

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thankful that it's hump day....Wednesday,

    jb- that is the most beautiful garden I've ever seen, you have a lot to be proud of:flowerforyou:

    Kate-:drinker: Cheers to you...hoping your next boss is better.

    Cheryl- sorry you are sick, put the guilt away for the snacking and move on to a new day...hoping you are feeling better:drinker:

    Mary- you determination to get your tai chi in before the day starts is amazing...not sure if I'd be that dedicated...although there was a time that I did get up early and exercise before work...I think that was about 18 years ago:ohwell:

    Liz- hoping you get used to your Foreman grill, I do like mine but have decided to put a new one on the Christmas Wish list that has those temp controls and removable grills, you are right it is hard to clean since mine don't come off either:ohwell:

    Nancy- glad to hear that your poison ivy is clearing up, the iching can drive you crazy.:noway: Kids:laugh: stating the obvious...and did that walk happen...hiding the computer from J'boy? Your rash / poison ivy reminds me of a time when hubby and I lived out in the country we were about 26 and lived in a two bedroom one bath house on about 5 acres. Over one weekend in the summer we wound up with overlapping company hubbys parents and their foster kids and some friends that were passing through...had 11 kids and 8 adults we had the older kids sleep in a tent outside. On Sunday morning we all managed to get everyone in and out of the bathroom and still make it to church too. By Tuesday everyone was gone and my whole body started to break out in a rash, I was miserable :sad: so I went to our Doctor and he asked all the usual questions and then asked have you had anything unusual happen in your life recently...and I explained about our company over the weekend...conclusion I had a stress rash:noway: and once life had returned to normal I broke out...took a week for it to go away. I've never had another one...but I've never had another weekend like that either:happy:

    Lila- it is amazing how much of our lives get put on hold when there are power outages:ohwell: but not sure I'd like to go back to not having all my electronics...I do love my toys:wink:

    Amanda- I understand about the cracked heels, hubby has that problem too and he has special cream and these socks that he wears every night, they can be so painful. Sounds like a day off for you is very busy, enjoy:flowerforyou:

    jane- sounds like you had a fun time with your GD, building memories for her:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee- those 6 yr old bugs can be pretty potent:sick: but if I was facing a meeting that I didn't want to attend, not sure but I'm thinking I'd be finding excuses to not go:blushing: (cough, cough, sneeze, sniffle sniffle):sick:

    M-getting up earlier to get a workout in early...very ambious:drinker:


    LOST THAT FINAL POUND:bigsmile: Today being my weigh in day and that's #30 gone now for the real work to begin....maintenance....I failed last time but that's not going to happen this time because I'm follow Barbie & Amanda's example and sticking with MFP and my friends here.

    Off to get my reports done for the boss...not my favorite thing to do.

  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
    YAY!!!:happy: :flowerforyou: Laura, Congrats. You will succeed this time. I am so proud for you.:drinker: :drinker:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Okay I am too far behind to get caught up with the posts.

    I am home sick today and probably tomorrow. Trying really hard to come down with a full blown head cold and I know the stress factor at work is partially to blame. I had a full on panic attack yesterday just walking from the car to my cubicle. And I proceded to get sicker as the day went on. So I am at home this morning and I made a big batch of pumpkin pancakes. :bigsmile:

    I have to figure the work situation out because it is playing hell with my health. At least I got to stay in bed late and was duly cuddled by Bodi and Ritter. They love it when I am home sick.

    Take care all,

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Good morning!

    We’ve got blue sky and sunshine here, my dearies. The tamarack trees and the poplars are all shades of golden and the maples are turning red. What a gorgeous day. No sign of yesterday’s storm.

    Lila, we have a huge maple tree in our yard too. :smile: DH keeps threatening to cut it back but I love it. He cleans the leaves off the roof, I rake the lawn. This year I’ll wear the HRM and see how many calories I burn. Gad to hear your power outage didn't last too long.

