No loss in two weeks...



  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Actually, I'm going to refrain from saying what I wanted to say because I am definitely not wasting my second strike on this. Or you.

    Get real, get serious, get results. That's what works.
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member

    I know healthy food can be delicious. For lunch today, because the cafeteria closed before I could hit up the salad bar, I'm having celery and carrots with fat free dip and some beef jerky because it was lower calorie and lower sodium than the premade sandwiches. Cooking on the other hand is boring. Eating the same thing every day is boring. And when I only ever get to see any of my RL friends when my parents invite their parents out to dinner and they just HAPPEN to be home that weekend, and if I'm not going out to dinner with them... that's boring too.

    Food is fuel for your body, it's not always supposed to be fun!
    Spending 3-4 hours prepping my meals for the week isn't #1 on my list of fun things to do each week, but guess what, I get my @$$ in there on a weekly basis and JUST DO IT. You know why? Because the results of being healthy far outweigh having fun non-stop and being entertained. Being at work 8-5 Monday -Friday is also pretty boring, but guess what, bills don't pay themselves! I think you might have some growing up to do, my friend.
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    You enjoy indulging. THat's fine. You currently indulge just about every day.

    If you refuse to take action to change what is making you fat, than your results are going to be subpar.

    How about you look through some diaries of those who have had success....some people eat the same thing every day cuz it's easy...then they live it up on Friday night, or the weekend..

    I never eat anything bland, boring, or the same thing over and over.

    You truly need to let go of the excuses. No one is yelling at you but since you don't want to take any kind of responsibility for your current situation, well enjoy spinning your wheels endlessing and getting nowhere.
  • alsunrise
    alsunrise Posts: 386 Member
    Maybe instead of playing video games after work, you cook a meal for you and your parents. A) you get your healthy things B) you are also helping your parents. Video games can wait for later, your health is now

  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    Why do you want to give up completely?
    No one said you had to eat boring, just a little healthier!
    Which can be delicious :)

    Because people are yelling at me and pointing out every mistake I have ever made. That is not encouraging at all. It makes me feel like I can't do this.

    I am TRYING to eat healthier. Lifestyle changes don't happen overnight, but lots of people here are all "suck it up and do it NOW you fat pathetic whiner!"

    I know healthy food can be delicious. For lunch today, because the cafeteria closed before I could hit up the salad bar, I'm having celery and carrots with fat free dip and some beef jerky because it was lower calorie and lower sodium than the premade sandwiches. Cooking on the other hand is boring. Eating the same thing every day is boring. And when I only ever get to see any of my RL friends when my parents invite their parents out to dinner and they just HAPPEN to be home that weekend, and if I'm not going out to dinner with them... that's boring too.

    Nothing wrong with going out for dinner once a week!
    But you seem to multiple times per week.
    I personally think that would be something to work on!

    What about healthy foods that don't require a bunch of cooking?
    Do you like oatmeal, wraps, smoothies, or fruit?
    Just some ideas!
    If you truly want some help cleaning up your diary one step at a time, we can help ^-^
    Doesn't have to be 100% clean or an immediate change
  • Angie_1991
    Angie_1991 Posts: 447 Member
    Why do you want to give up completely?
    No one said you had to eat boring, just a little healthier!
    Which can be delicious :)

    Because people are yelling at me and pointing out every mistake I have ever made. That is not encouraging at all. It makes me feel like I can't do this.

    I am TRYING to eat healthier. Lifestyle changes don't happen overnight, but lots of people here are all "suck it up and do it NOW you fat pathetic whiner!"

    I know healthy food can be delicious. For lunch today, because the cafeteria closed before I could hit up the salad bar, I'm having celery and carrots with fat free dip and some beef jerky because it was lower calorie and lower sodium than the premade sandwiches. Cooking on the other hand is boring. Eating the same thing every day is boring. And when I only ever get to see any of my RL friends when my parents invite their parents out to dinner and they just HAPPEN to be home that weekend, and if I'm not going out to dinner with them... that's boring too.

    Grow up...that is my suggestion..........
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    I disagree. In my >1 year on MFP, I don't believe I have ever seen *this* least not to this extent.
  • vvanm
    vvanm Posts: 157
    I'm absolutely positive I have no further advice to give you on here and you've probably stopped reading anyway, but I'm a Mom, I'm old, giving advice is what I do. :P I am impressed by the heartfelt responses I have read here. People who have taken the time to dig in and really give an objective opinion with earnest good will. They see a different perspective than what you are seeing right now. You are a college grad with a full time job and that's awesome, but you are an adult child living at home which means you re-define yourself separate from lifestyle they choose. You want to fill your dreams, not duplicate their mistakes.

    Also, our brains are tricky and I see that clearly in how you explain "slips". Brain chemistry is designed to maintain weight. You feel like you are really trying and putting in a lot of effort on this quest, I can see that. But your brain says OK, I was really good so I can slip a little and it calculates subconsciously exactly how many calories you need to cancel out the effort. I've been there done that a lot! Whenever you think "I can't do that, because..." remember your brain might just be trying to get you to maintain weight. Good luck, it's only the first month of the rest of your life.
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    Why do you want to give up completely?
    No one said you had to eat boring, just a little healthier!
    Which can be delicious :)

    I am TRYING to eat healthier. Lifestyle changes don't happen overnight, but lots of people here are all "suck it up and do it NOW you fat pathetic whiner!"

