200 Sit up Challenge 2010



  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    meokk and Jess- You both put me to shame too! Great job ladies! Keep it up!

    And keep us posted on your progress!!

    ps- My bf did the test and he got 51, hahah he'd kill me if he knew I just told everyone that....and he's in pretty good shape hehe

  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hey girls,

    I did my sit-ups "initial test " today, after my hour on the elliptical, and I did 42 sit-ups...i started t ostruggle towards the end so i stopped.

    Congrates Meokk, Jess, Mstahl and to whoever i left out...you put me to shame..lol..

    I will start friday...so i will be doing Tuesday, Thrusday, and saturday's...
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    positively_me- I am doing Tues-Thur-Sat too!!! I wil lremember this and check in with you everyonce in a while!!

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm doing the initial test tonight. I'm not expecting much. :laugh: I'll do the initial test for the pushups challenge tonight too (I'm expecting even less there :tongue:).
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Just did my first workout. It told me to start on week 3 so I did

    it was 5 sets
    set 1 - 15 situps
    set2- 18
    set3- 11
    set4- 11
    set5- as many as you can..I could only do 16 after the first four sets...:sad: :blushing:

    Hoping that I get stronger soon!

    Good night

  • I think I will do that too. Thanks.

  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi Chris,
    I did my first training session tonight as well. It was tough and I expect to be sore tomorrow.:sad:
    My sets were:
    27, 21, 30, 21, 32 ( I had to do over 30 for my last set, it felt like a lot! )

    I'm doing Tues/Thurs/Sat rotations too.

    Thanks again for setting this up, I like having a goal to work towards.

    Well done everyone with your initial tests, especially Mstahl, how many was that ?!?! are you secretly fit and skinny??!!??
    :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I did my initial test tonight -- 37. I feel like I could've/should've been able to do more.

    I have a problem. For some reason, doing a sit-up was really painful for me & that's something I've never experienced before -- I've always been pretty good at sit-ups. I have hardwood floors so I put down my yoga mat. Each sit-up was torture for my tail bone. It hurt so much (and I think I generally have a decent threshold for pain) that I stopped after about 7, put a pillow under my butt (which makes the sit-ups harder, but it felt worth it to save my tail bone) and then started over at 1. I don't know what to do as this has never been an issue for me in the past -- any suggestions?
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I did my initial test tonight -- 37. I feel like I could've/should've been able to do more.

    I have a problem. For some reason, doing a sit-up was really painful for me & that's something I've never experienced before -- I've always been pretty good at sit-ups. I have hardwood floors so I put down my yoga mat. Each sit-up was torture for my tail bone. It hurt so much (and I think I generally have a decent threshold for pain) that I stopped after about 7, put a pillow under my butt (which makes the sit-ups harder, but it felt worth it to save my tail bone) and then started over at 1. I don't know what to do as this has never been an issue for me in the past -- any suggestions?
    Does it hurt like an ache or is it tender and sore? If it's tender/sore does it hurt if you poke around on it with your fingers? If so you might have a cyst or a condition which I can't remember the name but I'd check with your doctor. If it's achy it could just be from all your butt time on the bike and a diminishing pad :wink: You might check out a more padded seat for your exercise bike?
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I finished my first day and I'm sore in a good way!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I did my initial test tonight -- 37. I feel like I could've/should've been able to do more.

    I have a problem. For some reason, doing a sit-up was really painful for me & that's something I've never experienced before -- I've always been pretty good at sit-ups. I have hardwood floors so I put down my yoga mat. Each sit-up was torture for my tail bone. It hurt so much (and I think I generally have a decent threshold for pain) that I stopped after about 7, put a pillow under my butt (which makes the sit-ups harder, but it felt worth it to save my tail bone) and then started over at 1. I don't know what to do as this has never been an issue for me in the past -- any suggestions?
    Does it hurt like an ache or is it tender and sore? If it's tender/sore does it hurt if you poke around on it with your fingers? If so you might have a cyst or a condition which I can't remember the name but I'd check with your doctor. If it's achy it could just be from all your butt time on the bike and a diminishing pad :wink: You might check out a more padded seat for your exercise bike?