    I have to drive the mountain pass again today to take DH to the city for cataract surgery. Here’s the thing about that. He doesn’t like to be a passenger. :noway: Years ago I was driving and he was in the right hand seat twitching and clenching his teeth and NOT saying anything so loudly that I could not stand it. :grumble: I stopped the car in the middle of the street, smiled at him and said in a perfectly cheerful voice, “I think you should drive.” :ohwell: And he did. And I have not driven a vehicle with him as a passenger since. This, I believe, is one of the reasons we have managed to stay together for almost 30 years. Now I have to bring him home on a 1.5 hour drive. I carry a little flask of brandy in my purse, perhaps I’ll give him a shot before we leave the hospital parking lot. Yeah, that’s it. :bigsmile: Sedate the man.

    Laura, your weekend of 11 + 8 in the tiny house must have been memorable! Congratulations :drinker: on loosing the final pound. Maintenance will be routine if you keep checking in here.

    Hasta pronto,


    October goals - mid month review:
    Try a new drop-in class at the Rec Center = haven't made it yet. :blushing:
    Re-start New Rules of Lifting for Life = got it going.
    Go for a walk with Buster-the-Dog four days a week = Woops, poor neglected poodle.
    Stay positive when folks get negative at work, surround myself with positive people. = I am probably driving them crazy. :happy:
    Count my blessings! = Every day, all day. :flowerforyou:
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Laura you did it!!!! I can't imagine how hard it is to stay on track when you have only a few pounds to lose. Where are the before and after pictures???? I hope you see me there within the next 6 months or less.

    I am still home sick but not doing the crazy snacking I did yesterday. I decided to follow my own advice to someone and to eat a good breakfast and a good lunch. I know when I fill most of my calories with these two meals I am far less likely to snack.

    Mazaron - I too am the worse passenger when my husband is driving. He always seems to be accelerating when the brake lights are on on the car ahead, he is always in the opposite lane from the one he will turn from, and numerous other things that put my nerves on edge. He is so happy I have a smart phone now - I read facebook, log my calories, anything but watch his driving :smile:
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Congratulations to you Laura - how exciting!!! I hope you celebrate in some small way :).:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy Weds!

    Glad you liked the garden pics. I grow marigolds mostly for color in the garden. They have some beneficial aspects having to do with nematodes and moles, I've heard. But Lila, they don't repel slugs as far as I know. Nothing repels an Oregon slug, lol.

    M, some years we do sq ft gardening and some years we row-crop. The garden layout changes every year, but I do like the little plots of things better than all in big long rows.

    Not sure if I'm having a sympathy rash for Nancy :wink: or if I got bitten by something, but I now have a line of bumps in the shape of the Big Dipper right under the bottom edge of my bra in front. If it's bug bites, they're sure artistic little devils. :laugh:

    Congratulations Laura YAY YAY YAY!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Wanted to share this great little soup that I put together this morning. I just love baby lima beans! It's a very simple, satisfying soup, you could add some spices if you'd like. I tasted it a couple of times trying to figure out what to add, but decided to leave it on the plain side. Very good, filling.

    Baby Lima Bean Soup

    1 1/2 cups frozen baby lima beans
    1/2 cup frozen corn
    1/2 chopped bell pepper
    1/2 chopped onion
    3/4 c fresh tomato, diced
    1 small zucchini, diced
    2 cloves minced garlic
    2 cups low sodium fat free chicken broth
    1 cup water
    hefty dash cayenne pepper

    Makes about 3 servings. 1.5 cup serving. = 175 cal, 33 carb. 10 protein, 537 sodium, 833 potassium


    Time finish the dishes then to the garden. Sun just came out from the fog, woohoo! Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

    :smile: jb
  • CSueB
    CSueB Posts: 31 Member
    Good afternoon! Never seems like I can get enough time to read everyone's posts and reply to them all....so will start again today, and not beat myself up too much...

