he keeps telling me im fat i've lost 44lbs



  • The guy sounds like a real loser. Go find someone who doesn't need an emotional punching bag.
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    Sounds to me like you need to lose about 225 pounds and 69 inches.

    lol bump.. good advice! lol
  • christchick7
    christchick7 Posts: 533 Member
    Hi Pamela,

    Congratulations on your weight loss; it truly is an inspiration!

    I completely agree with the posters who say that you should walk away from your boyfriend ASAP. You are a strong, determined
    woman who's had the courage to begin to change her life. You need love, encouragement and acceptance-not somebody who'll
    jealously abuse you. My advice is walk away from your SO, declare a short vacation from dating, and figure out what you want
    each of the parts of your life to look like. Once you have a sense of the kind of life you want, take small but steady steps to make
    it happen. Take, for example, a class in something you've always wanted to learn. Sign up to run a 5k, find a group of women who
    want to get healthy and fit with you. Have fun cooking and working out together! Hope this helps!
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    defiantly sounds insecure to me! I cannot comprehend why anyone would put their special someone down! I really can't. unfortunately it seems like you need to find a man and not an boy, in my opinion anyway.

    "A boy makes his girl jealous of other girls, a man makes other girls jealous of his woman!"
  • musenchild
    musenchild Posts: 182 Member
    Dump that *kitten*
  • KalieHudson
    KalieHudson Posts: 307 Member
    my partner keeps telling me im fat getting fat little comments about my weight im 5ft 1 and weighed 13stone i now weigh less than 10stone i know i have about 2 stone left to lose but is it really too much to ask for a bitt of support plus hes not exactly skinny himself he is 5ft 9 and weight 225 maybee he shold go take a long hard look in the mirror.

    He's the fat one. People who don't like themselves want everyone else to me miserable too. I'm not going to give you relationship advice, but no one deserves to be called fat. Especially when you're trying to do something about it!
  • He is trying to knock you down , to make him feel better...my hubby does that occasionally , I call him on it though. Mine does not even realize what he is saying , I don't believe until I repeat back his words.
  • They say that people will try to insult you to feel better about themselves. I would tell him, yes, you are overweight and that is why you are on a diet and trying to better yourself and he might try looking in the mirror and doing the same. Don't get discouraged. Keep on the path you are on and Congratulations on the weight loss so far.
  • Coming4U
    Coming4U Posts: 93 Member
    Sounds like he is trying to make himself feel better by bringing you down instead of supporting you. You don't need that. He feels insecure and threatened perhaps by the wonderful progress you are making and trying to bully you back to where he feels comfortable. Whatever the reason it is not a good one and is wrong. You need to tell him to knock it off and be supportive or he will not be part of your new lifestyle!
  • katmix
    katmix Posts: 296 Member
    my partner keeps telling me im fat getting fat little comments about my weight im 5ft 1 and weighed 13stone i now weigh less than 10stone i know i have about 2 stone left to lose but is it really too much to ask for a bitt of support plus hes not exactly skinny himself he is 5ft 9 and weight 225 maybee he shold go take a long hard look in the mirror.

    I agree that it would be wonderful if everyone in our lives was supportive of our journey to health...but, probably a bit unrealistic. I see a couple possibilities for variables which we don't know... 1) Do you moan/groan and kvetch about your weight? Partner could be tired of listening to it... 2) Partner could be a bit ouchy because he sees you putting effort into getting healthy - and knows he should be as well... 3) Everyone carries their weight differently. I am more than a few inches taller than you (and fine-boned) and when I weighed 141.5 pounds - I was FAT. I had jowls, muffin top, jiggly bum, and thighs that you couldn't see the light of day between... I guarantee you that if I was 5'1", I would have been extremely fat - compacting that weight in. And you were considerably heavier when you started your journey.

    We don't know if your partner speaking his mind is always the way he has been - or if this is something new. Presumably, if he has always been this way, you found that attractive. If speaking his mind is something new, then I suggest you have this conversation with HIM, rather than strangers on the internet who have NO CLUE what is really going on between the two of you!

    Best wishes on your journey to health!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Your doing an amazing job with weight loss, and he is an *kitten* for talking to you that way, especially if he is not thin either. Tell him this.....Everytime you cause me to cry, there is another Man out there wishing he could make me smile, Everytime you hurt me, there is another man out there wanting to hold me to make the hurt go away. Everytime you abuse me there is another man out there looking for me to love, and maybe someday HE will find me.

    Keep up the good work and show him how much he will miss, when you put his sorry butt on the curb!
  • djgoing
    djgoing Posts: 22 Member
    You need to ditch him & find yourself. He is only goin to bring u down &make losing weight harder for u trust me your doin great keep up the good work
  • Marc713
    Marc713 Posts: 328 Member
    No sex for a month.

    Clearly that's the healthy way to resolve a conflict, create another with passive-aggressive behavior. Sex shouldn't be used as a currency, bargaining, punishment, etc. in a relationship.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    You know what helps? weiner punching.

    but in all seriousness, tell him if he cant see.the hard work and amazing results, he can take a nice, long walk off a nice, short bridge :)
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    I'd never call a man my boyfriend after he made a comment about my weight.
  • Did he hassle you when you were bigger? I've heard that it is quite common for girls who were "fat" together to pick on one of their group who loses the weight, so if it's only started since you have slimmed down it is most likely jealousy. Still, perhaps if he isn't showing proper appreciation for your "womanly curves", he doesn't get to see them!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Sounds to me like you need to lose about 225 pounds and 69 inches.

  • jhall1255
    jhall1255 Posts: 99 Member
    Sounds to me like you need to lose about 225 pounds and 69 inches.

    ^^^best advice lol