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Look for 200+ (Week 19) Fling Into Spring!



  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Yuck Lacey....sorry your not feeling well. hope it clears up soon.

    OK, couple of things......
    I have been breaking out too. Never ever before have I had pimples, and now in my 30's they are hitting? I had great skin as a teen (thankfully), no problems while preggy, but now? And we are talking Mt. St. Helens type zits. Glad it is not just me.

    Here's a laugh for you guys.....So, my dh made some brownie dessert squares to try out before we made them for a family visit this weekend up in Napa. 've been good and haven't had any at all. Until today, they taunted me from the fridge, and I said "fine I'll eat you, I have a few extra calories today". Picked it up, walked over near the sink to get a paper towel, and (my hand to God)
    needless to say, I didn't eat it. I did stand there and smile and laugh at myself however.....lol

    No visit with my Mom today. she wasn't feeling well. that's a bummer, but I'll see my parents this weekend. Sometimes doing the right thing for your own family sucks!!
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    Oh man.. I read all the posts but my brain can't retain so much information..lol sorry.
    I feel blah. I'm kinda bummed about my weight.. 220 w clothes... so technically 218 I guess. :indifferent:
    Glad were all writing so much & iits tuesday! hoohoo!
    I'm not working out today. I walked this am, and walked for a half an hour (:blushing: & I counted it) in the super market..but I've never done that.. just to see.
    Kristina; enjoy new orleans! I've never been, but I'd love to go! & awesome that you worked out at 10p last night!
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Rough evening. My head is killing me. Darn sinus headache. I wasn't sure if I could get on the treadmill because of the pain, but I did. Once I did I was not sure if I could do my 35 minutes, but I did. Now I feel like my head is going to explode. Yay I got my exercise in for today, boo that I have a sinus headache.

    CDS - Yup, a wife/mommy's job is never done even when I am sick (men). oh, sadly I have never stopped breaking out.

    Pinbo - Tom just came and went for me (first normal one since my surgery), so that was good. Tom can put a real wrench in your plans.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Okay this is way off topic but it just came to my attention today. My MIL gets like 10 newspapers and once a month she sends me the coupons that she doesn't cut out (she really loves me). We were talking on the phone today and I was saying I felt bad throwing the ones out that I don't use. She said she'd heard that military families could use them. So I looked on line and not only can they use them, they can use coupons overseas that are up to 6 months expired. I spent a good hour learning about this today and I just may have to start a collection for coupons and donate my time to sort them and money to mail them. What a great way to thank our service men, women and their families. I'll keep you posted on how it goes. I may ask clients that get the news paper to give me their coupons too. It sure beats throwing them out. This goes well with my goal of volunteering more this year.
  • Hi ladies! Well, so far so good this week. Well.... I ate over my calories today but I'm about to go and do the 3 mile WATP dvd. TOM lady is here so I gotta fight her with a vengence!! Anyhoo, wishing you all the best for the rest of the week. I'm so glad to be a part of an awesome team!
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Okay this is way off topic but it just came to my attention today. My MIL gets like 10 newspapers and once a month she sends me the coupons that she doesn't cut out (she really loves me). We were talking on the phone today and I was saying I felt bad throwing the ones out that I don't use. She said she'd heard that military families could use them. So I looked on line and not only can they use them, they can use coupons overseas that are up to 6 months expired. I spent a good hour learning about this today and I just may have to start a collection for coupons and donate my time to sort them and money to mail them. What a great way to thank our service men, women and their families. I'll keep you posted on how it goes. I may ask clients that get the news paper to give me their coupons too. It sure beats throwing them out. This goes well with my goal of volunteering more this year.

    As an ex military family, YES!! this is a wonderful way to help. And, the families really do have easy access to coupons!!
    Thank you!!
  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    id like to join

    SW 222
    GW 200 3-26
    CW 219

    i just started this site last week (i think lol )
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    had a good day yesterday and today. got to walk the dog yesterday afternoon and then had a girls night out with my grandmother. we ate at red lobster and the went to a movie. we had a good time. didnt work out today but i will tomorrow when i have more time. well it is bed time, good night super heroes!!!
  • Oh my goodness I finally found you and I finally finished reading the posts! LOL
    I had strep throat and am recovering very well now.

    last week: 336
    CW: 330

    I am sure I lost a lot because of my sickness. I am hoping to be able to hold on to that great number!
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    Yay!!!! my weight loss progress hasn't been much, but i have lost 2 inches in my waist, 0.25 in my neck and 1.5 in my hips!!! i am so happy! this has further encouraged me to keep going! i am getting smaller!!!!!!!!!!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Wow, everyone has really been posting away! So good to see Super Heros Unite!!:bigsmile:

    I had an exhausting day yesterday, was over in calories by the end of the day...so I jumped on the elliptical to burn them off. I made it, but it wore me out and I feel asleep on the bed with my workout clothes still on...YUCK!!! My husband came to bed after me and didn't even get me up???? I woke up at 2 am...wondering WTH...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Not sure if I mentioned that I wanted to get a run in yesterday...I never did, but it looks like sunshine here again today, and I got my running gear washed up...so I'm going to give it a shot again today...hopefully I'll be able to report that I got it in!

