200+ (Week 18) Fling Into Spring!



  • shellster80
    2nd of the triple post
  • shellster80
    Thanks Ladies!!! :happy: :happy:

    I'm not married :blushing: but we are engaged and were supposed to be getting married next year, let's see if we can afford it!!

    I'm just hoping that after last time we are more successful this time around!

    Everything seems good so far, early scan on 12th March to check all is ok.

    Weigh day tomorrow, hopefully it'll be ok.I've still been quite good this week although obviously my exercise has been WAY lower. And you know what, I've quite missed it. I went swimming and I've been walking but that's all. I'm too scared to do anyhting more high impact!

    Books: I LOVE books, I love to read. I own every book Stephen King has written and am now working on getting them all in hardback. I love the Twilight series and Harry Potter. (Yes I know, I'm 29)!!!
    I also love Jodi Picoult and any books written by people who have survived awful lives, such as A Child Called It and others. Awful subjects and reall upsetting but also so inspiring.
    I've read The Lovely Bones by Alice Seabold a few times and it's very good. Not sure how the film is going to be though.
    I also like James Patterson and stuff like that. I can read just about anything really!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Last chance workout days ladies!! I normally take a day off between gym days, but as it's last chance day and I'm behind on my running, so I need to do some sort of cardio today, hopefully put in my last day of c25k for the week, and maybe hop on the bike for a bit.

    Eating should be okay. As I've been eyeing the scale, I haven't been down much this week, but that's okay. I'll get there eventually. Slowly but surely.

    Pinbot- AMAZING weight loss. You're quite the superstar!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    :laugh: Just a quick Hello Super Pals and I have to get going, I have so much energy this morning and I am excited about getting that work out in, it's an elliptical day, 60 minutes and abs, then some type of strength training...not sure whom I am doing yet, I am missing my p90x...I haven't had that in my rotation for 2 weeks now, I took it down a couple weeks ago when I got those dang migraines. All I know is I will be dripping sweat form 10 am until noon!!

    Pinbot, Congrats...so happy you able to melt it off like that!:bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker:

    Shellster, take it slow, :flowerforyou: and I would think swimming and walking would be great for you, I don't know your circumstance, but those are low impact...I do wish you the best, I know my kids are everything to me....they have made me so much the person that I am, I love them and am very proud of them.

    AKA, hope you get a chance to get that cardio in!!!:flowerforyou:

    Nikki, good luck with your weigh in...your always so hard on yourself....I bet you'll be fine!:wink:

    My times up Cinderella,:laugh: :laugh: I need to leave this fun place and get busy...I' M READY TO BRING IT!!!!
    Have a great day everyone!
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Ugh...I was so tired last night I only got in about 15 minutes on the treadmill. It was like someone pulled the plug on me. I felt horrible. Even today I am a bit off. Not to mention I am having some severe back pain (not from the treadmill). But, I had a great food day and am going to try to get on the treadmill again tonight. I think part of my problem I have over extended myself this week.

    How is everyone else today?
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Morning ladies!!! Got up a little earlier and did a BL cardio (20 min) this morning, and 10 min morning yoga. Feels good, although i had to drag myself out of bed. Going to get on the treadmill later after breakfast.
    I'm thinking, even though I suggested alternate weigh in days, that I will weigh in tomorrow. All the talk of last chance workouts makes me sad! I don't want to be off the page with you all :)
    Pinot--your metabolism super furnace is on fire!! So envious, but so happy for you!!

    shellster--swimming is a great way for preggy women to exercise, so if you can do it, then go for it. Swimming will also help when you get super big in the belly. no impact on your back. but yes, i agree with deb. my son is everything in the world to me. don't do anything that you feel may compromise that. your a mother now, and you do know best!! :)

    mish......hang in there. 15 is better than 0. go for 16 tomorrow. just walk, keep it easy

    Deb--does the p90x seriously kick your butt? my hubby wants to get it, but the money is holding me back. i don't want to get hosed by yet another infomercial.
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member

    mish......hang in there. 15 is better than 0. go for 16 tomorrow. just walk, keep it easy

