Milk or No Milk?



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    What else would you put in your cereal?!

    I do unsweetend almond milk.

    If it's unnatural for humans to drink the milk of other mammals how even more unnatural is it to drink the milk of nuts? Find me another animal that drinks milk from almonds.

    Milk from nuts ... Another good way to get some extra protein. ;-)
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    It's simple survival. Cows can turn grass into milk. Which means if you are hungry and you have a cow you can feed yourself by simply letting the cow graze. Milk has an excellent nutrient balance and the body does eventually adapt to the food you eat. In fact milk is one of the best post workout drinks you can have.

    No worries if you don't want a scoop of ice cream or some yogurt that means more for me. :)

    Cows don't "turn grass into milk"... humans take a cow, get her knocked up, then steal her baby away so we can drink the milk that was intended for it.
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    What else would you put in your cereal?!

    I do unsweetend almond milk.

    If it's unnatural for humans to drink the milk of other mammals how even more unnatural is it to drink the milk of nuts? Find me another animal that drinks milk from almonds.

    Milk from nuts ... Another good way to get some extra protein. ;-)

  • Bring your own stool... Baahaahaahaa..... Classic....
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    This is because we are at the top of the food chain. Opposable thumbs, critical thinking skills, etc. are what separate us from the other species on this planet.

    ETA: And to the guys ready to milk humans, there was another thread on this where I commented that I believe the main reason there *isn't* human milk on the shelves is production costs would be too high.

    Because we CAN. :) Personally I don't like milk much but I'm not against it. I'm a huge fan of dairy products though. It's all on personal preference. I've tried goats milk and don't like it too much. The thought of another humans milk makes me want to barf, but maybe I'm emotionally damaged because my mother didn't breast feed me. LOL back in 1960's they thought mothers milk was less superior, we humans tend to muck things up back and forth when we over think too much, LOL. In any case I'm not going to worry about it. I eat what I like and I've given up all my extensive good food bad food lists and feel a tremendous sense of freedom since I chained myself to all the various diet fads yo-yo'ing all over the place for far too long. I'm quite happy having the freedom to eat what ever I feel like eating.
  • I find drinking cow milk to be pretty odd. Especially since it is designed to nourish baby cows, who gain hundreds of pounds in the first year of their life!! I think the mere fact that there are so many people who are lactose intolerant/ have trouble with milk is a clear sign that it is not good for us.

    hope you don't eat apples because I'M allergic to them and have major trouble with them therefore it must be a clear sign that they're not good for ALL humans......
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    It's simple survival. Cows can turn grass into milk. Which means if you are hungry and you have a cow you can feed yourself by simply letting the cow graze. Milk has an excellent nutrient balance and the body does eventually adapt to the food you eat. In fact milk is one of the best post workout drinks you can have.

    No worries if you don't want a scoop of ice cream or some yogurt that means more for me. :)

    Cows don't "turn grass into milk"... humans take a cow, get her knocked up, then steal her baby away so we can drink the milk that was intended for it.

    Yes, cows do turn grass into milk. After humans get her knocked up , then steal her baby away so we can drink the milk that was intended for it. What's even better is when we then eat the baby. And wash it down with a nice cold glass of milk.
  • It's simple survival. Cows can turn grass into milk. Which means if you are hungry and you have a cow you can feed yourself by simply letting the cow graze. Milk has an excellent nutrient balance and the body does eventually adapt to the food you eat. In fact milk is one of the best post workout drinks you can have.

    No worries if you don't want a scoop of ice cream or some yogurt that means more for me. :)

    Cows don't "turn grass into milk"... humans take a cow, get her knocked up, then steal her baby away so we can drink the milk that was intended for it.

    Yes, cows do turn grass into milk. After humans get her knocked up , then steal her baby away so we can drink the milk that was intended for it. What's even better is when we then eat the baby. And wash it down with a nice cold glass of milk.

