Walking Dead Season 3..Episode 1.......



  • NursRatchett
    NursRatchett Posts: 39 Member
    I think that the baby is going to be the key to the world's survival. I think that it will be born with some sort of immunity that they will find out when it gets bitten, and a vaccine will be derived from the baby's antibodies. Unfortunately, that story line has been used a few times, so hopefully they come up with something new.
  • jenwalton
    jenwalton Posts: 87 Member
    I LOVED it!!

    I missed the first five minutes - did it show what is wrong with Andrea? I was confused about that. Is it just a flu or is she seriously ill? When I first saw she was sick, I was hoping it would show that she was pregnant.... with SHANE'S baby!! (Remember their car "date" last season)? Two zombie babies!

    Still hate Carl and Lori.

  • cutchro
    cutchro Posts: 396 Member
    Question: Will she breastfeed the baby??? hmmmmm
  • LilPinkNinja
    P.S. Michonne and Darryl would equal the most badass couple on the planet.

    Anyone watch Talking Dead afterward? Who officially wants to go to Universal Studios for the Walker Maze now? And that Zombie Obstacle Course they kept advertising would be PERFECT for weight loss I think - what better way to lose weight than running for your life? XD lol (j/k... kinda)
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    That ep was crazy... I hope that baby eats her from the inside out.

    And Glenn got some again... "Let me check for scratches..." Yeah right

    Carl was trying to get some from Hershel's other daughter lol
  • jenwalton
    jenwalton Posts: 87 Member
    They believe that actually being bitten exacerbates the infection already inside them = bites make you die quicker/turn into zombie quicker. :) (I'm a dork and read the comic book). Remember when the dude from the first season (the one they left behind because he was bitten at the campsite) and how he was going through "the fever" before turning (which we actually didn't see)? They think if they chop of the leg, they are stopping the trigger of the infection from mixing in the blood stream. Unless you die, you need the trigger (bite) to make you die/turn you without naturally dying first.

    Okay, so I feel like my nerdiness has just increased exponentially.

    My thoughts on the episode?
    ... Hersheeeeeeelllllll!?!?!? Noooo! Why!?!?!?!?!?
    Hilarious! We posted the same nerdy thing at the same time. Love it!
  • holliehhobbie
    holliehhobbie Posts: 17 Member
    A bite makes them die. (my guess is from a different kind of infectoion) So they turn into a zombie faster.
  • MidlifeGlowUp
    MidlifeGlowUp Posts: 91 Member
    Lori's sad, and I think that's great.

    Carl is less of a liability, but he has a lot to make up for in my eyes.

    Michonne rocks. I can't wait to see more of her.

    And Daryl ... well, Daryl is always cool to see.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Thanks! I forgot about Jim.

    When are they going to realize that anything that looks dead needs to have it's brain destroyed? I have been shoving a crowbar through the head of every one of those "corpses" they were stepping over.
  • AntShanny
    AntShanny Posts: 366 Member
    Loved it! My favorite line was Rick's after he chopped off Herschel's leg..."He's bleeding out." Well no duh Rick! :tongue: Daryl is by far my favorite and I loved when Carol asked if he wanted to full around, I literally laughed out loud!
  • richellekramer
    I missed the first 15 min. Why does Laurie (hate her by the way) think the baby might be a zombie?
  • gryhndmom
    gryhndmom Posts: 9 Member
    "Question: How come all the guys have long hair, beards, unkept look, yet the women all look great? "
    Yeah, and why does the black guy (I forgot his name) look so clean shaven etc???

    "As for Carl....I still hate his character. After seeing him shooting and picking off walkers though, I hate him a little less."
    I still think the snot nosed brat needs to be taken out by the zombies!

    Glad my tv doesn't have smell-o-vision!

    So looking forward to next weeks episode!!!
  • jenwalton
    jenwalton Posts: 87 Member
    The actress who plays Michonne is great. She is so badass that I didn't notice while I was watching the actual show, but then she was on The Talking Dead afterwards - she is STUNNING!
  • Noonoo757
    Noonoo757 Posts: 280 Member
    Perhaps I missed it but what happened to Darryls brother? Did he and the van ever turn up? Forgive me I have a newborn so sometimes I miss things due to intervals of crying and diapers.

    Awe little Carl gets on my nerves hoping this season he starts doing what he is told to do.

    Lori I cant help but to still loathe her ugh due to the fact that she had the nerve to be angry with Rick on the end of season 2 all the drama is her own fault should have kept her legs closed or found someone other than Shane to knock boots with.

    What is the purpose of the black lady with the zombie dogs on the chain lol?
  • fleur_de_lis19
    fleur_de_lis19 Posts: 926 Member
    Question: Will she breastfeed the baby??? hmmmmm

    Im guessing thats her only option, what happens if she not getting enough food and water to produce enough milk?? Sux for the baby....
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I have a question...

    If they are all infected already, why would the bite matter anymore? If they die without zombie intervention...they become zombies! I don't get that part, unless I missed something?

    Same. I don't get it.
  • fleur_de_lis19
    fleur_de_lis19 Posts: 926 Member

    What is the purpose of the black lady with the zombie dogs on the chain lol?

    "The Boy toys?" I think she carries the around so that the smell of them and movement of them, help the other zombies think that she as well is a zombie. Plus i believe from the comic book, they are her boyfriend and some other guy she use to know.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    And the zombie pets make good pack mules. They carry all her supplies. Without arms or jaws, they can't scratch or bite.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I'm not ready to see Hershel go! What a scene to watch though - Rick's face after chopping off Hershel's leg was disturbing and sad. Hope Hershel makes it, but it doesn't look very good.

    I wonder what's up with Andrea?
  • LilPinkNinja
    They believe that actually being bitten exacerbates the infection already inside them = bites make you die quicker/turn into zombie quicker. :) (I'm a dork and read the comic book). Remember when the dude from the first season (the one they left behind because he was bitten at the campsite) and how he was going through "the fever" before turning (which we actually didn't see)? They think if they chop of the leg, they are stopping the trigger of the infection from mixing in the blood stream. Unless you die, you need the trigger (bite) to make you die/turn you without naturally dying first.

    Okay, so I feel like my nerdiness has just increased exponentially.

    My thoughts on the episode?
    ... Hersheeeeeeelllllll!?!?!? Noooo! Why!?!?!?!?!?
    Hilarious! We posted the same nerdy thing at the same time. Love it!

    LOL I was going to post the SAME thing about our simultaneous posts. Nerds unite!!