

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Ok, I still didn't get to the grocery store and I had a hard boiled egg instead of oatmeal.:ohwell: I managed to get to Target though ($98 dollars later:grumble: ). I wanted to pop back on and finally get caught up on all the posts!

    Michele-Sorry you're having problems with the fencing. The guy that "repaired" it probably hoped you'd overlook it! I agree with your take on DWTS! I am always envious of your baking skills! I'm not much of a baker but I'd probably eat it all anyway so maybe that's a good thing! Also, just saw the pic! Looks great!!:bigsmile:

    Laura-Loved hearing about your son!

    Barbie-Happy belated birthday to Jake!:smile: I've been noticing some beautiful colors on the trees also.

    Lila-Glad you had a good Thanksgiving with your family! I can so relate to missing your mom!:brokenheart: Mine hasn't been
    gone that long but I'm always thinking about her!

    Linda -Yay for your IRS refund!:drinker:

    Nancy-Hope your rash is getting better!

    Cathy-How's the temporary fix for your leg brace belt working out?

    Linda-I agree that we were the last generation that could play outside and go places without our parents worried about being abducted! Although my kids had a lot of freedom when they we young as far as being able to roam the nieghborhood with their friends. But nowadays you can't even let your child walk alone to school. How sad.

    DeeDee-Sounds like you had fun at the shoe store!:laugh: My daughter has a 2nd opinion scheduled for next week and we were actually able to get copies of her records at no charge.

    Cheryl-You're so right-1 lb is still 1 more gone!:smile:

    Jolenec1-So funny abt Aerobics Class post!:bigsmile:

    Meg-Happy Anniversary!!

    M-Love your handicap stall exercise-how creative! I'm not working at the moment but you have inspired me to get more steps in at home taking the roundabout way to the bathroom!! Good luck on your run!!

    Laura-Great NSV! Was cleaning out closets and decided to save a few favorites, so I'll have something to look forward to wearing again!

    Gini-Enjoy the weekend with your grandkids! I too am blessed to have this site to come too as well as the fact that all my children/stepchildren are in good health! Even with my DD's current health issues, I know it could be worse and am helping her as best I can to get through it all. I am also quite blessed to have a supportive/hardworking husband! He has picked up all the slack financially since I was laid off and had such an awesome work ethic esp. compared to my ex!! He also treats my kids the same as his own.

    Jane-Glad your friend is doing better!

    Deborah-Love the quote!:drinker:

    Enough time sitting! Now, I really am off to the grocery store.

    Kathy (L.)
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Jane, and everyone, the pic is Michele's pool, not mine. The only pool I have is a 4' plastic kiddie pool for the dogs! :laugh:

    I posted the pic for Michele since she was having difficulty getting it to show up on here. Darn Photobucket! :explode:
  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    LOL @jb ~ I have the same pool as you do, but for the kiddies. All the dogs do is drink out of it! I thought labs liked the water, but my girl won't even go outside if it's raining!!!!:laugh:

  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Hello all. the snow has disappeared here and my thermometer is reading 19 degrees (C) - never a dull moment here weather wise.

    Gail. My mom is dealing with dementia and although I live far too far away, the effects are still evident and heart breaking. At first, it would be a statement that was a little 'off'' and then back peddling to cover it. I thought it was just because she didn't like to be found wrong (which she doesn't!!:frown: ), but I now realize it was the beginning of the confusion. Then she started ask the same question twenty minutes later - not that she couldn't remember the answer, but had no recollection of asking the first time. Or she would obsess on one event and relate the story over and over to anyone who will listen. Now, we seem to be dealing with more aggressive behaviour - more on the attack, paranoid about people 'in her things/business', rejecting angrily any assistance that is offered. It is a horrible disease and takes its toll on everyone around it. I feel so bad for my sister who has to deal with the effects on a daily basis, but there is so little I can do from this distance. If anyone has any suggestions, I would love to hear them.

