Women, lets have a talk... a really "personal" talk



  • Faericn_Rising
    There are so many problems with this post that I don't even know where to begin and quite frankly I can't be Fukt.



  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Not all women shave. There's nothing wrong with that. The beautiful and amazing Amanda Palmer comes to mind. She wears her hair everywhere!

    Amanda Palmer is one of the sexiest women alive, hair and all.
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcoreV10hI8 Amanda Palmer Vid

    Girls Just Wanna Have Fun = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vorW84DJrHY&feature=fvwp&NR=1
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    I think it's time we consider the possibility that the women at your gym come in to work hard, bust some *kitten*, and get in shape-- Maybe they didn't get the embossed invitation for social hour and unsolicited opinions.

    Grow up.

    Sweaty cha-chas stink.

    Based on this post I deduce that I have more personality, class and common sense in my sweaty swamp vaj after a twenty mile bike ride than you have in your perfectly manicured pinky finger.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    My advice...

    2) Okay this is simple. Feet... take care of them crusty, unkept feet... is gross. Spend 30 bucks, get that s*** professionally taken care of... then buy yourself a foot scrubber, nail polish, and some skin clippers and keep your feet looking decent. Men don't like f**ked up feet, period.

    I take care of my feet - I do not spend 30 dollars at a professional (money is tight) but I do take care of them however; that being said I spend between 8 - 12 hours in a metal fab shop, in steel toed boots so my feet are not always beautiful or painted or free of callouses but if someone is really spending that much time near my feet they have bigger issues - once those boots come off they are nasty... you would probably pass out before you noticed the unpainted toenails or callouses.
  • chepai
    chepai Posts: 7 Member
    I cannot stop giggling. This topic and comments are hilarious! Smell away y'all!
  • JennyLisT
    JennyLisT Posts: 402 Member
    When I work out, I don't smell that great. I sweat. I stink.

    And I don't stick my nose into others' crotches. (At the gym! :wink: )
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    My Mom used to say that a fox smells his tracks first. Hmmmm...

  • skinnyitaliannn
    I don't see a point in spending $30 a week on my feet if I'm just gonna run with them and abuse them daily anyway lol
  • kmarie0614
    kmarie0614 Posts: 102 Member
    And... there it is. Thank you all for getting so worked up. It really made my night.

    I don't really give a damn what you think, just funny that a bunch of nonsense, made you mad.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
  • graveflower316
    graveflower316 Posts: 169 Member
    I definitely agree about people in general getting better hygiene, but shaving doesn't necessarily equate to hygiene -- it's more of a physical look, so if you don't like to see a woman's underarm or leg hair, well that's not their problem. However, I think a lot of people should, for the sake of those around them, bathe more or take the precautions to not be smelt from a few feet away. This goes for men as well as women.
  • Coming4U
    Coming4U Posts: 93 Member
    I don't think anyone was mad, just annoyed to be reminded that there are rude, insensitive and uninformed people out there like yourself perhaps.
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    And... there it is. Thank you all for getting so worked up. It really made my night.

    I don't really give a damn what you think, just funny that a bunch of nonsense, made you mad.

    Slow clap.

    Let us know when you develop a personality.
  • fleur_de_lis19
    fleur_de_lis19 Posts: 926 Member
    I agree with everything your saying, besides the vag soap. Not needed. It actually f's up the PH of your "area" and can cause infection. Best thing ladies can learn about their vagina is to, at night, not wear anything tight or anything at all over it. Let that stuff air out! MMMkay? Thanks!
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    And... there it is. Thank you all for getting so worked up. It really made my night.

    I don't really give a damn what you think, just funny that a bunch of nonsense, made you mad.
    Keep on smelling crotches, mrs gym crotch smeller and hair checker.
    Real women of genius.
  • JennyLisT
    JennyLisT Posts: 402 Member
    And... there it is. Thank you all for getting so worked up. It really made my night.

    I don't really give a damn what you think, just funny that a bunch of nonsense, made you mad.

    Oh, yeah. You really got everyone. All that time they took out of their lives to post on the internet. I may never recover this lost productivity.

    Also, I'm pretty sure everyone's opinion of this thread is the same regardless of whether your'e serious or trolling. So...congrats?
  • mom2handh1975
    mom2handh1975 Posts: 224 Member
    Wow, I'm so glad that there are women like you that are the epitome of femininity and style to set us slackers straight.

    1. I don't have $30 to get my feet "done" whatever the heck that means. If I have extra $30 its going towards the kids, or fixing the car or maybe date night for me and hubby. As long as my feet are clean, nails trimmed - then they are cool.

    2. YOU cannot tell me that NO man likes funky feet... my husband could care less if my toenails are painted or not. As long as we're working well through life together and we still rock each other's world, pink toenails really aren't going to have an impact.

    OH and I have bad scars on my legs (which I'm sure you would find grosss. I can't shave, the skin is too thin and I can't risk cuts leading to another 3 year infection. So
    before you pronounce that hairy women are gross... there may be significant reason why someone doesn't shave.

    3. As for odor, get up out of other women's business. And by the way, when women actually workout and work hard, we tend to sweat and that means a bit of stench.... all over. But then I'm sure you're one of those who comes in with perfect hair and makeup, walk the treadmill on low speed for 20 min, then goes and tells her girlfriends that she "works out" everyday.

    Douche is such an appropriate word here.

    ^^^:heart: LOVE THIS!!!:heart:
  • lilcupcake213
    lilcupcake213 Posts: 545 Member
    wow this is a really gross thread ..yet I can't stop reading the comments ! haha :blushing:
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    And... there it is. Thank you all for getting so worked up. It really made my night.

    I don't really give a damn what you think, just funny that a bunch of nonsense, made you mad.

    Oh, yeah. You really got everyone. All that time they took out of their lives to post on the internet. I may never recover this lost productivity.

    Right? I'm going to go cry into my diary now.

    My night is RUINED.
  • a_mandolin_
    a_mandolin_ Posts: 336 Member
    I don't shave because it is the only way I can see where my leg ends and socks begin. I don't tan well.
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