Team UK - March 2010



  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Hi everyone, hope you are all ok? I'm not sure how much I lost in February, I think it was no more than 2 pounds! Lots of stuff going on, so it was hard to stay on track. I'm hoping that this month might be a bit better...I'm getting closer to my goal, so I suppose it was always going to slow down a bit! I'm hoping to lose another 2 - 4 pounds this month. I'm hoping that this week I will drop one more pound and finally be in the healthy range of the BMI.

    Good luck to you all.

    Erika x
  • 3.2kg in month of February!
  • 3.2kg in month of February!
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Thanks Katherine for the welcome, I see you are from Guildford!!! (had a nose on your profile) Its my home town too ....although only my brother lives there now!!! but like to get back when I can.
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    thought i'd just bump this board so all ukers can see it =]
    well today i went to the gym and managed to run 5km in 32 minutes
    was so pleased with myself
    normally i run for 20 minutes but today i just kept pushing myself :)
  • Hi, I missed the Feb board but thought I'd join you on this one. Feb was not such a good month weight loss wise, but getting back on track for March. I have lowered my weight loss goal to 1/2lb/week as I have only got about 6 to go. I am hoping the extra calories help. :)
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Thanks Katherine for the welcome, I see you are from Guildford!!! (had a nose on your profile) Its my home town too ....although only my brother lives there now!!! but like to get back when I can.

    No way!?! Where abouts did you live when you were here?!
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Good morning everyone! Hope your all ok and had a good day yesterday...

    After my horrible mood i was in yesterday i went to the gym.. for a 10 min warm up before legs bums and tums.. so all in all i burnt about 400 cals.. not a lot considering, but at least i burnt some!!

    In a better mood today, thank god.. i dont think i could handle another day of being in a strop!! :grumble:

    Went out for a drink (non-alcoholic) last night with an old school/family friend so that cheered me up!

    I've got a training course today and tomorrow so i might not be around as much as normal...

    Have a great day peeps!!

    Katherine x x :heart: x x
  • helliecopter
    helliecopter Posts: 19 Member
    Ooh I'm down in Guildford this weekend to visit a friend! It's not going to be a calorie-friendly weekend, I tell ya!

    Hope everyone is ok today?

    It's my Slimming World WI tonight, so I will hopefully have shifted that pesky 1lb TOTM gain from last week. It's only water, but it's still demoralising to see a higher number on the scale!
    Did a fab step class last night with a new instructor who did loads of really dancey-type moves and worked us really hard. Did wonders for my exercise cals yesterday! Shame I didn't get to eat them though lol.

    Have a good day all. Long meeting for me, so I'll check in later with my WI results.

    See ya
  • MistahLee31
    MistahLee31 Posts: 116
    Works still dragging me down :frown: , but I'm not going to let it affect my dieting. :smile:

    Went the gym last night, had a good workout, burnt 696 calories. So glad I've got loads of TV shows to be able to put on my iPod to keep me focused. Watching Californication at the moment, then got Perfect Strangers and the wonderful Due South to come!!

    Going again tonight, can't be bothered with a meaningless England friendly game, might as well do something worth doing. :laugh:

    Hope everyone is well!
  • dax58
    dax58 Posts: 22 Member
    Busy month so far and its only just started !

    Aiming for 7lbs this month.

    Not had best week in gym so far, but made rest of the week is lining up good. Just ensuring i still eat decently even if im not going to the gym to ensure nothing goes back on !
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi Katherine, Yes I used to live in Buryfields, Millmead, think it is now or was Guildford School of Acting, then moved to Compton and then Godalming. When I was 22 I moved to Bournemouth and I now live on the Sunny Isle of Wight !!!!! Glad to hear you are feeling happier today, hope everyone has a good day!!
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I feel lousy today, I didn't do too great at the gym last night I just had no energy whatsoever and I'm meeting a friend tonight at Pizza Express 241 (Organge Wednesday's) and that's pretty much zapped all my cals so I'm not looking forward to just having soup for lunch but ah I'm sure I can do it!

