Over 200 Club New Year New Body-Part 7



  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Tiger12gal: -3.8.......... 1.86%
    jlb123: -1....................... 0.47%
    solandra: -.4 ............... 0.16%
    Awestfall:-2.................. 0.85%
    madgoth: -9..................3.46%
    bluenote: -6..................1.37%
    Jess41684: -3............... 0.76%
    Cris20056: -2.2............0.95%
    mstahl -3.0..................1.56%
    Pos_me 0.....................0%
    Meokk -1.4 .......................0.68%
    hajohnson24 -2...........1.03%
    Mari -2.4.........................0.98%
    snowflakes -.8..............0.35%
    lstpaul -.2......................0%

    checking in for yesterday and today:
    calories good yesterday and over a little today
    exercise: great and great (step at the Y yesterday and turbokick there today
    water: good yesterda, need to drink a lot more yet today
    proud: that I went to turbokick today even though I'm pretty wiped out, and I should have been doing some work ... but I decided it could wait because I am more important

    I've got a busy and stressful day tomorrow so probably won't be checking in until Sunday. I'm working out at the Y in the morning, then we are driving 2.5 hours to my Aunt's house, she passed away the first week of school after a very sudden stroke and coma for a week after life support was removed... I was very close to her and it has been tough. I am finally feeling less sad and emotional about her death and I'm really not looking forward to going to her house tomorrow (she lived in the farmhouse my grandparents lived in before they passed) - I'm afraid it will bring back some of the grief. But I know I need to go for my mom, she organized a sledding party for our family and my 2 cousins and their families (their mother (my mom's other sister) tragically passed away 13 years ago). So my mom is the only one left of that generation, and we are trying to keep in touch with my cousin's because my Aunt was always our reason for getting together before since she never married and was alone. My 2 cousins, myself and my 2 brothers inherited the family farmhouse from her and we will likely have to discuss selling it tomorrow. I know it is probably the most practical thing to do since none of us would be able to visit there often - but I hate to lose our history there. It's just part of life I guess.
    Have a good day tomorrow everyone!
  • Badtz
    Badtz Posts: 14
    I am getting so much exercise from my Wii and I love it because it doesn't feel like a workout.I have been on it for like an hour today and I ave worked up a big sweat [playing tennis on Wii Sports.Anyone else love there Wii workouts?I also have Ea Active and I have been running the track on it and I love it as well.I do lunges,stretches,running,kicks,squats,bicep curls,shoulder presses and whole bunch more.I LOVE IT!!

    Are you telling me that purchasing a Wii is just an investment in my health? LOL I should tell this to my Fiancee, it'll justify the expence! I'd LOVE to get something that doesn't feel like a workout, but also is something I can do with him, and doesn't require taking the baby out of the apartment in bad weather, like walks in the park (the baby gets real fussy if we're outside for more than like 15 minutes, 'cause it's cold & that doesn't leave too much time to walk anything off!)
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    lstpaul - :heart: hugs:heart: for you. I'm sorry to hear of your loss of your aunt and the loss of the family house. You will be in my prayers this weekend.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1261
    Exercise: All I did was the initial test for the 200 squats challenge
    Water: 9 cups right now
    Proud: I kind of smashed the squats test. I did 102 before I thought "Okay -- so, obviously I can do a whole lotta squats" and stopped. The reason I stopped is because I have a photography job at 7am so I'll be squatting behind a camera for 4 hours in the morning and I didn't want to be writhing in pain all morning from overdoing it tonight. :wink: I probably will be anyway because I definitely felt the burn! I have ridiculously huge leg (and hiney) muscles so squats will probably be like my exercise specialty. :laugh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Well, lookey there, Bluenote! You've gone and caught up to me! 56 pounds lost, woot woot! :drinker:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    lstPaul - My heart is with you today! Try to find a way to keep the farm. This isn't about numbers this is about true wealth. A family farm is far more valuable than money in a 401K. In my family my Dad bought the family farm, intact, from the estate rather than seeing it broken up. It was in the late 70s or 1980 ish time frame and interest rates were sky high. It was a bad time for the family with our oldest headed off to a private college and there was absolutely no rational reason to do it. We are all so grateful he did it! It was hard and we had to make sacrifices in the family but we managed. Now it's only a matter of time before the farm goes to us four daughters. Dad set up a trust but we can be sure that the farm will have it's various expensive repairs as barns fall in and roofs leak. The "easy" money is timbering the farm but that's so horrible to see and lasts so long (Dad has timbered sections). None the less we'll find a way to keep it.

    Plus when it's there and you know it needs you - you'll find ways to make it there for sled riding weekends and camping in the summer and lots of hiking and maybe berry picking and maybe an organic garden with deer fencing around it.... USE it you'll LOVE it!

    Edited to actually check in LOL!

    Calories - WAY under. I fell asleep at 5:30 for a nap and didn't get up till this morning!
    Water - under
    Exercise - none
    Proud - not much from yesterday but I did make another batch of homemade yogurt from organic 1% milk and I'm straining it right now to make it greek style! YUM - I just tasted the plain yogurt out of the fresh batch and I think I might learn to like plain yogurt!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I am getting so much exercise from my Wii and I love it because it doesn't feel like a workout.I have been on it for like an hour today and I ave worked up a big sweat [playing tennis on Wii Sports.Anyone else love there Wii workouts?I also have Ea Active and I have been running the track on it and I love it as well.I do lunges,stretches,running,kicks,squats,bicep curls,shoulder presses and whole bunch more.I LOVE IT!!

    Are you telling me that purchasing a Wii is just an investment in my health? LOL I should tell this to my Fiancee, it'll justify the expence! I'd LOVE to get something that doesn't feel like a workout, but also is something I can do with him, and doesn't require taking the baby out of the apartment in bad weather, like walks in the park (the baby gets real fussy if we're outside for more than like 15 minutes, 'cause it's cold & that doesn't leave too much time to walk anything off!)

    There are several great games you can buy for the Wii that offer a good workout. I have Wii fit and Jillian Michaels Fitness Revolution 2010...something like that. And I plan to buy the Biggest Loser Game. I also have the Jillian Michaels 20 Day Shred and Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout and both are working good for me and showing results.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Happy Saturday, ladies!

    Just after 1pm and I'm beat. Got to my photo job at 7am & worked with the kids until about 12.30. We had a great bunch today; took about 300 photos! Our volume ability amazes me -- I don't know how taking perfect pictures of 300 kids can run so smoothly -- I guess we're just good at what we do. :wink:
    It's a GORGEOUS day here today -- about 55 and sunny and breezy. I love it. Perfect perfect perfect. I'm taking my favorite dog to take for walks down to the river/canal walk for a jog after I have lunch. Then I think I'll get in level 1 of 30 day shred. Then showering & going bowling with friends. Good day. :smile: I've budgeted for 36 ounces of beer, but let's be honest... I love bowling and I love beer (even horrible horrible bowling alley type beer) and we're going at 9 and the bowling alley has a flat rate from 9pm-2am for the entire 5 hours. And as I mentioned yesterday, I'm cheap so if I pay for 5 hours, I'm bowling for 5 hours whether I want to or not. :laugh: I'm so going to drink more than 3 beers in 5 hours. Exercise will make up the difference (though beer isn't the wisest thing to spend exercise calories on; :embarassed: I only do it very occasionally).
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Well, lookey there, Bluenote! You've gone and caught up to me! 56 pounds lost, woot woot! :drinker:

    Yes, but I have 250 more to go! :tongue:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hey Girls,

    I have not been around, just not feeling like posting but I did not want you all to forget about me. I am dealing with something that is quite unexpected and it has thrown me for a loop. :sad: One good thing in all this is it has brought my husband and I even closer than we already were. He is a wonderful man, I am a lucky girl:heart:
  • I think I am the big loser this week at 9 pounds. :-D

    Mari said I was to make a challenge for the week, and I challenge everyone to replace all drinks this week with water. No soda, milk, juice, beer, wine I guess coffee and tea are ok, but nothing but water.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I think I am the big loser this week at 9 pounds. :-D

    Mari said I was to make a challenge for the week, and I challenge everyone to replace all drinks this week with water. No soda, milk, juice, beer, wine I guess coffee and tea are ok, but nothing but water.
    :brokenheart: :cry: WHY DO YOU HATE ME SOOOOO!!!!!:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    However the healthy tiny spot inside me that wants me learn new skills says :flowerforyou: or at least she did before I stomped her:wink:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Hey Girls,

    I have not been around, just not feeling like posting but I did not want you all to forget about me. I am dealing with something that is quite unexpected and it has thrown me for a loop. :sad: One good thing in all this is it has brought my husband and I even closer than we already were. He is a wonderful man, I am a lucky girl:heart:

    We would NEVER forget you. Please know we are here for you, no matter what loops are thrown at you. :heart: I am praying for you and your husband.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I think I am the big loser this week at 9 pounds. :-D

    Mari said I was to make a challenge for the week, and I challenge everyone to replace all drinks this week with water. No soda, milk, juice, beer, wine I guess coffee and tea are ok, but nothing but water.

    Mari, send your mother to her room! LOL :laugh: OK OK OK I will take a week without my vodka for the team! :sad: Can we squeak milk into the good stuff? I don't think I can live without my milk in my coffee or my Fiber One! :noway:

    check in:

    cals: 100 under, but oh my, sodium is over by 2K. :grumble: Darn buffet!
    water: 64+
    exercise: 40 bike
    proud: Two friends that I had not seen in three weeks complimented me on my weight loss. They could not believe it! :blushing: :happy: :love:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Thanks for your well wishes bluenote, mhstahl and your message momma2four. It was a tough day, but not as many sad moments as I was afraid of, but did make me more conflicted about having to sell the house. Being there again just made me realize how much I would hate to lose the heritage of being able to go there with my family. I appreciate your advice mstahl, I agree that it has very little to do with the money we would get from selling because it would be minimal in comparison to what we are giving up. The hard part is figuring out how we can keep up with maintenance when none of us plans to live there (and we are 2.5 hours away), and 2 of the 5 of us for sure don't want to keep it, so the remaining three have to figure out if we can all afford to buy the others out , and pay for other estate costs that are supposed to come out of the sale of the house. We agreed to try to come up with more exact estimates for all the costs so that we can all give it more thought. I want to make sure we take our time to think this over. I know in the fall I was more in favor of selling because I could hardly stand to be in the house when it made me so sad, but with time that has gotten easier. Hopefully we can work it out to keep it.
    Needless to say I ate more than I should have when we were there as it was stressful, but I worked out hard this morning so still had calories to spare.
    I was happy to see a pound loss on the scale this morning, so even though it isn't our official weigh in day - I recorded it.
    checking in:
    calories: good - could have made better choices but stayed under because of exercise
    exercise: great - 90 minutes at the Y this morning for 1500 calories
    water: way under
    proud: that I got in my workout, knowing it was going to be a tough day
  • Milk is okay, but in moderation.

    we will all be floating next week.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Checking in for 2/27
    Calories - under ( ate some of my ex cals)
    Exercise - 30 day shred level one and my sit ups week 3 day 2
    Water - under - about 6
    proud that I still did my sit ups even though I was tired after the shred. :drinker:

    My shred experience was not too bad at all.
    I had to stop and catch my breath a few times but only for a couple of seconds. I was worried that having not worked out in years, I would by dying :sad: but the rotation of exercises, strength, cardio, abs, keeps it manageable and the time flew by. Thank goodness. :wink:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I had an awful night, eating wise. here is my check in:
    calories- way over
    water- great
    excercise- helped a friend move into a new house lots of stairs
    sodium- triple the amount i normally get
    proud- not really

    I had beer, fries, mozz sticks, a cheeseburger, and a 8in cheesesteak all yesterday. I dont know wtf happened. :grumble: :explode: :sad: I am so dissapointed with myself.:brokenheart: But its 8am and I am headed out to the gym to burn this crap off. I also didnt do my sit up work out yesterday so I have to do that today also!

  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Checking in for yesterday - sounds like Chris found my extra calories? Sorry Girl!

    Calories - under- I was supposed to have left over chicken noodle soup but couldn't face the carbs so I had half a cup of cottage cheese with some cinnamon on top and it was nice!
    Water - under but I really tried!. I sat by the fire with a bottle of water and whined...

    Proud - that I didn't have a glass of wine even though I figure the week doesn't start till Monday ;-)

    I'm making stroganoff for lunch at my sisters. I'm using venison and I cooked the onions and mushrooms in just a little olive oil. I wondering if I can use the Greek yogurt in place of the sour cream? Or will even a warm temperature break it up? Hmmmm....
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Cris -- sounds to me like all you did was "shock" your metabolism. :laugh: If you get right back at it, I wouldn't be surprised if you had a big loss this week! :wink:

    Calories: 1335
    Exercise: 25 minutes jogging, 20 minutes walking, 3 hours bowling, 5 hours @ physical photo job (lots of set up/tear down/running around/kneeling/squatting)
    Water: I think only 6 cups. I wasn't thirsty which is weird because I was so active.
    Proud: Not so much proud as I am happy that for the first time I had a longish photo job and I wasn't exhausted afterward! I haven't had a job there in a couple months because it was our down season (I'm a contract photographer so only get sporadic work) and the last one I had wasn't physical because it was indoors. Last year when I had a 5 hour shoot I'd be completely exhausted after and would have a huge headache and would end up sleeping for the rest of the day! Yesterday I got home, cooked lunch, took my dog for a jog, cleaned my house, cleaned myself, and then went bowling for 3 hours! I was up from 6am -2am and was active the entire time and I was fine. That's amazing.

    On a not so happy note, I woke up at 5am COVERED in hives! :huh: I got up & took some benadryl and went back to bed but when I woke up this morning they were coming back again. The first and only other time I ever broke out into hives was 2.5 years ago and I figured out it was the new fabric softener I had started using a couple weeks before. This time I don't think I've changed anything but it must be something in my sheets because since I've gotten out of bed (yeah... I slept until 11am) they've subsided again. What a freaky weird body reaction. :sick:
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