Over 200 Club New Year New Body-Part 8



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    mstahl: Congrats on the walking during lunch. That's awesome! I love that you were wearing gators...I just learned about them today.

    Hey, I'm going for va-va-voom as well! I LOVE having girly curves and as my boyfriend would say "rail thin girls look like 12 year old boys." Like Cris, I was happy with how I looked when I weighed about 185 but to be truly healthy, I need to be closer to 150 according to everything I've read. Plus, it's a weight I've been before and I was cute!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    56 degress... whoo hoo.. the calm before the storm I suppose.. It is going to be W-I-N-D-Y tomorrow. Well I just got back from grocery shopping and as hard as it was to AVOID the easter candy isle. I DID IT. Those Cadberry chocolate eggs with the candy shell in the purple bag are my all time fav! Problem is if I buy a bag of them.. I will overindulge.. so they are still at the store on the shelf!

    Vavoom.. you said it girls.. that is what women are suppose to be! My goal weight is is to be 180 aka about a size 16. So, I plan on keeping some of those lovely curves myself.

    My husband planned a surprise road trip directly after work today so that means we are eating out and getting home late.. Grrr.. I hate it when I can't plan for things like that. I guess that means I need to get my butt on my elliptical and burn baby burn!

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Wow a lot going on today! Seems like everybody is going for the va-va-va voom! COUNT ME IN!!

    I'm sitting here at work trying to decide if I should go ahead and workout tonight. I hear you can actually overdo it and it works against you. How often does everybody workout? Everyday?
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Good job ladies!

    I haven't had the time to really spend replying in awhile and I feel like I am getting all the benefit of your positive posts without giving anything back. Hope you can feel positive energy as I send you all good vibes on you accomplishments. Great things continue to come to this group with your hard work and determination.

    Jess I don't exercise everyday. My plan is to exercise every other day Monday - Saturday and then I will add strength training here and there. So far it is a good balance for me.

    Calories: yes - right on
    Water: yes +
    Exercise: yes
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    heather- if you are removing wallpaper get a product called DIF its awesome! We have half of the bathroom done already!

    mstahl- good luck with all those people! I always have a hard time when there is a lot of people around because I want to eat what they have!

    coloradogirl- good luck with dinner tonight, just portion things appropriately and you'll do fine (says the girl that ate a 8in cheesesteak on saturday:blushing: )

    jess- I run M-W-F and do my sit ups T-TH-SAT...If I eat something 'bad' I will go work it off at the gym. I take sundays off and the sit ups arent really long like 15-20 mins so its not straineous

    snowflakes- we feel your good vibes, jsut glad you are still with us!

    checking in 3/4/10:
    calories- under by almost 200 might have a snack before bed
    water- yes
    sodium- 1860 (yea!)
    excercise- week 4 day 1 of situps
    proud- that i started working on our bathroom, been putting it off because I lacked energy before :happy:


  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    jess -- I work out almost every day. Sometimes I take Sunday off (or Friday if I'm feeling lazy that morning). Monday-Friday I get up every morning and bike 30 minutes before work so I already have that under my belt in case things get hectic or I don't feel like working out later. Monday Thursday, and Saturday I also run (today I biked for 40 more minutes this evening instead of running because of the shins). I'm also doing the situps, pushups, and squats challenges Monday, Thursday, and Saturday. Sometimes I throw 30 Day Shred in there somewhere, usually in place of a bike ride. I usually find time to bike or go for a walk on Sundays but I definitely usually take it easy that day. Mind you, I have built myself up to this amount of exercise over the last 6 months.

    This is all, of course, my very unprofessional opinion but I do think you can overtrain. If you're feeling pain, tired, or weak, IMO, that means you're overtraining (and/or not eating enough). I experienced this right when I first started running in November. I was trying to run 5 times a week so that I could progress faster and I was doing 30 Day Shred at the same time (trying to do it every day). I was in pain, I felt like I was going to faint, and I wasn't losing weight because my muscles were holding onto so much water. As soon as I stopped exercising so much I dropped 4 pounds (in just a couple days).
    Yeesh, I'm so longwinded.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I feel just like you, snowflakes. I am reading the posts but I'm sorry I can't comment as much as I'd like to right now. My K-3 show is getting closer and that means I am in show mode - late late nights and early mornings. I'm still working out and eating clean, so that's a relief.