    I just LOL'ed big time.......... AT WORK!!!! that'll teach me to read forums when i should be working!!!
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    It's simple survival. Cows can turn grass into milk. Which means if you are hungry and you have a cow you can feed yourself by simply letting the cow graze. Milk has an excellent nutrient balance and the body does eventually adapt to the food you eat. In fact milk is one of the best post workout drinks you can have.

    No worries if you don't want a scoop of ice cream or some yogurt that means more for me. :)

    Cows don't "turn grass into milk"... humans take a cow, get her knocked up, then steal her baby away so we can drink the milk that was intended for it.

    Yes, cows do turn grass into milk. After humans get her knocked up , then steal her baby away so we can drink the milk that was intended for it. What's even better is when we then eat the baby. And wash it down with a nice cold glass of milk.

    I just LOL'ed big time.......... AT WORK!!!! that'll teach me to read forums when i should be working!!!

    That's why I keep my office door shut and Iron Maiden playing really loud in my office.
  • hkry3250
    hkry3250 Posts: 140
    Cows milk is the only milk closest to human milk. Soy milk, turns to estrogen in a males body, most men in general, but especially ones trying to lose weight don't want added estrogen in their body. Rice milk only contains one gram of protein per 8 oz compared to cows milk which contains 8, as well as rice milk is higher in carbs (30) than cows milk (11), as well as lower in calcium, rice milk has 20gms compared to 291gms in cows milk. The same can be said for almond milk, lower in fat and calories, also lower in calcium and protein by comperably the same as rice milk. But if you go with skim or 1% cows milk, you reduce the fat and calories while keeping the protein and calcium.
  • catsinbooks
    catsinbooks Posts: 7 Member
    "I also got a big laugh out your putting forth this idea like you came up with it all by yourself. Someone brings this up several times a week on this forum and it's been out there for years and years. So congrats on coming up with a "new" idea all on your own. "

    Play nice. Lots of people come up with theories and ideas about things without even realising that other people have had the same idea in the past. That's part of what makes people bond - the commonality of human experience! I don't think this guy was trying to claim someone else's idea as his own.
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    Can you imagine if we didn't wean our young at a very young age? Nursing mothers already are judged for nursing into the toddler years!
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    It's simple survival. Cows can turn grass into milk. Which means if you are hungry and you have a cow you can feed yourself by simply letting the cow graze. Milk has an excellent nutrient balance and the body does eventually adapt to the food you eat. In fact milk is one of the best post workout drinks you can have.

    No worries if you don't want a scoop of ice cream or some yogurt that means more for me. :)

    Cows don't "turn grass into milk"... humans take a cow, get her knocked up, then steal her baby away so we can drink the milk that was intended for it.

    Yes, cows do turn grass into milk. After humans get her knocked up , then steal her baby away so we can drink the milk that was intended for it. What's even better is when we then eat the baby. And wash it down with a nice cold glass of milk.

    Gross. I'll be washing my meat down with soda like nature intended. Milk is for poptarts.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member

    Still, we would find it VERY strange if that child drank breast milk from another human mother even if it was bottled.

    So why don't we continue to drink breast milk from our mothers since it is made specifically for us? Other animals stick to their own species of milk. Why aren't the store shelves filled up with human breast milk? It might be easier on our system. Know this, I am not advocating adults consuming breast milk.

    Actually, did you know that there ARE human breast milk 'banks'? yep, They are generally associated with a hospital, and you need a prescription...and it is HIGHLY expensive, but it IS available. There are mothers with a super abundant production who follow strict guidelines to donate. Then there are children ( and the rare adult) who for medical reasons can only consume breast milk, who are 'customers' of this bank by prescription.
  • KLo924
    KLo924 Posts: 379 Member
    As a former biological anthropology instructor I would answer this way: Lactase persistence (lactose tolerance) beyond youth is a recessive trait. Genetically, population wise for many years, we've been hardwired to become lactose intolerant by our adolescence. So why do we drink milk? Probably biocultural reasons - herding cultures developed and found a readily-available protein supply in other animals' milk. Over generations, those who had the recessive traits that allowed them to continue to drink milk flourished and passed on their genes. Thanks to evolution, many people can digest milk just fine.

