The moment that made you SERIOUS about losing weight?



  • shelleyspots
    Wow! So many awesome posts! My mother being in a wheel chair with all kinds of health problems related to obesity did a lot to motivate me. Also I was miserable with sore knees, sore feet, gastric reflux, irritable bowel syndrome and fatigue! Feeling so much better now!
  • pvandenberg103
    Labor day weekend, my bestie and our husband's were driving back from a weekend of wine tasting. We looked at each other and realized we ALL were overweight. We've known each other for almost 10 years now and we all remembered how good we looked so long ago. So we decided to do our own version of, "Biggest Loser." We set the stakes extremely high that it has really motivated my husband and me to lose weight!

    The stakes: The couple that loses the contest (meaning, doesn't lose the most weight by percentage) must pay for a vacation for the four of us, valued at $1000 per couple.

    That's $2000 that I do NOT have; so I'm in it to win it! It's sad that money is the motivator...but at this point, who cares?! It's gotten the ball rolling and we've already made huge strides. That was our moment!
  • weightloss12345678
    weightloss12345678 Posts: 377 Member
    Just saw a bad pic and was like no is the time lol
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    Sad to say...a breakup. This was a while ago...I'm talkin' a couple years. Yea, I've been at this for a while.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    When I found MFP.
  • mom2kids71
    mom2kids71 Posts: 10 Member
    My aha moment was very embarrassing. My husband has always been my biggest fan and never cared about my weight...he loves me for me (and I him, which makes us compatible). My ex husband was a jerk when it came to my size because he routinely pointed out my size. Intimacy has always been problematic for my now husband due to circumstances in his past and we are working on those day by day. We were in the middle of "date night" when we decided to try something different and my size was the main problem. I was devastated and decided right then and there to make changes. I don't have the common symptoms of obesity, but I knew it wouldn't be long if I didn't do something.
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    My dad and I went to pick up some chinese food for the family and little kids (their parents own the restaurant) asked if I was pregnant, insisted that I was and that my dad's the baby daddy. I broke down crying in the car and knew that I had to do something.
  • DonnaLeeCattes
    DonnaLeeCattes Posts: 492 Member
    For me it was 2 different things, that happen in June of this year 1. My partner got a hole in the bottom of his foot and it got an infection that got in the bone, he had to have a part of his foot removed, on June 8th (also let me add he is diabetic) and just watching him go thru all that was hard, he needed to lose some weight and I needed to lose some too. He spent a few weeks in the hospital and when he got out I tried to cook better for him. He had already joined MFP and he asked me if I would be his food buddy, well to be honest I didn't really want too..haha...but I did and I have lost 30lbs on here. 2. on June 7th my boss told me I couldn't drink soda in the back anymore. So I thought what the hell I don't need to drink soda at all. I have not touched one since. Lost 10lbs too :) So I have lost a total of 40lbs and I have 31 more to go :)
  • joshkilborn
    joshkilborn Posts: 46 Member
    When I stepped on the scale and I was 2 pounds shy of 400. It was an eye-openning moment for me.
  • bethygirlie
    bethygirlie Posts: 311 Member
    1. When I stepped on the scale in a bathroom at walmart and it said 405 pounds
    2. When I ended up in a coma with diabetic ketoacidosis, UTI, and yeast infection
    3. When I couldn't hardly wipe myself (I know TMI but true)
    4. When I couldn't fasten my seat belt in the car
    5. When I had an "intervention" where I used to work about taking care of myself
    6. When I was told by my mom that she didn't want to outlive me and was afraid she was going to lose me soon
    7. When I couldn't fit on a roller coaster and I had to get off of it and people were laughing....
    8. When I had to shop at the big man's store for clothes because I couldn't fit in women's jeans anymore....

    Yeah, that's pretty much what made me be like "I'm done with this. NEVER AGAIN."
  • Blondi1312
    i looked at myself one day and was like oh heck nah this is not me... so i decided to change
  • Blondi1312
    that is great its people like u who show me i can do it
  • Manleymomof2
    Manleymomof2 Posts: 50 Member
    October 5, 2012 I went out for drinks with 4 of my close girlfriends for one of their birthdays. We went to a the bar of a restaurant and had drinks and appetizers. I was feeling great and having a wonderful time until one of my friends suggest we get someone to take out picture. I couldn't beleive it when I saw the picture...I was twice the size of EVERYONE else! I kept my smile until I got home and realized it was time to do something about my weight. I have two sons and a wonderful husband that are very's time for me to get off the sidelines and get serious about my weight loss. I have done it before, I can do it again!!!