    Only person who wrote anything like that you.
  • ninakir88
    ninakir88 Posts: 292 Member
    Why do you want to give up completely?
    No one said you had to eat boring, just a little healthier!
    Which can be delicious :)

    Because people are yelling at me and pointing out every mistake I have ever made. That is not encouraging at all. It makes me feel like I can't do this.

    I am TRYING to eat healthier. Lifestyle changes don't happen overnight, but lots of people here are all "suck it up and do it NOW you fat pathetic whiner!"

    I know healthy food can be delicious. For lunch today, because the cafeteria closed before I could hit up the salad bar, I'm having celery and carrots with fat free dip and some beef jerky because it was lower calorie and lower sodium than the premade sandwiches. Cooking on the other hand is boring. Eating the same thing every day is boring. And when I only ever get to see any of my RL friends when my parents invite their parents out to dinner and they just HAPPEN to be home that weekend, and if I'm not going out to dinner with them... that's boring too.

    No one called you fat once in this thread.

    I wish you would just take the advice and stop making excuses.

    We are the same age, but I feel like you are acting like you're 16, not 24.
  • Retiredmom72
    Retiredmom72 Posts: 538 Member
    I did join a gym. I'm going today. Nobody talks to me there... no one even makes eye contact with me... I have no local friends and can't find anything social to do that would fit in between work, exercise, and personal free time.

    You put your problem out there for comments. People on here want to help you because they thought you were asking for help. Take a minute and look at "personal free time." other than video games, what do you do for fun? Did you have any friends before you went away to school who are back home? Find an activity and go. Smile. Ask for help at the gym. Talk to people. Is there someone at work who might want to join you on a short walk at lunchtime?

    Use Facebook and reconnect with friends. Plan to do things when they are home. You sound kind of shy.
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    Here's my conclusion:

    YOU AREN'T READY TO LOSE WEIGHT. That's fine, we've all been day you'll be fed up enough, and hopefully it won't be too late.
  • osualex
    osualex Posts: 409 Member
    Honestly OP, two years ago I was you. I had an office job in a cubicle and lived at home with my parents and ate what they ate. And I lost 30 pounds. It CAN be done. I am living proof.

    Your breakfasts, aside from the days you have donuts, look pretty good. Healthy carbs and protein.

    Your lunches, on the days you have salads look pretty okay too.

    Your dinners and snacks...obviously this doesn't need repeating but it needs work. I won't rehash everything because I think you get the point by now. You are doing some things right, but it is very clear why you haven't lost weight in 2 weeks.

    You HAVE to start preparing your own meals. Your desire of losing weight has to override your dislike of cooking. Cooking healthy food is both easy and cheap and you can learn how to do it online. When you eat what your parents make ( I understand you gotta do this sometimes, I lived at home too ) control your portions and make room for it.

    Dieting is not a life sentence of raw vegetables, but it also doesn't mean fast food all the time. Once a week is fine, once a day...really pushing it.

    I'd cut the candy and fast food until the pounds start dropping. I'd also up your calorie goal to at least 1500 with healthier foods. When the weight starts coming back off, then *maybe* you can add some treats in slowly.

    I hope this was helpful!
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    Helpful hints for restaurants:
    1) Nothing with creamy sauce.
    2) Nothing fried.
    3) Vegetables or salad as a side dish, not fries or mashed potatoes.

    Even McDonald's has salads.

    Going to mcdonalds for a salad is like going to a prostitute for a hug!

    .. but everyone needs a hug sometimes. :tongue:

    HA. True...but i'm not gettin one from a prostitute. LOL
  • know_your_worth
    know_your_worth Posts: 481 Member
    What does socialization have to do with weight loss? I keep seeing that come up.

    Ok seriously. People keep saying this. Do people really believe that if you aren't the "popular" type that hangs out with friends instead of playing video games that suddenly you'll start losing weight?

    She said that she eats out with her parents because that's the only social time she has outside of working.
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    You seem to eat out A LOT and not healthy choices...and a lot of your snacks are unhealthy. I'd definitely try cleaning up the diet and sticking to a consistent amount of calories for a little while. Your diary is definitely all over the place. What you eat definitely affects how the weight comes off, not just whether or not you stuck to your calorie count. 2 weeks with no loss is going to happen. I've gone a month with no loss, and for the most part I eat pretty well and get my exercise in. It's part of the journey. Have patience.
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    Yeah, about socializing... I don't socialize at the gym. Heeeeeeeell no. I'm all sweaty and red running or jumping trying to catch my breath. What kind of socializing is that?? Nah, not for me.
    I have my iPod with music and I'm just exercising on the elliptical, listening o music, sweating my fat *kitten* off.

    I used to feel bad about being a fatass at the gym while there are all those skinny chicks and huge lean body builders... But hey, I'll lose weight and noooooooo one will be prettier there :D So far I just have to keep on working on it. I'm still the prettiest one, it's just my fat covers up most of my beauty.

