Spreadsheet for BMR/TDEE Deficit, Macro calcs, HRM zones



  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Someone who speaks my language LOL!!

    The language of way too much info on a spreadsheet. :drinker:

    Now there's an idea, perhaps a Simple tab, basic questions, 1 TDEE calc and deficit method only, no math shown, just 3 results - BMR, TDEE, Daily goal. Hmmm.
  • saramerrigan
    saramerrigan Posts: 555 Member

    Now there's an idea, perhaps a Simple tab, basic questions, 1 TDEE calc and deficit method only, no math shown, just 3 results - BMR, TDEE, Daily goal. Hmmm.

    You could be on to something there....a basic version for those who don't love complex spreadsheets
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    You could be on to something there....a basic version for those who don't love complex spreadsheets

    Ohhhh, what work have I just suggested for myself!

    I'll think about while exercising. Layout is everything.
  • barbaramitchell101
    barbaramitchell101 Posts: 360 Member
    OK, I have downloaded your spreadsheet... (that was pretty easy)...I am impressed with it, however I have just one problem (I'm a newby here)... what do all the acrynyms stand for....I have entered the values that I can figure out...but I still don't know what it all means....can you explain what each means, please....

  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    OK, I have downloaded your spreadsheet... (that was pretty easy)...I am impressed with it, however I have just one problem (I'm a newby here)... what do all the acrynyms stand for....I have entered the values that I can figure out...but I still don't know what it all means....can you explain what each means, please....


    Well, the BMR and TDEE ones are mentioned on those lines, so some of the others.

    MFP - MyFitnessPal
    HRM - Heart Rate Monitor
    FB - FitBit
    BMF - BodyMediaFit (also BodyBugg and other relabeled brands)

    I think those are the main ones I didn't spell out in the spreadsheet. Usually it works out that those with them, know those acronyms.

    I just updated it with some acronyms spelled out that weren't before.

    Any others I missed?

    As to what it means. This is in response to the hundreds or repeating posts regarding I've stalled or plateaued for 3 weeks to 6 months and can't lose any weight or measurements.
    The normal response from those that went through it - eat more than you are currently.

    Couple of groups were created to get around this issue, and hopefully help people avoid by not even going down that road.
    Because really, lose a bunch of weight fast for 4-12 weeks, and then stall for 6 months for the other half? Makes that bunch of weight in 4-12 weeks not seem that fast.
    Fact is, many are losing by eating more than the extreme deficit normally recommended, and most losing as much or more, and improving their bodies by their exercise.

    So this spreadsheet was created as my OP gets in to. all the stuff in one place for recording stats and figuring it out.
  • summerfool
    summerfool Posts: 72 Member
  • barbaramitchell101
    barbaramitchell101 Posts: 360 Member
    thanks for clarifying everything
  • barbaramitchell101
    barbaramitchell101 Posts: 360 Member
    Just copied and printed your answer...thanks
  • Breadbar
    Breadbar Posts: 334 Member
    Many thanks for this post!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    There is currently a Beta tab in the spreadsheet, that if all goes well, will become the new BMR/TDEE tab.

    So if you are getting the spreadsheet now, feedback on that BMR/TDEE tab and the Deficit method for Lifting/Rest days based on BF%.

    Or be aware to get fresh copy on Monday probably, or at least check version date and notes for the BMR/TDEE tab.
  • cca1229
    cca1229 Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you for doing all this work, that's quite a job.
  • acrynne
    acrynne Posts: 74 Member
    bump. amazing info -- thanks for taking the time to put all of this together!
  • sapph1rre
    sapph1rre Posts: 56 Member
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Thank you for doing all this work, that's quite a job.

    Most was selfishly desired for my use when helping others frequently, and figured why not start out making it easy, well, somewhat easy to use for anybody, so perhaps I'm not helping others frequently.

    And I get into that sometimes.
  • 2abnorth
    2abnorth Posts: 59 Member
    Bump. Thanks
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I'm probably going to make the Beta tab the real BMR/TDEE tab now, since no real comments on the Calorie Cycling deficit method which some may want to use.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I'm probably going to make the Beta tab the real BMR/TDEE tab now, since no real comments on the Calorie Cycling deficit method which some may want to use.

    Ok, Beta changes made to the production BMR/TDEE tab.