    That is the same thing my hubby said. I do agree since in the past I would have even done 15 minutes.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Morning ladies!!! Got up a little earlier and did a BL cardio (20 min) this morning, and 10 min morning yoga. Feels good, although i had to drag myself out of bed. Going to get on the treadmill later after breakfast.
    I'm thinking, even though I suggested alternate weigh in days, that I will weigh in tomorrow. All the talk of last chance workouts makes me sad! I don't want to be off the page with you all :)
    Pinot--your metabolism super furnace is on fire!! So envious, but so happy for you!!

    shellster--swimming is a great way for preggy women to exercise, so if you can do it, then go for it. Swimming will also help when you get super big in the belly. no impact on your back. but yes, i agree with deb. my son is everything in the world to me. don't do anything that you feel may compromise that. your a mother now, and you do know best!! :)

    mish......hang in there. 15 is better than 0. go for 16 tomorrow. just walk, keep it easy

    Deb--does the p90x seriously kick your butt? my hubby wants to get it, but the money is holding me back. i don't want to get hosed by yet another infomercial.

    I believe if you check Ebay you can buy one disc at a time. At least my friends have.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Well. Bad bad eating habits yesterday. I had two lemon shortbread cookies. That would not have been so bad, however at 9:41 last night I remembered I had bought Jeff (husband) Lucky Charms in like the first time in forever and decided I needed to have a bowl. A HUGE bowl. WTF was I thinking? I ate them, didn't even really enjoy them and after felt so full it was gross. And of course I went to bed at 10!!
    I also slept way too hard and didn't even remember hitting snooze until I looked at the clock and it was 6:24 where I usually get up at 6. 24 minutes lost is a killer when trying to get yourself ready and your very busy 3 year old!

    Changing my workout around has been great but my body is so so sore and tired. I am not performing like I normally do at gym and it drives me nuts. I'm not burning as many cals on cardio either, and while I am sure that is a sign of improved cardio health it drives me nuts too. Hopefully this will help push my body into losing weight on the scale soon!!

    Tonight I was planning on working out but everyone is going out for a drink after work and since I am sore and tired I am going to join them.

    mish - Do what you can do! the fact that you are walking is great, you should feel proud!

    Yeay for weight loss and yeay for exercising girls!!
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    OH!! I forgot to post, but I made the YUMMIEST dinner last night!!

    boneless skinless chicken breast
    nonfat plain yogurt
    Italian seasoned panko crumbs
    parm. cheese.

    Mix parm and panko together. Defrost, rinse and pat dry chicken. Dredge in yogurt, dip in panko/parm mixture. Completely cover chicken with crumbs.
    Place in baking dish for about 30 minutes at 350 degrees.
    The yogurt cuts out the need for a buttermilk or egg dredge, gives you calcium, and super coats the chicken. I had to use more breadcrumbs than usual because the yogurt holds it together so well. Also, the yogurt makes the chicken super moist. I think each serving is about 240 calories. I cant find a good recipe analyzer.
    I know the yogurt sounds weird, but it ends up SO good!!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    cds, I have tried that recipe before and the family loves it, my husband is a big fried chicken fan and he wasn't to thrilled when I tiold him what I was doing, but it surprised him at how good it was, and those panko crumbs are actually good for you:bigsmile:

    About p90x, it is a very good program, my only warning is...you will be buliding muscle and for that you really need to feed your body, lots of good protien, when I did the first round I wasn't eating enough and there were times I really pushed myself way to hard and I was still not losing, after I joined mfp and began eating more the weight started to come off again...there is no doubt that I am stronger, I can do more push ups than I ever thought I could and I am really close to being able to do a chin up un-assisted. I still have a lot of fat I want to lose, so I am doing 1/4 p90x and 3/4 cardio, p90x also comes with 3 different cardio dvds which I really like too, cadrio x, kenpox (kickboxing) and plyometrics (jump training), all of them will leave you dripping with sweat and I use them in my rotation too. There is a core work out that is fantastic and an ab ripper 16 minute dvd that will have you cussing Tony out, the remainder of the dvds are all weight lifting, or pull ups, or push ups. It is worth the money, just realize you have to eat...or is doesn't work and then you'll get frustrated....ask me how I know:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I have to thank you ladies, had I not told you all ready that I was doing 60 minutes on the elliptical I might of quit at 40, my legs are still killing me from my run, I must of really extended them, my quads and inner thighs were screaming...but I worked through it....got my 60 mintues in, 6 miles...day 2, level 2 of shred and my Pinbot Abs:bigsmile: , I have been doing 20 reps of each movement if it is a single move, if it's both legs I have been doing 40 reps...I could really feel it, I like it because since I am reading them off, I take my time and really focus on each move...sometimes with the dvds I'm rushing it!