    I tried on those clothes I bought for the summer - remember, the ones that were two sizes smaller? Well, I can fit into the jeans but oooh they are too tight to wear in public! :laugh: And the dresses - my favorite one that I planned to wear on my birthday in July fits now! It is a little too tight in the bust (my ta-tas are just not shrinking!!! :grumble: ) but I think it'll be OK for Easter, I hope. I was so afraid to try them on, and I'm not sure why - I was afraid, I think, of feeling inadequate if they didn't fit. I know that's weird because they were chosen purposefully smaller, but I think I have this mental block about trying on clothes and them not fitting. It has been the usual disappointment for me for so many years - to want something to fit so badly and it not fit - that I think I am having trouble letting those feelings go. :ohwell:

    check in:
    cals: good
    water: good
    exercise: 40 mins bike + 10 mins vigorous bike
    proud: that I actually forced myself to try on the smaller-sized clothes.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Thanks for all the inputs. I have just heard you can overdo it and I actually read about the muscles retaining water today JLB. I think I'm just going to take tonight off and relax. I also tried your oatmeal and peanut butter this morning JLB and it was awesome! You were kidding when you said how filling it was. I'm usually craving a snack and the thought of eating made me wanna gag. I normally have lunch at 12 and wasn't even beginning to get hungry till 1. Fantastic idea!

    I haven't had a chance to read everybodies posts as well but I'm sending good vibes everyones way as well!! :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    Checking in for today

    Calories: 82 over (stupid pizza for lunch!
    Water: 10 glasses and counting
    Sodium: 2464...again...dang the pizza
    Exercise: probably should since I am a little over on calories and sodium but I'm just beat. Back at it tomorrow morning.
    Proud: I'm going to listen to my body and take the night off. It's tired. 5 days straight of 30 Day Shred and Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout will get ya!

    Hope everybody has a fantastic evening and happy weigh in tomorrow!! I'm off to have a movie night with my roommate/best friend that I never get to see! YAY! :bigsmile:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hello All,
    JLB - I had no idea that muscles held onto water and of course I did more exercise today than I have in years just in time for weigh in!:grumble: :sad:
    I looked it up and everyone seems to say that you retain in your muscles at first but then your body gets used to the training and eases off on the retention. Would love to know if you have more info on the subject.

    Cals - under, ate 3/4 of my exercise cals
    Exercise - 30 day shred, sit ups regimen, squats - 155 in 5 sets in between sit ups (taking a note from JLB's book)
    Water - 11 ++
    Proud that I am getting stronger, today was my 6th day of the shred and I was actually able to do some of the moves in the advanced mode.

    Sit ups week 4 column 3 day 1:
    set 1 - 32
    set 2 - 38
    set 3 - 32
    set 4 - 32
    set 5 - 50
    total: 184

    night all!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I feel just like you, snowflakes. I am reading the posts but I'm sorry I can't comment as much as I'd like to right now. My K-3 show is getting closer and that means I am in show mode - late late nights and early mornings. I'm still working out and eating clean, so that's a relief.

    I tried on those clothes I bought for the summer - remember, the ones that were two sizes smaller? Well, I can fit into the jeans but oooh they are too tight to wear in public! :laugh: And the dresses - my favorite one that I planned to wear on my birthday in July fits now! It is a little too tight in the bust (my ta-tas are just not shrinking!!! :grumble: ) but I think it'll be OK for Easter, I hope. I was so afraid to try them on, and I'm not sure why - I was afraid, I think, of feeling inadequate if they didn't fit. I know that's weird because they were chosen purposefully smaller, but I think I have this mental block about trying on clothes and them not fitting. It has been the usual disappointment for me for so many years - to want something to fit so badly and it not fit - that I think I am having trouble letting those feelings go. :ohwell:

    check in:
    cals: good
    water: good
    exercise: 40 mins bike + 10 mins vigorous bike
    proud: that I actually forced myself to try on the smaller-sized clothes.
    Congrats on the Dress fitting!! See we will be meeting our July birthday goals.I am the complete opposite my tatas are getting smaller first.I was a 42DD and now I am a 40 C .LOL!! Which I don't mind because it has taken the burden off my back!You are going to look amazing come your birthday in July we both are.And I am sure the dress will fit quite nicely once Easter rolls around with the progress your making you are going to look AWESOME!!:heart::heart:
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    bluenote.. you are doing so awesome! I am proud of you! Keep up the great work and you will be at your goal before you know it!

