That weird thing you do...



  • alvalaurie
    alvalaurie Posts: 369 Member
    I have to have the volume on the tv/radio/stereo/....etc on an EVEN number.

    I hold my breath when I drive past cemetaries.

    I do the exact same thing with the even numbers lol

    ME TOO! I mean two ;)

    Me 3 (OMG I'm the odd person..Nooooo)! Except I take it a step farther & when I walk, I must step OVER the cracks but must be an even amount of steps for each leg. I also have to eat 2 pieces (or 4) of candy, popcorn...whatever small items, it MUST be an even amount!

    When I go to sleep at night, I have to "pop" my pillow cover between my fingers until I fall asleep. I also do this when I drive to my pants leg.
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    I also tend to count stairs while going up them and go by twos. I bite and pick at the skin on my lips until they bleed sometimes. Other than that...nothing much else...I don't think! :ohwell:
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    I CANNOT spit out my gum. I get this huge urge to swallow it with in ten mins of chewing it. Then I eat another peice. too? i get hassled all the time for swallowing my gum...doesn't make sense to throw it out.

    OMG. OMG. OMG. all the gum you've ever eaten is stuck to your colon. OMG. OMG. you need a cleanse to de-toxify yourself. Dr. Oz said it, it must be true.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Right earring has to go on before my left. If I have a bad day those earrings probably won't ever, never, ever going to be worn again. :smile:
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    I eat my pizza by taking off all the toppings first, then eating the crust. And with my chicken noodle soup, I eat all the noodles with my fingers, then add crackers to whatever is left over and eat that. Man friend thinks I'm nuts :)

    You're just f**cking looney.
  • 6packb450
    What are some things you do that everyone else thinks is weird?

    I eat my pizza with a fork.

    I absoutely LOVE asparagus. Ill eat a whole plate full for dinner.

    I crack every single bone in my body.

    Im sure I can think of more...Im weird lol

    Eating pizza with a fork is a necessity with deep dish... ever been to Chicago? Mmmmm! Asparagus is healthy, great with a lemon sauce. Bone cracking is a nervous habit, beats smoking. You aren't weird, LOL
  • rblair_22
    rblair_22 Posts: 202 Member
    Whenever I eat, I have to make sure I have an even number of bites of food. I will chew on one side of my mouth, and then the next bite I will chew on the opposite side. I get really upset if I buy something prepackaged and it has an odd number of items.

    I make my bed right before going to sleep for the night. I have issues with the sheets being wrinkled before I climb into the bed. Thankfully, my hubby doesn't make a big deal out of it.

    I also refuse to sleep with the closet door open. I know I am an adult, but to this day, I still believe something can come through your closet and get you at night if you leave the door open.
  • che3317
    have to set my alarm with a 3 or a 7 at the end.
  • cassie_golden
    cassie_golden Posts: 25 Member
    If its dark out I look around, and under my car, then hop in slam the locks and check the back seat.

    I put ranch in my spaghetti.
    and run and jump on my bed so no monsters can grab my feet getting into bed lol.
  • alvalaurie
    alvalaurie Posts: 369 Member
    Just thought of another - when I go to stores, convenience or whatever, I front the shelves as I'm walking through and if I'm standing in line. Comes from years of convenience store work but I don't even think about it, I just do it! My kids always shake their heads & I've had many job offers!
  • logicman69
    logicman69 Posts: 1,034 Member
    On a soda cup lid, I must push down all the tabs on the lid (the ones that mark "diet" or "regular"). Not sure why I do it, but it must be done.
  • alvalaurie
    alvalaurie Posts: 369 Member
    On a soda cup lid, I must push down all the tabs on the lid (the ones that mark "diet" or "regular"). Not sure why I do it, but it must be done.

    OMG! I do this too!! I thought I was the only one!
  • letobot
    letobot Posts: 205
    I CANNOT spit out my gum. I get this huge urge to swallow it with in ten mins of chewing it. Then I eat another peice. too? i get hassled all the time for swallowing my gum...doesn't make sense to throw it out.

