What's the meanest thing someone said to you?



  • aaeros
    aaeros Posts: 157
    Two come to mind.

    Playing softball 5 or 6 years ago, the team was coming up with nicknames for everyone that didn't already have one. Someone decided my nickname should be "Lump"..

    More recently, I met my wife's dad for the first time. Understand he is a disabled vet and mentally not all there. But walking into his hospital to meet him for the first time, the first words out of his mouth were "Oh, a heavy set man..."
  • sylvuz323
    sylvuz323 Posts: 468 Member
    I don't know if my boss realized what she was saying but I thought she was pretty rude. A few days ago she was wearing a dress that looked like a potato sack on her, not flattering at all. She lost weight with OptiFast (800 cals a day under Dr. supervision) and they were doing a photo shoot. I told her the dress she was wearing was too big. An hour later her sister comes around and tells her the same thing, dress is too big. My boss turns to me and offers to give me her dress...I was like huh? I wanted to say seriously you think that dress will fit me any better. I just said no not my style I like to accentuate my curves not bury them. I couldn't help but wonder do I look that much bigger than her now.
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    Not weight related...

    My senior year of highschool, the last day of school before Spring Break.... My POS car breaks down on the way to school.
    My little brother and I are stranded on the side of the road and have to walk home. Luckily we didn't have that far to walk.
    I'm crying because well....my car is broke down and I had plans to spend the week at a beach house with 4 girl friends. This was my first Spring Break 'away' and I had been saving up money for this. I get home and I'm talking to my mom to try to figure out how I am going to tow my car and get to school that morning. She's getting dressed to go pick up her boyfriend from the bus stop. She dated A LOT back then. She pretty much tells me that I have to figure out how to tow my car because she has more important things to do. I start crying again...because this is my mom's typical reaction to everything, it's not HER problem. She stops, looks me in the eye and says, "You are the most selfish person I know!". Then she leaves. My boyfriend at the time towed my car for me and my girl friends let me ride along with them during Spring Break. Unfortunately, what my mom said has stuck with me ever since. Needless to say, my mom and I don't have the best relationship and a lot of things she's said has stuck. The funny thing is....I wasn't even a demanding child. I pretty much was self sufficient from 12 years old. Oh, her and the guy broke up that week. Go figure.

    Weight related....

    I can't really think of anything specific other than the random person asking me if I was pregnant when I was not. Or when people would say, "You have such a pretty face!". I did hear of family members talking behind my back about my weight and how I had let myself go. It hurt. But I got revenge in the best way!
  • flutternfly
    "I liked you better when you were fat."

    My cousin told me something similar nearly 20 years ago when I was at my thinnest. She wonders why I don't call her or want to hang out with her at Christmas, but I always make a point of seeing her sisters. She said "I like the fat you better than the skinny you." I think she was just jealous that I had friends and was having a fun life.

    I had two 6 year old boys I teach at church earlier this year tell me I was fat as I was trying to point out to another kid that he wasn't fat--he's skinny. The one kid turned psycho and got right in my face, pointed his little finger and I said "You're fat" I thought the little freak's head was going to spin. I was so stunned, I wasn't sure what to say but I told him he was rude and that his actions were completely inappropriate. Not surprising, his mother is a twig and must get on the poor kid.

    My family has said more than their fair share of mean things. My Grandpa used to ask how much I weighed and say all sorts of things about I'd look better if I lost weight. One Christmas, I had gained weight and wasn't sure I wanted to come home to be ridiculed by my Grandma. I told my Mom she better talk to her and tell her to keep her mouth shut about my weight gain. Grandma did really well until nearly the end, then she couldn't help herself by making some digs about what I was eating, etc. Ironically, they all had weight problems. I think family comments are the most hurtful and meanest.
  • rockyshrode
    rockyshrode Posts: 69 Member
    My grandma, very recently, put her arms around me and proudly said to her sister, "fat people have the best personalities."

