

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello all,

    Still no computer at home. :(

    Prayers, warm thoughts and hugs to all on the east coast or anywhere the Frankenstorm goes.

    The police picked up my son and sent him home on 10/25, so we shall see what happens next. I just have to realize he is almost 18 and if he walks away from us on his 18th birthday, that is what it is. He is somewhere between his old arrogant self and trying to be co-operative. If all goes well, he will be leaving for boot camp between 11/3-11/5 where a pray he gets a good drill Sargent that will ______________________________ (fill in the blank with what ever you all deem appropriate. lol

    Just hoping he comes back in December a changed man.

    I have to loose 10 pounds by Christmas or my new ski pants won't fit, so I am really trying to get back in the swing of things.

    Take care all and I do miss reading all the posts.

  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning (almost noon now!) everyone -

    I've been reading everyone's posts but am not going to respond today. It's quiet at work because most of our team is in PA and thus not in the offices. I'm in southern PA, right in the direct path of the storm. So far it's just been raining with a steady wind but nothing too major. Our ditches are already full, but where I live we're pretty high up so unless the basement floods we should be OK. The kitties are very angry that I can't do something about the weather when I open the door and they want to go out lol.

    This weekend was my brother-in-law's 50th birthday party, preceded by a dinner party here for my niece and her fiance. Both were a lot of fun but a little too much wine, especially on Saturday. I simply didn't pay attention to what I was drinking, and I didn't eat enough, so I really paid for it yesterday :(. I stayed under my calories, but I won't be doing that again. Even though I was down another pound this morning, it's so not worth it to lose a whole day out of the weekend! But I was back to normal today even after being up a good part of the night with the storm.

    My best wishes go out for those who are struggling right now - if it were easy we wouldn't have this problem, would we? It's especially hard if you're struggling with physical ailments too. I really feel for you. Linda, I sent you a note - I'll PM you later.

    Please stay dry if you're someplace wet, and stay safe if you're someplace that's not safest. Enjoy your team if it won yesterday, and try to dig into your inner strength to get back to this fight today. It's a new week and a new chance to be strong again.


  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
    Suebdew- Congrats on the weight loss! That’s so great.:bigsmile:

    Linda Sundance- I hope you feel better soon. I can relate. I have had carpal tunnel surgery on both hands several years ago. It’s no fun dealing with it.:grumble: :grumble: Glad your Dr. appt. went well.:wink:

    Janie- I was feeling the same way you are when I stumbled on this wonderful group. I want you know how much everyone has helped me. I am regaining my motivation. I am beginning to feel happy again. It can be discouraging I KNOW!! But this is a safe place so go ahead and vent to your heart’s content. It helps. We all understand, we are going through it with you.:heart::heart:

    Everyone in the path of the storm, please take care of yourselves. You are in my prayers.:heart::heart:

    I had another busy weekend. I hope to get all that cleaning finished up by the end of the coming weekend. Just in time for a big Thanksgiving celebration with the family. I haven’t lost any this week. But just want to lose those 5 pounds before November 24th! I am gonna give it all my will power. I have waivered over the last couple of weeks but I hope to be more focused in the coming month.

    Sorry to all I didn't get to reply to and welcome to the newcomers!

    I will try to post later tonight, but had to make it brief this morning…work awaits me.,:noway:

    Grace and peace,

  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Fighting with hubby and in a truly bad mood today, so won't post, but simply mark my place.

    Linda -- I hope your wrist improves soon!
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Hello All,

    I hope everyone in Sandy's path stays safe. I am in Rhode Island and the wind is picking up. Last year we were without power because a big tree went down right at the beginning of the storm. Our power was off for a week. This time --my power is still on and I am so grateful. We'll see how long it lasts. I keep doing all the things I can with power. Yesterday did a lot of laundry and dishes. This morning I got up and made a turkey meatloaf and turkey chili.
    I hope everyone stays safe.

  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good afternoon everyone

    Did my aquafit class this morning and will probably go to the mall this afternoon for a walk around. Teaching lace-making this evening.

    I think we will be getting off easy from the storm bumping into the Arctic front which are supposed to collide over southern Ontario. Forecasters say we will be getting 80kpm winds tonight, but not too much rain. We will see, but it is supposed to be wet and grey all week.

    Must fill in a couple of forms that need to be sent off when I go to the mall. We have $5 coupons on the back of Kellogs cereal boxes that have to be filled in and sent. Then after a few weeks you get a plastic credit card for $5 for gas. I got 5 last year, and now I'm doing it again. I've bought lots of cereals and have about 8 or 9 to send in, but as there is a limit of 5 per person, I'm sending in the rest with my GF's name and address.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: It's a lovely Monday here in Denver,

    Only time to pop in and say Hi.

