husband hasn't noticed.



  • harleygaljojo
    harleygaljojo Posts: 111 Member
    my weight did not start getting noticed unt8il I went shopping and bought a new outfit that fit really well
  • holliwood322
    holliwood322 Posts: 92 Member
    well said!
  • buckmeatball
    buckmeatball Posts: 39 Member
    I'll post from a mans perspective. I find my wife smoking hot no matter what she weighs but I can DEFINITELY tell when she gains or loses weight and so does the OP's husband. My wife is somewhat lucky in that she can lose it fairly quickly when she tries and she'd admit that. Even though I've noticed I've never said anything(I tell her she's pretty, beautiful, smells nice, etc quite often) for fear of making her feel that I thought she was overweight before. She just recently asked me why I hadn't noticed and I said of course I did but didn't want it to come off the wrong way. She said it hurt her feelings that I didn't. Now, moving forward, I KNOW what she wants me to do because she told me. Shame on me if I don't compliment her every chance I can when she loses the same five pounds over and over.

    Thanks for the great idea about shopping together. I hate shopping but what a great way to tell your spouse what they look best in and how good they look.
  • Wheelie_UK
    He sees you everyday, sometimes it is so subtle that it is hard to tell.

    Sorry, do not buy this argument. My partner has been on a diet,for 9 weeks, weighting herself for the last 5. She said she couldn't tell she was loosing, or didn't feel she had lost, so I told her to weigh herself for proof of her loss. She did however acknowledge she was more active, more energy and her persona became much more positive! Even if you cannot see the difference, there are other things that change to show the difference. You would have to be totally blind not to notice some change.