    Does this mean we SHOULD drink milk if we don't HAVE to? That's another question that seems to be pretty well debated on both sides of the scientific isle for a host of biological and ethical reasons. Me, I'm vegan, and I've felt a lot healthier since becoming so. Almond milk, soy milk, rice milk, etc. substitute just fine for me. For others, they seem fine/healthy with animal milk.

    Just my two or three cents :)
  • This thread is cracking me up. I do find it odd that most people find the thought of drinking human breastmilk revolting, while they happily drink milk that comes from the udder of a cow. Now, I live on a farm, and I've seen where that mama cow drags that udder... through the mud and manure. (I do also understand that the udders are "washed" prior to milking and that the milk is also pasteurized, but still. Human boobies are usually clean, and cow boobies are not!) It is purely socialized conditioning that we accept drinking milk from a dirty cow udder as "normal" and consider consuming human breastmilk after a certain age as bizarre behavior.

    Having said all of this, my family consumes milk and dairy products regularly, so I'm not anti cow-milk. I just think it's an interesting observation of human socialization.
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    Cows milk is the only milk closest to human milk. Soy milk, turns to estrogen in a males body, most men in general, but especially ones trying to lose weight don't want added estrogen in their body. Rice milk only contains one gram of protein per 8 oz compared to cows milk which contains 8, as well as rice milk is higher in carbs (30) than cows milk (11), as well as lower in calcium, rice milk has 20gms compared to 291gms in cows milk. The same can be said for almond milk, lower in fat and calories, also lower in calcium and protein by comperably the same as rice milk. But if you go with skim or 1% cows milk, you reduce the fat and calories while keeping the protein and calcium.

    Almond milk does lack protein, but it is actually higher in calcium.
  • xilka
    xilka Posts: 308 Member
    Yes, I think it's weird to drink milk. We're the only animal who does this.
    I don't drink milk and neither does my 10yr old son, and he never has, only breast milk,
    which is the only milk we are meant to drink - ideally for at least 2 years.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    I find drinking cow milk to be pretty odd. Especially since it is designed to nourish baby cows, who gain hundreds of pounds in the first year of their life!! I think the mere fact that there are so many people who are lactose intolerant/ have trouble with milk is a clear sign that it is not good for us.

    People are allergic to peanuts and many other foods. Does that mean they are bad for everyone else?
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Yes, cows do turn grass into milk. After humans get her knocked up , then steal her baby away so we can drink the milk that was intended for it. What's even better is when we then eat the baby. And wash it down with a nice cold glass of milk.

    ROFLMAO!!!!!!!! You are the WINNER! LOL

    And Almond milk has more calcium than cow milk....

    I drink almond milk simply for the reason that it can stay in my fridge for a lot longer than cow milk. I don't drink much milk and hate throwing it all out because it didn't get drank in time. The idea that milk is somehow "bad" for the general public who isn't allergic to it is preposterous.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Cows milk is the only milk closest to human milk. Soy milk, turns to estrogen in a males body, most men in general, but especially ones trying to lose weight don't want added estrogen in their body. Rice milk only contains one gram of protein per 8 oz compared to cows milk which contains 8, as well as rice milk is higher in carbs (30) than cows milk (11), as well as lower in calcium, rice milk has 20gms compared to 291gms in cows milk. The same can be said for almond milk, lower in fat and calories, also lower in calcium and protein by comperably the same as rice milk. But if you go with skim or 1% cows milk, you reduce the fat and calories while keeping the protein and calcium.

    Almond milk does lack protein, but it is actually higher in calcium.

