So your eating less crap, but its still CRAP



  • JasonDetwiler
    JasonDetwiler Posts: 364 Member
    Just a quick observation...

    The majority of the avatars telling the OP to cram it because she's a judgmental loser and a meanie pants are not fit, lean, jacked, or awesome looking.

    Not everyone wants to look like you.

    Just sayin'.

    Of course. I didn't say, assume, or allude to some idea that everybody wants to look like me. I did say that I wouldn't value the advice or opinion of (paraphrasing) a fat person on how to not be fat or a weak person on how to be strong. But if someone says, "here's my goal, here's my plan," and OP sees consistent deviation from the plan that derails the goals, where is she wrong to call out, criticize, or coach the person who is sabotaging himself?

    I actually think that's quite a disgusting attitude to have. I have a friend who has lost over 100lb while still having occasional treats - but she still has a way to go and in your book would no doubt still be 'fat'. Does that mean I shouldn't listen to her because she hasn't reached her goal yet?

    How do you know that the same doesn't apply to the people you have just blatently criticised on here? MFP is a learning curve, and anyone that is on here, making changes and logging their food regularly deserves a round of applause regardless of what they eat, in my opinion. We don't need people like you criticising our opinions just because we are not 'jacked' or 'awesome looking'.

    I didn't say you shouldn't listen to her. I said I wouldn't. Using your line of thinking, why would anyone listen to me? I haven't reached my goal yet. Being friends on this site or in life isn't about making each other feel good. It's about caring enough about the other person's pursuits to support them when they're doing well, catch them when they fall, and coach them when they're making mistakes.

    If you're not looking to cut fat and build/maintain muscle mass, then no, you don't need any information from me. But the folks I coach sure do seem to appreciate me "critici[z]ing" their opinions. Even the ones who are not on a quest to be jacked or awesome looking.
  • This is just a downright nasty and judgemental original post.. Less crap is a beginning for some folks and it would appear they are being very honest about what they are eating. This is a big step in facing up to what we are doing to ourselves and changing our habits. However at the end of the day this is a place for positive suport in my mind but then I am a glass half full kind of person:)
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    There are a lot of members on MFP. Maybe you should PM those 89+ people and let them know what you don't like about their diaries. It probably won't be received any better but at least you will have 'helped' and you can feel like a good person.
  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
    I wish we were friends......My diary would give you a coronary. I am pretty happy with where I am getting and I like Ice Cream.....a lot.

    Me too, Jack! :smooched:

    ice cream > crack
  • fitsin10
    fitsin10 Posts: 141
    this person is a perfect example of the weight loss going to their heads, nothing more nothing less. Keep doing what your doing. I hope you will keep the weight off down the road Miss High and Mighty. Lots of people on here sneek in junk food because
    1: they can, it's a free country
    2: they like it
    3: life without some sucks
    4: to piss people like you off
    5: some aren't dieting or eating clean, they are just maintaining what they got
    6: it's none of your business
    7: stop reading others, if it ruins your day!
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Great! Now I want Cake, and tix, and cupcakes!!!

    And as for that fellow who said that the avatars of posters who agreed with OP were "less fit" looking. Stuff it. I'm 41, a size 6, just ran a 1:48 half marathon....and I think snack foods ROCK! I plan some into every day. I've lost enough weight to feel fantastic and I don't let anyone look at my food journal because, well, I don't CARE what someone else thinks about my food choices. If I want constructive feed back on that topic, I'll ask a few folks to look over my choices. Otherwise, I'll study up and make my food choices based on my desired outcomes and the literature I review.

    I generally get on here to ENCOURAGE others, not talk about how someone makes me angry/mental/etc by their lifestyles. I encourage my friends who are struggling with motivation, asking activity questions I have some experience in, and just saying a genuine YAY when the scale budges in the direction they desire.

    Other people like to rant. (Like I kinda just did. . .) If you don't like what you see. . . .stop looking!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    It's really driving me mental!!! I have something like 89 friends on here. I browse a lot of food journals (friends and random people, too) and am SHOCKED by what I see most of the time. Most of you want to lose weight but I see are not willing to change your ways. Food for thought on this Thursday. Lean on your support network if you need help. That's why we're here! Why log in every day and record CRAP. If you want to change your body, CHANGE YOUR DIET!

    ^^^^Reason #17....why i keep my food diary locked.
  • I would be sad if I cared so much to make a thread about what people that you don't know eat...hmmmm

    I'd be inclined to agree......
  • valmb2
    valmb2 Posts: 41 Member
    Where's the love people??? Come on now...
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Agreed, although a small treat here and there won't harm

    Agreed, however many people think that small treat should be at every meal.

    I have seen it too (and am guilty of it some days). Like I always say, you can't out exercise a bad diet. :drinker:

    Abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym.

    Some people don't have "visible abs" as a goal. I'm almost 40 and been married nearly 20 years with two teenagers. Even when I was a teenager and running 3x a week, lifting weights 2x a week, and in the best shape of my life, I wasn't wearing bikinis and showing off my belly to the world. That's *never* been a goal of mine. My goal is to get below 25% BF, not 15 or 18% and I'll bet there are others who feel the same. In fact, the whole "visible abs" thing is pretty over-rated in my opinion.

