Bikini Babes - January 2010



  • Hailey
    Hailey Posts: 199 Member
    BikiniBabesweightloss-10 lbs

    lost .6 of a pound this week. I just wish I could go to the bathroom! it would have been more!
  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member
    Hi - Just wanted to quickly let you know that I weighed in this week at 156... same as last week.
  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member
    Ok, I know, late again, but here they are ladies:

    Blondie925 - 0.20%
    Hailey - 0.37%
    kandyjo - 0.97%
    laurenashley923 - 0.74%
    porterbaby38 - 1.66%

    Great job everyone and congratulations again porterbaby38 - you are doing awesome!!!
  • porterbaby38
    this weeks challenge,i know we've had this one before from somebody else. no matter how our day is, we need to try to get in at least 30 to 35 min. of exercise of some sort. good luck. plus i'm proud of myself for what for getting in some kind of workout yesterday, since i'm getting ready to start TOM. what is everyone else is proud of, of what they have accomplished so far? good luck ladies.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Great Job porterbaby!

    I'm proud for getting my workout in yesterday! I felt great after.

    And I think that's a great challenge it really helps when you think about it that way - do something anything everyday for atleast 30 mins!
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Great job porter baby! Sorry I didn't weigh in this week - I was out of town. :tongue: I will weigh in next week, but just don't count me for the percentage challenge. :tongue:
  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member
    I think that's a great challenge! Getting exercise is something that I really need to work on now. It used to be a mjor part of my routine, and somehow at Christmas I lost that, and I'm having trouble getting back into it. It's a beautiful day today (not too cold) so maybe I will go for a walk or run outside tonight so I can also get some fresh air. If I do this, I will be proud of myself for that today.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    That's a great challenge! Today I wasn't going to exercise, but then I talked myself into it. So I feel much better for that. But here lately, even though I have been losing weight... I haven't got into the swing of things again. I don't know what's wrong with me! I keep eating junk and my workouts have slacked so much. I really want to reach my goal by summer. I really really do!! You wouldn't say so if you saw the way I've been eating lately, though. I think part of it is so much stress from school. I'm taking more classes now than I ever have before at one time. How do yall cope with stress and stay on track? I guess I've been in denial about my bad habits coming back.. but I'm hoping someone will have some advice that will click?

    Sorry to be a downer.. but when I need help there's no better place than to come to you guys for support! Thanks in advance for anything you might be able to say to help me... I need it.
  • AmandaB4588
    Hi bikini babes! I was with you guys at the beginning but fell off the wagon around the holidays (with mfp AND with my weight loss goal.) Could I rejoin you guys? I still have that bikini body in mind for this summer!
  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member
    That's a great challenge! Today I wasn't going to exercise, but then I talked myself into it. So I feel much better for that. But here lately, even though I have been losing weight... I haven't got into the swing of things again. I don't know what's wrong with me! I keep eating junk and my workouts have slacked so much. I really want to reach my goal by summer. I really really do!! You wouldn't say so if you saw the way I've been eating lately, though. I think part of it is so much stress from school. I'm taking more classes now than I ever have before at one time. How do yall cope with stress and stay on track? I guess I've been in denial about my bad habits coming back.. but I'm hoping someone will have some advice that will click?

    Sorry to be a downer.. but when I need help there's no better place than to come to you guys for support! Thanks in advance for anything you might be able to say to help me... I need it.

    I don't really have any tips (sorry!) but I can definitely say that I am in the same boat as you are. I've been eating junk as well and I never exercise anymore. Tonight I did go for a jog/walk after work. I was so tired and really didn't want to, but I made myself, and I felt so much better! I think that when you start to see the pounds come off, you think that you have it under control, and it's easy to fall off the wagon. Just my opinion.

    Try and stay determined. I think that it is all in the mind set that you put forward. I know that you are not the only one in this boat, and hopefully, together, we can get us moving!

    I think today something else that helped me was in was sunny and semi warm out. I've been having the winter blues where all I want to do is hibernate (stay inside and eat!). But today when the weather was so nice, it reminded me that summer is right around the corner, and I want to feel good and enjoy the warm weather in a nice bathing suit (and just not being paranoid about showing my legs)

    I don't know if I helped at all, but I hope I did. Together, we can do this!!!:flowerforyou:
  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member
    AmandaB4588 - Welcome back! Of course you can rejoin us!!! I also fell off the wagon over the holidays - I'm so glad that you are back! Good luck in your future journey.:flowerforyou:
  • AmandaB4588
    Thanks so much! I am really happy to be back. I have taken control of my eating habits more than I ever have before and am feeling really great about it.... but I know I cannot do this alone! I could use the support and challenges from this group!
  • summerwalls
    Hey everyone! I know have been gone for a long time but hey never too late to start, right?

