

  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Thats right i said it.

    1.) Carbs are fuel, treat them as such and they will present no problem for you
    2.) no carb nazis get sick from not having carbs...proof enough?
    3.) i do realize there are bad carbs. if you need someone to tell you wheat bread is better than bleached white bread or to put down the cookie, then you have bigger problems.

    While what you have said is certainly true for non-obese individuals who are very active, obese individuals have a particularly nasty set of metabolic problems that must be dealt with if they are going to get to a healthier state. It may be necessary for an obese individual to restrict carbohydrates to 60-100 grams a day in order to lose body fat. In addition, it may be essential to limit fructose consumption to 15 grams per day in order to effect fat loss as some obese people have a "toxic" reaction to the consumption of fructose---it makes them hoard their fat stores at the expense of lean tissue! :noway: Some obese individuals are able to convert blood glucose to fructose, so anything that boosts blood sugar (like simple carbs) is going to cause them problems.

    My carbs are 173 grams a day. I don't think carbs are an issue for anyone, outside of a medical condition like diabetes or something.

    But most obese people (and the more severely obese, the worse the situation) are "pre-diabetic" meaning that they have insulin resistance. If not addressed, insulin resistance becomes Type II diabetes in a great number of cases. Women have a worse problem than men because estrogen causes "fat hoarding" and high blood sugar/high insulin (insulin is the "fat storing hormone"). Obesity (especially "morbid obesity") is a complex metabolic problem that requires a multi-modality approach.

    I don't believe that to be true.

    It doesn't matter what you believe. The research has been around for a number of years and it is being added to all of the time. Carbohydrate restriction is the healthiest way to reduce body fat. There are people who cannot lose body fat on what would be a starvation diet for some folk---their bodies will actually cannibalize their muscles rather than burn fat on a carbohydrate-rich diet. The only thing that works for those individuals is carbohydrate restriction. It is simply not true that calories alone are the key.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I eat mostly veggies. I love carbs so much and I have lost 71 lbs. WOOOOO! Carbs!

    Vegetables are good for everyone. The carbohydrates contained in vegetables are metabolized in a way that is very different from the way that sugar is metabolized in the body of an obese person.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    If you aren't insulin resistant, I personally don't see any reason to avoid carbs. But people can do whatever they want. I just hate it when people try to tell me how unhealthy it is to eat carbs.

    My favorite food is pasta and I enjoy it every day. I am a high-fiber, whole-grain carb girl for sure - it's my primary macro. I try to avoid as much refined sugar and processed crap as possible, though. That's just garbage. Those are the trouble makers that give good carbs a bad reputation. My blood sugar is perfect, my cholesterol and blood pressure are in the healthy range, I am 5'7" and 130 pounds with 23% body fat, a 27 inch waist and I'm almost 40 years old. I think I'm doing just fine on carbs! :drinker:

    P.S. I have no personal stake in other people's food choices, so feel free to eat low carb if you like - I give you my blessing. :wink:

    Carbohydrate restriction makes no sense for someone in your situation (as long as they are good carbs, which you have said that you take in). But those who have a serious obesity problem cannot afford to have a carbohydrate-rich diet---particularly women.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Still find these threads funny...

    Simple response, show medical proof.

    I don't care what you "think", the proof has been done and dusted. There are essential fats and essential proteins, there are however NO essential carbs and your body can produce glycogen through protein instead of carbohydrates.

    You will eat carbs, that is a fact, however... don't say all carbs are equal as they aren't... Also one persons needs to another is vastly different.

    During off season training and when I rest I rarely have any carbs at all, have no problem with energy etc, however during peak training, not a hell am I going through it without carbs. for instance 80-100km a week for peak training, your body can only absorb so much protein! However carbs your body will happily eat up! So carb away for things like that... So your right, carbs for fuel is the point.

    Point is, your body can happily for ever live without carbs, maybe you wont feel 100%, but you will be happy and will manage just fine. If on the other hand you eat no fat or protein, well... you'll die... that make more sense? Your body can make the fuel it gets from carbs from protein. And after a while, your metabolism adapts. Give it a month. If you haven't, then you haven't even tried.

    Also I do ultra marathons and hate carbs in general.. I have them, but only as needed as fuel when NEEDED, not just to have because there is no point in them except for quick recovery.

    Carbs help with leptin uptake.
    Thats fat loss.
    most folk who go "low carb" lose the fat but have bounce back issues with gaining some/all/more fat back once eating a regular balanced diet.
    Why go through that if you can just eat in moderation.
    Now if you have some type of allergy to a certain type of carb then fine.
    Do what you can to cut what you need.
    But for fat loss, carbs are fantastic!