    Seriously, I just want to have the endurance that I had as a kid, to climb stairs without feeling as though I will die, to wear clothes that are 'normal people" size rather than "plus section" size.

    It would behoove everyone in this community to consider the fact that we do not all have the same goals. I am pretty sure that if I were so skinny that you could see my abdominal muscles that I would start eating more candy each day! :laugh:

    Live and let live! :flowerforyou:

  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Just a quick observation...

    The majority of the avatars telling the OP to cram it because she's a judgmental loser and a meanie pants are not fit, lean, jacked, or awesome looking.

    Not everyone wants to look like you.

    Just sayin'.

    Of course. I didn't say, assume, or allude to some idea that everybody wants to look like me. I did say that I wouldn't value the advice or opinion of (paraphrasing) a fat person on how to not be fat or a weak person on how to be strong. But if someone says, "here's my goal, here's my plan," and OP sees consistent deviation from the plan that derails the goals, where is she wrong to call out, criticize, or coach the person who is sabotaging himself?

    I actually think that's quite a disgusting attitude to have. I have a friend who has lost over 100lb while still having occasional treats - but she still has a way to go and in your book would no doubt still be 'fat'. Does that mean I shouldn't listen to her because she hasn't reached her goal yet?

    How do you know that the same doesn't apply to the people you have just blatently criticised on here? MFP is a learning curve, and anyone that is on here, making changes and logging their food regularly deserves a round of applause regardless of what they eat, in my opinion. We don't need people like you criticising our opinions just because we are not 'jacked' or 'awesome looking'.

    I didn't say you shouldn't listen to her. I said I wouldn't. Using your line of thinking, why would anyone listen to me? I haven't reached my goal yet. Being friends on this site or in life isn't about making each other feel good. It's about caring enough about the other person's pursuits to support them when they're doing well, catch them when they fall, and coach them when they're making mistakes.

    If you're not looking to cut fat and build/maintain muscle mass, then no, you don't need any information from me. But the folks I coach sure do seem to appreciate me "critici[z]ing" their opinions. Even the ones who are not on a quest to be jacked or awesome looking.

    You don't care about making your friends feel good? I'm glad you are not one of mine. Your post may have had an unoffensive meaning but your delivery was downright awful.

    Nice attempt to judge my spelling of 'criticise'. I would like to point out that I am from the UK which is how we spell it. Both ways are acceptable.
  • JasonDetwiler
    JasonDetwiler Posts: 364 Member
    I wish we were friends......My diary would give you a coronary. I am pretty happy with where I am getting and I like Ice Cream.....a lot.

    Me too, Jack! :smooched:

    ice cream > crack
    Where's the love people??? Come on now...

    There's some love right there.

    For the record, I love ice cream, too.

    And Resee Cups.

    And Ice Cream with Resee Cups.

    Love is in the air.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    The .most successful person I know here use IIFIYM...........just saying.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member

    That being said, I'd bet that the OP is referring to people in her circle of friends who have stated goals that are not supported by their food choices and/or plans that do not include those food choices. OP has made some good progress based on her avatar pic, so she probably has valid things to say and the fact she cares about the people in her circle to the point she gets frustrated with them for sabotaging themselves means she's a good MFP pal.

    ^ This, she even said people in her friends list.

    I don't see how someone making an observation on why people might be failing at their goals is judgemental. Do you people only want cheerleaders that tell you "good job" no matter what you do? Even when you aren't doing a good job? To me, I would rather have a friend give me some constructive criticsm instead of "tomorrow is another day" "do better next time" every time I fail. Especially if I have multiple days of that.
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    Why can't everyone just judge others in silence like I do?
  • oldmanstauf
    oldmanstauf Posts: 202 Member
    You guys are all picking apart a comment to make it about what upsets YOU and missing the point entirely. I guess I know now not to bother with the forums on here. Eat what you want, by all means. Shame on me for caring.

    Sorry, but it comes across as "I'm better than you", rather than "I care about you". I'm happy with the 90+ I've lost by not strictly eating "clean".
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Just a quick observation...

    The majority of the avatars telling the OP to cram it because she's a judgmental loser and a meanie pants are not fit, lean, jacked, or awesome looking.

  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Some people don't have "visible abs" as a goal.

    Lies! Heresey! She's a witch - burn her!

    It's the goal of everyone everywhere to have visible abs for the sake of it and if your diet and training isn't geared towards that you're just not trying hard enough dammit!

  • jenlipe
    jenlipe Posts: 54 Member
    I have my meals where I eat like crap. We always have Old Chicago nachos on Wednesdays. Have since 2002. Not going to change now. But I also make sure I work out to burn the 895 calories for my 1/2 plate plus enough to cover my tall beer. Same with Thursdays when we eat Twin Peaks. I eat healthy breakfast, lunch and snacks. And some nights I eat healthy dinner. I stay at my 1200 or a bit lower 6 out of 7 days a week. And usually no more than 200 over on my bad day.

    But if I give up my crap meals I am pretty sure that I would fail within a few weeks.