    Suggested goal weights based on height and frame size using a respected formula are given. Frame size is suggested by entering in your wrist measurement.

    I know some have never seen the goal weight they think they want to be at, so need a suggestion.

    In the Deficit section near the bottom is a new deficit method commonly called Calorie Cycling, intended for focus totally on lifting heavy, little to no cardio on non-lifting rest days. And that you do a TDEE refeed to keep hormones in check every so often.
    Based on gender and BF%, you eat more on lifting days so body has the most opportunity to actually add muscle, and then major deficit on resting days, while body is recovering and burning mainly fat anyway.

    This new method does require logging and eating back a specific amount on lifting days, but that value is given.
    Then the refeed day is specific, but again, value is given, just create a workout with it to eat back on a rest day when given.
  • cca1229
    cca1229 Posts: 23 Member
    Ok, I'm going to ask for some help here. I've been at this for 6 months, here is what I'm doing.
    I'm 57, 5'6" tall, 190. I started out 11 pounds lighter. I work out 5 days a week, 3 lifting and 2 HIIT days. I've been through a reset for 5 weeks, drink plenty of water, macros are focused on, plenty of protein. Although I feel so much better, I am not losing. I've taken pics, measured, and weighed. The pics aren't changing and I feel like I'm losing my mind over this. I've been eating at 2000 calories for the last 6 weeks but for 6 months have been increasing calories and activity. WHAT am I doing wrong?? I would appreciate any input anyone can offer. My fitbit is recommending around 1700 calories for me but with all that I've been reading on this site that is too much of a cut. I so want to see results. Help please!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Ok, I'm going to ask for some help here. I've been at this for 6 months, here is what I'm doing.
    I'm 57, 5'6" tall, 190. I started out 11 pounds lighter. I work out 5 days a week, 3 lifting and 2 HIIT days. I've been through a reset for 5 weeks, drink plenty of water, macros are focused on, plenty of protein. Although I feel so much better, I am not losing. I've taken pics, measured, and weighed. The pics aren't changing and I feel like I'm losing my mind over this. I've been eating at 2000 calories for the last 6 weeks but for 6 months have been increasing calories and activity. WHAT am I doing wrong?? I would appreciate any input anyone can offer. My fitbit is recommending around 1700 calories for me but with all that I've been reading on this site that is too much of a cut. I so want to see results. Help please!

    HIIT, if done properly, is just like weight lifting. You are putting a big anaerobic load on the muscles that requires recovery, usually the next day.

    So you are doing basically lifting 5 days a week.
    Unless you've really thought out your routines so as NOT to be working the same muscle day after day - you are not doing much more than causing unneeded stress to your body, and frankly stress that will NOT help weight or fat loss.

    Please find the HRM tab in the spreadsheet, and read through Step 2 the rules for workouts, those are from many sources that are all in agreement as to how workouts should go.

    But the big point to appreciate and apply - it's actually the rest and recovery that makes the improvements from the workout. If you only do the workouts with no rest/recovery, you cause stress and plateau.

    Since FitBit has no idea on calorie burn for lifting nor HIIT, it is going to be mighty incorrect for TDEE including those exercises.

    And I know the HIIT isn't HIIT with that routine, probably. I think I could make a schedule that could do that, but it would involve split lifting days and spaced resting days.
    You may indeed be pushing yourself as hard as you can, but it's not possible for that as hard as you can to be as high as as hard as possible.

    Why are you doing the HIIT - performance improvement or weight loss?
  • cca1229
    cca1229 Posts: 23 Member
    omg I'm so frustrated lol. I look at that spreadsheet and cannot tell you the amount of overwhelm I get....sorry, you've put so much work into it and if one understood just how to use it I know it would be invaluable! I have no idea what those numbers would be telling me. I've put in stats but what next? I do have a HRM a Polar ft4 just to record burn when fitbit doesn't.

    I am doing HIIT for fat loss. I was initially lifting 3 days a week no more, but after weeks of no change in body-fat or measurements it was suggested I try adding 2 days of HIIT to non lifting days, which I did, again NO change. I would love to go back to just 3 days as this isn't my favorite thing to be doing but I'm committed to this lifestyle change. But after months of all this hard work in diet and working out to have no change is really hard.

    Anything you might add to this would be so appreciated. Thank you!