    Auntiebk, also very sorry for your loss.......we love our furry family members.... hugs to you.:heart: heart for a hug

    rjadams, I love the poem about Rainbow Bridge, and also hope you are feeling better as the day goes by....guess one bright spot is being able to catch up here....??? still FEEL BETTER SOON!!! :smile: :heart: heart for a hug.

    4thoseiluv.......I love your posts, you are always so positive, and helps bring everyone up. THANK YOU! :flowerforyou:

    Laura80111................. YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!! great job! best of luck on the maintenance, I'm sure you can do it!:bigsmile:

    tekwriter----evenings are hard for me, and I do like the warm drink idea......I also make finger jello (regressing to my kiddos at home days) with sugar free jello....and add some redi whip..... feels like such an indulgence! I am also reading a book called "Made to Crave" where it encourges (me) to pray, and read the Bible more, and seek God instead of food..... and I think it will help me also, along with cravings other parts of my day. :heart:

    I know I want to respond to more people but out of time for now, and I just hope this posts correctly.....I am so challenged in that area!!!!!!!!!!!

    Everyone drink your water and make good choices!!! :laugh: WE CAN DO ITTTTTTTTTT!!!!
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Only have a minute but wanted to let all of you know my NSV for today! I actually looked forward all morning to making myself the best salad for lunch!:bigsmile: It consisted of spinach, carrots, cuccumbers, cherub tomatoes, chicken breast strips, raspberries, a little reduced fat colby cheese and a little light ranch dressing. I even measured the dressing so I wouldn't overdue it. Anyway, 5 months ago, I would never imagined that I would eat this healthy much less enjoy it! Plus, I would never have gone to the trouble of fixing it! Thanks MFP and all of you for your support!

    Laura-Congrats on that last pound! I can't wait until I reach my goal even though I have a ways to go yet! Very happy for you!

    Will definitely catch up on all your great posts a little later! :drinker:

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    M, I forgot to mention that those vines at the back of the garden are a 45' row of boysenberries. We picked 10 gallons this year! :noway: I make jam to send to family for the holidays, a few pies, and boysenberry brandy. :love:
    Too bad about your tomatoes this year, that's always so frustrating. I forget, where are you located? Love to see some pics of your garden sometime! I'll bet it looks great with the timbers around.
    The hot pepper sauce turned out excellent using the red jalapenos! I have a batch of green steeping now, and will do another batch of red. Always wondered what to do with the red ones!

    Off to work I go.

    :smile: jb
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    where to start? where to start? so much going on.....

    Linda - you did make me chuckle with the tai chi/ chai tea mix up:laugh: I always have to stop and think about which one I am saying!

    Amanda - I am so sorry about the bad run of news with your friends. and it for sure does affect our outlooks and attitudes to other things around us. I am glad you are going ahead with the mammogram - it IS SUCH an unpleasant test, and I really don't think I am a wuss about medical tests and procedures! - but it is also an important screening. Go get squished!:grumble:
    Also, for the cracked heals, my sister is a diabetic nurse and she recommends a foot cream formulated for diabetics. (a cream that contains urea) It helped for mine.

    Lynne - Wow! You are a painting decorating machine1 Want to come to my house. But I hear you on waitng until a move to do it - it would be so much nicer to enjoy the results of your labours! Why do we put it off for so long (OH ya, because it is so much work!!) I laughed at the dog with the nonfunctioning electric fence. My daughter has one of those invisible fences and it is amusing to see the dog stop and lay down a few feet from the 'barrier', even though the favorite toy is just beyond his reach...he is not going there!

    tekwriter - amen to all the advice you have been given so far. I have a magnet on my fridge that says "what kind of hunger is it?" - boredom, loneliness, habit, stress? We eat for so many reasons other than hunger. I also find a hot drink helps - a chai tea latte made with skim milk and sugar free flavour is satisfying and delish! or a low fat yogourt. and making yourself go do something else first often heads off the munching binge. Sometimes for me it seems it is just getting past the habit or braking the association with another activity (I CAN watch TV without a salty snack!!:happy: )