    That is true if your body can process them properly. But obese people have metabolic processes that are aberrant. Ever observe inhabitants of countries where food security is a problem? The mothers often show up at the clinics with skinny, malnourished children (particularly protein malnourished--with pathetically thin arms and legs and swollen bellies characteristic of children who get inadequate protein in their diets) but they are themselves obese. At first, Western doctors assumed that the mothers were eating all the available food and not leaving any for their children. When they investigated, they discovered that the mothers were actually eating an all-carb diet that would have previously been thought by the doctors to be a starvation diet. These women's bodies were burning their muscles for what little energy they had, and the carbohydrates were being stored as fat gain. Only in absolute starvation situations did the characteristic "skin and bones" look emerge.
  • OccupyHealth
    Carb the **** up!!!!!
    Carbs are defiently my friend! In strive for as close to an 80/10/10 diet as possible.
    Tis what are cells needs!
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    Sometimes I think people post things like this because they're bored and want to argue. I, personally, find it amusing. Apparently this is what I do on Friday night.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    In strive for as close to an 80/10/10 diet as possible.

    Tis what are cells needs!

  • SycReid
    SycReid Posts: 14
    I think carbs are good but too much of it is bad. It's good for people who burns their calories really fast (people who work out a lot). But if I'm gonna eat lots of it, I think vegetables and fruits should come along with it. Fibers are really good. C:
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    So, I can drop the potatos, the rice, the pasta, and get all my carbs from VEGETABLES (which are carbs)... Right?

    Yes. I'm right.

    Why? Because I dropped carbs, feel fan-frikkin'-tastic, and I've lost weight. So there.

    Me too. Actually, considerably reduced the simple carbs but I never pass up a complex carb! Never felt better! I must be one of the metabolically broken ones. And, did I say that I've never felt better?!
  • Merrysix
    Merrysix Posts: 336 Member
    I try to avoid foods that trigger my overeating which are mostly refined carbs. I find it easier not to eat cookies for example than to try to limit myself to a few cookies. I get my carbs from veggies and lower carb fruits. Higher carb fruits like watermelon can also set me off. When I do endurance sports I eat more complex carbs. For example i used a hammer product called perpetuum when i climbed mt st helens. The people there helped me find tnutrition and good carb/protein balance i needed for the climb.The brain research on eating sugars is very interesting and some people respond like alcoholics to eating sugars based on MRIs of brain. It never ceases to amaze me that people think we should all eat the same way when we are of different ages, activity levels, hormonal status, and genetic makeup in terms of metabolism and enzyme levels, etc. I don't presume that what works for me will work for some one else. But if you have trouble lowering your calorie level to lose weight it is worth asking do you eat foods that trigger you to overeat Also just for me I have to eat quite a bit of protein 4-5 times a day not to feel hungry.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Still find these threads funny...

    Simple response, show medical proof.

    I don't care what you "think", the proof has been done and dusted. There are essential fats and essential proteins, there are however NO essential carbs and your body can produce glycogen through protein instead of carbohydrates.

    You will eat carbs, that is a fact, however... don't say all carbs are equal as they aren't... Also one persons needs to another is vastly different.

    During off season training and when I rest I rarely have any carbs at all, have no problem with energy etc, however during peak training, not a hell am I going through it without carbs. for instance 80-100km a week for peak training, your body can only absorb so much protein! However carbs your body will happily eat up! So carb away for things like that... So your right, carbs for fuel is the point.

    Point is, your body can happily for ever live without carbs, maybe you wont feel 100%, but you will be happy and will manage just fine. If on the other hand you eat no fat or protein, well... you'll die... that make more sense? Your body can make the fuel it gets from carbs from protein. And after a while, your metabolism adapts. Give it a month. If you haven't, then you haven't even tried.

    Also I do ultra marathons and hate carbs in general.. I have them, but only as needed as fuel when NEEDED, not just to have because there is no point in them except for quick recovery.

    Carbs help with leptin uptake.
    Thats fat loss.
    most folk who go "low carb" lose the fat but have bounce back issues with gaining some/all/more fat back once eating a regular balanced diet.
    Why go through that if you can just eat in moderation.
    Now if you have some type of allergy to a certain type of carb then fine.
    Do what you can to cut what you need.
    But for fat loss, carbs are fantastic!

    That is true if your body can process them properly. But obese people have metabolic processes that are aberrant. Ever observe inhabitants of countries where food security is a problem? The mothers often show up at the clinics with skinny, malnourished children (particularly protein malnourished--with pathetically thin arms and legs and swollen bellies characteristic of children who get inadequate protein in their diets) but they are themselves obese. At first, Western doctors assumed that the mothers were eating all the available food and not leaving any for their children. When they investigated, they discovered that the mothers were actually eating an all-carb diet that would have previously been thought by the doctors to be a starvation diet. These women's bodies were burning their muscles for what little energy they had, and the carbohydrates were being stored as fat gain. Only in absolute starvation situations did the characteristic "skin and bones" look emerge.

    Those metabolic issues have been known to go away once insulin resistance is broken.
    Figure out whats causing the insulin resistance and youll lose the fat.
    2 things come to mind.
    1) Fasting
    2) Weight lifting

    Or both.
    This is known to effect p-ratio almost like flipping the metabolic switch.
    You stop eating at 10pm, lift in the morning or do HIIT for 10mins in the AM then eat at about 1-2pm.
    Simple stuff.
    Scientific mumbojumbo can be found in almost every Ori Hoffmekler book.
    the guy has his **** together and I have women applying his principles now and losing weight while breaking insulin resistance and eating hella carbs on lift days.
  • ang3h
    ang3h Posts: 185 Member
    I love carbs :)
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    So, I can drop the potatos, the rice, the pasta, and get all my carbs from VEGETABLES (which are carbs)... Right?

