Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Christine~I’m so glad that you are able to help your neighbor, I bet she really appreciates it too!

    @Karen~Glad you are feeling a bit better, enjoy your trip to NO.

    @Robin~Good for you on the walking, it’s all about baby steps. Adding that activity will sure make a big difference.

    @Tina~So sorry to hear about your friend’s loss, death is hard but even harder for the people they leave behind when suicide is involved. Lifting your friend up in prayer.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Aug -Glad to see you're around. HOpe your healing quick!

    @Christine - Wow, you are such an amazing giving person. I barely know my neighbors well enough to wave when I see them.......

    @Robin - I'm sorry you're struggling so. Maintaining is good too. It keeps you in practice and you'll be ready to go when you feel up to it.

    Thursday truth - I did it! *flex* I walked to work this morning. It's not far, only 1.05 miles but it was a huge mental hurdle for me for some reason. It's so hard for me to believe that 7 months ago I had to stop and rest between the couch and the bathroom and now I can think nothing of walking to the drug store, the grocery store, or to work.

    I get so excited when I think about how far each of us has come! All the wonderful things we couldn't do before that now seem routine. I can't wait to see all the things that we accomplish next that we thought we'd never get to do (or do again). These are exciting times my friends and I'm so thrilled to have this amazing group of people to share it with! :bigsmile:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I started tracking my food this morning. I should be pleased with the weight loss. 5# for 3 weeks is respectable, but part of me really wishes that it had been more. At least now I can go for walks. It actually helps the pain to walk. In the rehab center, I walked laps around the halls. My house isn't that big, but when the weather is good, I can get out and walk around the block. Haven't been able to really go for a walk for a long time.
  • flowersofdawn
    flowersofdawn Posts: 47 Member
    Thursday truth - I did it! *flex* I walked to work this morning. It's not far, only 1.05 miles but it was a huge mental hurdle for me for some reason. It's so hard for me to believe that 7 months ago I had to stop and rest between the couch and the bathroom and now I can think nothing of walking to the drug store, the grocery store, or to work.

    I get so excited when I think about how far each of us has come! All the wonderful things we couldn't do before that now seem routine. I can't wait to see all the things that we accomplish next that we thought we'd never get to do (or do again). These are exciting times my friends and I'm so thrilled to have this amazing group of people to share it with! :bigsmile:

    Wonderful job!! :happy:
  • flowersofdawn
    flowersofdawn Posts: 47 Member
    Thursday - Well, my activity so far this week has been cleaning with my new vacuum. Not ideal, but its a little bit of something that makes me more mentally sound.
  • getfitgirl55
    do what I do, imagine them floating in the can even put one in there and see what I mean. Just keep that visual when you crave another one!!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good mornnig all. Well I woke up a little stiff and sore this morning from all the raking. In the past that would have been just the excuse to lay around and do nothing for the next couple of days. Not today. I gave myself a little wake up time put on my coat and shoes and headed outside. I got the garden shed picked up and oragnaized so I can put all the gardening stuff thats in the garage where it goes and then I brought the lawn mower out of the garage to do one last mow for the season and realised I dont know how to start the new mower, lol. I tried calling my dad but he is working today so I texted my son in the hopes he checks his phone when he is on lunch break and can help his poor "blonde" mom out, lol. I am now in the house regrouping a little as I am a planner and this put a kink in todays activities so I have to reorganize the flow of the day. I was desperatley sorry to hear about the family that lost their two sons. The loss of a child is unbearable and suicide makes it even worse. I also wanted to say the world is a better place because of people like Christine who take the time to not only know but help their neighbors in their times of need. I wish I was better about that kind of stuff. To everyone else I hope you stay healthy or are on the road to getiing healthy and that you all have a great day.

    Oh eah my Thursday truth: I wish I could love and cherish my dogs without having to actually feed them. I dont like picking up dog yuckys :sad:
  • kittyx2
    kittyx2 Posts: 33 Member
    I've not been good lately about logging in, I'm sorry. :-(

    And my Thursday Truth is that yesterday I was *really* bad & had chicken lo mein & an egg roll for lunch. Such a lunch is soooo not allowed for my protein & carb balancing. I've been depressed lately, very worried about what the future holds. When I need comfort, I turn to food.

