

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to all the newbies:flowerforyou: !!! Come in often and chat with us!!!

    Barbie:smile: I agree, everyday is a day to give thanks for all our blessings!!!

    Lila:smile: 1.8 is a good loss! In Sept. I lost 1.3, but I lost a bunch of inches, have you measured yourself?

    Linda:smile: yay for you going to the gym!!! Hope your Dr. appt. went well!

    Barbara:smile: ouch...I bet you were ready to get those stitches out!!!! I'm glad Scooter is bringing you some laughter!

    Robin:smile: Your goals look good! Hope you had an earlier night tonight!!!

    Jolene:smile: Oh my, thank goodness for you and your hubby watching over those children! I cannot for the life of me imagine dropping kids off in a neighborhood far from home and driving off:noway: :angry: ! Some people shouldn't be parents! And not even thanking you:grumble: !

    Nancy:smile: Sounds like you've got some good goals! Hope those 12 year olds were not too grouchy!!

    Rose:smile: Pop in and get to know us, we're an encouraging bunch!

    Laura80111:smile: I bet Peanut was adorable in his hot dog costume:love: ,

    Amanda:smile: Hope your tummy feels better! What great exercise though!

    JaneMartin:smile: Yay for hubby joining the gym!!!!

    Janehadji:smile: Oh your foot sounds painful!!! Hope you get relief soon! I know you'll be glad to see your daughter, what a nice surprise! Congrats for the scale finally moving!

    Lentigogirl:smile: goals are looking good!

    CSueB:smile: I've got tons of stuff I need to shred too, I just keep putting it off. You can tell it's not high on my priority list:blushing:

    Janie:smile: Yay, so glad you're getting more PT!!! Congrats on your weigh in!

    Michele:smile: Good for you donating that candy!!! My appt. this morning was just a cleaning, now my teeth are all sparkly:bigsmile: !

    Deborah:smile: I don't really like 7:30am appts.:noway: , I much prefer 9 or 10 am instead:laugh: . That tea sounds wonderful, I've been drinking lemon ginger tea, I like the little bite the ginger gives it!

    Jb:smile: Your walk sounds nice, the leaves have been swirling around here too, although no rain, just a lot of wind and the temp. dropped and it's cold, but the leaves are beautiful:love: . I don't like quinoa, I keep trying it and I've yet to find it appealing, I think for me it may be the texture I really don't like. I haven't rinsed it before I cooked it though, I guess I could give it one more try!

    Jen:smile: Enjoy being with your son!!!!

    It has been a long day and I'm tired:yawn: ! Hope everyone's goals will be met!!! Sleep well and sweet dreams! Until tomorrow....

  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Hi everyone. I really do read most of the posts but by the time I get to the last one I've forgotten who said what.

    I do remember there is someone new Calm??? who is from southern Louisiana. I'm originally from New Orleans so I understand how hot it is for most of the year there.

    Today is the first day I have not eaten a single snack. I was totally stressed and had to make myself eat lunch, but then I ate a big lunch so wasn't hungry for snacks during the day. And I didn't get home for dinner until after 9, so I have just eaten dinner just before bedtime.

    Tomorrow is my weigh in and I'm afraid because I've eaten so late that I won't show a loss. My fingers and toes are crossed.
  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    Today is the first day I have not eaten a single snack. I was totally stressed and had to make myself eat lunch, but then I ate a big lunch so wasn't hungry for snacks during the day. And I didn't get home for dinner until after 9, so I have just eaten dinner just before bedtime.

    Tomorrow is my weigh in and I'm afraid because I've eaten so late that I won't show a loss. My fingers and toes are crossed.

    Cheryl, what a great accomplishment with your snacking! I'll cross my fingers and toes for you too!

  • junerbooner
    junerbooner Posts: 188 Member
    Hello ladies. Just got my computer fixed and back on line. I will write later, just marking my spot for now. I]m s-o-o-o glad to have my laptop back:bigsmile:
  • jo3y20
    jo3y20 Posts: 89 Member
    Good evening lovely ladies--

    It's been a crazy week. Internet has been down all week until now. I had out-patient surgery on Tuesday to remove a couple of cysts from my head and one from my neck. I've been on antibiotics and pain meds since which have made me sluggish, sleepy and ravenous. :sick:

    Yesterday was a total bust. The worst day I've had since starting MFP. Today I kept eating trying to feel better. I took the last of the antibiotics tonight. Staple and stiches come out next Thursday.

