip
    I decided to let go of my irritation in my husband for not saying anything/much about my 43 pound loss when I realized he had also said nothing about my 80 lb. weight gain since we got married. Love that man!! :happy:

  • red1775
    red1775 Posts: 22
    Very sad that relationships mean so little to so many.
  • sunshinesquared
    sunshinesquared Posts: 2,733 Member
    I decided to let go of my irritation in my husband for not saying anything/much about my 43 pound loss when I realized he had also said nothing about my 80 lb. weight gain since we got married. Love that man!! :happy:

    ^^This is awesome!
  • bkesecker
    bkesecker Posts: 163 Member
    Talk to him. You need his support and motivation for your own mental health. He needs to know that.
  • sugarlips1980
    sugarlips1980 Posts: 361 Member
    I can see why you're bothered by this, after all, out of all the people in the world your hubby (as someone you're romantic and sexual with) is the main person you'd want to notice. There definitely is a good point that someone you live with may not notice weight loss as easily as someone you bump into you've not seen in a while. But he should notice 20 odd pounds did you say? Maybe he oesnt mean to be hurtful, as a bloke he just doesn't get how important it is to notice! Just tell him straight and maybe he will learn this crucial concept!
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    Don't say a word. Just keep doing what you are doing. Mine was like that. One day I showed him a picture of my personal trainer and I commented on how incredible his muscles looked. Then after a few weeks, and losing more pounds I was talking about how strange it was that guys held the door for me again.. and how I'm getting looks.

    Now, well life is much better. My husband is a different guy.

    Give it time. He might be afraid to say anything. Most importantly though, don't look for validation of what you are doing for you.. from him. Validate yourself and in doing so, you empower yourself. Good luck!
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    I decided to let go of my irritation in my husband for not saying anything/much about my 43 pound loss when I realized he had also said nothing about my 80 lb. weight gain since we got married. Love that man!! :happy:

    Ha this is how mine is too, gotta love those men! <3 I never gained all that much, but he really didn't care. Now that I've lost almost all of it he still doesn't care---that's one of the ways I know he really loves me. Fat, thin, wearing a paper bag, or donning sexy lingerie the man just plain loves me no matter what. That's love, I'm glad you have one of those guys too! :)
  • Bunniculette
    Bunniculette Posts: 71 Member
    I think a lot of the posters have good points. He might be afraid you'd get upset: his noticing you lost weight would be admitting he noticed you had weight to lose in the first place. He does see you everyday, so he may not have noticed the gradual weight loss. Pre-kids I lost almost 70 pounds and NO ONE noticed until the 30 pound mark (which, coincidentally was when i sprung for new clothes that weren't falling off my body.)

    Plus, as my mother always said, 'if a man loves a woman, it doesn't matter what she looks like. He thinks she looks great!' Maybe Hubby just sees 'his hot wife' at whatever weight!!
  • nturner612
    nturner612 Posts: 710 Member
    ok. take your highest heels out. and some earrings. and then ask him if there is something hed like to say to you that he has been holding out on. :)
  • DMZH78
    DMZH78 Posts: 42
    hello fellow MFPs.

    I need to rant for a minute. I've been working out the last few months, lost a total of 25 pounds and my husband has said NOTHING. my coworkers comment, but zilch from the man. he's an extraordinary person, a great father, but really... can't he just say something nice and encouraging?

    I can't remember the last time he told me I was pretty or that I looked nice (we are talking YEARS). My clothes are hanging off my body and I just can't imagine why he doesn't say anything. grrrrrrr

    thank you for listening to my rant.

    2 Things:

    I don't know the weight of your husband, but if he overweight himself, acknowledging your success would also acknowledge his failure.

    He sees you everyday, sometimes it is so subtle that it is hard to tell.

    Yup agree with you! I think the second reason is the best one because I have lost 27 so far and no one has noticed that sees me almost daily but people who have not, notice. :-). I am sure he is not doing anything intentional, just we don't notice things as much with those we see daily.
  • blackmantis
    blackmantis Posts: 165 Member
    Truth is we are not very smart and my screw it up anyways.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I don't even notice when people get extremely different haircuts. And I'm a girl. I'd say just talk to him.