    With the colder weather this week I've been avoiding my elliptical machine (it's in my garage). I have got to get motivated. What motivates you to not stray from your healthy way of eating & to do your workouts? I can achieve success in so many other areas of my life but not with my weight. :(
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Woot I got the garage clean. TY Robin for the little motivational push. Once I got it all cleaned out I took the area rug out of my living room that was starting to get ratty and spread it out there. I figured then the dogs would have somewhere to lay besides the steps or the cold cement. They definitley seemed confused by what momma was doing:laugh: I gave myself 60 min of vigorous cleaning for the exercise count. It took about an hour and a half with a LOT of heavy lifting. My arms might not work by tomorrow, lol.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I went for a real walk this afternoon. It was a beautiful fall afternoon, after lots of rain this morning. It took me almost 30 min. to walk around the block, but I did it.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I got in a half-mile walk today but I really fell off the wagon - I window shopped in my old neighborhood, walking, and then drove by the malt shop, got one, and drove by my old house. My how the trees have grown since I left in 2007! I sure didn't need that malt to go for the drive, but the sunshine and 66 degree weather kinda went to my head.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Thursday truth - I did it! *flex* I walked to work this morning. It's not far, only 1.05 miles but it was a huge mental hurdle for me for some reason. It's so hard for me to believe that 7 months ago I had to stop and rest between the couch and the bathroom and now I can think nothing of walking to the drug store, the grocery store, or to work.
    That is great and something I should do. My walk would be three miles and I might make it there but walking home would be tough after working. Good for you for walking to work!thumb-up.gif

    I went for a real walk this afternoon. It was a beautiful fall afternoon, after lots of rain this morning. It took me almost 30 min. to walk around the block, but I did it. Nice grandmaKaye! Glad the knee is feeling better!clap-smiley.gif

    I had pizza for lunch since we had all day training on Teamcenter. There was pizza or nothing and I picked pizzas068.gif

    Keep on getting healthier y'all!

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! I probably won't be around much this weekend, but I will catch up when I get back. I will be thinking of you all while drinking hurricanes and slurping oysters!!
  • lmackbethl
    @skinnyjeanz - have a great trip!
    @mymowmow, robin, and grandmakaye -- nice walking!!!!

    Tonight is my last as a full-time, grave-shift worker! Whoot-Whoot!! I will need to get my butt in gear to find another full-time gig quickly, but I can work per-diem while I look. Hopefully I will have more energy and motivation (and general health and well-being) once I start sleeping nights (sigh of contentment).

    Thursday Truth: I have always been my own worst enemy, but I am trying to change that. And, the scale said I was up about 4 pounds today, but I'm trying to ignore that, because it's not my official weekly weigh-in day. I'm hoping it reverses itself by Monday.

    Friday Fitness: I have big plans to clean gutters, finish raking, scrub the kitchen, and maybe rip out a floor this weekend, so that should burn some calories. Also, if it's warm enough in New England (looks like it might be), I want to take the kayak out and go for a long hike.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Friday Fitness::: Well I got my workouts in on Tues & Wed, tried yesterday but I was in so much pain from my monthly visitor I just couldn't hardly walk. So hoping to get a walk in today after work if not will definitely do some workouts tomorrow.

    My Weekly Challenge's

    2/3 Cardio Days
    1030/1000 Calories Burned
    5.6/3 miles
    50/50 Squats

    My Uncle from Florida is visiting I haven't seen him since Feb. 2008 so it's good to see him. He is going to be opening up a branch of my Dad's business in Florida so that's why he's here. But tomorrow my Mom is making her lasagna and oh my it's the best around so tomorrow's dinner will definitely be a high calorie one....yet another reason to get a good workout in!!

    Have a great Friday!

  • flowersofdawn
    flowersofdawn Posts: 47 Member
    Friday - as I will be gone doing things most of the weekend that are not really food centered I think staying within my calories will be easy. Its the getting active that may be more challenging. I wonder if window shopping is considered casual walking?... :wink:
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone :bigsmile:

    Friday fitness- I would like to get in a walk every day this weekend. I walked lastnight but pedometer isn't counting steps right ugh! My other goal is to make sure I eat healthy this weekend and maybe get some car repairs done.

    @skinny- Have a fun trip :smile:
    @imackbeth- I understand being your own worst enemy. With work that will start to diminish .
    @Robin- Your weather sounds great and now I want a milkshake. Great walk.
    @morgori- great walk
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    Friday Fitness~Its been a good week fitness wise, I'm using today as my recovery day as I'm meeting friends after work for drinks/dinner. Also having lunch out with a friend from work today. Those really should be my only meal challenges this weekend. The good news is that Friday is typically my treat day so I will make the best choices and enjoy, for tomorrow is another day. :bigsmile:

    Fitness this week:

    Monday~Cross Trainer - DONE!
    Tuesday~Elliptical/TM - DONE!
    Wednesday~Elliptical - DONE!
    Thursday~Training - DONE!
    Friday~Recovery Day
    Saturday~Run (probably at gym)

    @Karen~Have a super time this weekend!
  • shygur
    shygur Posts: 171 Member
    Just bumping, haven't had time to even read posts, we have been short handed at work for a month and I am just exhasted. Gratz to all who have had successes and prayers for all who are struggling.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,124 Member
    Have read everyone's posts and here's a wish (even though it's Friday) that everyone has a happy, safe, and healthy weekend.

    As far as Friday fitness, I want to just keep on walking........