    Nancy - Great new photo! i had to look twice to be sure who it was:smile: So noble of you to keep the computer occupied for the sake of your son:wink: Did you get snow with your thunder? I heard they did in Calgary yesterday..we have had it here in the past. It's a little freaky!!
    And oh, I do hear you on the hubby driving. This summer after a midnight flight, hubby was exhausted and dozing off in the stop and go traffic around Toronto. After several offers to drive for him and being turned down (No, I am fine) , I sweetly asked, "When you are dead, will I be able to drive then?" Still didn't drive but I did get a chuckle. (and I am really not that horrible a driver!)

    Lila - I do envy your lovely mountain scenery. We can just see the mountains from here and they do sometimes call my name:smile: Not sure i would enjoy the winter driving as much , though it is every bit as beautiful. We moved a couple of years ago to a new neighbourhood just a couple of km from our old place. We used to have dozens of bags of leaves there, spring and fall, but here we have almost none. I miss them...just a little!!

    Deedee - Be sure to look after yourself so that you don't get sick too!

    mwheatcraft - Hooray for being halfway. Bet that feels good! It was nice to get flowers from the garden at this time of year - they are usually frozen by now.:frown: And you are right - we get way too much winter here in southern Canada to use it as an excuse to not get out! I do have to give up the biking though, but a good winter walk always feels good! Your garden sounds beautiful, and ambitious! And on the BIL front...do you say anything when he complains about the meals? It is an uncomfortable situation for you but maybe some gentle suggestion that he could take the lead in making an approriate meal, or that maybe DS could join the workout if he helped out with some of the tasks. I don't know- it puts you in a tough spot and hardly seems fair to her.

    Time to go get something done here. Eat well all, live well.

    with gratitude, glenda
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    :flowerforyou: so many great posts...

    Laura-congrats..you will keep up with maintenance...you have such a good routine going
    Nancy-your posts always crack me up..beautiful picture..so where did you hide the laptop?

    I am hoping my friends from Canada can help me (or perhaps a math teacher) with converting meters to miles...this am I rowed 2100 meters..so how far is that in miles? My machine may have a way to change the mode of measurement but I am a dope with that stuff too

    I tried out my line dancing Dvd...sooo glad I did not have an audience...I will be taking it one dance at a time...this sooo not in my comfort zone but I did enjoy laughing at myself ...my goal with the dancing is a couple of times a week after work. I'm thinking it will be a good way to unwind and get some extra movement in...my workouts are usually in the am before work.

    For all the animal lover's and readers out there...my bookclub read The Art of Racing in the Rain this month...I really enjoyed it and I think (hope) it will provoke some good discussion:smile:

    That's it for me for tonight...have a good evening..hugs and high fives because we can do this
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    I know that I have been missing for a few days. I have had a crazy couple of weeks. I got a virus and it took about 5 days to shake--not fun. Then I picked up another tutoring job and I may do a teaching job for a friend who just got a job as a principal in the city. I am concerned about really packing my schedule. This could be a good situation and we do need the money. It's interesting to step back and see how I spin!! Lots of school meeting on the students I tutor this week too. I am very tired and feel like I am getting a cold. I think I need to go to bed early and stop spinning!!! The good news is that I am really not hungry!

    I will be back tomorrow.
    Have a good night!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    M:smile: Your garden sounds beautiful! I've seen a lot of stink bugs this year too:frown: , where do they come from:huh: !

    Laura80111:smile: Congrats, congrats, congrats!!!!! 30 lbs. GONE:flowerforyou: !!!! Oh my, 11 kids and 8 adults, even in a big house I couldn't handle that:noway: , at least your body waited until they were gone to break out!!!