    Almond milk and skim milk both lack the essential amino acids found only in full-fat dairy.
  • roxierachael
    roxierachael Posts: 81 Member
    I can see the logic in cow milk being for cows. Since I don't like milk that much i don't drink alot of it however try and take cheese away and you will lose a hand~just sayin

    ^^^^THIS^^^^ Blue cheese, cheddar cheese, gouda, SWISS.... Oh my.....
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    About 5000 years ago (give or take a few) the gene that "turns off" our ability to make lactase when we are weaned stayed on and we stopped getting sick from other species milk. Maybe our DNA knew that it was highly nutritious stuff.

    What's amazing is how many lactose intolerant people can drink fresh raw milk with no issues. They're only intolerant to highly pasteurized, homogenized, stripped-of-nutrients-and-then-fortified "milk".

    I don't call that white stuff sitting on grocery store shelves milk. It's entirely too processed and way beyond being considered whole food.

    And why add vitamins A and D to skim milk? These are fat soluble vitamins and must be taken with fat for the body to be able to absorb them.
    I love it. Drink skim milk (or eat a low-fat diet) and take fat supplements. (ALA, fish oil, etc) in the form of pills. Makes a lot of sense, doesn't it?

    And the main component of breast milk is saturated fat. Yet we are told saturated fat is poison to the human body.

    I don't drink much milk. When I eat dairy it is in the form of full fat greek yogurt, full fat natural block cheeses (if I can find ones made from raw milk - mmmmm) and heavy whipping cream - usually in my coffee but have been known to take a swig or two.
    If I ever get my hands on some fresh raw milk I will become a regular milk drinker.

    Edit: Can't forget my pastured butter!!!! (all the dairy I buy except the yogurt and cheeses I get from local creameries and the cows are pastured. Happy milk!!)
  • Yum........ Im gonna go get me a large glass of milk and a chunk of cheese. Why???? Because I CAN!!!!!
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    And why add vitamins A and D to skim milk? These are fat soluble vitamins and must be taken with fat for the body to be able to absorb them.
    I love it. Drink skim milk (or eat a low-fat diet) and take fat supplements. (ALA, fish oil, etc) in the form of pills. Makes a lot of sense, doesn't it?

    I drink skim milk just because I like the taste better, not because I'm scared of the fat. I've worked my way up to 1% and can tolerate 2% sometimes but that's as far as I like. I get plenty of fat from other places - saturated and otherwise.
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    I love milk, I love cheese
    I love the Dairy Jive and it loves me!
    Yogurt and cream and the Dairy and me!
    A slice, a bite, a swig ...ahhhhh

    (adaptation of the Java Jive, which I also dig..with cream!)
  • Great_Mazinga
    Great_Mazinga Posts: 214 Member
    I wouldn't say it's an unnatural food, but not a food adult humans need by any means. As you say, what other adult anything suckles at the teat of a completely different mammal? As such, I don't buy into the dairy propaganda establishing it as a necessary food group. It is only designed to sell product. That said, I do occassionally enjoy cheeses, plain Greek Yogurt, or cottage cheese, but they are not exactly staples. I just realize they are luxury not necessity.
  • alaskaang
    alaskaang Posts: 493 Member
    No milk

    but only because I can't. I truly miss ice cream.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    We are also the only species that has modified every species we do eat through selective breeding over tens of thousands of years. All the grains we eat have been heavily modified from their original, wild form, the tree fruits we eat have been modified, animals have been modified.

    We have been so successful as a species because of our willingness to eat pretty much anything. I'm personally lactose intolerant, but happily drink lactose free milk; having tried all the alternative milks and found them nasty. If you like them, go ahead and drink them, but don't call drinking another animals milk unnatural, while you continue to eat anything else we humans have modified (and I'm not talking about the gmo organisms of the last few decades, I'm talking about anything we have changed over thousands of years through domestication.

    Actually, we're not the only animal that domesticates other animals. Look at black garden ants. They produce pheromones that they use for controlling and herding aphids so they can harvest honeydew. Ants have a sweet tooth for honeydew. So until ants give up honeydew, I'm going to continue drinking milk daily. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.