    Congrats to those that have lost:drinker:

    For those that are having issues that need rants...this is the place to let it loose...we still care and know that sometimes you just need to get the awful energy out so you can start feeling better :drinker:

    I'm still aching a bit but I keep telling myself it's all good because I'm working some new muscles. I do try not to complain to hubby too much because my goal is to transform my body with this exercise. I know that a lot of people really dislike Jillian Michaels but I love how she encourages you to keep going...because there are plenty of times when I could just stop because it feels like too much when in fact I know it's not at all. I did take pictures yesterday so I'm hoping after the 30 days there really is something to show for the exercise:huh: I'm actually looking forward to going home from work so I can do another session:wink:

    Spent all of yesterday in my kitchen and made green chili, I never knew it was going to be the process that it was but it came out wonderful after I finally had all the ingredients.

    I have lots to get to all of you in the Northeast hold on to your hats and be safe:flowerforyou: .

    Log it Log it Log it...your water, your food and your exercise:drinker:

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Thinking of all of you on the East Coast. Stay safe and warm.

    Ritter has been limping for a couple of days. We can't see anything wrong with it and he seems not to be in pain but he has been extra lovey lately.

    I made a big ol batch of quinoa with chicken, mushrooms and leeks in it. It is my lunch for the week. Yum.

    I need to motivate myself to get back on that tap floor DH built for me. I have been slacking lately. Have a great day all.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • grammaree
    grammaree Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all! I'm new here, but thought I'd just say I have enjoyed reading all of your posts! I am thankful to have made it through our church's Fall celebration without caving into all the sweets and desserts. Now, to get past Halloween! I am having trouble being consistently with recording my food intake in the evenings. I do well throughout the day, but the evening often slips by without me recording it. Any suggestions? I am working on my consistency in this area and in exercising! Thanks again for all the wonderful posts!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: My day started with walking in the rain with dogs followed by a visit to the dentist. It had to get better from there and it did. The dentist said that the only thing wrong with my teeth could be fixed for $190.00 in 40 minutes and the rain stopped. Jake went to see the physical therapist for his shoulder (no surgery needed) and came home with a list of daily exercises , six appointments, and the suggestion to buy a heating pad.

    :flowerforyou: Janie, about wanting to eat at night----I read in a magazine at the dentist’s office this morning “If you’re not hungry enough to eat an apple, you’re not really hungry.” My solution about eating at night has two parts—first, be sure that you’re evening meal is really nourishing so that your body is fueled for the rest of the day….second, if you always want to eat at night even after a really healthy evening meal, then plan a snack (my favorite other than an Isagenix shake is real oatmeal and no sugar added applesauce).

    :bigsmile: Nancy, that’s a great idea about buying an inexpensive stick blender first…..I’ll give it a try.

    :bigsmile: Jane, your positive attitude always lifts me up…..I don’t need a personal response to know that you are encouraging me

    :flowerforyou: Grammaree, I aim to log all my food ahead of time so I know what the day will look like and then not have to think about food planning……it avoids surprises later in the day.

    :heart: :heart: Hugs to all of you in the path of the hurricane

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    DMOMofTHREE Posts: 55 Member
    Checking in before the power goes, lights have been flickering all night. It did go out with a boom about 30 minutes ago for a few seconds.:noway: I have finally read all posts but never have time to respond. I can't wait till the house is ready to put on the market.

    I did go into work this morning and managed to get payroll into the accountant, pay bills for the week and schedule transfers for later this week in case the power is out. The mailman showed up early, which is a surprise for a Monday, I was able to get all checks in and deposited at the bank. Made it home before 1pm when the highways were all shut down.

    I should probably go and eat my apple and peanut butter and get ready for bed. I will try and catch up on my dvr shows til the power goes out.:frown:

    Hope to be back tomorrow to post more:happy:
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Well we are in the middle of Sandy...currently have power and cable:bigsmile: ...not sure how long it will last...the metropolitan area is getting hammered. I went to work this am but the boss sent us home early...I have to drive across the Hudson River and was getting a little concerned that the bridge would close...it did not and I will be going into work early tomorrow..I work for an insurance agency and I expect to be busy tomorrow:wink:

    DS was not only home for dinner but he cooked it as well...it was pretty good..it is delightful having him home
    I rode my bike this afternoon since I did not get up early and workout...won't have time tomorrow am...hopefully things will calm down by Wednesday.