    Robin:smile: Oh I hope you feel better soon :flowerforyou: !!! Stress really lowers your immune system and those nasty little germs are jumping around everywhere! Glad Bodi and Ritter cuddled with you today!!! Pumpkin pancakes sound delish!!!

    Nancy:smile: Love your new pic!!! You look fabulous:flowerforyou: . Hope DH surgery went well and you and DH survived the drive back home, I like your brandy idea:laugh: !!!

    Cheryl:smile: Hope whatever it is that made you sick is gone soon:flowerforyou: !!!

    Jb:smile: Artistic bug bites :laugh: that's too funny:laugh: !!! The baby Lima bean soup sounds yummy, I'll have to give it a try!!!

    CSueB:smile: Never beat yourself up, we are a chatty group, just pop in whenever you can!!!

    Kathy:smile: Amazing what we do now, compared to before our journey, and just think this will become a good habit!!!! The salad sounds so good!!!

    Glenda:smile: I like a nice walk in the crisp winter air, however I can only manage for a short amount of time, I'm a wuss in winter weather:tongue: !!! I like all the seasons, but spring and summer are by far my favorites!!!

    Jen:smile: I would love to get a line dancing DVD!!! Like you I'm sure I would be laughing at myself:laugh: , but it just sounds like so much fun!!!

    It has been a good day, I got lucky and the 4pm meeting and dinner was postponed till next Wed!!! YAY!!!! I still don't feel great but I by no means am sick,YAY for that too!!! I'm thinking it was probably that awful frozen dinner I had last night YUCK!!! At least I now know not to buy frozen chile rellenos!!!! Well my dinner is done and I really should eat it before it gets any later, chicken and green beans tonight!

    Hope you all have a wonderful relaxing peaceful evening!!!!

    PEARLYGRACE Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Ladies, I've open my food diary! sorry I didn't know I had it on private!! just want to how excited I am about finding this group of wonderful ladies!! hope all had a good day, thank you ! God Bless You All.::happy:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Brandy and Sasha, the frisky poodles, are always ready to go for a walk. After our long walk in the morning they crash on the couch and look like they’ll sleep all day, but if they see me put on shoes or a coat or hat, they jump up and look expectantly at the door, hoping I’ll take them out again. They don’t like warm weather (anything over 65 degrees) so once we get out they want to come back in very quickly. They are NW dogs who love cold, wind, rain, and snow.

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, Jake does all the driving in our family except for the occasions when I’ve had to drive him home from medical procedures. He did recognize his tendency to back seat drive the time he told me to put the car in gear when we were on the ferry and none of the cars ahead of us had started moving. The last time he had to go to Seattle for a procedure, he asked his friend Larry to take him.

    :flowerforyou: Laura, congratulations on reaching your goal. Maintenance won’t be a problem if you have seen your new way of eating and exercising as a new way of life rather than a temporary detour. Stick with the same healthy behaviours you’ve been using all along with a few extra calories added slowly and your success will continue.

    :flowerforyou: Jen, here is the link to a great website for all your metric conversions…..we live so close to Canada that it’s an essential tool for me…..it helps, too if you find a food in the MFP food database that’s in grams and you want to know how many ounces.


    glad you liked your first try at line dancing….keep at it and don’t give up….it takes time to get comfortable with new skills.

    :flowerforyou: PEARLYGRACE, this is a safe place to open your food diary. Everyone here is supportive and will offer suggestions that might be useful. It helps me to track sodium because too much sodium causes me to retain fluid and feel bloated……..adding lots of fresh and frozen steamed vegetables is a way to add plenty to eat and nourish your body without adding a lot of calories.

    :flowerforyou: It’s not as cold here as in Canada or more inland, but each day I seem to be adding another wool item to my walking outfit….we put flannel sheets on the bed this week.