    Thanks guys for being there and holding me accountable, I feel good about tomorrows weigh in,,fingers crossed I would love to pull 2 pounds one of these days!!\
    Need to get off of here, I have to finish cleaning my stove, sweep the entry (where my Bella sleeps), shower and off to wrestling this afternoon. I'll check in later.:flowerforyou:
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    I just want to send a big bunch of love and happiness to you all!!
    After reading various other posts today, some people on here can be really harsh and judgmental. I truly feel I got lucky discovering this group and you wonderful ladies.
    People are all snooty about some poor girl expressing concern over ads, and then there was the one about women over 35 should not wear 2 pieces. WTF?

    I'm just happy to have a nice group to "come home" to!!
  • miztizabebe
    hi im looking for a group for motivation and was wondering how do you join a group like this? thanks! :smile:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I'm just happy to have a nice group to "come home" to!!

    DITTO :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I love this group.

    Welcome miztizabebe :flowerforyou: We are in our second week of challenge. New members are always welcome. Look for a new tread tonight that is part 18. Tomorrow is weigh-in day. Good luck.

    I need to get up off my tush and exercise. Can someone give me a kick. I just feel lazy today.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Oh by the way - I am stepping out on you but will invite you to join me. A friend is starting a new group "lose for life" with weigh-ins on Mondays (EEEEEK) but I said I'd try it. It will be a biggest loser type of challenge. I am comfortable with this group and will cont posting here but more support never hurt anyone. I see that Lacey joined the other group too. Superheros unite - we so totally rock in supporting each other.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I just want to send a big bunch of love and happiness to you all!!
    After reading various other posts today, some people on here can be really harsh and judgmental. I truly feel I got lucky discovering this group and you wonderful ladies.
    People are all snooty about some poor girl expressing concern over ads, and then there was the one about women over 35 should not wear 2 pieces. WTF?

    I'm just happy to have a nice group to "come home" to!!

    Oh I know which ones you are talking about!! It amazes me how many nasty posters there are on this site. When I was on www.thedailyplate.com (before it got bought out by livestrong) there was hardly anyone like that. People put them down almost immediately and kicked them out of groups and forums. This site isn't set up like that however, so you get what you get.

    There is one person on here with a food chart as a pic and she seems to me to be very aggressive with her look on life and I often feel like I am being bullied into her way of natural living. So I try not to post on convo's she's been a part of. It doesn't always happen though.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Oh by the way - I am stepping out on you but will invite you to join me. A friend is starting a new group "lose for life" with weigh-ins on Mondays (EEEEEK) but I said I'd try it. It will be a biggest loser type of challenge. I am comfortable with this group and will cont posting here but more support never hurt anyone. I see that Lacey joined the other group too. Superheros unite - we so totally rock in supporting each other.

    Yeah I said what the heck! Two groups I can manage to help support and get support from. Now I just have to find the dern posts...still not super good at that one yet!

    Welcome miztizabebe!
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Oh by the way - I am stepping out on you but will invite you to join me. A friend is starting a new group "lose for life" with weigh-ins on Mondays (EEEEEK) but I said I'd try it. It will be a biggest loser type of challenge. I am comfortable with this group and will cont posting here but more support never hurt anyone. I see that Lacey joined the other group too. Superheros unite - we so totally rock in supporting each other.

    Sounds like a plan!! now to find it...lol
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Welcome miztizabebe! This is an amazing group and have really helped me get back into the groove.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Another group? Eeep! I don't know if I can keep up with 2... I don't want this one to fall by the wayside. I'll have to think about that one.

    But seriously, you all have been such an amazing support. I've really been struggling this week with motivation to get out and moving, and I seriously contemplated just going home after work, but I knew it was last chance workout day and I couldn't let you all down, so I went to the rec center and did my final day of week 8 of c25k, then did another 35 minutes on the bike. Success!

    I don't know how my weigh-in will be tomorrow, but that's ok. I'll reply to this post when I've posted a new thread much later tonight (after olympics end probably).