    Will hopefully check in tomorrow :noway:
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Well, they took the blood, so I should know in a couple of days how my A1C is. The doctor said I look like I've lost weight, but I was only down one pound from my last visit. But he was happy with that and that I am swimming and walking. I have a big zit on my face from the stress. I hate going to the doctor. I got my flu shot too. So two needles :sad: :grumble: Tigress
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I thought I had scared all the germlins out of the house, I was wrong:angry: , they just ate my post:explode: , and I had finally caught up with everyone:sad: . I will try to repost later tonight, right now I`m going to have a warm bowl of soup, on this cold windy night!


    To all of you on the East coast I`m saying a prayer for you, stay safe!!!!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Happy Monday ladies. What an odd day. I had clinical, so up at 4:15 and off to the races. Actually it wasn’t that bad. Only 2 more days then a 3 week break for me. I’m sure hoping next year I don’t have clinical in this course. I will miss it, but it’s too much to handle and run the course. I made an appointment for the old cat at the vets…I think I told you he broke a tooth a few weeks ago…actually a front fang. It was fine for a while, but now is swollen, so I guess I need to get it checked out.

    So I’m rambling, but I was half asleep when I made my lunch and I ended up with soup and a 100-calorie bag of popcorn. Weird, but kind of good! I hardly ever eat popcorn. :ohwell:

    It is beautiful here today, in the 50s. Some good news, the contributors who wrote all the chapters I am in charge of for the textbook have agreed to write again for the next edition so that saves me having to find someone. :smile:

    Wessecg: make those kids eat that candy!

    Linda; how is your hand/arm today?:flowerforyou:

    Sarah: that’s an interesting way to gain empathy, but if it works for him, that’s great.

    Barbie: what a great graphic!

    DeeDee: sounds like your party was so much fun!

    Janie: did you enjoy the game despite the Cardinals not playing??? I guess of the two teams, the Giants were my choice.

    Nancy: I have a graduate student every spring. I know the feeling of wanting to be in charge but having to let go so the student gets the experience and learns to be a good teacher.

    Jeannie: prayers for your son’s future and for the drill sergeant who gets him LOL:wink:

    M: stay safe and dry!

    Janehadji: sending you peaceful thoughts!:flowerforyou:

    Well I know I have missed many of you, but have been interrupted (as usual). Dinner tonight was great….a yummy fettuccine with garlic, olive oil, and parmesan (made by DD#2). I wish I had enough cals to have wine too, but alas I don’t. :drinker:

    All of you east, please stay safe and check in so we know you are ok. Anyone hear from Carol lately? I seem to be missing her posts. Take care, Meg
  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good Evening Ladies,

    Praying for all on the East coast stay safe.

    @M thinking of you during all of this Sandy stuff. Keep dry and safe.
    @Jan stay safe I hope your cable and electricity holds out.

    @Meg you almost had my hours today. I get up an hour later and off too the races as you say. Sounds like you are in the count down almost over than a nice 3 week break. Yay!

    @Lin stay safe on your travels

    @Dee those gremlins again yuk. A bowl of warm soup sounds good.

    @Barbie-- I think you are always encouraging and give out great advice .

    @Janehadji-- Sending you hugs through the cable. It must be one of those days seems like all day as we went on errands DH and I was bumping. It was like I stay something's red he say its purple .

    @Linda-- I hope you are feeling better.

    To everyone else sorry to have missed you. Hope you are all doing well. I am grateful to be in this journey with each of you.

    Tomorrow is volunteer day so its a fun day but really grateful for all the walking and moving around that comes with it. I loss 1.5 lbs this week happy for it but was hoping for more. But hey another pound off is good news. I am thinking about doing a better job of limiting the amount of carbs I eat. I think I am eating to much even thou I stay for the most part within my numbers & under seems like maybe I can do better. It may help. A friend of mind told me she finds eating more lean protein helps not sure. But I need to get back on track would like to loose at least another 5lbs before the holidays.

    Take care,

  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Wow 1 and a half pounds. That's great. I volunteered at a food pantry last weekend, but didn't get to walk much. Worked on an assembly line packing boxes.

    Megblair, the kids will definitely eat the candy.

    I hate those post eating gremlins.

    I am sitting here upset because I left the base to my fitbit at work, so now it won't add all those calories back in for me.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening again beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I'm going to try this once again, I'm on my iPad now, we'll see if it works this time!

    Michele:smile: Did you get any snow today? Earlier while I was out there were a few fat heavy raindrops on the windshield.

    Liz:smile: A play at midnight and then work the next morning:noway: , don't think I could do that:noway: !