    :bigsmile: Today was my big line dance class……I did a review of the dance I taught last week in the intermediate class in the morning and the teacher taught two new dances. In the afternoon I taught my friend’s class and somehow managed to choose almost all fast tempo dances and ended with two difficult dances that the students wanted to learn.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington


    Resolutions for October (with mid-month comments)
    *yoga once a week----haven’t done it yet
    *walk with hubby three times a week ---I ask but he hasn’t found it convenient
    *say “OK”---be agreeable ----doing well with this
    *stay in the moment ---doing very well
    *Be Barbie----great
    PEARLYGRACE Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks Barbie, I agree! I have to really what out for the sodium because it does bloat me alot!!! thank you for your suggestions!! God Bless You!! Sincerly-Pearl:smile:from tyler texas!
  • taylorgirl
    Extremely hot today 95 to over 100 but still worked out ... morning and evening! When my youngest son got married 2 yrs. ago and our nest was finally empty, people ask what were my future plans...my answer was get my life back! With my 5th grand child due next week, (the youngest one now turns 8 next month) I have a feeling things are about to change since they live the 10 mins. from me. My other two kids and family live 1 hr and 90 mins. from me!
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hello everyone, I see a lot have posted and signed off already, must be the shorter days!
    Today was a pretty good day all told, lots of work done, got the treadmill delivered, tried it out. I think I might need to do the earplugs music thing, just staring at the digital read out is pretty boring. The dogs looked at it, sniffed it and went and laid down to watch. They obviously know it’s not going to replace them.

    Amanda – I get cracked heels too this time of year, my doctor suggested some oral antibiotics but I chose not to. I’ll try your plastic bags though, usually I just put urea cream and little cotton socks (bless those little cotton socks – I wonder who penned that saying). Do your feet get really hot with the plastic bags on them?

    Jane M – thanks for the visual of you and GD blowing in the wind.

    M – they’ve been warning us up here in Canada to keep an eye out for the stink bugs and contact Ministry of Environment if we find any. I’m going to find out what everyone else in my book club thinks about why Ms Moran felt the need to shock with the language. And if others didn’t have problems, why is the language bothering me so much.

    Cheryl – talking about Thai food did it, I cooked up some red curry with chicken and veg and Thai black coconut rice. I separated it out into containers and packed them in the fridge and freezer before I started to eat just so I didn’t get too carried away.

    Laura – yay for your final pound. I’m glad you’re going to stay and teach us all about maintenance – you too Amanda.

    Nancy – to heck with the shot of brandy, have him chug the whole flask and go to sleep until the drive is over. I have to go over to Cranbrook tomorrow and back on Friday – how was the pass? Any snow yet? Not that it really matters, I already have the snowies on - beat the Oct 15th rush.

    JB – yes, I was totally backwards on the Marigolds/Calendulas – evidently they attract slugs and are used as a sacrifice border around other plants. If Oregon slugs are anything like the Pacific Coast slugs, they’d consider the Marigolds an appetizer. Thanks for posting the soup recipe – it looks good.

    Aw Glenda – I’ll send some fallen leaves your way just so you don’t them so much – lol.

    Jen – try this http://www.metric-conversions.org/length-conversion.htm Oh, I see Barbie sent you one too. We read The Art of Racing in the Rain in my book club too. I enjoyed it as well, but then I’m a sucker for dog stories.

    Sally – you sound so busy, make sure to take care of yourself (liquids, preferably water, lots of sleep and vitamins).

    DeeDee – glad to hear you didn’t get the bug, and isn’t it a treat when someone else cancels some meeting you didn’t want to go anyway!

    Barbie – the flannel sheets sound so cozy. I don’t have any but I did haul out the feather bed and the heavier duvet last weekend.

