Marijuana and weight loss?



  • I can just feel the eating everything in this kitchen with this post.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    at least a smoke is lower calorie than a glass of wine or a beer
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    ***The more I am on MFP the more I am turned off of it*** I thought I had seen it all on this site in the past few weeks but now even illegal drugs are promoted as weight loss aids.......sigh.....

    It would REALLY help if you actually READ the post instead of just the title. I wanted to know how marijuana affects the body on a metabolic level. NOWHERE did I say that I wanted to use it as a diet aid in any shape, form, or manner. I hope that as a nurse you read patient's charts better than you read my thread, before rudely adding your $0.02 ! :grumble:
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I was surprised to see this thread on here but found it very informative!

    I'm good with encouragment and like making new buds so if any of you need some thoughful words when you get the munchies feel free to add me!
  • Close friend of mine who smokes lost 60 pounds in a reasonable amount of time, of course she cut back on her smoking and but when she did smoke it didn't seem to really effect her weight loss negatively. Of course she had the munchies (who doesn't when they smoke marijuana) but she changed what she was munching on (no processed food or soda) and I think that made all the difference. Of course I'm not an expert on how marijuana effects the body but everyone's effected by it differently and it really depends on the type of marijuana you're smoking and how you're smoking it. It also really comes down to peoples will power and self control.
  • he changed what she was munching on (no processed food or soda)
    Indeed, that's likely what made the biggest difference for your friend. Making healthier choices ahead of time, or only having healthy snacks readily available, makes the appetite stimulating effects of Cannabis less of a concern.
  • lingading
    lingading Posts: 258 Member
    I smoke weed every day & have for a good 6-7 years.. Yup, the munchies can be a b!tch, and before I cared to eat healthfully I definitely was cooking up some SERIOUS heart attack concoctions.. but not anymore. If I get the munchies I grab fruit, chicken, pitas w/hummus, cottage cheese, string cheese - anything yummy will do the trick. Might I add I've lost 85 pounds without changing my smoking habits? I even quit smoking cigarettes but continue to smoke pot daily & it had not had any effect on my weight loss.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    See what I'm say'n Keb?
  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
    forget weed if you want to lose weight smoke crack.

    I had to laugh, lol
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Been thinking about exchanging my evening whiskey for an evening toke to save the 250 calories, but with my luck I would suddenly get a dream job offer at a place that drug tests.
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    wow can't believe I didn't see this thread when it was posted!... must've been all that smoking I've been doing. damnit.
  • Sorry to revive this thread but i have been searching for information on this and found nearly nothing besides that cannabis increases cancer/aids patients appetite.

    I cant talk for myslef since i have always been able to eat what and when i liked and not gain weight but i used to smoke cannabis every day for about 6 years and during that time and even now i have met many other regular cannabis smokers. i personaly know 2 people who were overwight when they started to smoke it often and over the next 6 months to a year they lost the excess weight and this was without any diets or extra exercize, and while i wasnt with them 24/7, i know that everytime we were together and got the munchies we would pig out on anything available if we could. and i assume they didnt act differently when i wasnt there as nothing to the contrary was ever mentioned.

    i also know 4 people who when i met them where skinny, but they were overweight before i met them and said they lost the weight when they started smoking weed, again with no diets, extra exercize or even trying to deny the munchies. one was my girlfriend who showed me pictures of her before she started smoking weed and she definitly was overweight then, even though when i knew her she was as skinny as a rake, she even used to do sports when overweight but gave that up when she started smoking weed due to being to lazy.

    during all this time i have only really met 2 or 3 overweight cannabis users who have been smoking every day for around a year, and when you compare that to the national average for overweight people it is way way below the norm.

    i found one study that may confirm this though it was done on rats given just THC, some at doses a chronic pothead could only dream about.

    "A two-year study in which rats and mice were force-fed tetrahydrocannabinol dissolved in corn oil showed reduced body mass, enhanced survival rates, and decreased tumor incidences in several sites, mainly organs under hormonal control. It also caused testicular atrophy and uterine and ovarian hypoplasia, as well as hyperactivity and convulsions immediately after administration, of which the onset and frequency were dose related."

    the full article says they had reduced body weight even though they ate about the same as the controll rats
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    Firstly, I'm not condoning drugs as a weight-loss solution!! Just to make that clear, lol :wink:

    But I'm curious what the effects of marijuana smoking on weight loss are. I know alcohol can halt loss for 24 hours (or so I've heard) and is brutal on your liver - but there's not really any info on pot smoking. Now, besides the fact that you can easily eat a day's worth of calories in one sitting, does it cause any other (weight-related!) problems? (Yes, I'm aware of all the other downsides - thanks in advance, haha. )

    Which would slam you with more toxins? Alcohol, which we all KNOW screws with your liver, blood, and body.... or weed, which sits in your body fat, wrecks your lungs and supposedly has hundreds of chemicals in it?? :huh:

    I have the experience of smoking pot for thirteen years, everyday and three times a day at least. I have been trying VERY hard to lose weight for four months now. Working out daily. I have only bounced around the thirteen pound mark. Therefore, my conclusion is weed retards weight loss somehow. I can't find any scientific proof, but I am proof.

    Smoking pot will highly affect your weight loss efforts!
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    I just don't understand how so many people say they lost a ton of weight while smoking pot. How can this be? I have worked my *kitten* off for four months and for nothing. As long as I smoke pot, I will not lose weight. I quit smoking pot once a little while ago for three weeks. I lost about ten pounds in the three weeks. So, for myself, I know that smoking pot prevents me from loosing the weight I want to. I have to quit in order to achieve my goals. Not sure how I am going to do this. I am a addict. Been smoking for thirteen years. Everyday. At least three times per day. Weed is my life and I am scared to live without it.
    But I need to choose. Loosing weight or smoking pot. What is more important? Ha.
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    I dont smoke weed, never have.. but I know alot of people that do.. and they all eat alot! lol.. especially after smoking. So, IDK what the effects are on weight loss while smoking post but I do know that it makes lots of people hungry! lol..
  • When I smoke pot, it utterly transforms my power of perception and focus. I feel like a fat sack of crap, and I always wind up running my 8 year old dog for a good half hour.

    I am certain that pot just intensifies your primal emotions, and if you are a fat food-pounding blob in your heart of hearts, then pot isn't for you.

    I, like many men, am hyperactive at heart and I'm never satisfied sitting down at my job all day long. I feel forced into it by society.

    When I smoke, I'm totally able to throw off my shackles and focus on my primordial self, which is very alpha male, but you'd never know it.

    Thank the medical community for overdiagnosing hyperactivity disorders if you are fat.
  • NewTnme
    NewTnme Posts: 258 Member
    forget weed if you want to lose weight smoke crack.
  • comogirl
    comogirl Posts: 154 Member
    Love this thread!
  • Skinny_Beans
    Skinny_Beans Posts: 405 Member
    Actually, when I smoke at night, as long as I can control my munchies, the next day my appetite will dramatically decrease and I find it easier to stay within my caloric limits. I smoke a lot less than I used to, but pot can go either way depending on your own self control, same as being drunk or quitting cigarettes.
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