November Walking Challenge



  • foxys_mum
    foxys_mum Posts: 67 Member
    Despite weather gods in the south of England being pretty unhappy I managed to get out for 4 miles today. So 10 done 90 to go. A long working week ahead so will o my best to get out each day but not o nice when dark morning & night.
  • daveinlancs
    daveinlancs Posts: 165 Member
    Total for November - 23.43 miles
    1/11 - 6.23
    2/11 - 5.07
    3/11 - 5.92
    4/11 - 6.20
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Biking today, turbo trainer 30 mins.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,279 Member
    11/2: 65 minutes of Walking with C25K run intervals (W4D3) with 5 minutes of stretching.
    11/4: 60 minute walk with my sister!
    Running Total: 125 minutes
  • KJ14
    KJ14 Posts: 287
    I'm in. I would like to walk a total of 125 miles in November.

    Nov 1 -
    Nov 2 -
    Nov 3 - 3.5 miles (Off to a slow start.)
    Nov 4 - 3.5

    Total 7
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Nov. 5 -Leslie Sasone Walking DVD - 37 mins., 2 miles
  • davetheperson
    davetheperson Posts: 124 Member
    I did 2.5 miles today 11/5
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    I would like to join in, I am just getting back into exercising so I am going to set my goal for 800 minutes of walking this month. I have no idea if that will be to low or to much, but we will see.

    11/05 - 5 minutes
  • daveinlancs
    daveinlancs Posts: 165 Member
    Total for November - 26.67 miles
    1/11 - 6.23
    2/11 - 5.07
    3/11 - 5.92
    4/11 - 6.20
    5/11 - 3.24
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Nov. 6 - Biking (turbo trainer) 30 mins.
  • Cherylllyn
    Cherylllyn Posts: 114 Member
    Count me in.
  • myjoybella
    myjoybella Posts: 3 Member
    Count me in.:happy:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    11/1 = 1.25 miles @ 3.0mph - 25 minutes
    11/2 = 2.37 miles @ 3.1mph - 45 minutes
    11/3 = 0 <-- boo
    11/4 = 0 <--- Boo
    11/5 = 0 <----BOO
    11/6 = 2.17 miles @ 3.6mph - 36 minutes

    5.79 miles total <----:noway: I need to get my butt into gear!!!!!

    I really need to work on my weekends :ohwell: I HATE seeing "0"s in that line-up :angry:
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,279 Member
    11/2: 65 minutes of Walking with C25K run intervals (W4D3) with 5 minutes of stretching.
    11/4: 60 minute walk with my sister!
    11/6: 65 minutes of Walking with C25K run intervals (W5D1) with 5 minutes of stretching
    Running Total: 190 minutes
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    We are having beautiful weather here, in the 60s and so nice!

    11/05 - 5 minutes
    11/06 - 40 minutes

    Total -45 minutes toward 800 total for the month of November
  • KJ14
    KJ14 Posts: 287
    I'm in. I would like to walk a total of 125 miles in November.

    Nov 1 -
    Nov 2 -
    Nov 3 - 3.5 miles (Off to a slow start.)
    Nov 4 - 3.5
    Nov 5 -
    Nov 6- 5.7

    Total - 12.7
  • myjoybella
    myjoybella Posts: 3 Member
    11/06-Did not walk but I did have fun playing with my grandson. By time it said and done MeMaw had to catch her breath. LOL
    I definately count that as activity. :smile:
  • lewshetland
    lewshetland Posts: 52 Member
    Count me in. Fell off the wagon for a bit and missed the end of last month but really missing walking and that precious time to myself.
  • Aimelish70
    Aimelish70 Posts: 48 Member
    I'm in too! I am trying to brisk walk 1-2 miles a few times a week!
  • KJ14
    KJ14 Posts: 287
    I'm in. I would like to walk a total of 125 miles in November.

    Nov 1 -
    Nov 2 -
    Nov 3 - 3.5 miles (Off to a slow start.)
    Nov 4 - 3.5
    Nov 5 -
    Nov 6- 5.7
    Nov 7 - 3.0

    Total - 15.7