    Well, the cold has broken up in my head, but the bad news is that it went to my chest and I’m coughing like crazy (and I don’t usually get chest colds). Yuck. I hope it disappears before Friday because I have to be in a seminar and I always hate it when others hack away in a closed room. Does anyone know of a cough medicine that actually works? Time to go pack the suitcase. The dogs always get agitated when they see me get the suitcase out. Oh well, it’s only an overnighter and my neighbour will take them down to the trail grounds for a nice ramble and let them out a bunch. I’m so blessed having such great neighbours .

    Night all, I think I’ll have a nice cup of tea with lemon and honey to see if that helps the throat and cough. This had better be my one and only bug this year.

    Hope you all have great Thursdays and I’ll check in for all your posts and news on Friday.

  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Friends, :flowerforyou:
    I started this post earlier to day and just kept adding when I got a chance. Its almost 10pm and I finally got caught up. I finished work and it is a lot of calls of kids with fevers. They are back in school and passing those germs around. I worked out really well at the gym yesterday. Elliptical for 30mins and then the recumbent bike for 32 mins. I felt really good when I got home at 8:30pm.Today, I took the day off from the gym and just did some puttering around here. I have been reading the happiness project, so I am trying to reconnect with DH. Kid have a way of putting the DH,DW relationship on the back burner. I told him that I miss him and that we need to have a date night once in awhile. He is really busy this week, so he said that he liked going to the gym with me , so how about doing that! This will work , but the time to go together will be hard. He works 7-5 and I work 4-9. He goes to bed at 9. Now figure this out??? Ok, I will go with him on my days off. This is a start. Barbie, thank you for recommending this book. Now I hope it has a section on how not to “nag” at kids so they get their chores done.
    Ok, time to go see if the chores were done. 2 more days of work and then I get the weekend off. I only get every other weekend off, so I am really looking forward to the weekend. Hugs , to all of you struggling with the night muchies, and other issues. You can do it, it is mind over matter!
    Sweet Dreams, positive thoughts to all of you! :yawn: :yawn: :drinker: :drinker:

    Amanda- it is so sad about your friends. I know personally 6 women who have passed due to breast cancer. The scientists of the world really need to find a cure for this dreadful disease. Too many women are losing their lives too young. Hope your feet are healed up! You are quite busy for a day off. When do you get to rest? :wink:

    Lynn, is that a hobby for you to fix you homes and then sell them? You have been very busy getting this one ready to sell. Good luck when you finally get the house on the market! :drinker:

    Kathy- congrats on the NSV with the tee shirt. My DH brought me a tee shirt back in XL from his hunting trip. Well, it fits but shows my muffin top! Just lovely-LOl Your salad sounds so good. I love salads but they seem like they take so much time to make. In reality , they do not take that much time! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    M- congrats on the 4lb weight loss. Some times it takes a while for the scale to move!!!!!!!!! Congrats on being half way to your goal. That is something to really be proud of! The issue of the BIL is the same for my DH’s family. It is his uncle. Their family chooses to say nothing, but talk badly about him behind his back. They are never invited to family events, or if they are invited his Uncle doesn’t come. It is a hard situation. I don’t know what to say other than to let your sister know how you feel. Hugs I also telecommute from home. I love it. I wish my hours were different as they are not compatible with making dinner, but the salary keeps us a float :drinker: :drinker:

    Jane-hope your back is better. I know you had a lovely day with Violet! :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Hijude57- ***tekwriter*** welcome .chat with us, log your food and we are here to help each other in this journey! :smile:

    Wessecg- I hope you will recover quickly. I am just like you too! I never lose my appetite when I am sick either! Lol Cheryl what is your favorite thai food? Yummy, I hoep you are feeling better. Sometimes we need a little comfort when we are sick! :laugh:

    DeeDee- well my youngest DD doesn’t want to go duck hunting, so now I won’t be able to go! I was so looking forward to being able to hunt with my DH again. Before kids it was just him and I. Oh well, there will be other days that I can go.  Hope you don’t get sick from all that hugging and kissing! :happy:

