hurricane sandy



  • CharleneExtreme
    I'm not from the States - but i hope everyone's safe!!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I lived in FL my whole life, experience tropical storms, hurricanes, and whatnot yearly. I have some food in the fridge, food in the freezer, and gas in my car. It's a category one.. Some flooding, loss of electric, and down trees. I'm more pissed that my flight got cancelled because I've driven through worse. Not worried honestly.

    A hurricane in the Northeast is NOT THE SAME as a hurricane in Florida. Not to mention, as I stated before, this is going to be three storm systems coming together. It isn't JUST a category 1 hurricane you have to worry about.

    This is the attitude that scares me and makes me concerned there will be a lot more casualties of this storm than people realize.

    This is like me saying if three feet of snow were predicted in Tallahassee tomorrow that it's "no big deal" because I lived through seven feet of snow in one storm in Buffalo once. Snow in Florida is not the same as snow in Buffalo. People would die here. It would be chaos.

    And as far as it only being a level 1, that takes into account sustained wind speed, not gusts, not the potential for tornadoes and not the amount of possible rainfall.

    My boyfriend grew up in West Palm Beach and has lived through several hurricanes of varying strengths and he doesn't think this storm is "no big deal."

    Also, driving through rain and an airplane taking off or landing in a hurricane? Yeah ... not even comparable.
  • KristyHumphrey
    KristyHumphrey Posts: 248 Member
    I live in Northeast Ohio - shouldn't be too bad - i feel bad for MD, NY, PA, etc!!
  • KristyHumphrey
    KristyHumphrey Posts: 248 Member
    I lived in FL my whole life, experience tropical storms, hurricanes, and whatnot yearly. I have some food in the fridge, food in the freezer, and gas in my car. It's a category one.. Some flooding, loss of electric, and down trees. I'm more pissed that my flight got cancelled because I've driven through worse. Not worried honestly.

    A hurricane in the Northeast is NOT THE SAME as a hurricane in Florida. Not to mention, as I stated before, this is going to be three storm systems coming together. It isn't JUST a category 1 hurricane you have to worry about.

    This is the attitude that scares me and makes me concerned there will be a lot more casualties of this storm than people realize.

    This is like me saying if three feet of snow were predicted in Tallahassee tomorrow that it's "no big deal" because I lived through seven feet of snow in one storm in Buffalo once. Snow in Florida is not the same as snow in Buffalo. People would die here. It would be chaos.

    And as far as it only being a level 1, that takes into account sustained wind speed, not gusts, not the potential for tornadoes and not the amount of possible rainfall.

    My boyfriend grew up in West Palm Beach and has lived through several hurricanes of varying strengths and he doesn't think this storm is "no big deal."

    Also, driving through rain and an airplane taking off or landing in a hurricane? Yeah ... not even comparable.

    Agreed! Someone said "its just a Category I" to me earlier-they weren't getting what was happening!
  • jcohio85
    I am in Cleveland which is just outside of the Active alert area, but I have several friends on the east coast and I just wanted to say everyone please be safe! Ill be thinking of you all as I watch the coverage.

    (Weather scares the daylights out of me)
  • rachelfaith92
    rachelfaith92 Posts: 202 Member
    I lived in FL my whole life, experience tropical storms, hurricanes, and whatnot yearly. I have some food in the fridge, food in the freezer, and gas in my car. It's a category one.. Some flooding, loss of electric, and down trees. I'm more pissed that my flight got cancelled because I've driven through worse. Not worried honestly.

    A hurricane in the Northeast is NOT THE SAME as a hurricane in Florida. Not to mention, as I stated before, this is going to be three storm systems coming together. It isn't JUST a category 1 hurricane you have to worry about.

    This is the attitude that scares me and makes me concerned there will be a lot more casualties of this storm than people realize.

    This is like me saying if three feet of snow were predicted in Tallahassee tomorrow that it's "no big deal" because I lived through seven feet of snow in one storm in Buffalo once. Snow in Florida is not the same as snow in Buffalo. People would die here. It would be chaos.

    And as far as it only being a level 1, that takes into account sustained wind speed, not gusts, not the potential for tornadoes and not the amount of possible rainfall.

    My boyfriend grew up in West Palm Beach and has lived through several hurricanes of varying strengths and he doesn't think this storm is "no big deal."

    Also, driving through rain and an airplane taking off or landing in a hurricane? Yeah ... not even comparable.