    I use Endomondo to track my exercise, so this new merge is AWESOME!!!!
  • anoette
    anoette Posts: 29
    It may sound silly, but I got "requested" on a website where people request nudes of others anonymously. Nothing surfaced but a bunch of vicious rumours and of course, comments on my looks - especially my weight! I was already unhappy with my weight as it is having been a continuous yo-yo dieter for years- going from a size 10 all the way up to a 14, then a size 10 again, then a size 18, then back down to a stable size 14 where i've stayed for quite a while. It really got to me and I lost all the confidence I had regained after recovering from several very bad events. I ended up not only frustrated and upset at these people who had done this, but also upset and frustrated at myself for letting it affect me, because these people had targeted exactly what it was I disliked about myself. At this point I started to make minor changes but the damage for the most part was done. This carried on for a few months, didn't lose any weight, didn't gain any. Then I started noticing how I was covering myself up on nights out, refusing to wear anything that might possibly make me look "fat" for fear of being made fun of. That was the point I really realised I was unhappy with the way I looked.

    The other point came about a month or so (couple of weeks ago) that I'd been with my partner. He has some problems with food so only lives off about three things, and one of these is KFC! We were (and still are! :tongue: ) in that lovey-dovey spend all your time together stage of the relationship, so whenever he ate takeaway, well there wasn't much point in me cooking! Especially when I went round to his. We were eating roughly 3/4 takeaways a week and I could put away a whole pizza and garlic bread with cheese to myself almost everytime. I'd do the same when we went to KFC too - Stacker burgers, extra large meal! I looked in the mirror a few weeks ago and was shocked because despite my jeans tightening and tops getting smaller i'd ignored it because even though I hadn't put on too much, i'd still put on more weight than I was comfortable with, so I drew the line! Convincing him to try new foods is helping both him and me - him because he gets to eat more nutritionally, and me because I can shift things!

    I've not deprived myself from KFC or takeaway when he gets cravings and stuff though - i've just been very careful about what I eat and make sure I stick to smaller portion control. And of course, definitely not eating it up to 3/4 times a week - i've been sure to ensure it's a treat and a treat only so I can do more cooking!
  • mizzie1980
    mizzie1980 Posts: 379 Member
    Three years ago I was about 220 pounds (I'm 5'5") and had always been unhappy about my weight, but also in denial about how fat I really was. I wore size 20-22 jeans and 2XL or 3XL shirts. Hubby and I were talking one night about goals and living life to the fullest. I said that I've always wanted to scuba dive, but I felt guilty about spending the money on lessons and equipment on something just for me. (money is tight in our family) Not to mention that I didn't even want to think about how I'd look in a wetsuit!!! :noway: Shortly after, I mentioned that I'd also like to get down to a healthy weight. Hubby asked about how much that would be and I said at least 70 pounds. He suggested that I make scuba lessons a reward for losing weight. I started the next day!

    Long story short, I lost 67 pounds, hit a plateau, got frustrated, quit and gained 45 pounds back. *sigh* I joined a group fitness class last year, but hadn't really started controlling my eating again. Then the class had a weight loss challenge last spring. I lost 20 pounds in 12 weeks and won the challenge. Then kind of quit watching the eating again and stayed the same weight over the summer.

    Now, I have the (very remote) possibility of going on a cruise this February. When I started thinking it was possible, I decided I really wanted to be at my goal (or very close) by then! I want to look good in my bathing suit! Whether I can go or not is still unknown, but I'm determined to get under 150 pounds (be at a healthy BMI).
  • letsgethealthy
    letsgethealthy Posts: 47 Member
    When 15 minutes into playing with my kids I had to stop because I was tired and out of breath.
  • bfredericks
    bfredericks Posts: 14 Member
    1. clothing not fitting me any more.
    2. eating all day and night.
    3. and the biggest one..seeing photos of myself. That's when I could really see it.
    4. someone, who has no filter, telling me at a family gathering that I'm "porking up a bit" in front of everyone. Nice. Thank you.
    5. i found myself not caring...about how i looked and how i felt about it. i just gave up on myself.
  • M0TZO
    M0TZO Posts: 55 Member
    My moment was when I was too heavy for Wii Fit board (23 stone limit) I'd brought off of my sister.

    I then decided to get weighed at Boots (UK chemist) and was over 24 stone.
  • oursong1812
    oursong1812 Posts: 24 Member
  • dieter67
    This go round, it was after returning from a vacation and gaining another 4#. Two years ago my daughter started blogging and lost 50#, I followed her lead and lost 30#. She quit blogging but maintained her loss for a year. I did the same but gained most of my loss back. In August of 2012 she decided it was time to get serious again, so again I followed her lead. With MFP and getting back to blogging, I have lost 15#. Guess I'm good at playing Follow the Leader.