    Ellen, glad that your kids were able to cheer up your FIL. Sounds like you had a lovely Thanksgiving! Tooo funny about your leg warmers! You will get a new pair and you can run around and show them off! :drinker: :drinker:

    JB-you garden is lovely. You are so lucky to have that opportunity for a community garden. You also have a “green thumb” because just not anyone can grow that well. How refreshing to be out in the sunshine, open fresh air and working on the garden. Ok, well sunshine sometimes, but free water! Soup sounds good. Thanks for the recipe! :bigsmile: :smile: :wink:

    Jolene - thank you for the story about Lucky the dog. A heart warming story! :heart:

    Kate, That is so true about how if one see’s a food and then one resists, that food comes back to haunt one! It’s almost better if one has a small piece of what ever it is they desire, rather when the ghost comes back and it seems like what once was a small craving is now a huge monster! Lol I can relate to this story too! Oh, yes and I am sure that you enjoyed that glass of wine! Were you singing the song from the Wizard of Oz, ding, dong the witch is gone, the boss is gone ding , dong the boss is gone etc. Lol :laugh: :laugh:

    Mary- I am going to google this and check it out. Thanks for the info Dr Paul lam - tai chi. :tongue:

    Liz- hope you got the grill working and you are enjoying it! :smile:

    Nancy- Oh, those darn school kids. Why do they want to state the obvious! Kind of interesting that the fellow had to come and tell you that? That is funny in itself! Nancy, you have me laughing tonight. My husband doesn’t like my driving either, so he drives all of the time! That is ok with me too! Ask the doctor for something to sedate him for the ride home. Keep his blood pressure down while you are driving him home! Lol :laugh: :laugh: :yawn: :yawn:

    Lila- Queenie sounds like such and loving and smart dog. What color of lab was she. Labs are so good with children. Our first black lab named Kiowa, helped my girls to learn how to walk. They would grab a hold of her and off they would go, walking and laughing away. You are lucky to have some weather. Here it is hot or it or hotter or unbearable. The weather forecasters always paint a deadly stormy picture when we get some weather. They are usually wrong. It was 95 degrees today. Honey, the darker the better and pasteurized has recently been found to have antimicrobial effects and we are recommending it in some warm water before bedtime to help sooth a cough. I don’t know if there are any over the counter good cough suppressants, but codeine is what usually works best for non stop coughing! :smile: :smile:

    Laura80111-CONGRATS ON REACHING YOUR GOAL! Now the hard work begins! I know this time you are going to be successful, because you are following in Amanda’s and Barbie’s footsteps. I am so happy for you! YOU rock! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Robin,Bodi and Ritter- I think you did the right thing. Who could go wrong with pumpkin pancakes. Yummy. I do hope you are feeling better and you r getting work figured out! Work is so stressful sometimes! Cuddling in bed with your 4 legged fur people is so much fun. I love it too! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    CSueB- Thanks for the info about the cravings book-Made to Crave. I might have to read this after I finish the happiness project! :smile:

    Jen, I love line dancing before I had bad knees. It is so much fun to go out to a honkey tonk and go line dancing! Always a plus if there are some cute cowboys to look at! Lol :bigsmile:

    Sally, take care of yourself especially around those kid germs. The get a good chance to breed and infect all the people in the closed warm classroom. :sick: :sick:

    Barbie,- we have not even got anywhere near the 60 degree mark. It is amazing how one adapts to the weather. My sister who grew up in So Calif, migrated to PA many many years ago and now she can’t stand the heat when she come to visit! I love the Kitty with the back pack!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Pearl- welcome , I am sure you are used to the heat too! Chat often and in no time you will be on the same successful journey as most of us! :wink: :wink:

    Taylorgirl- oh I see babysitting in your future! The good thing is that at the end of the day, you can given the GB back to mommy and daddy and get good nights sleep! Lol Wishing you the best with the new baby! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Until tomorrow, Linda:wink: