Breastfeeding pics - Curious



  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    ladies, you better all go buy burqa's. We are offending FLguy with our skin!!!

    Over exaggerating. If you don't have anything intelligent to bring to the conversation, then why bother?
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member

    An OR is cleaned far better than a bathroom. Also, said fecal covered doctors will then cover themselves in scrubs and gloves to keep their fecalness covered. Even then, people often get infections in hospitals.

    As is just about everywhere. Even if it doesn't meet the standards of an OR. It would be nearly impossible for a public place to keep a bathroom as clean as the rest of the place. And my friends that breastfeed take care to keep wipies with them, which allows them to make their their hands and surfaces are clean. They can't do anything about fecal matter floating around in bathroom air, however. I think you've actually just proven everyone's point who is saying that just about anywhere is cleaner than a bathroom. There's no pristine or perfectly safe place, but many places are safer than a bathroom.

    Saying an OR is cleaner than a bathroom is a wildly far stretch from saying everywhere is cleaner. You are making an incorrect correlation. Also, bathrooms don't have their air filtered from the rest of the location. You best believe anything in there is getting out into the main dining room - especially with that AC a blowing. Also, if a person gets covered in said fecal matter because of it's presence in the air, then when they walk out to the dining room and start breastfeeding their baby - it will be all over them.. Even if they clean their hands, it will be on their clothes and transfer to their hands when they separate their blouse. Etc.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    I am most definitely a sarcastic person, but I was completely serious about my comments on your character. I always welcome different ideas from calm and intelligent people who want to present their views in a clear and logical way. Even if we completely disagree, I will respect you and your views 100%.

    That being said, I find restaurants to be quite disgusting. The chairs and tables are more rinsed off than washed, depending on the establishment. I can't even begin to count the number of times I see a guy use the bathroom and then walk out without cleaning his hands and then a minute later I walk out and see him pulling the chair out or rubbing his wife's hair back. Thuroughly disgusting.

    Thank you. I agree with you about much preferring discussing ideas with someone who is calm even if in disagreement. I appreciate the courtesy back. :flowerforyou:

    I agree just about all public places in some ways are a bit disgusting. Our grocery store offers disinfecting wipes for the carts because of this. (I admit I don't bother using them, but I may if I was putting my child in them.) And the way people act in public is usually cleaner than the way they act in the bathroom, which is why I am not in favor of women being forced to feed in these places. I've seen people leave dirty diapers on those couches in "family" restrooms. The air content in a restroom is just not a place I would want to feed my child. There are times when I can't even use a public restroom until the "air has cleared" so to speak or until an employee goes in cleans them. It's really disturbing to me how many people are comfortable getting a part of their business on the seat, floor, or even wall and then LEAVING it there.
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    ladies, you better all go buy burqa's. We are offending FLguy with our skin!!!

    Over exaggerating. If you don't have anything intelligent to bring to the conversation, then why bother?

    I love you.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    ladies, you better all go buy burqa's. We are offending FLguy with our skin!!!

    Over exaggerating. If you don't have anything intelligent to bring to the conversation, then why bother?

    I'm arguing with someone who thinks I should feed my baby in a bathroom. I didn't realize intelligence was needed for this.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    Saying an OR is cleaner than a bathroom is a wildly far stretch from saying everywhere is cleaner. You are making an incorrect correlation. Also, bathrooms don't have their air filtered from the rest of the location. You best believe anything in there is getting out into the main dining room - especially with that AC a blowing. Also, if a person gets covered in said fecal matter because of it's presence in the air, then when they walk out to the dining room and start breastfeeding their baby - it will be all over them.. Even if they clean their hands, it will be on their clothes and transfer to their hands when they separate their blouse. Etc.

    Ok, then you may as well eat your meal in the restroom. Why don't you? I'd still rather have my friends breastfeed their babies in an environment where they were covered with fecal matter once than continuously being exposed to freshly produced and ongoing bacteria. I also do not believe that the air in the restaurant is going to be the same as the air in the restroom. Just don't. And I do believe most places in general are cleaner than the restroom overall. Of course some places won't be. And if I were mom, I wouldn't feed my baby in those places either unless an absolute necessity.

    For real, why don't you eat your meals in the restroom?

    Taking all hygiene and medical reasons aside, I don't expect my friends to sit in a place where people are creating offensive smells and sounds just because someone feels like the site of a baby attached to their breasts is a trainwreck they just can't look away from.
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member

    I am most definitely a sarcastic person, but I was completely serious about my comments on your character. I always welcome different ideas from calm and intelligent people who want to present their views in a clear and logical way. Even if we completely disagree, I will respect you and your views 100%.

    That being said, I find restaurants to be quite disgusting. The chairs and tables are more rinsed off than washed, depending on the establishment. I can't even begin to count the number of times I see a guy use the bathroom and then walk out without cleaning his hands and then a minute later I walk out and see him pulling the chair out or rubbing his wife's hair back. Thuroughly disgusting.

    Thank you. I agree with you about much preferring discussing ideas with someone who is calm even if in disagreement. I appreciate the courtesy back. :flowerforyou:

    I agree just about all public places in some ways are a bit disgusting. Our grocery store offers disinfecting wipes for the carts because of this. (I admit I don't bother using them, but I may if I was putting my child in them.) And the way people act in public is usually cleaner than the way they act in the bathroom, which is why I am not in favor of women being forced to feed in these places. I've seen people leave dirty diapers on those couches in "family" restrooms. The air content in a restroom is just not a place I would want to feed my child. There are times when I can't even use a public restroom until the "air has cleared" so to speak or until an employee goes in cleans them. It's really disturbing to me how many people are comfortable getting a part of their business on the seat, floor, or even wall and then LEAVING it there.

