Why do MFP Men suggest Heavy Weight Lifting for Women?



  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    It makes me incredibly sad and angry that some women are so ignorant they believe that they will look like football players as soon as they lift heavy.

    <--- been lifting for 3 years. I still don't look like a football player.
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    Rugby is way cooler than football anyway.

    Couldn't agree more :heart: :heart: I miss it!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    The women (like me) on here promote it as well, because it achieves results. Don't scoff a thing until you know what you're scoffing. There's nothing wrong with picking up heavy things and then putting them back down, I have my alarm all set to do it nice and early tomorrow morning. I love my cardio and do it to look pretty good in my cloths. I lift heavy to look ****ing fabulous when those clothes are on the floor.
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    What EXACTLY does "a football player" look like anyway? A linebacker doesn't "look" like a kicker. If the men don't look the same with the same exercise, why would the women?
  • wordena
    wordena Posts: 177 Member
    I squated 105 pounds today for my first session of heavy lifting ever. I promise I looked perfectly cute. And you know what I'm pretty sure I got checked out. Years of running and cardio didn't give me the body I wanted. Prejudice isn't going to stop me from lifting heavy weights.
  • bekahnz
    bekahnz Posts: 8 Member
    The women (like me) on here promote it as well, because it achieves results. Don't scoff a thing until you know what you're scoffing. There's nothing wrong with picking up heavy things and then putting them back down, I have my alarm all set to do it nice and early tomorrow morning. I love my cardio and do it to look pretty good in my cloths. I lift heavy to look ****ing fabulous when those clothes are on the floor.

    :drinker: Amen to that!!!
    (there wasn't a clapping smiley so I had to give you cheers)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Rugby is way cooler than football anyway.
    f*** yeah! i wish i knew enough people around here to play 7's :sad:
  • kalinsak
    kalinsak Posts: 4 Member
    Women that lift weights do not develop like men. I wouldn't recommend heavy lifting but I would recommend weights as a way to tone and develop good muscle balance. Free weights as opposed to machines. Light to moderate with more reps and a few sets.
  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
    My goal is to look like a football player..derp
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    ...When I would tell male friends of mine (outside MFP) that I workout with weights...that's the kind of annoying comment I would get. Just wanted to get feedback for MFP men so I could back that up to my male friends....
    And are these male friends the kind of guys who have been lifting heavy for years and STILL don't look like football players? :huh:

    Putting on significant amounts of muscle is very difficult even for many guys. Women who think they're going to get hyooge overnight from lifting weights are delusional - and so are the guys who think it will happen to women. Females who get massive/ become bodybuilders: a) usually have amazing genetics to start with; b) have very intense, targeted training regimes aimed at hypertrophy; (c) have highly specific and strict diets involving caloric surplus and heavy protein intake; d) are very often "supplementing" with anabolic steroids/hormones, and e) it certainly doesn't happen overnight, or even in the span of a few months.

    A female friend of mine became a professional figure competitor (not the same thing as a bodybuilder). She had an amazing physique to start with before she even began training, and even so, her workout and diet regimes were far beyond what most people would ever endure and/or adhere to. Even so, she didn't get "massive" - she has a body that most women would kill for and most men stare at in utter disbelief. One of my friends' wives refers to her as "living, breathing Photoshop" because her physique is so perfect. One thing is 100% certain - she certainly doesn't look anything like a football player!
  • SashThompson
    SashThompson Posts: 130 Member
    Lifting heavy does not equal big/bulky/hulk'ish/manly body!!! Lifting heavy gives great definition and lowers body fat. My husband has yet to complain about my lifting - while it may not be super heavy - its not cute pink weights either.

    Also if someone were to make heavy pink weights, I would be keen to use them :tongue:
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Lifting heavy does not equal big/bulky/hulk'ish/manly body!!! Lifting heavy gives great definition and lowers body fat. My husband has yet to complain about my lifting - while it may not be super heavy - its not cute pink weights either.

    Also if someone were to make heavy pink weights, I would be keen to use them :tongue:
    Like these?

    Apparently there's a women's gym that promotes heavy lifting and uses pink plates. I'm for it if it gets more women to lift heavy.:laugh:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Lifting heavy does not equal big/bulky/hulk'ish/manly body!!! Lifting heavy gives great definition and lowers body fat. My husband has yet to complain about my lifting - while it may not be super heavy - its not cute pink weights either.

    Also if someone were to make heavy pink weights, I would be keen to use them :tongue:
    Like these?

    Apparently there's a women's gym that promotes heavy lifting and uses pink plates. I'm for it if it gets more women to lift heavy.:laugh:


  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Rugby is way cooler than football anyway.

    Couldn't agree more :heart: :heart: I miss it!

    I guess I'm not cool. I don't know the first thing about rugby, but I've played a LOT of football. :tongue:
  • painauxraisin
    painauxraisin Posts: 299 Member
    I saw a dead horse a few miles back... Lets go beat the **** out of it!
    then leave it for us ladies to deadlift and then clean and press it


    :laugh: Wonderful!!!
  • ravengirl1611
    ravengirl1611 Posts: 285 Member
    The women (like me) on here promote it as well, because it achieves results. Don't scoff a thing until you know what you're scoffing. There's nothing wrong with picking up heavy things and then putting them back down, I have my alarm all set to do it nice and early tomorrow morning. I love my cardio and do it to look pretty good in my cloths. I lift heavy to look ****ing fabulous when those clothes are on the floor.

    I'm off to the gym tonight (and tomorrow and the next night too) specifically to lift - I'll get a bit of cardio in there while Im there but it's all about the lifting - I love the feeling of power that I get from it - that I can out lift most of the guys I know rocks!!!
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    We have been trying and trying to prove that women lifting heavy will cause their uterus to fall out. It hasn't worked yet, so we're just going to keep trying.

    I have heard about this happening to a number of female friends... Obviously they stopped lifting and resumed more feminine activities like they should have stuck to in the first place.

    I call BS. I lifted heavy for months before I got prego. My uterus went into overdrive!

    I think you may have missed the sarcasm....

    How fitting that this irony is found in a weightlifting thread.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Wow... I totally did not mean to offend anyone. I know all about the benefits of weightlifting (agility, strong bones, better blood sugar control ect)...I'm a huge kettlebell fan and most of my workouts involves weights/resistance, more than cardio. When I would tell male friends of mine (outside MFP) that I workout with weights...that's the kind of annoying comment I would get. Just wanted to get feedback for MFP men so I could back that up to my male friends. And to the lady that benches 180 lbs...I admire you!

    Another benefit of weight lifting - looking damn good. Next time one of your friends makes such an ignorant comment, tell them to stop being such asshats

    Belly laughing out loud!! Ms. Sara, you crack me up sometimes!!. Truth told in a most unque way!!
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Lifting heavy does not equal big/bulky/hulk'ish/manly body!!! Lifting heavy gives great definition and lowers body fat. My husband has yet to complain about my lifting - while it may not be super heavy - its not cute pink weights either.

    Also if someone were to make heavy pink weights, I would be keen to use them :tongue:
    Like these?

    Apparently there's a women's gym that promotes heavy lifting and uses pink plates. I'm for it if it gets more women to lift heavy.:laugh:

    MoreBean uses this picture as her avatar from time to time. Very cool.