    Gram, love her with all my heart, is in her 90's and is suffering from age related dimentia + alzheimers. I of course forgive her because I know she said it with love in her heart, but damn that was embarassing. lol. Her sister, who's even older than she is, started sputtering & denying that I was overweight. This cut me to the bone on a number of levels: 1) The person who's always had my back in this life is losing herself; 2) I'm the fattest person in our family, and it's not excaping anyone's notice. :/

    Otherwise I haven't had a ton of experience with jabs about my weight (outside of my dad's "you're beautiful for a big girl" or "we could all stand to lose a few pounds" observations) -- I've always gone on the defensive with people, exuding a "don't *kitten* with me about my weight" vibe.
  • BIRT1956
    BIRT1956 Posts: 31 Member
    When I was 15 years old my Mom told me go back inside the house and change out of my shorts and "cover those fat legs". I was 5' 8" tall and weighed probably 115 lbs sopping wet. I'm 56 years old now and never forget how that stung.
  • blissfulself
    blissfulself Posts: 193 Member
    so sorry to hear that so many people have had horrible things said to them by their mothers and parents :( that breaks my heart. i hope you all can someday realize your worth
  • pascale485
    pascale485 Posts: 173 Member
    So many to choose from:

    My great grand mother once told me I looked disproportionnated because I was too fat and I had too much boobs!

    Random person at a buffet: Look at the fat girl, she has two plates, no wonder she is fat- -one plate was for me and the other for my NIECE!

    My new boss: You would be super sexy if you lost some of that stomach and that fat *kitten*! - GEEZZ ! Thanks! 0_o

    New boss again- I was going wedding dress shopping: Do they make wedding dress in your size?? Careful not to break one, since your probably going to be very tight in there!
    (After a long talk about how I don't want his opinion on my weight and that he was mean and rude, he apologized and now doesn't mention my weight)
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    Right after my daughter was born (25 yrs ago!) a "friend" took one look at her and said, "She has your husband's temperament, what a blessing.".
  • JeanetDK
    My aunt telling me that I would definitely qualify for gastric bypass. In Denmark you have to have a BMI of 50 or more to get one (Unless you pay the whole thing yourself) and at that time I was at least 50 lbs away from having a BMI of 50. She had the surgery herself a few years back, lost a ton of weight and is now slowly gaining the whole back because she couldn't be bothered with eating right and exercise is walking from the couch to the fridge.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Wow - I can't believe how mean some parents are. I always thought my #1 job as parent was to love my children unconditionally and guide them kindly.

    I am reminded of being a teenager and sitting in the rec room with 2 of my aunts. Two of my uncles were outside the door, and one of them commented loudly "when you have 2 or 3 Smith women in a room, you have a room FULL of women." Then my fat old uncles laughed and laughed. I felt so humiliated.

    He had a point, though. We were all fat.
  • fallintomyworld
    fallintomyworld Posts: 45 Member
    my roommate and i were fighting and he called me a fat nasty beast. of course i couldn't cry in front of him. it really hurt my feelings. after a week of silent treatment he kept apologizing. He hasn't called me anything like that again, plus i've stuck to my weight loss and he has gained it.
  • RNTanya
    RNTanya Posts: 26 Member
    As a single mother for 14 years several friends said to me, "Your son doesnt' have a great future, he has the odds stacked against him--you being a single mother and all". They underestimated me...I put myself through nursing school with a 4am paper route, home catering business and raised that boy on my own with no support but lots of love and guidance from me.

    Update: My awesome 6'5" son beat 11,000 applicants for a spot at the US Naval Academy, honors in aeronautical engineering, speaks fluent Mandarin chinese, doesn't smoke, drink and helps little old ladies across the street :)
    I always told him if you put your mind to it, you can do anything....and he did.

    Okay, mother horn tooting done for another day.
  • taffies
    taffies Posts: 17 Member
    I participated in a charity event recently where I you could either do a one mile walk or a 5k run. Well I have been running for exercise and was getting ready to line up for the run portion. One of my friends who was an event volunteer looked me up and down and said "Oh you are running?". I have to say I killed it and made sure she knew that I had run my fastest mile ever!