    I've been weeks without power due to hurricanes in florida that were much stronger than this storm. I'm not afraid of it, it's a storm, rain, wind, and loss of power. I've experienced having severe flooding, power lines down, no water, and no electric for weeks at a time. A category 1 hurricane that is over cold water hitting the coast doesn't scare me... Sorry it just doesn't. I lived 10 minutes from the beach in FL and the streets you'd have to travel by canoe and inner tubes lol. I've been through every type of storm. Just because some people are scared and freaking out doesn't mean others have to as well. I know how to take care of myself, I'm not the least bit worried or concerned. And a plane taking off the day after the storm being gone with some winds 20-35mph and a flight being cancelled is a bit ridiculous.. My grandfather just passed, and if I wasn't able to get a ticket for Thurs, I would have driven down.

    Oh, not to mention the infamous "blue tarps" over all the houses.. roofs coming off. I'm just not worried. Been there, done that.
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    In Florida...
  • rachelfaith92
    rachelfaith92 Posts: 202 Member
    In Florida...

    I really don't see how varying locations have much to do with anything, since I was coast side near the beach under worse conditions. The fact that it was warmer? If it gets cold you start a fire, if your car is gassed up and you have a car charger you charge your phone in the case of an "emergency." You have food stocked up, then you're set.

    Actually, there were more people who ended up in the hospital due to heat stroke than anything else in FL. I'd rather be cool.
  • healthymom76
    healthymom76 Posts: 99 Member
    I lived in FL my whole life, experience tropical storms, hurricanes, and whatnot yearly. I have some food in the fridge, food in the freezer, and gas in my car. It's a category one.. Some flooding, loss of electric, and down trees. I'm more pissed that my flight got cancelled because I've driven through worse. Not worried honestly.

    A hurricane in the Northeast is NOT THE SAME as a hurricane in Florida. Not to mention, as I stated before, this is going to be three storm systems coming together. It isn't JUST a category 1 hurricane you have to worry about.

    This is the attitude that scares me and makes me concerned there will be a lot more casualties of this storm than people realize.

    This is like me saying if three feet of snow were predicted in Tallahassee tomorrow that it's "no big deal" because I lived through seven feet of snow in one storm in Buffalo once. Snow in Florida is not the same as snow in Buffalo. People would die here. It would be chaos.

    And as far as it only being a level 1, that takes into account sustained wind speed, not gusts, not the potential for tornadoes and not the amount of possible rainfall.

    My boyfriend grew up in West Palm Beach and has lived through several hurricanes of varying strengths and he doesn't think this storm is "no big deal."

    Also, driving through rain and an airplane taking off or landing in a hurricane? Yeah ... not even comparable.

    I've been weeks without power due to hurricanes in florida that were much stronger than this storm. I'm not afraid of it, it's a storm, rain, wind, and loss of power. I've experienced having severe flooding, power lines down, no water, and no electric for weeks at a time. A category 1 hurricane that is over cold water hitting the coast doesn't scare me... Sorry it just doesn't. I lived 10 minutes from the beach in FL and the streets you'd have to travel by canoe and inner tubes lol. I've been through every type of storm. Just because some people are scared and freaking out doesn't mean others have to as well. I know how to take care of myself, I'm not the least bit worried or concerned. And a plane taking off the day after the storm being gone with some winds 20-35mph and a flight being cancelled is a bit ridiculous.. My grandfather just passed, and if I wasn't able to get a ticket for Thurs, I would have driven down.

    Oh, not to mention the infamous "blue tarps" over all the houses.. roofs coming off. I'm just not worried. Been there, done that.

    One thing to realize is that at this time of year you can easily hit freezing temps in the night. If you don't have an alternate heat source and you lose electricity it can be a severe problem. Don't think Florida has to worry about freezing to death during the power outages.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I lived in FL my whole life, experience tropical storms, hurricanes, and whatnot yearly. I have some food in the fridge, food in the freezer, and gas in my car. It's a category one.. Some flooding, loss of electric, and down trees. I'm more pissed that my flight got cancelled because I've driven through worse. Not worried honestly.

    A hurricane in the Northeast is NOT THE SAME as a hurricane in Florida. Not to mention, as I stated before, this is going to be three storm systems coming together. It isn't JUST a category 1 hurricane you have to worry about.

    This is the attitude that scares me and makes me concerned there will be a lot more casualties of this storm than people realize.

    This is like me saying if three feet of snow were predicted in Tallahassee tomorrow that it's "no big deal" because I lived through seven feet of snow in one storm in Buffalo once. Snow in Florida is not the same as snow in Buffalo. People would die here. It would be chaos.

