40+ Club: Hop Into Spring With A Fit Bod

singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Did you find the new topic?

Greetings all!

This topic is for women and men 40 years and older who want to get in shape and stay that way!

The club rules are simple: Check in and post often. Friday is check in day where you post your progress.

Join us, won't you? We are here to encourage you and help you meet your goals!!!


  • Leesa22
    Leesa22 Posts: 73 Member
    This sounds like an interesting topic. :) Hi.
  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
    I just turned 40 last month and have been struggling for quite some time to lose weight. It seems I am gaining rather than losing. Not sure why that is but whatever! :) I am up for a new challenge and to be accountable with others.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Mayor Sing, I hopped on over to the new topic! Happy Monday to All.

    I had a good work out weekend, balanced by a not so good eating weekend. Hoping most of it is water weight caused by a salty Chinese meal from Saturday, we'll see by official check in. My abs are definitely tightening up, that always makes me feel thinner.
  • I am trying to be down another 10 lbs by the end of April...wish me luck.
  • tamarads
    tamarads Posts: 55
    Thank you Dear Sing for keeping us up and running!!:happy:

    Didn't get a chance to check in on Friday, so I'm here, late, but still checking in :blushing: I must admit though it isn't anything worth checking in about... still stuck in the weight dept. lost a bit more in inches. Changed up my work out routine last week and went to a Zumba class.... Loved it!!! Good for you Alf for teaching this class! :flowerforyou: Changed up a few settings on my elliptical machine as well. The weather is supposed to be nicer this week, read warmer, but still raining and overcast, so I'm hoping to get out and run, not at the level you are Duffy :flowerforyou: but enjoy the time I do put in!

    Happy Monday!
  • justann
    justann Posts: 276 Member
    So glad I found you and I'm in. I need all the help I can get. :smile: I'm 48 and have been on MFP for almost 5 weeks now. I haven't seen much success yet. Seems like my weight just keeps fluctuating. I'm thinking it's a result of those nasty salty foods that I have such trouble staying away from. :cry: However, I am determined. I'm hoping being a part of this group will help me stay focused on the ultimate goal......a healthier body!
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Seems like the smileys are not working today. :( Had a good weekend, didn't lose, but didn't gain. Skipped the Boot Camp class on Saturday because I still had quite a bit of congestion and a cough and I don't think I could have handled the plyometrics he was dishing out that day. Whew!

    It's a gorgeous spring day here, going to get to 60 and I had a great workout with the trainer so am feeling fine!

    Glad to find the new thread, thank you Sing!!!!
  • Found it....
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Even though I am not doing it religiously, I am starting to track my nutrition via the Weight Watchers points system. A few of my colleagues at work are doing it with pretty good results. I will do a side-by-side comparison with MFP for a week or so to see how it compares.

    I'm glad our friends are finding the new topic...welcome back!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600

    I will be curious to hear how it tracks. I did Weight Watcher's on line for 3 months, but felt it was overpriced for what you got, so that's when I searched and found MFP.
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Hi everyone. I'm posting so I can be sure to find this thread again. I am having success with the swimming but I am capping it at 35 minutes to keep my skin non-itchy. I have recently begun supplementing the swimming with some land based moves on the Wii Walk it Out program ... it's fun. So far I built a bridge, a mountain, a farm, and a few other things. I keep trying to collect more music to walk to. My husband is enjoying the program too. I have been doing aerobic moves and then walking around my condo.

    Weather is getting nice ... soon we can do some walks outside here.

    Happy news. Scale went down on the weekend, but I won't count anything official until Friday. It's nice because it was up on last Friday and you all gave me such good advice on that, thanks,

  • pepper06
    pepper06 Posts: 89
    hi sunnysmile-I have the wii biggest looser workout-pretty interesting and the tips are fun too
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Zebras, I'll try my best to track it accurately. I'm just using either an online formula to figure the points or ask someone at work who has the information. I'm not actually paying for the WW program. I'm just curious to see how it compares!
  • jenpost
    jenpost Posts: 2
    I'm 48 and have been doing this for 30 days. So far so good. I'm really enjoying it and it seems to be working. Glad to know I'm not alone.
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Hi all! Going to the trainer tonight. Goal this week is 30 minutes of something each day and at least one day of water aerobics. sunnysmiles, your talk about swimming makes me want to get back to the pool! Do you use baby oil after you shawer after a swim? That helps my skin.

    Was in Salt Lake City on business at the end of last week. Yikes on the calories. Welcome to all the new people.

    It is raining and nasty here in north Texas. Can't wait for all the wildflowers (Thank you Lady Bird Johnson!) I will post pictures when they are blooming. Sent bluebonnet plants from a local nursery home to Mississippi with my little sister when they visited last week.