    It's quite sad. I was at a restaurant recently where someone changed a very messy diaper and left it as well as soiled paper towels all over the counters and sinks. I pity the cleaning staff at restaurants.

    Let me propose another idea. Why not pump before going out and have that milk available to feed the baby when at a restaurant?
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    ladies, you better all go buy burqa's. We are offending FLguy with our skin!!!

    Over exaggerating. If you don't have anything intelligent to bring to the conversation, then why bother?

    I'm arguing with someone who thinks I should feed my baby in a bathroom. I didn't realize intelligence was needed for this.

    Apparently it isn't.
  • Sirxx99
    Sirxx99 Posts: 43
    I think if she doesnt mind people staring then fine... But if you are gonna complain because someone is starting at your with your breast out. That is where I would have an issue. Dont complain if you are the one with your buisness out for everyone to see.

    I have heard of some females thinking they have the right to pull it out wherever they want and then complain people are starting at them. This I disagree with it is a public showing and if you arent comfortable with someone looking then there are lots of other ways to do it in private. Also others are just looking for attention.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    this is going to come across completely wrong....and i dont mean anything by it at all... but breastfeeding freaks me out and makes me feel a little bit queasy...

    quite a few shopping centers now have "family rooms" or "parent rooms" i think more places should... "We have two Parent Rooms with changing facilities, private areas for feeding and child-sized sinks and toilets. They also offer a mix of other family-friendly services including bottle warmers and a play area and television for older children."

    im going to add this so i dont get the nastyness some are .... public displays of affection make me feel queasy too... id no more like to see someone stick their tongue down someones throat than i would see you breastfeed you child ...*shudders*

    seriously is there the need to change your profile picture because of this thread... blegh!
    It was your choice to look at a thread that says 'Breastfeeding pics'. Enjoy the breastfeeding pics.
  • Let me propose another idea. Why not pump before going out and have that milk available to feed the baby when at a restaurant?

    Some children will refuse bottles. Both my kids did.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    It's quite sad. I was at a restaurant recently where someone changed a very messy diaper and left it as well as soiled paper towels all over the counters and sinks. I pity the cleaning staff at restaurants.

    Let me propose another idea. Why not pump before going out and have that milk available to feed the baby when at a restaurant?

    As someone who has not breastfed, I can only speak from what my friends have told me. Pumping can be time consuming and inadequate to cover the amount a baby can need every two hours. Especially working moms may just not have the luxury to pump more than they need to in order to cover the baby while they are at work.

    Also, I wanted to add: If I had surgery, by your logic, the OR would still be inadequate because when I walked in and the nurses walked in and my husband walked in, we had all used restrooms that day and were thus as contaminated, so again, why not just have my surgery in the bathroom? Because it's still cleaner than having it in the bathroom.
  • I'm all for breastfeeding. I nursed both my babies for 13 months. I also chose to keep it private. Though I do believe it's a beautiful thing, it's not something I felt comfortable showing the world. That's just me. I have no problem with people breastfeeding in public, or posting pictures of it on FB, but in all honestly, I think that is should be done tastefully and discreetly. JMO.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I think if she doesnt mind people staring then fine... But if you are gonna complain because some creeper is starting at your with your breast out. That is where I would have an issue. Dont complain if you are the one with your buisness out for everyone to see.

    Ah yes. I'm feeding my baby. Creepers, sexually harass me. I clearly asked for it.
  • I don't see why we are bringing FB drama to MFP. And call me crazy, but it seems like you purposely did that, just to say something about it, and are prolly feeling really silly now that you see most of us don't have a problem with a woman breastfeeding, or posting about it. If you don't like it, don't look at it. If you have an issue with the 'train wreck' effect, your problem, work on your staring problem........
  • I think breatfeeding is one of those things that can be both intimate and public at the same time.
    I breastfeed my baby at home and when we're out and about, but I personally wouldn't share a picture showing this on fb
  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member
    Let me propose another idea. Why not pump before going out and have that milk available to feed the baby when at a restaurant?

    Some children will refuse bottles. Both my kids did.

    Also, pumping isn't as efficient as a baby. It can mess with a woman's ability to produce enough milk for her child. On top of that, if the child misses too many feedings at the breast, her supply can lessen as well.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I don't see anything wrong with it on facebook. It's her facebook, right? What I have the issue with is boobies out in public, like my experience at a gym. My gym did free membership for 2 hours of babysitting. This girl and I were the sitters this day, she just whipped out her boob in front of all the kids, there were at least 10 or so, 2 being mine. Like be discreet about it, don't do it for the world to see. My kids don't need to see your tits, same goes to the girls who walk around with them hanging out. It's ridiculous.
  • bimbaz
    bimbaz Posts: 10 Member
    It's the most natural thing a woman can do. Feed her baby. What is the big deal? Some things I'll never understand..........
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I don't see why we are bringing FB drama to MFP. And call me crazy, but it seems like you purposely did that, just to say something about it, and are prolly feeling really silly now that you see most of us don't have a problem with a woman breastfeeding, or posting about it. If you don't like it, don't look at it. If you have an issue with the 'train wreck' effect, your problem, work on your staring problem........
    It's worth noting that the person the OP was complaining about wasn't on her friends list. She was creeping on someone and saw it.