    And as far as it only being a level 1, that takes into account sustained wind speed, not gusts, not the potential for tornadoes and not the amount of possible rainfall.

    My boyfriend grew up in West Palm Beach and has lived through several hurricanes of varying strengths and he doesn't think this storm is "no big deal."

    Also, driving through rain and an airplane taking off or landing in a hurricane? Yeah ... not even comparable.

    I've been weeks without power due to hurricanes in florida that were much stronger than this storm. I'm not afraid of it, it's a storm, rain, wind, and loss of power. I've experienced having severe flooding, power lines down, no water, and no electric for weeks at a time. A category 1 hurricane that is over cold water hitting the coast doesn't scare me... Sorry it just doesn't. I lived 10 minutes from the beach in FL and the streets you'd have to travel by canoe and inner tubes lol. I've been through every type of storm. Just because some people are scared and freaking out doesn't mean others have to as well. I know how to take care of myself, I'm not the least bit worried or concerned. And a plane taking off the day after the storm being gone with some winds 20-35mph and a flight being cancelled is a bit ridiculous.. My grandfather just passed, and if I wasn't able to get a ticket for Thurs, I would have driven down.

    Darling, you're not in Florida anymore. And this is not JUST a category 1 hurricane. It's three storms meeting and creating a super storm.

    I hope that you ARE OK, but I also hope you're taking this more seriously than you seem to be. Being without power for a while and having a flood are the least of the things that can happen with this. The buildings in the Northeast are built for snow storms, not hurricanes or tornadoes like they are down here. And the people meant to help clean things up after are not trained for the aftermath of a hurricane.

    People didn't take Katrina seriously, either. Look what happened. People didn't take Ivan seriously. Look what happened. And both those storms hit hurricane prone areas.

    I'm very used to snow, but I'd be extremely concerned if we got any significant snow here because the people who live here would be lost and that affects everyone, even those of us who are used to it.

    I'm sorry about your grandfather, but the airlines make decisions to keep people safe. If they cancelled flights (costing them money), they did it for a reason.
  • saudade87
    I'm super nervous since I have to come into work tomorrow, and I'm a Registered Nurse, so I HAVE to absolutely go! It will be interesting to say the least if the power goes out in the hospital- we'll have to go back to the old ways of documenting in the charts and documenting what medications were given. I'm bringing an overnight bag just in case if I have to stay. Also using my parent's big truck to head into work since my dinky car probably will be blown to hell in the 60 mph winds...
    So worried...
    ugh- keep the service workers in your prayers the next couple of days

    30 minutes outside Philadelphia
  • kblu0816
    kblu0816 Posts: 1,627 Member
    Live in Columbus, OH. We're getting lots of wind and rain but nothing compared to the coast. I also would like to mention that I work for the utility company and they're estimating this "frankenstorm" to be worse that the "perfect" storm back in the early 90s I believe. The people whose jobs revolve around disaster recovery say this is going to be a $1 billion damage storm. It's 2 storms colliding in the worst possible location. I'm praying for everyone who gets stuck in this and for my fellow employees who will be out helping getting everyone's power back on.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    The worst of this storm hasn't even hit shore yet, and I have friends in NJ and NYC posting on FB about seeing pieces of their neighbors' roofs flying around outside.

    KG -- You guys are heroes!
  • laarae
    laarae Posts: 332 Member
    I live in the mountains of Colorado-but I pray for each and everyone who may be affected personally or have loved ones who may be affected my heart, thoughts and prayers are with you.:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • rachelfaith92
    rachelfaith92 Posts: 202 Member
    I lived in FL my whole life, experience tropical storms, hurricanes, and whatnot yearly. I have some food in the fridge, food in the freezer, and gas in my car. It's a category one.. Some flooding, loss of electric, and down trees. I'm more pissed that my flight got cancelled because I've driven through worse. Not worried honestly.

    A hurricane in the Northeast is NOT THE SAME as a hurricane in Florida. Not to mention, as I stated before, this is going to be three storm systems coming together. It isn't JUST a category 1 hurricane you have to worry about.

    This is the attitude that scares me and makes me concerned there will be a lot more casualties of this storm than people realize.

    This is like me saying if three feet of snow were predicted in Tallahassee tomorrow that it's "no big deal" because I lived through seven feet of snow in one storm in Buffalo once. Snow in Florida is not the same as snow in Buffalo. People would die here. It would be chaos.

    And as far as it only being a level 1, that takes into account sustained wind speed, not gusts, not the potential for tornadoes and not the amount of possible rainfall.

    My boyfriend grew up in West Palm Beach and has lived through several hurricanes of varying strengths and he doesn't think this storm is "no big deal."

    Also, driving through rain and an airplane taking off or landing in a hurricane? Yeah ... not even comparable.

    I've been weeks without power due to hurricanes in florida that were much stronger than this storm. I'm not afraid of it, it's a storm, rain, wind, and loss of power. I've experienced having severe flooding, power lines down, no water, and no electric for weeks at a time. A category 1 hurricane that is over cold water hitting the coast doesn't scare me... Sorry it just doesn't. I lived 10 minutes from the beach in FL and the streets you'd have to travel by canoe and inner tubes lol. I've been through every type of storm. Just because some people are scared and freaking out doesn't mean others have to as well. I know how to take care of myself, I'm not the least bit worried or concerned. And a plane taking off the day after the storm being gone with some winds 20-35mph and a flight being cancelled is a bit ridiculous.. My grandfather just passed, and if I wasn't able to get a ticket for Thurs, I would have driven down.

    Darling, you're not in Florida anymore. And this is not JUST a category 1 hurricane. It's three storms meeting and creating a super storm.

    I hope that you ARE OK, but I also hope you're taking this more seriously than you seem to be. Being without power for a while and having a flood are the least of the things that can happen with this. The buildings in the Northeast are built for snow storms, not hurricanes or tornadoes like they are down here. And the people meant to help clean things up after are not trained for the aftermath of a hurricane.

    People didn't take Katrina seriously, either. Look what happened. People didn't take Ivan seriously. Look what happened. And both those storms hit hurricane prone areas.

    I'm very used to snow, but I'd be extremely concerned if we got any significant snow here because the people who live here would be lost and that affects everyone, even those of us who are used to it.

    I'm sorry about your grandfather, but the airlines make decisions to keep people safe. If they cancelled flights (costing them money), they did it for a reason.

    I do appreciate your concern, I do.

    I don't mean to come off as arrogant or an *kitten* in anyway. I just really look at things from a logical point of view. There's always one extreme over another. There are ways to get warm, but once you've hit severe dehydration and heat stroke and no way to get cool, I can't say that the circumstance doesn't equal a freezing night in it's own way. They are both opposite sides of the spectrum but both are equally as bad in their own way. It's easier to get warm than it is to get cool in 90 degree weather with severe humidity. It may be worse for the NE just due to the fact that many have never experienced hurricanes or storms like this in this part of the country. The fact that people are unprepared in terms of how to deal physically and emotionally with this type of thing would be much worse. I've seen people having panic attacks and crying over this.. My FL friends and family are keeping tabs making jokes about how it's just another trip around the block, we've been there done that. But it's like throwing a cat into a bath tub of water and a fish into a litterbox I suppose. If you've never experienced it of course you'll freak out.
  • kblu0816
    kblu0816 Posts: 1,627 Member
    The worst of this storm hasn't even hit shore yet, and I have friends in NJ and NYC posting on FB about seeing pieces of their neighbors' roofs flying around outside.

    KG -- You guys are heroes!

    Thanks. I'm a desk grunt so no field work for me but I have friends who will be out there and I really pray for their safety. Even the guys working 16 hour shifts here to keep our lights on or get them back on ASAP. During that terrible Derecho storm in July, my friend worked 2 weeks straight, not a day off, 16 hour shifts. That is dedication so I am always so upset when people complain about the utility company not getting their power back on fast enough and then complaining about rates going up. How do you think we pay those people who literally work night and day to put our lights back on? grrrrrr ok rant over.

    Prayers go out to everyone! Stay safe!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I do appreciate your concern, I do.

    I don't mean to come off as arrogant or an *kitten* in anyway. I just really look at things from a logical point of view. There's always one extreme over another. There are ways to get warm, but once you've hit severe dehydration and heat stroke and no way to get cool, I can't say that the circumstance doesn't equal a freezing night in it's own way. They are both opposite sides of the spectrum but both are equally as bad in their own way. It's easier to get warm than it is to get cool in 90 degree weather with severe humidity. It may be worse for the NE just due to the fact that many have never experienced hurricanes or storms like this in this part of the country. The fact that people are unprepared in terms of how to deal physically and emotionally with this type of thing would be much worse. I've seen people having panic attacks and crying over this.. My FL friends and family are keeping tabs making jokes about how it's just another trip around the block, we've been there done that. But it's like throwing a cat into a bath tub of water and a fish into a litterbox I suppose. If you've never experienced it of course you'll freak out.