    Have a great day everyone.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good morning my fellow Super Heroes!!!!

    MrsBojangles - sorry to hear your sick and I'm rooting for you to keep the weight off. Hope you feel better soon:flowerforyou:

    Tamar - good job on the work out.

    Welcome Mrsmarvolus:flowerforyou: We look forward to getting to know you.

    Amber - enjoy that grandma. I hope you had something good at Red Lobster. Congrats on getting thinner - losing inches is wonderful.

    Deb - too funny. I have done that before. Good luck getting the run in.

    Kristina - I hope you are rocking Nawlins!!!! Dance to some good Cajun music for me.

    mish - hope you feel better soon :flowerforyou:

    nikki - I think going to the supermarket is exercise - not only are you pushing the cart, you have to haul the groceries and then put them away.

    Lacey - I hope your yucky feeling feeling went away too:flowerforyou:

    Blombie - now I want mac and cheese!!! Was it good? I may have to live through your report.
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    Good morning super heroes! I am 219 this am, but I totally pigged out last night.. after dinner I ate a begel w cream cheese, then a chicken sandwich, THEN 3 granola bars... I just couldn't stop.. But while I was eating, I made myself aware of what I was doing.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I had a hard time with over eating last night too. I blame it on the snow storm and the fact that I was home by myself, bored all night.
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    I had a hard time with over eating last night too. I blame it on the snow storm and the fact that I was home by myself, bored all night.
    yEAH, THAT'LL DO IT.. but today is a new day, lets make it work girlfriend!
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Morning super heroes! Well, it is hump day and I am actually afraid of weigh in this week. I am so afraid that I didn't have any weight loss or gained some. IDK why I get like this. I have been doing well all week and have even hit the treadmill Monday & Tuesday and plan on it for today and tomorrow. I am guessing I don't want to be disappointed that I didn't get my goal of being in the 100's.

    MrsMarvelous - Welcome!

    mrsbojangles - Glad you are feeling better

    dixiegal2484 - nice. i love seeing the inches go down.

    makeitallsue - gotta love the hubby.

    Nikki143 - it is only a day. yeah being aware is a big deal.

    Blombie - I can understand that. Being bored can really kill me since that is when I eat too.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Amber and I are going to try an Abs class at the gym tonight. I've never been to it, have no clue who the instructor is and generally have no clue what this class will be like. The instructor teaches yoga right before the abs class....abs doesn't start till 8pm! Thats a late class. I hope its only like a 30 min class since it targets only one muslce group. I guess we shall see. I'm gonna do 30 min on the elliptical before the class to get some cardio in.

    When I lowered my goal from 2lb/week to 1lb/week, I went from like, 1300 cal to 1770/day. I don't know what is up with me this week but I can't stop eating. My stomach feels like a bottomless pit!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    A quick hello super pals.....I got outdoors for a run this morning...felt great, I do believe it could be spring soon...I have faith:wink:

    Welcome Mrs Marvelous:flowerforyou:

    Nikki and Blombie...gosh I have those starving all day moments too...:mad: Hope you like your class, I am really feeling stronger with doing Pinbots Abs, I feel them in my back...Love it!!

    Mish, I'm crossing my fingers for you,sounds like your doing everything right...I hope the scale is nice....but if you haven't..take those measurements...that will help if the scale doesn't move...I lost inches while my scale was stuck...and it helped me to keep going:wink:

    I'm really hungry...I'll close for now, wrestling match tonight, I'll check in when I can.
  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    Hello everyone :flowerforyou:

    My poor knee has been hurting today :frown: i took some tylenol because i have class tonight and then id like to run afterwards but if it gives me trouble i guess ill just be walking....
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Wow what a day. It is only the 3rd of the month and I can already tell it will be crazy insane here. Already people are freaking out about how much work they have and not handling it very well. Usually it happens the last week of the month. Fantastic..

    I think my stomach issues were from the massive increase in fiber the past couple days. So i backed off today...but now I am low on protein too. It is a never ending battle! Oh and up on fat! I haven't logged dinner yet except for the protein smoothie I plan on having! Yeesh!

    Okay, I read all the posts but can't reply any more than I have as I am behind behind behind on quotes.

    Have a loverly day!
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