    Janie:smile: have you tried hot tea after dinner? I sometimes make a cup of caffeine free lemon ginger tea with just a bit of honey to sweeten it up, takes care of my sweet tooth and makes me feel warm and cozy, or have you tried Skinny Cow ice cream, they have all different kinds, or a few grapes or apple with peanut butter, or sugar free jello or low fat pudding...now I want some low fat pudding yum, hope this helped a bit!

    Gail:smile: $30.00 for a light bulb:angry: , to replace just the ones in my kitchen would cost me 330.00:sad: . I guess I'll just to have to buy a few at a time. Can you tell a difference in the light between the LED and the old ones? Will they really last as long as they say they will???? I wish they would just leave things that are working alone!!!! Thanks for the info, I really appreciate it!

    Nancy:smile: I have a Viking immersion blender, it was a bit pricey but I love it. I use it for everything, but now I want a Vitamix blender too, and I don't even like to cook:blushing: .

    Deborah:smile: I have arthritis in my shoulder and like you some days it hurts horribly and then other days it doesn't bother me at all. Usually it hurts more in cold weather or when the weather is changing, I take 4 Advil and put a heating pad on it.

    Suebdew:smile: It does feel like friends meeting once a day to chat. This is a great group of women!!!! Come on in and chat away with us! Congrats on losing 1.5 lb!!!!

    JaneMartin:smile: you look radiant in your new profile pic and the baby, she is beautiful!!!

    Jeannie:smile: Sending prayers for you and your son!!! Hope everything works out for him!!!

    M:smile: Hope you're safe!!! The wind has been blowing here all day, lots of clouds and just a few raindrops. I have a few tree limbs in the yard and I thought the wind was going to blow the dog off her feet, I'm sure it's nothing compared to what you've been getting!!!! Post when you can so we'll k ow your okay!!!

    Jolene:smile: I'm sending you good wishes in getting those 5 lbs. off by Nov. 24th!!!

    Janehadji:smile: hope you're feeling better now and fight with hubby is over!!!! Remember you can always vent here, we're here for you!!!

    Sally:smile: hope you're doing okay in the monster storm!!!! Post so we know you're okay!!!

    Genealace:smile: that's a lot of wind coming way, stay safe!!!

    Laura80111:smile: Green chili:huh: , that sounds interesting, what makes it green? Good for you working on those muscles!!! Glad you're taking pictures, it's always fun to look at before and afters!

    Robin:smile: Start tapping away!!! Hope Ritter stops limping so he doesn't have to go to the doggy Dr.!!! He's making up to you since he was a bad boy:heart: !!!

    Grammaree:smile: Welcome!! Come in often and chat with us!!! Try logging all your meals first thing in the morning,and then after dinner all you need do is hit the complete button!

    Barbie:smile: my day started walking in the howling wind and cold mist with a doggy that wasn't happy with the wetness!!! Glad you got news from the dentist and glad Jake doesn't have to have surgery!!!

    DMomOfThree:smile: hope you're staying safe!!! Post when you can!!!

    Jen:smile: glad you still have power!!! Saying a prayer for all of you in that storms path!!! Post when you can!!!

    Tigress:smile: Hope you get good news on your A1c!!! You're only down one pound, but you may have lost inches, have you measured yourself?

    Meg:smile: Soup and popcorn, I like tomato soup with popcorn YUM!!!! Hope old cat will be okay-poor kitty!!! I'm reading this on my iPad and I swear I read "wish I had enough cats for wine too":laugh: , I see how cals. look at lot like cats:laugh: . Do you have any plans for your time off?

    I think I'm caught up now, and so far my post hasn't disappeared, I've yet to hit the reply button though!

    Hope you all have a wonderful night, please those in the path of this awful storm stay safe, will be praying for you!!

    Sleep well and sweet dreams!!! Until tomorrow......

    DeeDee ( holding my breath this will post)
  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
    Hello all,
    Had a good weekend. Moved my biking indoors to the recumbent bike. It was too cold and windy outdoors. Did my 1st Strong Women Stay Young workout Saturday, it went well. I plan to do that workout Tuesday,Thursday and Saturday. I look forward to good results in the next months. Monday is my best workout day. 45 minutes of tai chi when I get up, 35 minutes on recumbent bike lunch time at work gym, then 60 minutes tai chi class after work. Sometimes I have to make myself to take the time for myself and exercise. When I feel good after exercise it affects my attitude with everything else in my life. I wish for everyone struggling to feel successful with tracking, exercise, drinking your water or even posting online. I feel the strength from everyone when I am feeling unsuccessful and it helps me get back on track.
    May God hold everyone in the palm of his hand, especially those affected by the storm.