    It's good to be back. I've missed you all. I always knew that being accountable to my MFP friends kept me honest.

    I didn't do too bad on my trip. Only up a couple pounds which I lost last week. But now I am up several pounds. Halloween has always been a food triggering time for me. I MUST not let that happen this year. I've worked too hard.

    For a happier topic: My trip to the Holy Land was wonderful. We flew into Amman, Jordan, spent the first night there and then toured Amman the next day before crossing the border into Israel. So many wonderful sights: floating in the Dead Sea (it's 30% salt and you automatically float), put our feet in the Jordan River, took a boat ride and had a service on the Sea of Galilee, waded in the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. Visited Jericho, Bethlehem, Nazareth Village, the Wailing Wall, the Temple Mount, Hebron, Masada, the Garden of Gethsemane, the Garden Tomb and much more. Then we we went back to Amman for a short flight to Petra to see the Treasury where Indiana Jones was filmed. Amazing rock formations. Stayed at a 5 star hotel in Aqaba. We made many new friends. It was truly a trip of a life time.

    I will start fresh tomorrow. Will have to think about November goals.

    Pain pill is kicking in. Good night sweet ladies. :yawn: :yawn:

    Remember to :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • Beattyrk
    Hi There Ladies from the Northwest,

    I used to live in Seattle, but am now in Virginia. My heart is still back in Washington State. I go there every couple years to get my "fix" since I have a daughter with a disability who has all her services here and I can not move.

    My goal for November is to maintain my initial weight loss success, lose another 4 pounds and make my dietary changes a "habit". Lastly my goal is to appreciate the effort I am making to be healthier and give myself a pat on the back every once in a while this month.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: I love the first day of the month reading all the goals and the new resolve to make things better….never, never, never give up…..no matter how totally last month’s goals may have bombed, this is a great time to start anew.

    Here’s how I fared with my last month’s resolutions:

    Resolutions for October (with end of the month comments)
    *yoga once a week----didn’t do it at all
    *walk with hubby three times a week ---I ask but he hasn’t found it convenient
    *say “OK”---be agreeable ----doing well with this
    *stay in the moment ---doing very well
    *Be Barbie----great

    I kept some of them for November:

    Resolutions for November
    *yoga once a week
    *weight training three days a week
    *recumbent bike 60 minutes a day
    *say “OK”---be agreeable
    *stay in the moment
    *Be Barbie

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Thanks Barbie for getting us started for another month!:smile: Can't believe it's November 1st already! This year seems like it really flew by so far!

    Jolene-I will certainly keep you in my thoughts and prayers! I understand that you don't want to worry family but glad you were able
    to unburden yourself with us here! My dog had a pumpkin costume too for Halloween! What a wonderful thing you did for
    those kids! You'd like to think that even though the mom didn't have the courtesy to thank you, she will pay more attention to
    their well being in the future! When my kids were younger and even up to the last few years, I always counted my blessings
    when the 10 pm newscaster would say "It's 10 o'clock do you know where your children are?" and I could always say yes that
    I knew exactly where my kids and stepkids were!!

    I did catch up on all the posts but had a really long day yesterday and am ready to crash so I'm going to make this short tonight. My Benji does have a small tear at the bottom of his eye but got meds and hopefully will be ok. He is very upset about getting the eye ointment put in but at least he is opening it more and seems less red. He'll probably go for a recheck tomorrow.

    I didn't do too good with Oct goals but it's a new month so here goes with new goals:

    Go the pool at the gym 3X a week -started this one off good by going there today:smile:
    Do my Zookinesis DVD at least 2X a week
    Drink at least 24 oz of water :drinker: - kind if slacked off on water intake
    Log my food 6 days a week -been taking the easy way out and not logging if I had a bad eating day:frown:

  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Wow! November...hard to believe but here we go. It is late and I won't be thinking straight enough to formulate goals, but I will check in to do that later. You all have some great ones to inspire me. I loved what someone said about setting goals for things I CAN control - thanks for the reminder. :smile:

    Mikki - welcome back. I am so glad you had a good trip to Israel - your summary brought back lots of images of my time there - Fantastic!