    Freaking out obviously doesn't do anyone any good. I just see a lot of people literally mocking others for stocking up on water and non-perishable foods and others insisting this isn't going to be a big deal.

    And maybe it won't be, but it could end up worse than predicted.

    You came across in previous posts as not taking it very seriously and I have a lot of friends and family in its path (I grew up in New York state and the storm is predicted to literally go right over my hometown and also Buffalo, where my family is), so I'm concerned, even though I'm not there.

    If you've done what you can to prepare, then all you can do is sit back, ride it out and hope for the best. Just keep in mind that the aftermath may be worse than what you experienced in Florida simply because you're in an area not used to this.

    Just like the snow storm analogy, I would stock up and then stay put at home until it melted, but I would also know that the cleanup and any assistance may be delayed because of where I live now.

    I mean, one Christmas Eve we did have seven feet fall all at once, but the snow plows were out from the beginning so we were still able to go to my aunt's and have our usual Christmas Eve rituals and everything. That wouldn't happen here!
  • flatbellybella
    flatbellybella Posts: 303 Member
    I'm in Southern Ontario (near the lake)
    guess we're getting it right after NYC...

    It looks like a normal cloudy rainy day.. not much winds... but things are expected to get worse

    We're stocked up, flash lights, batteries, lantern, radio etc etc

    Is anybody still working out?
    I want to go ... not sure
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    Please stop fighting and turning this support thread into a stupid arguement about who has been through a bigger storm

    Seriously? Who cares.

    I live in the middle of Canada and I cant imagine prepping for a storm of this magnitude, never mind a level one hurricane. Ill take a blizzard any day...

    I hope everyone is warm and safe and wish everyone good luck and best wishes as they ride out the storm. My thoughts will be with you all!!!
  • rachelfaith92
    rachelfaith92 Posts: 202 Member
    I do appreciate your concern, I do.

    I don't mean to come off as arrogant or an *kitten* in anyway. I just really look at things from a logical point of view. There's always one extreme over another. There are ways to get warm, but once you've hit severe dehydration and heat stroke and no way to get cool, I can't say that the circumstance doesn't equal a freezing night in it's own way. They are both opposite sides of the spectrum but both are equally as bad in their own way. It's easier to get warm than it is to get cool in 90 degree weather with severe humidity. It may be worse for the NE just due to the fact that many have never experienced hurricanes or storms like this in this part of the country. The fact that people are unprepared in terms of how to deal physically and emotionally with this type of thing would be much worse. I've seen people having panic attacks and crying over this.. My FL friends and family are keeping tabs making jokes about how it's just another trip around the block, we've been there done that. But it's like throwing a cat into a bath tub of water and a fish into a litterbox I suppose. If you've never experienced it of course you'll freak out.

    Freaking out obviously doesn't do anyone any good. I just see a lot of people literally mocking others for stocking up on water and non-perishable foods and others insisting this isn't going to be a big deal.

    And maybe it won't be, but it could end up worse than predicted.

    You came across in previous posts as not taking it very seriously and I have a lot of friends and family in its path (I grew up in New York state and the storm is predicted to literally go right over my hometown and also Buffalo, where my family is), so I'm concerned, even though I'm not there.

    If you've done what you can to prepare, then all you can do is sit back, ride it out and hope for the best. Just keep in mind that the aftermath may be worse than what you experienced in Florida simply because you're in an area not used to this.

    Just like the snow storm analogy, I would stock up and then stay put at home until it melted, but I would also know that the cleanup and any assistance may be delayed because of where I live now.

    I mean, one Christmas Eve we did have seven feet fall all at once, but the snow plows were out from the beginning so we were still able to go to my aunt's and have our usual Christmas Eve rituals and everything. That wouldn't happen here!

    Oh absolutely, I agree with everything you said! It's unfortunately it hit an area that isn't used to this type of thing, unfortunately causing mass confusion and chaos. I do hope everyone is prepared and ready for it. I don't wish ill upon anyone. I hope that many are trying to relax and take it calmly, I see way too many people in this area going nuts freaking out about it. I am at least experienced in these types of storms and the general consequences of them, so I feel ready and able to adapt, as much as it will suck without power and such. I hope everyone has a safe experience with it.