    Don't be shy going to gym. Nobody looks at you and talks about you. They have their own problems and insecurities.

    Just keep working on yourself :)

    Sorry my grammar mistakes, English is not my mother tongue.
  • Justamanatee
    Justamanatee Posts: 9 Member
    Hello :) You've gotten quite a few comments, most with really good information, and a lot with the tough love, which is good. I will try to point out reasons/answers for your question, without coming off as MEAN AND EVIL (rwar!). Know that nothing is intended to be taken as mean - I know it's crazy difficult to tell what tone is behind the words via text.

    You are right that occasional treats are not bad. In fact, they're great! If you deny yourself any type of treat, you run the risk of a binge day, where you just snarf down all the cookies you can find. I am so guilty. However, people are right about the need to tone down the amount of treats - just because you have a bag of jolly ranchers doesn't mean you need to eat them all because it is one serving. Just because I have a pan of brownies doesn't mean I need to eat them all and lick the stirring spoon. ;) What works well for me is to take out the ones I want - say one brownie or 4 jolly ranchers, and then put the rest where I cannot see them. If it's straight up not allowed (willpower check here!), you won't do it.

    I would suggest chaning your weight loss goals from 2lbs a week to 1lb a week. The calorie goals are REALLY low, and when we're just starting to make a lifestyle change, they can make it difficult to stick. Plus, that whole "starvation mode" nonsense we hear about is really true! I didn't believe it either, and set the 2lb goal, but lost nothing (or worse, would get frustrated and binge). With the 1lb goal, I'm actually staying on track and often losing *more* than the 1lb it says I will. Give the 1lb goal a try for a few weeks. Once you adjust and your stomach starts shrinking, then maybe look at the 1.5 or 2lb goal.

    I hear you on the I-don't-want-to-cook thing. A solution I've found is to invest in frozen dinners/lunches for work. There are some good ones out there. I enjoy Kashi and Amy's, because they have flavor, but find the "smart one's" to be gross. Personal preference, of course, but this helps you limit your calorie intake without cooking as much. Another thing to consider is a crock-pot. I ADORE my crock-pot. Throw in 2 chicken breasts and some seasoning/soup/salsa/whatever I want, and walk away for 3-4 hours. Super easy, plus it results in my next 2-4 healthy meals. :)

    Try Yogurt for breakfast. It's low in calories, plus it's good for your girlie-bits (not even kidding!) I have revolted against breakfast for my whole life, but I've decovered that, once again, "they" are right. A small breakfast gets your metabolism going.

    Last thing would be to try and watch sodium intake, along with caolories. Some calories are good (my banana has quite a few, but it's a GOOD food), but having too much sodium causes us to maintian weight, rather than lose it. Plus the less sodium you have, the easier it is for your exersize to be effective.

    I've rambled a whole ton, and I'm sorry, but I hope this helps!
  • tinad120
    tinad120 Posts: 267 Member

    Because people are yelling at me and pointing out every mistake I have ever made. That is not encouraging at all. It makes me feel like I can't do this.

    I am TRYING to eat healthier. Lifestyle changes don't happen overnight, but lots of people here are all "suck it up and do it NOW you fat pathetic whiner!"

    I know healthy food can be delicious. For lunch today, because the cafeteria closed before I could hit up the salad bar, I'm having celery and carrots with fat free dip and some beef jerky because it was lower calorie and lower sodium than the premade sandwiches. Cooking on the other hand is boring. Eating the same thing every day is boring. And when I only ever get to see any of my RL friends when my parents invite their parents out to dinner and they just HAPPEN to be home that weekend, and if I'm not going out to dinner with them... that's boring too.

    1. No one has yelled at you, really. I haven't seen an ALL CAPS post. We're here to help, and that includes some constructive criticism.
    2. Trying is admirable. We all want you to keep at it, and make the healthier choices.
    3. Stop relying on your parents to socialize. You can see your RL friends on your own, at a Panera Bread rather than Texas Roadhouse.
    4. Cooking is not boring! It's a skill, and a pretty good one to have when attracting the opposite sex. (Lol!)

    We are trying to get you to stop making excuses so that you CAN move forward. And, I think it's better to stop the fast food cold turkey (I did it; my diet was similar to yours prior to MFP).
  • Klopford
    Klopford Posts: 129
    Why do you want to give up completely?
    No one said you had to eat boring, just a little healthier!
    Which can be delicious :)

    I am TRYING to eat healthier. Lifestyle changes don't happen overnight, but lots of people here are all "suck it up and do it NOW you fat pathetic whiner!"

    Only person who wrote anything like that you.

    Plenty of people said "suck it up." My mind, upon reading that, subconsciously adds the last part. I interpret that kind of attitude very badly...
    3. Stop relying on your parents to socialize. You can see your RL friends on your own, at a Panera Bread rather than Texas Roadhouse

    No, I can't. My RL friends are still in college in Missouri, or after graduating got jobs in Missouri. I live in Texas. My brother's friends are all off at college themselves too. Being the oldest in our group SUCKS.