    One more day of grandkid sitting - and then home to companyover the weekend, and then off on adventures for a week and a half.

    Maybe my November goal should be to survive!!

    Eat well, go well, stay well.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Good night lovelies,

    Tried something new this morning. Breakfasting with DH I consciously slowed my eating, chewing thoroughly and enjoying each treat (toast, pineapple and ham instead of protein drink or yoghurt and fruit). Joe as eldest of 5 eats like it's a race to get enough food, as it may have been. When he was done, I took my barely half-finished plate into the office where I scanned a
    few posts and finished breakfast leisurely. Barbie, inspired by your "Be Barbie" goal, I want to recapture the slow-eater-tiny-bite-taker of my skinny childhood. :happy: Does anyone remember Mrs. Piggle Wiggle?

    First day back to logging, way over :angry: due to over indulgent:sick: lunch with the guy who's covering for me while I'm on sick/vacation. BUT when I arrived 10 minutes early, instead of going into the restaurant and having a pint, I chose to walk around a few blocks. Good thing, he called to say he'd be 15 minutes late. Got in a good 20+ minute walk and was able to keep the ale down to one pint :drinker: instead of two... :drinker: :drinker:
    . . . antibiotics and pain meds since which have made me sluggish, sleepy and ravenous. :sick:
    . . . trip to the Holy Land was wonderful. . . truly a trip of a life time.
    Amen, Micki! Both to the sickmaking pills and to the Holy Land trip of a lifetime. Yogurt helps to counteract the antibiotic effect on the tum, but nothing but time and water help to purge the sluggish effects of pain pills, at least for me. I was blessed to spend 6 weeks in Israel in 1980, a pilgrimage I wanted to make since childhood. So glad I did it, would NEVER travel in the middle east again by myself , but would love to go on a tour. Were you with a group?

    :noway: Michelle, was it you who said MFP never recalculated your calories? Probably 'cuz you started out at the 1200 minimum, it won't take you below that. Some of us weighed enough that our baseline started out higher. As we improved our reward was ... fewer calories.:tongue:

    Laura Belated conVERYgrats on making your goal. :flowerforyou:

    jen, love your father's smiling saying.:bigsmile:

    That's enough sitting. Let's see if I can get down on the mat for a few minutes before bed.


    Barbara, the AHMOD who WILL be size 10 one day

    2012: dance more, bark less and check in!!!
    November: back to basics

    SWSY or matminutes: 1=0 so far...
    steps: 1=8462 so far.
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Good evening all,
    had a very very long day and tomorrow will be just as brutal, I am so looking forward to the weekend!!! Everyone else at work is just as busy too so it's a heads-down very-serious place at the moment. Hopefully we can all find something to laugh about together tomorrow. Humour is so important in the workplace.

    Nice to see some of you back from a break, missed you, looking forward to your posts.
    Newbies, welcome and looking forward to your posts too. So nice to meet new people, just adds more depth to this wonderful group of women.

    Just too tired to respond to anyone but read all of the 3 pages of posts. Maybe if I go to bed now and get a good rest and get up early and go to work I'll actually get out of there by 5:30 tomorrow. Sorry for the pity party, just tired and burnt out a bit. Had a nice bit of good news though, DD1 signed a book deal today (second one but still really exciting, she's only 30).

    Got rid of the left over Hallowe'en treats so they won't tempt me. I had a strategic planning session tonight that went from 4:45 until 9:30 and they had dinner catered. The dinner was absolutely excellent and even with a tiny piece of decadent Godiva chocolate cheesecake I was only slightly over the count. So I guess I started off my goals right, I ate my full calorie count today. Didn't get the doggie walks today though (thank heavens for dog walkers).

    Talk to you all tomorrow night. Prayers for challenged, congratulations for successes and thanks for the enjoyment reading all of your posts.


    even though my weigh in was a loss, my ticker still doesn't look like it moved, it's kind of annoying when I only lose .2 of a pound.......
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Happy November! Especially since my son got back from Afghanistan today! I got to see some of the return on-line. I didn't see my son, but I knew he was finally home.

    Tomorrow we return from our conference in Phoenix to San Diego...So a stop in Yuma to see Matt is on the schedule! Can't wait!

