

  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Muffin top gone! I put on my jeans this morning(ones that I had hidden in the back of my closet because they were getting too tight..) I put them on..I didn't have to lay down to zip them up...and the best part NO MUFFIN TOP~ Woohoo!

    KAREN, GREAT JOB!! And what a motivation you found in those jeans!!!! Who needs a muffin when you lose your muffintop???? Certainly not you!!!
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    L1D5 Shredded! Yaayyyyyy!! Alright ...5 days in and I am seeing some changes.

    Firstly in my endurance. NOW

    * I can do all of the push-ups without stopping (girlie push-ups) but I am getting them in!! ( It certainly wasn't easy, but I got through) :happy:

    * I can do all the jumping jacks without feeling like death ..:laugh:

    * Finally learned to do the butt kicks.. Before I was kinda jogging in place, but I got the hang of them today.. I was a bit reluctant a few days ago because I have had some knee issues in the past and didn't want to aggravate them.. But I DID THEM TODAY!!! WOhoooo!! :smokin:

    Can't wait to report back on day 10 of Level 1.. 5 days to go!!

    You are doing soooo good! Keep it up, lady! I've learned that if I focus on something-a dog hair on the floor, a spot on the wall, anything-I can push through. Its like it puts me "in the zone" and I feel no pain!
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    l1d4 - done! it's getting easier. big girl push-ups for all of it! :) bad choice on bras today (i have one that i run in that zips, thought it would be fine). it unzipped halfway through the third set. funny!

    good job everyone! keep it up!

    HA! I bet that stopped you mid-jumping jack! LOL

    GOOD JOB!!!
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    So we are coming to a close on week one....

    I would like everyone's input so we can come to a consensus...

    Do we want to post results every Sunday night/Monday morning or should we wait ten days.

    I know a few of you are going for each level in 10 days and others (like me) are opting to do it until our bodies can push through each level with little struggle.

    I think every 10 days would be beneficial for everybody no matter how they are handling the levels. It also gives more time for results to show.

    Let me know YOUR thoughts so we can all be heard and make sure we are all on the same page!


  • karen366
    karen366 Posts: 141
    So we are coming to a close on week one....

    I would like everyone's input so we can come to a consensus...

    Do we want to post results every Sunday night/Monday morning or should we wait ten days.

    I know a few of you are going for each level in 10 days and others (like me) are opting to do it until our bodies can push through each level with little struggle.

    I think every 10 days would be beneficial for everybody no matter how they are handling the levels. It also gives more time for results to show.

    Let me know YOUR thoughts so we can all be heard and make sure we are all on the same page!



    I was thinking on doing every 10 days...I will hit the 10 day mark on Monday(starting level 2 on Tuesday)...I decided to take a sneak peak of level 2...LORDY!
  • crmldlyte
    D5L1 DONE!!! Late better than never! Got caught up in the Winter Olympics and before i knew it it was 10:30!!!Damn it! Apolo Ohno got disqualified for the Gold (with his fine *kitten*)! UGH!!!!
  • crmldlyte
    So we are coming to a close on week one....

    I would like everyone's input so we can come to a consensus...

    Do we want to post results every Sunday night/Monday morning or should we wait ten days.

    I know a few of you are going for each level in 10 days and others (like me) are opting to do it until our bodies can push through each level with little struggle.

    I think every 10 days would be beneficial for everybody no matter how they are handling the levels. It also gives more time for results to show.

    Let me know YOUR thoughts so we can all be heard and make sure we are all on the same page!



    Hey Karm,
    In my opinion, measurements/results every 10 days are sufficient.
  • mmrose00
    mmrose00 Posts: 253 Member
    So we are coming to a close on week one....

    I would like everyone's input so we can come to a consensus...

    Do we want to post results every Sunday night/Monday morning or should we wait ten days.

    I know a few of you are going for each level in 10 days and others (like me) are opting to do it until our bodies can push through each level with little struggle.

    I think every 10 days would be beneficial for everybody no matter how they are handling the levels. It also gives more time for results to show.

    Let me know YOUR thoughts so we can all be heard and make sure we are all on the same page!



    I agree with everyone else. I thing every 10 days will do! I plan to work each Level 10 days as well!
  • Jerzeebabie04
    So I decided to do L1D5 a second time today, but ended up only doing circuit 1 & 2 before my friend called, which made me realize what time it was and that I still had to shower and get ready! I was actually disappointed I didn't get to finish, who would've thought I would actually be annoyed with NOT being able to workout the WHOLE time haha. But when I got home I made myself do 10 minutes on the elliptical at least!

    sofaking- I was having feet issues during jump rope when I did the dvd for the second time today. I had major cramping in my foot, so I'm not sure what it's about, but your are not the only one.

    Karma- I agree that 10 days is a good idea no matter what level we are all on. Either that or we could just pick a day to weigh in and do it that way with measurements being every 10 days, whichever is best with all of you is fine by me. I weigh-in on Thursdays, only because that is the day I see the weight loss Dr. But I also joined the group on here, lose for life challenge that starts monday so I'll have to weigh in with them too.

    I'll be on overnight shift at work Sun-Wed night, but I am determined to still get my workouts in. I'll be waking up around 2 or 2:30 in the afternoon to get a nice good workout in before preparing meals for the day and getting ready for work. And by Wed night it will be the last day of level 1 wooo whoooo
  • callie365
    OOOOOH... looking forward to Level 2 now! Thanks for the motivation to keep on truckin' Leeslim!

    L1D3 Complete. Hurting in different places than the first two days, but hurting is a good thing :wink:

    I've been actively working out for almost a month now (since 1 Feb) and I got a compliment at work today. Only 7 lbs down total, but it could have been zero because that comment sent me over the moon!

    Keep up the good work guys... people are taking notice! :flowerforyou:

    AWESOME!!........ That's best modivation, when others notice!!
  • callie365
    Well I must confess I DID NOT SHRED TODAY. Day 4 and it beat me, not only beat me it literally kicked my *kitten*. My legs are still real sore and I can barely get up and down off the commode. I just got off work and I am tired and fed up and am going to bed. I feel bad this tape defeated me on day 4. I WILL GET UP IN THE AM AND DO THE TAPE! I hate for things to beat me. Ok I feel better now I will get up in the am with a new attitude and complete the task! Thanks for listening. Good Night

    Today is a new day.... hope your less sore... and ready to go! :smile:
  • callie365
    Good Morning Ladies,
    Today I will start Level 3....I watched it last night but, you know seeing it is one thing and doing it is a whole other ball game.

    I have my results from Day 1-20.


    Weight: 198.4
    Body Fat% 41.5%
    Waist- 39
    Stomach- 42
    Thighs- 27
    Hips- 45
    Chest- 41.5

    End Level 1:

    Weight: 194
    Body Fat% 39.1%
    Waist- 37.5
    Stomach- 41.5
    Thighs- 26.5
    Hips- 43.5
    Chest- 41

    End Level 2:

    Weight: 189.6
    Body Fat% 37.9%
    Waist- 37
    Stomach- 40.5
    Thighs- 25
    Hips- 43
    Chest- 40.5

    OH YEAH 3.6% Body Fat…..GONE…Don’t want to see you any more. 2 Inches lost in almost every area…..BUHBYE!!! Happy to see you go!! 8.8lbs………..YOU’RE OUTTA HERE!!!! :happy:

    I am so motivated to stay on my journey to a healthier life style, I'm so glad I tried this DVD by JM. As much as I hate the way she's kicks my *kitten*, I love her for showing me what I am capable of doing & pushing myself. My new BF in my head!!!

    Have a great one Ladies!!!

    WOW, Lee I bet you do feel EMPOWERED!! Congratulations on your success , all your hard work is paying off!!... (off by the inches - LOL!!)
  • callie365
    L1D5 DONE! And I think I'm going to do it again later tonight becuse yesterday I felt great doing it twice. And I think the more I do it the better I am getting at it. I can do all of circuit 2 following Natalie & I make it all the way through circuit 3 without stopping! I am still modifying the bicycle crunches but I am determined to get through a whole minute of them without modifying! Circuit 1 I am not having a problem with except the pushups. I did stop for 5 seconds on the jump rope of circuit 1 because I did not drink enough water before starting and my mouth was sooo dry! I may increase my weights to 8 lbs because the 5lbs are becoming very easy, except on the shoulder raise/side lunges!

    So 5 days into it & I can't believe how far I have come from day 1! I think 5 more days of this & I will be ready for level 2 (I hope!)
    My goals for level 1 are:

    *Complete at least both sets of pushups doing girly pushups
    *Complete all cardio without stopping
    *Complete the bicycle crunches without modifying
    If I don't complete the pushup goal I'm not too worried about it & will not let it hold me back from moving to the next level, I have always had a hard time with pushups and am going to continue them everyday until I can do real ones!

    I am so proud of everyone, just think we are 5 days into this and everyone is so motivated! I couldnt have gotten this far without all of you!

    YE- AAAA for you Jerzee!
  • callie365
    Muffin top gone! I put on my jeans this morning(ones that I had hidden in the back of my closet because they were getting too tight..) I put them on..I didn't have to lay down to zip them up...and the best part NO MUFFIN TOP~ Woohoo!

    WTG So much success is flying around here!! :smile:
  • callie365
    So we are coming to a close on week one....

    I would like everyone's input so we can come to a consensus...

    Do we want to post results every Sunday night/Monday morning or should we wait ten days.

    I know a few of you are going for each level in 10 days and others (like me) are opting to do it until our bodies can push through each level with little struggle.

    I think every 10 days would be beneficial for everybody no matter how they are handling the levels. It also gives more time for results to show.

    Let me know YOUR thoughts so we can all be heard and make sure we are all on the same page!



    I think I am going to wait and see how I feel after L1 is done... to take measurements... or most likely after the whole program is done. , 40, 50, 60 +... days???

    I have yet to get my daily calories in order and I NEED TO DO THAT to get/ see/ feel results.

    NO change = discouragement = quitting!
  • callie365
    You girls are soooo.... inspiring!! I think I will give it a go this morn.. 2 days in a row.

    Yip-eee Shred here I come!! Happy Saturday... Happy Shredding!!
  • callie365
    Launching March 1, 2010 - Lose for Life Challenge is looking for some BIGGEST LOSER's

    LIke Jerzee I have joined!
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Good morning everyone. Getting so caught up in things I forget to catch up here. Great job on almost one week in the bag everyone. I have great respect to those of you that are fitting the workout in the am and pm. I think it is awesome. And to those doing the full pushups...WOW! My wrists tend to be weak, so I can't seem to do more than a couple, and it's hard to maintain the plank poses in L2. Does anyone else have this problem? Do you think wrist bandages like used for carpal tunnel would help? My shoulders are finally getting strong enough to handle them, but my wrists just seem to collapse on me.

    I like the idea you have Karma, of being able to go all-out Natalie style before moving to the next level. I went ahead and started Level 2 on Thurs. I literally passed out between the 2nd and 3rd circuits because I was following Natalie. So on Fri. and today, I went through it all modified and did fine. Actually felt a little sore after, but a good sore you know? So I think I'm going to go through the remainder of L2 and L3 following Anita, doing each level for 10 days. Then I will do my next 30 days attempting Natalie style. I'm also training for a 5k right now, so don't want to push myself TOO hard.

    As far as weight and measurements, I personally have decided to only weigh myself once a month, so I will post my weight and measurements at the end of the 30 days (about March 20, for me)
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    L1D5 Check!

    Yesterday I did 15 min on the stairmaster and 60 on the 250 crunches on the bench...this morning the Shred was harder but not that same kind of soreness from D2/3 that made me take a day off. I had to take a couple of 5 second rests but that's cool <g>. Did 12 girly pushups, the rest standing up. I have to admit I am starting to like kicking my own butt lol!! It's funny! Right, buddy?

    So now it's 8am and pouring rain again in SoCal (formerly known as a desert), and I'm off to the gym for a "fitness test" then some cardio. Then getting my grey hair covered and then I think bath/jammies/movies all night.
  • karen366
    karen366 Posts: 141
    L1D8......for some reason I didn't have quite the endurance today..not sure why. I made it through, though! I work today, so I will do my extra 20 minutes on the treadmill tonight..I am noticing such a difference..before I would do more I am getting in 8+ minutes of I am staying at a higher pace for the rest of the time.

    Keep it up ladies...we can do this!