    I have a seminar tonight too so I can't go to the gym - do you all find also that even if you don't go over your cals you feel really BAD if you can't get to the gym? Eugh!

    I'm going for a power walk around the park at lunch and this afternoon to get some form of exercise in, lol!

    Have you all have a great day!

  • JimJam87
    JimJam87 Posts: 62
    Ooh I'm down in Guildford this weekend to visit a friend! It's not going to be a calorie-friendly weekend, I tell ya!

    Hope everyone is ok today?

    It's my Slimming World WI tonight, so I will hopefully have shifted that pesky 1lb TOTM gain from last week. It's only water, but it's still demoralising to see a higher number on the scale!
    Did a fab step class last night with a new instructor who did loads of really dancey-type moves and worked us really hard. Did wonders for my exercise cals yesterday! Shame I didn't get to eat them though lol.

    Have a good day all. Long meeting for me, so I'll check in later with my WI results.

    See ya

    It's my Slimming World WI tonight too. Are you doing CC or SW? I think I've seen you around minimins!! x
  • Good evening all UKers! I hope you have all had a good day, my day was not very productive but have just done an hour at the gym, 30mins x-trainer and 30mins circuits. :) Feel quite good but we are having a spinach and ricotta cannelloni for dinner, which is a little naughty. I have the calories for it though!
    What have you all done today?
  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Hi guys, hope you dont mind me joining team UK, but any motivation / tips would be greatly appreciated. I have been using MFP for while and lost 6 lbs since November. I have been making a big effort since January to really stick to the cals and joined British Military Fitness to help get me into shape!!

    I get married in Sepember so that is my main motivation. At my last official weigh in I was 11.1, and would Love Love Love to get below 10 in time for the big day!!

    My weight loss so far has been slow and steady, but I have to admit I am a bugger for treats, i.e. most weekends I go off the rails. Have been trying to limit the alcohol at weekends as I can not stop troffing if I have a hang over!!!

    I am going to aim for 5 lbs in February so that would take 10.10 which I would be delighted with.

    Good luck everyone.
  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Sorry..... meant to say 5lbs for March.... Its been a long day!! :ohwell:
  • JimJam87
    JimJam87 Posts: 62
    Hi everyone,

    I lost 0.5 this week, not great but it's all in the right direction and I've now lost the 3lbs I put on following a wedding 2 weeks ago
    Going through a bit of a rough patch at home and my fella's moving out for a while so my main aim is not to comfort eat at night, which tends to be my main downfall!! I need to take up a hobby to keep myself busy! xxx
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Ooh I'm down in Guildford this weekend to visit a friend! It's not going to be a calorie-friendly weekend, I tell ya!

    No way?? Ill be out in guildford sat night... Bit of a drinking session i think.. :grumble: !!! Another sunday spent hungover.. i doubt things will change... Big carb day on a sunday cause i cant stop eating!! :laugh:

    What will you be doing?

    x KP x
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Hi guys, hope you dont mind me joining team UK, but any motivation / tips would be greatly appreciated. I have been using MFP for while and lost 6 lbs since November. I have been making a big effort since January to really stick to the cals and joined British Military Fitness to help get me into shape!!

    I get married in Sepember so that is my main motivation. At my last official weigh in I was 11.1, and would Love Love Love to get below 10 in time for the big day!!

    My weight loss so far has been slow and steady, but I have to admit I am a bugger for treats, i.e. most weekends I go off the rails. Have been trying to limit the alcohol at weekends as I can not stop troffing if I have a hang over!!!

    I am going to aim for 5 lbs in February so that would take 10.10 which I would be delighted with.

    Good luck everyone.

    Course you can join our group - the more the merrier!! :happy:

    Where abouts in the UK are you?
    You've joined the British Millitary Fitness? What does that entail?

    K x
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