  • AuntieMC
    AuntieMC Posts: 346 Member
    bump for later!
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good morning,

    I tried to respond last night but some reasons I just could not get onto mfp. Kept trying too but wasn't going to happen. I could go to other sites online like facebook gmail etc no problems but hey at least its working now.

    This is the start of 4 days off I will be at Conference for two and half of the days. I don't go to Conference till 1pm my goal is too get my housework that I normally catchup on over the weekend done before that time.

    @JaneMartin -- That is so cool that your DH join the gym with you.
    @Lili -- does sound like a long day Hang in there. That is good news about your DD.
    @Michele -- Good news about your bone densiy test
    @Barbara - welcome back!!! Sounds like a good first day back logging/
    @Miki - Welcome back sounds like a good trip.
    @Meg-- your candy dance sounds like fun .
    @Barbie-- enjoy your postive energy.

    Welcome to all of the newbies!!! Love this group of ladies very encouraging.

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Goals for October

    Most part I share them and never look at them again, :blushing:
    I did walk most days but never got to the pool.

    so I am going to be onward towards November fresh start.

    1. Pre log my food in each day and follow that plan
    2. walk everyday
    3 get to the Y -- 2 days a week.

    4. Be happy being me.
    5 burrowing this * Live in the moment*
    6 stay Grateful going to start a grateful lists again. I use to at night before bed write down 10 things I was grateful for kept a on going in a journal. So helpful to focus on the postive focusing on the negative just saps my energy.
    7 Drink my water 9 glasses a day.

    That's it for now.

  • mslainie
    Goal for November 10 pounds. Eat betwoon 1.200 and 1,500 calories a day.
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Bump - I'll be back later :)
  • whodatlixxie
    Hi everyone I'm Lizzie and glad I found this group!

    November goals
    average 5 days a week of exercise (cardio and/or weights)
    declutter BEFORE the holiday madness begins
    lose 3 more pounds
    be stringent about staying on my eating plan for this month

    Nov success already - I have NEVER EVER been a runner (I walk A LOT). This morning my walking partner had to cancel at last minute. Headed out by myself and decided to "jog" for however long I could go/stand it! JOGGED 1.2 miles at a 13 minute/mile pace - WOW, never ever jogged more than a half a block in all of my 51+ years!!!! Still not going to be a runner but it felt good knowing I could!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to all the newbies:flowerforyou: . Please come in often and chat with us!!! This is a great group of women, full of encouraging words!!!

    Cheryl:smile: Congrats on a no snacking day!!!! Got my fingers crossed for you!!!! I usually eat dinner anywhere from 8pm to 9pm...so far it`s working for me!

    Micki:smile: Hope you get to feeling better:flowerforyou: ! Your trip sounds amazing and so much fun!!!

    Barbie:smile: It does feel good to start a new month. To reflect on what did and did not happen the previous one, and make adjustments!

    Kathy:smile: Hope Benji feels better!!!! Your goals are looking good!!!

    Glenda:smile: You`re a busy lady! Sometimes I feel one of my goals should be to survive as well, I am going to slow down some this month!!!!

    Barbara:smile: Congrats on eating slower!!!! I seem to do everything fast, except eat and I`m always the last to finish, always have been:ohwell: . Good for you getting that walk in instead of that extra pint!!!

    Lila:smile: Hope you got a good night sleep!!! Good for you getting all your calories in!!!

    Eileen:smile: Yay, yay, yay!!!! Glad your son is home!!!!!

    Liz:smile: Hope you enjoy your time off and the conference! Your goals look great!!!

    Yesterday after my dentist appt. I went to the pet store and bought Noel a new coat, actually 2 new ones:blushing: , a bronze one with a leopard print collar, and a peachy pink one with a removable faux fur trim hood:laugh: , she did not like the hood, so I snapped it off, she does love her new coats though, I swear she pranced around and there was a wiggle in her walk with her new coat on:laugh: , she is such a girl dog!!!! I also bought her a black velvet dress for Christmas, haven`t put that on her yet. Yes, I do like to dress the dog up:laugh: :blushing: . She`s my baby!!! Today...my day to do as I choose. I need to do some laundry, but that just sounds so mundane, I want to do something fun, like maybe go shopping for me...I could always use another pair of shoes:noway: :laugh: .

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!!
