Movies that scarred you for life! (Most Disturbing Film)



  • kimcalica
    kimcalica Posts: 525 Member
    A Nightmare on Elm Street. I dreamed about Freddie chasing me for years after I saw that movie :-(

    i think we have kind of a toss up here between the Exorcist and A nightmare on Elm street.. i'm hearing those two the most.. for sure.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    The Thing.
    when the head sprouts spider legs....i die inside.
  • kimcalica
    kimcalica Posts: 525 Member
    Films dont scare or haunt me, even as a child i knew the difference....

    Life, and the evil that men do is scary....

    You sound like you could do with watching a comedy and lightening up mate. :wink:

    Most people that like horror movies, have very little real horror in their lives.. the ones that experience true horror.. have no desire for it.
  • kimcalica
    kimcalica Posts: 525 Member
    The Thing.
    when the head sprouts spider legs....i die inside.

    they are remaking "the thing" or it's already remade and waiting to come out.. either way, i hope it's good!
  • luvhandles74
    luvhandles74 Posts: 85 Member
    The Thing.
    when the head sprouts spider legs....i die inside.

    When I read this I shuddered and then laughed out loud cause the memory of it is that creepy..I'm glad I'm not alone..
  • takadamu
    takadamu Posts: 2 Member
    Oh, how I wish I could un-see "Irreversible"...
  • kimcalica
    kimcalica Posts: 525 Member
    Oh, how I wish I could un-see "Irreversible"...

    i've been debating seeing that one.. i guess i should avoid? lol.. the damages are irreversible!
  • thump418
    thump418 Posts: 251 Member
    The Exorcist. I grew up Catholic and am a Catholic school "survivor" and a teacher once told us that it was possible to become possessed just by watching that movie. It's freaked me out ever since!

    Exorcist scared the crap out of me. still does
  • thump418
    thump418 Posts: 251 Member
    The Thing.
    when the head sprouts spider legs....i die inside.

    When I read this I shuddered and then laughed out loud cause the memory of it is that creepy..I'm glad I'm not alone..

    The first remake of the thing with Kurt Russell was beyond scary. cool special effects for that time period
  • <
    Like many of you the exorcist that scene of her crab walking down the stairs....holy crap!!!!
  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    Pet Cemetary for me. My dad let me watch it when I was 10 and I had nightmares for at least 6 months afterward. I was convinced I had to sleep with my bed against the wall (made my parents rearrange my room too, lol) and my back to the wall.
  • Toya2xcel
    Toya2xcel Posts: 107 Member
    Human Centipede.

    THIS! OMG that movie just messed with my mind way too much!
  • craigs64
    craigs64 Posts: 5 Member
    Audition. Just thinking about it now is creeping me out.
  • kimcalica
    kimcalica Posts: 525 Member
    Audition. Just thinking about it now is creeping me out.

    i think it's plain gross.. lol
  • MILFdoesabodyGd
    MILFdoesabodyGd Posts: 347 Member
    that movie is so f-ed up and based on a true story...
  • cgfol1
    cgfol1 Posts: 179 Member
    Candyman. I watched it when I was 12. Checked the toilet for months afterwards!!!!!
  • shinkalork
    shinkalork Posts: 815 Member
    There's two.

    One is a kid movie lol..but I saw it way too young (6 y.o) and it scared the crap out of me.... The Peanut Butter Solution

    second would be the movie: PIN..... I was young too and it's a psycological thriller using a anatomy was ****ed up!
  • kimcalica
    kimcalica Posts: 525 Member
    that movie is so f-ed up and based on a true story...

    now is this the 1980 movie or the one with angelena jolie? i liked the 1980 one about the guy and the haunted house... the one with angelena.. was .. i don't even remember.. i watched it but i don't even remember what it was about.. lol
  • kimcalica
    kimcalica Posts: 525 Member
    There's two.

    One is a kid movie lol..but I saw it way too young (6 y.o) and it scared the crap out of me.... The Peanut Butter Solution

    second would be the movie: PIN..... I was young too and it's a psycological thriller using a anatomy was ****ed up!

    PIN... amazing! great film.. although that part with the nurse when left alone with him was really f*** up
  • iRebel
    iRebel Posts: 378 Member
    If we are talking freaky Disney stuff then "Pink Elephants on Parade' in Dumbo is one have to fast forward through every time.
    OMG!!! that is sick!!! SICK! I hate it so so so much!