    But the assumption that I could not run because I was my size was soooo painful and insulting.
  • spongebex
    spongebex Posts: 194 Member
    Without a doubt it was a comment on one of my youtube videos (they are Christian faith based). The commenter (of another faith) said in his country I would not be tolerated due to my disgusting body size. He further dug it in by saying I am shame to my husband, and a shame to my faith.

    I cried for a couple days. I know it is youtube, the home of trolling at it's best. But that one really cut me deep, because my husband and my faith are vitally important to me. To think of shaming either, made my heart bleed. It also hurt because I felt there was truth in it. I did have a problem. I do struggle with gluttony. I could be so much better in health and appearance for my husband. And my morbid obesity isn't exactly a positive reflection on my faith. I am not a perfect person. Just as I have been forgiven, I chose to forgive him for his unkindness.

    I moved on. Since then, not because of him, I have lost a lot of weight. So that makes me smile. And for the first time in many years, I feel like I have a control on my gluttony. I call it for what it is, even with a hypothyroid problem, I admit my responsibility in the gluttony I certainly participated in...and I am desperately working daily at changing it.

    That is completely and absolutely awful! But your incredible forgiving reaction THAT is testimony to you as a wife, as someone with faith and as a beautiful human being.

    My story is much less mean and more comical:

    Me: Would you say these glasses suit me?
    Specsavers staff member: No they make your face look rounder
    Me: .....*stunned silence*..... er... ok.....
  • chocolateluvr80
    chocolateluvr80 Posts: 64 Member
    Most of the time people are not trying to be hurtful, they just are.
    My grandma" you know, there is a difference between being tall and being tall and fat" (I was in 4th grade).

    My cousin: "I don't need to lose weight because I like myself." (WTF)

    Hubby: "Another failed diet." (I have a serious weight problem that I have been struggling with most of my adult life and when he said that I just wanted to cry.)

    However, the backhanded compliments are the worst.

    In-laws: "You dance well/ are very flexible (for a fat girl)"
  • ErzaScarlet
    ErzaScarlet Posts: 64 Member
    When I was 15 a girl commented on the size of my *kitten*, little did she know that would be the point where I started to criticize myself so much that it would lead to 3 years worth of eating disorders.

    But now I have discover that no one has the right to put you down unless you let them so say **** YOU to people you think they have the right to judge you you only have one life so live it. RANT OVER!
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    In the middle of an eating disorder, at 87lbs, my grandma, "you could ALMOST be pretty if you lost weight."
    "you shouldnt eat that, youll get fat like your mom."
    "men dont like women who eat."
    "oh my goodness! you ate so much! dont you feel disgusting now?"
    "you shouldnt eat anything that a man eats. it isnt ladylike, and youre getting fat anyway."

    and everyone wonders why im not visiting the old bag in the nursing home.
  • fishbarn
    fishbarn Posts: 90 Member
    I had just lost my son in automotive accident. A few days after we buried my son remains. I was told me to be thankful for my family. They know that we had just buried my son, because they were there at the graveside service.
  • jhunny31
    First let me start out by saying that store lady was rude. As a matter of fact I probably would have had a b**** fit and asked to speak to a manager immediately. So kudos for handling it the way you did. So I'm thinking hmmm what has anyone ever said to me that was embarrassing and I remember my son was probably like 4 years old at the time and we're in the grocery store and I'm picking out steak and he says out loud in front of everyone "mommy your fat" I tried to ignore it but he said it again. lol I mean I was seriously embarrassed but wasn't mad at him because he was telling the truth. Let me think... another one was I wore a skirt to work and was sitting in the break room with other co- workers and an elder co-worker came in and said "You look like one of those ladies we get in emails" what she meant was you know those emails you get with someone heavy wearing something inappropriate and looking a mess -- yea totally embarrassing.