    Deborah - I have done a similar schedule push on meals at times - I just have to be careful not to wait too long for the lunch meal!! Glad you are back on track

    Linda - Are you thinking baba ganoush? It is a dip/spread made with roasted eggplant I think but I have only bought it prepared.. I just tried roasting broccoli and cawliflower last week - very easy and very tasty!

    mwheatcraft -
    cheryl - thanks to each of you for the info and pep talk on undereating. I REALLY needed it (and probably will again! Can you please remind me from time to time:blushing: ) My head knows that I am not eating enough, but my stomach is not telling me to eat more and my heart is petrified of gaining weight! It is a little like the hesitation to take a one day rest from exercise. (though I do not have the same problem with exercise....I can easily take a break there:grumble: ) It is hard to convince my brain that less food is NOT better

    mwheatcraft - good luck with the run. I am so with you - I much prefer a good walk!! My response to running? ...you DO know that there is no one chasing you, right?

    Cheryl - Celebrate that one pound! I know it is hard when you are expecting more, especially with all that exercise. But just think, if you keep that up for a year.....that's a 50 pound loss! And yes -the exercises in the handicap stall did make me smile! Good for you:laugh:
    It is funny that the workman asked you if things were complete and then was annoyed with your answer. It is a good thing that you had held money back!

    kzbpk9- welcome here. there are many here who will encourage you along the way!

    Kate - Ah, Alberta winters!! I always ask the students in my citizenship class what the biggest surprise was when they came to Canada and there are always a few who reply "THE COLD!":laugh: I think we get it a little easier here in the southern part of the province.

    deedee - congrats on the compliment, and on the high boots fitting:happy: . The visual of getting into the over-the-knee boots gave me a chuckle:laugh: that should count as exercise! Not sure I have the energy for them:smile:

    jolene - Loved the joke! Have you ever read the blog post about getting into 'spanks'? It is quite hilarious!!:smile:

    lila - how sweet that you still enjoy memories of your mom's voice. Go for the green on the plate - it's all about the colour, right!:smile:

    Laura - I bet it feels so good to get back into that sweater. It is always a nice surprise, isn't it!

    gini - thanks for the reminder to count our blessings. It will get me thinking about the things in my life that are real blessings
    Today, it is sunshine,
    beautiful fall colours,
    a country where I can live in freedom and peace,
    the encouragement and accountability that i find here from you all....

    michele - the pool is looking fantastic! almost done! and that mud sure is RED! (thanks for getting the photo up jb:smile: )

    Kim - Just keep at it Kim and don't be discouraged. Remind yourself that the good eating and active lifestyle are good for your overall health and that eventually you will reap the benefits. I wonder if the meds might also be interfering with the weight loss (temporarily). and was also wondering how long you have been working at it recently. Is your food diary available to see? Keep loggong everything, keep drinking water and keep checking in. We are all in this for the long haul and are here to support each other. Good to have you here.

    I am off to find a snack (see. I am heeding your advice ladies) and to figure out what is for supper.

    with a grateful heart - Glenda
  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    Thanks for the recipes for the butternut squash,just bought 1 the other day.
    JB_love the pool,so jealous.I sure miss my swimming.
    Everyone who is struggling,hang in there.We can do this.Sometimes we see slow progress.It`s a lifetime commitment and everyone looses at their own pace.A suggestion to those who don`t want to count calories or struggling,maybe if you open your diary,we can help make suggestions.I know it took me 6 years or more to get where I am.With 4 surgeries,pt and thyroid issues and asthma.I`ve changed my ex many times and foods.So don`t get discouraged.
    We are a great bunch and here for anyone who needs it.
    Have a great day!!
  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    "Everyone who is struggling,hang in there.We can do this.Sometimes we see slow progress.It`s a lifetime commitment and everyone looses at their own pace.A suggestion to those who don`t want to count calories or struggling,maybe if you open your diary,we can help make suggestions.I know it took me 6 years or more to get where I am.With 4 surgeries,pt and thyroid issues and asthma.I`ve changed my ex many times and foods.So don`t get discouraged.
    We are a great bunch and here for anyone who needs it.
    Have a great day!!

    OMG, I'm still getting used to this quote thing!!! I agree with you, Jane. I think if more people shared their food diaries, they might be more successful. I know that I welcome thoughts about mine, and enjoy checking out what other people have eaten because it gives me some really great ideas for meals!