    It just feels like it's grinding into the hard floor every time I sit up. It's sore this morning from doing the situps, but normally it doesn't bother me at all. It's just so weird. I guess it's because my butt is so used to being 8 inches bigger. :laugh: I have been having a lot of "Holy crap, what is THAT? Oh it's a bone I've never seen/felt before" experiences lately and I guess this is just another to add to the list. Just yesterday I was lying in bed & was startled by how my sternum felt (slightly concave & whatnot). :laugh: My bf said it felt normal -- but how could I know? I've never felt my stupid sternum before. :tongue:

    I'll just continue using the pillow or maybe double/triple the yoga pad under my butt.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    It just feels like it's grinding into the hard floor every time I sit up. It's sore this morning from doing the situps, but normally it doesn't bother me at all. It's just so weird. I guess it's because my butt is so used to being 8 inches bigger. :laugh: I have been having a lot of "Holy crap, what is THAT? Oh it's a bone I've never seen/felt before" experiences lately and I guess this is just another to add to the list. Just yesterday I was lying in bed & was startled by how my sternum felt (slightly concave & whatnot). :laugh: My bf said it felt normal -- but how could I know? I've never felt my stupid sternum before. :tongue:

    I'll just continue using the pillow or maybe double/triple the yoga pad under my butt.

    I'm sure you're doing it right... but maybe make extra sure you are only crunching up your upper abdomen and not rolling up onto your hips? The first page on "what is a sit-up" talks about the old style where you sit all the way up - but the challenge is for crunches because the old style causes back injuries...
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm sure you're doing it right... but maybe make extra sure you are only crunching up your upper abdomen and not rolling up onto your hips? The first page on "what is a sit-up" talks about the old style where you sit all the way up - but the challenge is for crunches because the old style causes back injuries...

    It hurts both ways. The 35 degree angle crunches didn't hurt as much with the pillow (but were harder!) and probably wouldn't have hurt at all if I hadn't just ground my tailbone into the floor several times in a row. :laugh: And that added angle back is only going to help me be stronger in the long run so... I'll be okay.
  • kellz510
    kellz510 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm in 2
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    positively_me- I am doing Tues-Thur-Sat too!!! I wil lremember this and check in with you everyonce in a while!!


    Sounds great! Good luck to you too :) And to everyone else :)
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    I also started on week 3 and this was my first day:

    set 1: 18
    set 2: 25
    set 3: 19
    set 4: 19
    set 5 max ( at least 25)...i was shaky and bearly made it...

    Can't wait for Saturday ..lol..:)
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member

    Well done everyone with your initial tests, especially Mstahl, how many was that ?!?! are you secretly fit and skinny??!!??
    :drinker: :bigsmile:


    I am so glad other people are joining me on this journey!

    jlb- sorry about your back. I have no idea on any tips to make it better except the extra padding like you are already doing!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I also started on week 3 and this was my first day:

    set 1: 18
    set 2: 25
    set 3: 19
    set 4: 19
    set 5 max ( at least 25)...i was shaky and bearly made it...

    Can't wait for Saturday ..lol..:)

    You must be in a different column of week 3 (im column 1) because our sets are totally different. I could barely do the max of set 5 (14) if that makes u feel better?! :blushing: :bigsmile:
  • I think I'm going to join this thread! At first I thought oh yeah right I can't do sit-ups I can only do crunches! But then looking at the website it was all about doing crunches or curlups... I definitely need to get more of those in my workouts!
  • I did my initial test tonight -- 37. I feel like I could've/should've been able to do more.

    I have a problem. For some reason, doing a sit-up was really painful for me & that's something I've never experienced before -- I've always been pretty good at sit-ups. I have hardwood floors so I put down my yoga mat. Each sit-up was torture for my tail bone. It hurt so much (and I think I generally have a decent threshold for pain) that I stopped after about 7, put a pillow under my butt (which makes the sit-ups harder, but it felt worth it to save my tail bone) and then started over at 1. I don't know what to do as this has never been an issue for me in the past -- any suggestions?

    I only have this issue with the reverse type crunches. Whenever I do the 30 day shred situps section, and you have to lift your butt up I feel all that pressure on my tailbone & I know what you mean it is painful! I do it on carpet & it still hurts, so I keep my hands under it for that or use a pillow.
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