    Im gonna start all over again.

  • laurenashley923
    That's a great challenge! Today I wasn't going to exercise, but then I talked myself into it. So I feel much better for that. But here lately, even though I have been losing weight... I haven't got into the swing of things again. I don't know what's wrong with me! I keep eating junk and my workouts have slacked so much. I really want to reach my goal by summer. I really really do!! You wouldn't say so if you saw the way I've been eating lately, though. I think part of it is so much stress from school. I'm taking more classes now than I ever have before at one time. How do yall cope with stress and stay on track? I guess I've been in denial about my bad habits coming back.. but I'm hoping someone will have some advice that will click?

    running or getting on the eliptical helps me to destress during school, even for just 20 or 30 minutes. have you tried yoga? i have a 30 minute yoga for abs video that works your abs while stretching and concentrating on your breathing. i like to do it before going to bed to relax :)
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    sjmay - You're right. I hadn't really thought about it, but I think I've been in hibernation mode too! I was doing SO good during the warmer weather losing weight, even through the fall too. But it's been so cold around here and just plain nasty weather. My mood sometimes goes right along with the weather and this past winter it really has. Thank goodness spring is right around the corner. I wanted more time to lose more weight before then, but it may be just what I need! Sometimes it's good just to know you're not going through it alone.. you made me feel better - Thanks!:flowerforyou:

    laurenashley - No, I haven't tried yoga. I've been wanting to though. I have the Biggest Loser yoga dvd, but I haven't really tried it out yet. Maybe I'll give it a go and see if it will help!

    For now I'm about to go workout. I'm feeling much better about today. I can do this!!! We all can! :bigsmile:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    That's a great challenge! Today I wasn't going to exercise, but then I talked myself into it. So I feel much better for that. But here lately, even though I have been losing weight... I haven't got into the swing of things again. I don't know what's wrong with me! I keep eating junk and my workouts have slacked so much. I really want to reach my goal by summer. I really really do!! You wouldn't say so if you saw the way I've been eating lately, though. I think part of it is so much stress from school. I'm taking more classes now than I ever have before at one time. How do yall cope with stress and stay on track? I guess I've been in denial about my bad habits coming back.. but I'm hoping someone will have some advice that will click?

    Sorry to be a downer.. but when I need help there's no better place than to come to you guys for support! Thanks in advance for anything you might be able to say to help me... I need it.

    ur definately not alone! I feel the same exact way, and definately in hibernation mode like SJMAY said. only you are lucky enough to still be losing! how did u pull that off? I feel like I've gained and I don't even wanna get on the scale :S
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Hang in there everyone - we WILL be in bikinis this summer! haha. Just take one day at a time and if you mess up, don't fret and keep going. You all have done wonderful so far, so I know you can keep going! :smile:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    ur right steph! Its so hard not to be impatient and focus on the long term goals when u wanna see results sooner. haha.
    I just really got serious this week again and already i'm fretting about what the scale will say ( I usually weigh in on Saturdays) so I'm trying to be extra good so the scale makes me happy when I see the numbers hehe.
  • porterbaby38
    good morning my lady friends. i'm sorry everyone is feeling blue lately. i get that way too. but i told myself i wasn't going to be that way ever again. i worked too hard to get where i am now. i plan on getting to be a healthier, strong and have a hot body. i know we all have our terrible days. this is all because of my bikini babes help and others on this site, brought me back to reality. my health and being strong is very important to me, it's all because of my friends on here: Hailey, Isotope,Nolachick, Kicklikeagirl,Savvystephy, Blondie925,Sjmay and others. i know we can do it, just have to take on day at a time. so everyone and including me just hang in there.
  • AmandaB4588
    How did everybody do with the exercise today? I did not do so well. I have REALLY fallen into a rut with that and am having a hard time getting out. I just cannot find the time for the gym. I watch my nephew from 6AM-5PM, have dinner, then go to school. I have started doing Couch to 5k and have been going to the track at 5AM but idk if it is something I can keep up. 5 is just too early! Do you guys have any ideas of how I can get some exercise while home with a baby?