    Working out... Myself.. I try and work out a min. of 30 minutes 5 days a week. sometimes more.. sometimes I add strength training.. for me I just HAVE to keep moving to see the scale go in the direction I want it to!

    Check in
    Today went pretty well despite the unplanned dining out. I managed to stay within my calorie goal by 1 whole calorie.. smiley-ashamed004.gif I don't think I could have done much better.

    so.. Calories.. great
    Water.. Fabulous
    Exercise Yep yep
    Proud... I am proud that even though I ended up at 3 different stores today I did NOT buy those candy coated melt in your mouth chocolate eggs from cabury! That is a pretty great feat for me. smiley-excited002.gif

    Well.. I am off to bed.. See you all tomorrow!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Checking in for yesterday-

    Calories - OVER
    Water - Under
    Exercise - lunch time walk only

    Proud - I made some good food choices early in the day - I had breakfast at Bob Evans and chose the spinach turkey omlet and had them skip the home fries and holendeis sauce, and I put half of it in a to-go contanor. I also skipped the normal lunch out on Thursdays and had a spinach salad with turkey (yeah - like breakfast without the eggs lol!).

    Unfortunately I over consummed last night at our dinner party. A new person brought an appetizer to share and I didn't want to be rude! (so I got SECONDS?) And then I somehow had two (smallish) portions of my low cal (if you had ONE portion) lasagna. I always to badly on Thursday nights but with this weekend coming I was hoping to limit the damage! YIKES!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I will weigh in first
    231 today
    232.2 last week
    So -1.2 pounds for me this week
    .51% for me this week
    I weighed in yesterday because TOM is lurking today I believe and my weight is up today too
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member

    This dog!

    So happy I don't have to carry this guy around anymore!! He was wearing me out
    Love your post
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I lost one pound, which is wonderful since last week I lost 6 and was thinking this week might be a zero. Whew! Off to work. Have a great day, my good friends!

    awestfall: -1.2 = .51%
    bluenote: -1 = .23%
  • madgoth
    madgoth Posts: 60
    awestfall: -1.2 = .51%
    bluenote: -1 = .23%
    madgoth: -1 = ?? how is this calculated?

    Not the greatest loss, but at least I didn't regain any of the weight I lost last week!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    awestfall: -1.2 = .51%
    bluenote: -1 = .23%
    madgoth: -1 = ?? how is this calculated?
    meokk 0 -1 = 49%

    Hi MAdgoth
    divide your weight lost by your weight from last friday and move the decimal point two places to the right.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Woot! Down 2.4 pounds to 211.6! Plateau is officially in the dust. :bigsmile:

    awestfall: -1.2 = .51%
    bluenote: -1 = .23%
    madgoth: -1 = ?? how is this calculated?
    meokk 0 -1 = 49%
    jlb123: -2.4 = 1.12%

    As for yesterday:
    Calories: 1374
    Exercise: 60 minutes stationary bike. I fell asleep on the couch before doing my challenges :ohwell: So I'll do them tonight instead.
    Water: 80oz+
    Proud: I got up yesterday morning and worked out -- hives be damned. And I didn't let my shin pain keep me from exercising last night. But, rather than "pushing through the pain" like I wanted to do and making my injury worse, I chose a no/low impact exercise instead. I really wanted a piece of pizza last night (I had brought a free one home from work Wednesday) but instead of pigging out on it or depriving myself, I just had one slice alongside my chicken and steamed broccoli. Hooray, moderation!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    My weigh in was not as happy. I gained a pound. AHHH!!! I blame TOM!

    awestfall: -1.2 = .51%
    bluenote: -1 = .23%
    madgoth: -1 = ?? how is this calculated?
    meokk 0 -1 = 49%
    jlb123: -2.4 = 1.12%
  • Solandra
    Solandra Posts: 84
    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: over
    Water: over
    Exercise: 1.1 mile walk, hooray!

    The increased motility in my feet (walking) has inspired increased motility in my colon. That or I have a GI bug. I drank a fair amount of water through the night to stay hydrated and completely forgot to weigh before I came to work.

    Proud of: Enjoyed that walk again!

    awestfall: -1.2 = .51%
    bluenote: -1 = .23%
    madgoth: -1 = ?? how is this calculated?
    meokk 0 -1 = 49%
    jlb123: -2.4 = 1.12%
    Solandra: 0 = 0