  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
    I had a pretty good week eating wise, tracked every day. Missed a couple of workouts due to work commitments but hope to get some biking this weekend unless it rains. For those struggling we have a saying we use at my tai chi class "fake it 'til you make it". Just keep moving, even if you are not always going in the right direction, you will eventually get there. I find it helpful.

    Goals for October
    Track every day
    Forgive myself
    Find & start a strength training routine
    Continue to drink more than 84 oz. daily

    Everyone here is so inspirational, thanks for sharing.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,401 Member
    M - I've heard so much about the game Euchre. Can you explain it to me? Is it something that you have to be competitve (I'm anything but competitive) or is it more like bunco in that you get together and can have a good conversation? Good luck on your run. I bet when you were little you just picked the berries (or whatever) and just ate it, no washing or anything. You know, I hate it when you go to the food store to buy something and they use that "mist" on the veges. Actually, I've heard that those misters are a breeding ground for bacteria. I figure if WalMart is good enough for my underwear, it should be good enough for my kids. They don't agree with me, but that's too bad. I don't find spinning to be competitive at all. I guess you could if you wanted to, but I don't want to.

    The guy who is installing the tile is thinking right now that he and his helper will be here tomorrow and Monday, then he'll be here himself on Tuesday (my guess is to put on the grout)

    When the guys were putting in the forms for the concrete, I think they managed to dig up two bricks. I was going to put them with the other extra bricks that we have. Actually, I was going to take one at a time but Vince felt that I should take one in each hand. He's so much like his father. I remember quite a few years ago when I was in FL I would take things out to their recycling bin multiple times a day. His father felt that I should just wait and take everything at one time.

    Thanks, everyone, for your comments on the pool. You all have heard all the goings on getting it done, so I thought you should see where we are at. The pool co. owner has called the city for a final inspection. Admitted the gate to the fence looks terrible -- but it will pass inspection since the latch self closes. But I know that Vince is really going to be on top of the guys when they're "repairing" it. I guess after that we'll have two workers at the house for a while who go by the names of Vince and Michele.....lol. There's a lot of landscaping that needs to be done.

    Special thanks to jb for putting the pic up for me.

    Deborah - I, too, really enjoy looking at other's menus. Gives me really good ideas many times. Wish more people would have their diaries open.

    Off to take a shower. Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Wow Friday already, don’t’ know where the week went but ready for the weekend. I’ve been dealing with this annoying little cold hanging around the edges, not really bad, just annoying. Maybe it’ll disappear over the weekend. Time to do some yard work, clean up the garden. No leaves have fallen yet so I can’t mulch or rake, but at least I can pull the dead stalks and clean up everything.

    Thank you Jane for the great words of encouragement for everyone. Sometimes we need to hear them (again and again etc.)

    Michele – the pool looks wonderful – well worth waiting for and I hope you enjoy every minute you spend in it. Butternut squash – put cuts in the skin (I stab the ****ens out of it with my paring knife) microwave for 5 minutes on high, then cut in strip (or in half) and peel with a potato peeler, use however but I usually cut in chunks and bake a half hour longer for soup etc. And your baking still amazes me every time I read your posts….. The idea of the tillers hanging upside down to do tiles really perplexed me – I’d be totally unnerved trying to do that. I have enough trouble remaining oriented upright.

    Deborah – feel for you with the snow. However, I grew up in a ski lodge for the winter so don’t really mind snow (until April and then I am SO DONE WITH IT!)
    I have to admit that I really appreciate my neighbours (we share a driveway) because they always snowblow mine when they do theirs. Last winter I had foot surgery and they were so great about keeping me clear so I could get around on crutches. Not only that but they walk and feed and play with my dogs when I have to be away from home. God bless neighbours and I try to be a good one in return.

    Gini – I actually went to WalMart and loaded up 20 pounds of butter just to feel what I had lost. What a graphic display that was – however people probably wondered what I was doing loading up my hand basket with all the butter then putting it back. Hey, I’m not proud, they can think I’m crazy if they like. And I appreciate your “grateful” listing. I also am very fortunate and happy to know it.