    Yes. I'm right.

    Why? Because I dropped carbs, feel fan-frikkin'-tastic, and I've lost weight. So there.

    Me too. Actually, considerably reduced the simple carbs but I never pass up a complex carb! Never felt better! I must be one of the metabolically broken ones. And, did I say that I've never felt better?!

    I think an issue in this thread is generalizing the carbs together. Good "carbs" like whole grains and veggies are one thing. Potatoes, corn and etc are another. I personally don't feel well on to many grains, and def not the lesser carbs. But veggies and protein I feel cleaner inside, more energy.

    I think its important to do what feels right for you and your body.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    So, I can drop the potatos, the rice, the pasta, and get all my carbs from VEGETABLES (which are carbs)... Right?

    Yes. I'm right.

    Why? Because I dropped carbs, feel fan-frikkin'-tastic, and I've lost weight. So there.

    Me too. Actually, considerably reduced the simple carbs but I never pass up a complex carb! Never felt better! I must be one of the metabolically broken ones. And, did I say that I've never felt better?!

    I think an issue in this thread is generalizing the carbs together. Good "carbs" like whole grains and veggies are one thing. Potatoes, corn and etc are another. I personally don't feel well on to many grains, and def not the lesser carbs. But veggies and protein I feel cleaner inside, more energy.

    I think its important to do what feels right for you and your body.

    Potatoes are fantastic post workout food.
    Turns right into muscle food!
    Nothing wrong with em!
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    Potatoes are fantastic post workout food.
    Turns right into muscle food!
    Nothing wrong with em!

    Sweet potatoes! They are awesome just plain baked after being rubbed in olive oil and sprinkled with salt. Bake at 400 for 1 hour. Perfect every time, only 160 cals for a decent sized tater. Eating a white potato without toppings is sheer torture to me.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    SRS if you have a food allergy then avoid it.
    If not then leave it be.

    Search "Corn used my man parts as a speedbag" and youll get it.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Thats right i said it.

    1.) Carbs are fuel, treat them as such and they will present no problem for you
    2.) no carb nazis get sick from not having carbs...proof enough?
    3.) i do realize there are bad carbs. if you need someone to tell you wheat bread is better than bleached white bread or to put down the cookie, then you have bigger problems.

    While what you have said is certainly true for non-obese individuals who are very active, obese individuals have a particularly nasty set of metabolic problems that must be dealt with if they are going to get to a healthier state. It may be necessary for an obese individual to restrict carbohydrates to 60-100 grams a day in order to lose body fat. In addition, it may be essential to limit fructose consumption to 15 grams per day in order to effect fat loss as some obese people have a "toxic" reaction to the consumption of fructose---it makes them hoard their fat stores at the expense of lean tissue! :noway: Some obese individuals are able to convert blood glucose to fructose, so anything that boosts blood sugar (like simple carbs) is going to cause them problems.

    My carbs are 173 grams a day. I don't think carbs are an issue for anyone, outside of a medical condition like diabetes or something.

    But most obese people (and the more severely obese, the worse the situation) are "pre-diabetic" meaning that they have insulin resistance. If not addressed, insulin resistance becomes Type II diabetes in a great number of cases. Women have a worse problem than men because estrogen causes "fat hoarding" and high blood sugar/high insulin (insulin is the "fat storing hormone"). Obesity (especially "morbid obesity") is a complex metabolic problem that requires a multi-modality approach.

    I don't believe that to be true.

    It doesn't matter what you believe. The research has been around for a number of years and it is being added to all of the time. Carbohydrate restriction is the healthiest way to reduce body fat. There are people who cannot lose body fat on what would be a starvation diet for some folk---their bodies will actually cannibalize their muscles rather than burn fat on a carbohydrate-rich diet. The only thing that works for those individuals is carbohydrate restriction. It is simply not true that calories alone are the key.

    Well you can look at my ticker and my food diary and find that you are clearly wrong. I've lowered my body fat percentage by more than 12% in less than four months, down 41 pounds in total body weight. I'm on 1800 calories, so I'm able to eat plenty of protein and fats as well as a variety of different types of carbs, including sucrose. My strength and muscle tone has also increased dramatically in this short time.

    There are many others in the MFP community that have done the same. My statement stands, with some exceptions for medical conditions and personal preferences, there is no reason to avoid eating a variety of carbohydrates.
  • DaoneandonlyMe
    DaoneandonlyMe Posts: 118 Member
    I was told by a trainer not to have carbs after breads , pasta, rice , flour etc...
    What do you think about that ?
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    All things in balance. Yep.

    There are smarter, better for you carbs out there, and even natural carbs in whole fruits and vegetables for you paleo people out there. Can't make a car work just on gas, you need oil and a good car battery too. So keep that in mind when getting food for your body.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I was told by a trainer not to have carbs after breads , pasta, rice , flour etc...
    What do you think about that ?

    Fire them!