    Mayor Sing, good luck with the ww points. Thanks for the new thread. TxMs
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,870 Member
    Thanks for starting the new thread, singfree! :flowerforyou: Sounds like you are really doing well with your fitness right now. You are going to California soon, right? Hopefully the weather will be good for you out there and you can continue to enjoy some outdoor activities. I'm very curious how the WW points stack up with calories. I've found a few recipes on the WW site, but it's hard for me to translate them into anything I can use calorie-wise. So please keep us posted!

    Welcome to all our newcomers!! :drinker: Please keep posting!

    cardigirl, good choice at taking some time off from tough cardio with a cough. It really isn't good to push yourself when you are sick, especially if there is any chest infection. Glad to hear you are feeling better.

    TxMs, good to see you. When will river aerobics start again? I imagine that's still a few months away, right? Are you going to try to do them again this year? It still sounds like so much fun to me.

    alf, thanks for your compliments to me in the last thread. I have thought about becoming a personal trainer, and my husband has encouraged me to do that. I'm not sure I have the disposition to be a personal trainer, though. I'm not always really patient with people. But it is something I'm toying with at least trying. I hope you have a great trip to Puerto Rico. Don't worry too much about the food. You'll be fine since you are aware of what you are eating, and I have no doubt you will exercise moderation. So...enjoy!

    I ate quite a bit over the weekend, but I did so very intentionally. I have no doubt my body needed some extra calories. I'm back to a more normal eating pattern now, though I'm really trying not to limit what I eat so strictly. I finished the second cycle of STS today, so I'm looking at a workout break right now. I think I'll do some cardio over the next few days, then take the weekend off completely....and start up with the heaviest cycle on Monday. I'm really looking forward to it. It is snowing here again today (yuck!!), and I can't wait for spring. We booked our tickets for Hawaii this weekend, and we leave six weeks from today. :drinker: I really do want to look good for the trip, and because it is looking like this winter is never going to end, that's about the only thing keeping me out of the peanut butter jar right now. :laugh: But, hey, I'll take motivation where I can find it right now....so it's all good.

    Hope everybody has a great Tuesday.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    It's going to be a great day here in PA , sunny and in the low 60s...well above average temps...I'll take it!!! Our Grandson is coming for a visit today, so I'll get to see him for a little while after work. Hopefully I can get a quick 10-15 miles in on my bike too. As you all know, I am goal oriented when I set up a specific date to get in shape. Goal #1 is next Friday (19th), when we arrive in California for my BIL's wedding. I'm doing pretty well with my nutrition, and can really get the job done when I am up against a hard date. By then I want my clothes to fit better and feel slimmer, which I am sure will happen. I can't promise anything while we are in CA, because I have very little willpower at family gatherings, weddings, dinners, etc...

    If possible, I will try to figure out and post a comparison between WW points and keeping track on MFP. Many of you are curious as to how they match up...so am I.

    Stiring, you would make a GREAT personal trainer!! I would hire you in an instant. You inspire and motivate me just by being yourself and setting a good example for all of us. I agree that one must have the proper disposition for it. It would drive me crazy having people waste their money and my time if they do not follow the path that I've laid out for them. It's just like in music. I can give them all of the tools necessary to succeed, but they must do the work. Until someone commits to becoming strong and healthy, they will never reach their goal. This includes ME........

    Alf, you will do just fine in PR. Relax and enjoy yourself. Recharge those batteries with your loved ones and savor every minute together!! Have a Bo Derek moment...running in slow motion on the beach, beads in your hair...am I showing my age again??? At any rate, your lucky hubby will enjoy it! Bon Voyage & Gute Reise!!!!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Edit: I just figured out my WW points against MFP. I ate around 1700 cals yesterday, a bit low for me. A quick calculation of WW points gave me 33 points for the day. This does not seem right to me for some reason. At my weight, I should be eating a max of 27 pts before exercise. To my thinking, I believe MFP is a better fit for me because I know EXACTLY what I am eating. I will continue to check this out, but for me, I will stay with MFP!!!!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Good Morning Sing, Stiring and all my friends!

    I had a good workout last night. I upped the tension on the elliptical from 9 to 10, and made it through the hour without giving up, then I moved on to doing hills on the treadmill for another hour. Tonight I'll work out at the office gym for a change of pace.

    Stiring: You are such a thoughtful person, I think you would make a great trainer. You would be very invested in doing an excellent job for your clients. You especially know for women what they need to do to get in great shape.
  • Are there any 60 plus women who want to post and share? Just had 60th and want to fit!!!!!!!!!!:drinker:
  • tamarads
    tamarads Posts: 55
    Happy Tuesday All!!:smile: Feeling good this morning, sunny, 50's and I got to go for my first run of Spring! :happy: It felt great to be outside in the sunshine!

    Have a lovely day!:flowerforyou:
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