    Wessecg/ Cheryl– Love your exercise regime, put me in stitches, but hey, we do whatever works and if it works –keep doing it. And hey, a pound is a pound is a pound – better to be down than up one.

    JB – with 69 pounds lost, hey the last few pounds may take longer but look how far you’ve come. (brings back memories of “you’ve come a long way baby” and don’t get me started on that whole campaign).

    Barbie – I love the falling leaves graphic – thank you. My big huge enormous maple tree hasn’t even lost a leaf yet, but at least has started to turn colour.

    Carolyn – how exciting to see your DD in the Rockettes!

    Kathy – glad to hear you have the job situation figured out, sounds like a good plan. Maybe you and your doctor just are having an off time. They’re just people and sometimes they are annoying just like everyone else. Just because they are doctors doesn’t make them perfect in any way. It’s a knowledge base just like any other. Glad to hear you recognized the funk and headed it off. I too look forward to the posts and feel attached to the people here.

    Cinnamon – hang in there, we are all in this together and have experienced the up/down syndrome. There are a lot of ladies on here that can give you good advice so open your diary to them and get something that works for you.

    Meg – happy anniversary and have an anniversary waltz for me.

    OK, I’m having nothing but problems with the internet and MFP tonight, keeps freezing on me so I’m going to call it a night.

    Hope everyone is having a good Friday night and keep drinking that water – chug chug chug……

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,005 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Deborah, I started keeping a gratitude journal a few years ago when I was going through a very tough time…….since then I write 5-10 things every morning….morning works better for me than bedtime.

    :bigsmile: Today was a big line dance day for me…..i taught half the morning class, came home for lunch and then taught the whole afternoon class. When I got home, the dogs wanted to go for a walk….it feels good to finally sit down for awhile.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Lila, you're absolutely right. I'm verrrry happy about losing as much as I have! Getting the last few pounds gone is going to be a challenge, but I'll get there eventually.

    Maybe I've had too much wine, but when I quickly scanned your post tonight, Michele, it looked like " breeding grounds for bacteria in the underwear at Walmart" LOL :laugh: :laugh:

    Ok, I'm cut off. :blushing:

    :smile: jb
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    JB_sorry for the mistake.
  • holliwood322
    holliwood322 Posts: 92 Member
    hey, guess what?? i just happen to be 51! i need all the help and support of everyone. this looks like a good spot to land. and true that motto, now is now! it all adds up! :flowerforyou: holli
  • holliwood322
    holliwood322 Posts: 92 Member
    and guess what? i need to move my little weight loss ticker a little farther down the line. it's been stuck awhile.:sad:
  • rosemary06
    rosemary06 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I am new on this site... also looking for support and motivation,after all I have not gained a pound in the last two years ...I seem to be in this coasting/maintence stage. I do allright with the food part ,....I just can't or won't push harder on the excersize part,I'm so afraid of injuring my back again!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies

    Blue skies in London, but chilly! I'm at work and feeling a lot better than I have been for the last couple of days, thank goodness.

    I had a call from my Australian buddy who is coming to stay with us for six weeks starting at the beginning of December. Hooray! He's a good house guest and I'm in the process of booking some tickets for us to go and see some shows (ones that my DH will not see even if pushed!)

    Having been unable to do much in the way of exercise for a couple of days, I am now itching to go for a good stomp, but it will have to wait until I finish work, although I will make sure that I do as much stair running as I can at the gallery. Let's hope for a busy day!

    Must get on, but will be back to read more posts later on.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to all the newbies:flowerforyou: , come in often and chat with us. This is a great group of women!!!

    M:smile: Hope you have a fabulous run, I`m cheering you on!!!!

    Yesterday was busy busy busy!!!! I walked over 14000 steps and climbed 27 flights of stairs, by the time I got home my entire body hurt:sad: . I don`t think I posted here at all yesterday:grumble: :ohwell: . I`m meeting some friends this morning for coffee and maybe a little shopping, however after my shoe shopping the other day, I need to keep my wallet in my purse:embarassed: !!! I will try to catch up with everyone later on today. Hope you all have a wonderful fun filled Saturday!!!!

    Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: , and log your food!!!