    OMG. OMG. OMG. all the gum you've ever eaten is stuck to your colon. OMG. OMG. you need a cleanse to de-toxify yourself. Dr. Oz said it, it must be true.

    so that's why i'm 20 lbs's gum related
  • Schmelvie
    Schmelvie Posts: 233 Member
    I count stairs in my head when I'm going up them, but not down. Sometimes I'll count my steps when I'm walking. I try not to step on cracks.
  • survivor1952
    survivor1952 Posts: 250 Member
    my face scrunches up when i "peel" a head of iceberg lettuce. i have no idea why. it doesn't happen with other types of lettuce, just iceberg. it's involuntary.

    i count things (to myself) to pass the time. if i'm waiting in a lobby, i'll count tiles, or the number of bricks in the wall, or whatever. sometimes when i'm at the post office waiting, i'll pick a letter and then look around the room to see how many times i can find on posters, or signs, or wherever. nobody knows i do this. until now nobody knew. now that i've confessed, you can decide if its weird.

    i also check to make sure my garage door is closed at night. i have to check 2 or 3 times usually. same thing with making sure the gas is off on the stove. i check that 2 or 3 times. i'm not OCD, but i have this fear that my carelessness could result in something bad to happen, so i make absolutely sure it can't, so maybe i'm slightly OCD about those 2 things. there's one other thing... on trash day, i have to make sure i can see my wallet and keys on my desk until the trashmen come, otherwise i'm afraid i might accidentally throw them away, even though never once in my life have i accidentally put either in the trash. i guess it's the fear of doing something out of carelessness and the repercussions of it that worry me. but that's it for the OCD-lite symptoms from me.

    This is so me! I count constantly and I cannot explain why I do it. I don't count things I just count in my head when I have nothing to think about.
    I have to check (multiple times) the knobs on the stove to be sure they are off, my curling iron is unplugged, doors locked & garage door down. I have actually turned around half way to work to drive past my house to make sure garage door went down & stayed down. I feel like an idiot but I HAVE to do it. I can't imagine what my neighbors think.
    I have my mouth open the entire time I am putting my make up on. I have no idea why???
    I have to have the comforter and pillows lined up perfectly on the bed. My husband knows how I am about this & he purposely will go in and move them. I check them every time I walk past the bedroom & have to straighten them. I'm definitely not OCD either, I think I just have some weord habits.
  • Crookey21
    Crookey21 Posts: 311 Member
    I always put chips inside my sandwich..i like it crunchy :)

    i never sleep with any body parts off of the bed because a monster will eat it off

    I brush my teeth 6 or more times a day

    If something smells bad I will continue to smell it just to remember how bad it smelled

    I am obsessed with star wars

    I can not make it through a conversation without inserting a completely random movie quote that usually has nothing to do with what I am talking about..usually from the goonies or back to the future..haha

    i also do the chips in the sandwhich and the smelling thing. LOL also if i got a bruise or a cut. i press it so i can feel the pain.
  • alvalaurie
    alvalaurie Posts: 369 Member
    When I shower, I separate the shower hooks on the curtain so they are evenly spaced apart. My daughter caught me doing this recently & was like, "really, mama??" I didn't know what she was talking about till she told me what I did!
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    I hum when I enjoy food hahahah it's rather embarrassing when people are over my house eating and I start to really enjoy a meal and I start goin hmmmmmmMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmMMMMMMM like a animal an notic everyone looking at me then they burst out laughing :( boooo
  • Nice
    Nice Posts: 84
    I always put chips inside my sandwich..i like it crunchy :)

    i never sleep with any body parts off of the bed because a monster will eat it off

    I brush my teeth 6 or more times a day

    If something smells bad I will continue to smell it just to remember how bad it smelled

    I am obsessed with star wars

    I can not make it through a conversation without inserting a completely random movie quote that usually has nothing to do with what I am talking about..usually from the goonies or back to the future..haha

    i also do the chips in the sandwhich and the smelling thing. LOL also if i got a bruise or a cut. i press it so i can feel the pain.

    haha..that's funny..i do the pain thing too..if something hurts I just keep poking it more to make it hurt
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    I chew on my tongue, I hum to myself alot, I leave lights off whenever I can, like in the bathroom even if it's not really light in there. I do random stuff all the time, I just don't notice alot of it.