  • amiscci
    amiscci Posts: 64 Member
    Good morning everyone. I've been away from the forum for a while, maybe a month or so. I'd mentioned in the past that my husband
    is sick, rectal cancer diagnosed in March-- cooincidentally just after my decision to lose a little weight. At that point, i was a few months shy of 50 and feeling a little dumpy.. with a realization that it was not going to get better on it's own. The creep always continues.

    Flash forward 7 months and a lot of stuff has happened, mostly all good!
    - My hubby has undergone several months of chemo, then combo chemo/radiation for 6 weeks with excellent results Doctor says he had excellent response to the treatments which is great for long term prognosis.
    - He finally had his surgery last Friday. Still in the hospital after a week but may come home tomorrow. I'm commuting 1 hour each way and staying long days so not soon enough! Surgeon said no evidence of disease spread, but we're awaiting the pathology reports-- the big wait for news. He'll come home, recoup for a month, and then finish 3 or so months more of chemo every 2 weeks. If disease hasn't spread, doctors say chance of future reoccurance < 10%. Yay! We have a long 6 months yet ahead and another surgery at the end but all news thus far has been GREAT.
    - At the start of all this, I started up with a personal trainer 3x a week and committed to a diet. First few weeks really hard and I'm still hungry most of the time but maybe just now more used to it. I'm eating healthy and found much more fortitude than I thought I ever had. MFP has really made a difference in my life. I am 5 ft 5.5 and started out about 153lbs. I was getting chubby but not terribly over weight. My goal at the start was to lose 10 or maybe 15 lbs. If I could get to 140ish-- bliss!

    SO, the good news for today:
    - I've logged successfully for 7 months and probably only missed a week total or so of logging. I've had a few gut buster excursions (somehow usually involving BBQ ribs) but for the most part stuck to it. I lost it slow and sure, .5 to 1 lb a week.
    - Today, I stepped on scale and it said 126 lbs. GRIN. I've lost 26 lbs! My ultimate goal was only 130lbs. Unfortunately hospital food and the schedule has only helped my efforts and I'd found I lost 2 lbs this week alone. Now I seem a little motivated to lost that last lb or so and get to 125lbs (and I can see how eating disorders start, the drive to lose can be obsessive).
    - I have decided I'm "done" though. I am trying to transition to maintenance slowly and hopefully everything stabilizes. This is the scary part for me, adding more but not too much! I'll figure it out I'm sure. I've been nursing a bag of Pepperidge Farm cookies in my husband's room-- only about 60 cals each and they are a delightful new treat!
    -The real wow! in this to me is how much the personal training workouts have helped. Not probably in losing weight, but to keep my body strong. I suddenly have "Michelle Obama" arms and shoulders, and underneigh a little layer of belly flab I have abs starting to show! :-) haha I never dreamed of being "toned"

    The bad news is I have a lot of pants I can't wear any more. I better collect some belts or find some money for new pants soon.

    Sorry this is long and thanks for listening. I know how hard it is to lose weight around our age and it was a long, slow and hard process. I found that sticking to a goal helped me focus on "me" a little at the rough times and I am very proud of myself. I hope you all find equal success and self satisfaction. After this week, I'm bone crushingly tired, but I think if I hadn't been working out and eating well, it'd be much harder to get through this last few weeks. 7 months later I'm now fabulously 50 and happy to be part of your group!:flowerforyou:

    Good luck to you all too!
    Donna in NJ:heart:
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Donna - so nice to see your smiling face again! I'm so glad to hear how well your husband and you have both done. (So right about the hospital food being an aid to losing weight! When our son was in for a prolonged time the hospital food available was NOT a temptation.) Congrats on your weight loss, too, and recognizing it is enough. May the upcoming days bring only good news!


    Hmmm.... that was a lot of 'so's....
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Just a quick pop-by: Ran the 5k, ok, walked the uphills, but finished in 39 min/12 minute miles - that qualifies as running :). I didn't die, but my average heart rate was 144 and my peak was 186 - super high for me. You could say I got my cardio in today :). It was 35 degrees when we left the house, but it was clear and wound up being a gorgeous day. 40 minutes, done for the day and now off to see the little one at her horse show. Have a great weekend everyone!