I need a good comeback! Tired of being made fun of...



  • Marksman21
    Marksman21 Posts: 126 Member
    "Wow, I came here for Thanksgiving Dinner, not 5th grade recess. Grow up, or I leave, and you can enjoy your Holidays."

    I actually did pull this number one thanksgiving over another matter. It was petty and pointless, but it was getting on my nerves to the point that it was just upseting. I stood up, said just that, and held my ground, prepped to just walk out. Natrually some reacted to attitude with attitude, and deciding I wanted no part of it, turned around, left, and went to my bags to prep to pack.

    Within 10 minutes, they cleaned up their act.

    That said, if you're going to make the statement, be prepared to back it up. It shouldn't be a bluff, but a promise, if they're going to make you feel unwelcome, they can have their holiday without you. However, you made your choice, stand for it, and don't take s**t from anyone.
  • lydia_the_tattooed_lady
    I get this too!!! Except without the animal sounds. However, since my mom tried veganism my family has backed off a lot. Some of them even tried it! I try to avoid the topic and get my food in peace lol Now it's mostly just my older brothers and one rude sis-in-law who give me crap about it. The other sis-in-law just tries to mother me and get me to eat meat out of concern hahaha Even my southern, country family that we'll be visiting for Thanksgiving are pretty understanding about it.
  • dawnp1833
    dawnp1833 Posts: 264 Member
    My nephew has been a vegetarian since birth and people always made those stupid comments too. (Don't you just want to TRY a little turkey? etc.)

    Here's what you need to do - get someone (like your husband!) to respond. One year I gave up meat out of solidarity, so he wasn't the sole target. And when they made comments I announced "don't you think you've harassed him about it enough over the past 15 years? How about we let him enjoy a holiday with you, before he figures out that you're just a bunch of A-holes and stops coming." And that pretty much ended it. Once he was around 18 he was old enough to start giving people lectures about GMOs and such and people learned to shut up and not comment about any of the food.

    "there are just so many other delicious things to eat, I don't want turkey taking up space on my plate" also works.
  • ronitabur
    ronitabur Posts: 178 Member
    * Bring a Poult (baby turkey) to the party.

    * Rent "Forks Over Knives" and pop it in the player just as dinner is to be served.

    * Bring a See-And-Say toy to the party and play the sounds as they are eating.

    OK, seriously, just tell them how you feel, or at least tell the most influential and sensitive person in the family how you are feeling in a private convesation - the word will get around or the person will likely stick up for you while it's happening.

    Good luck.
  • likemeinvisible
    "Because *kitten* you, that's why"


    Ditto. They'll probably just stare at you.

    This. That's what I say when family asks me why I run.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    I'm passive aggressive, too, but perhaps you should talk to them about it flat out. Point out to them that you don't ridicule them for their morals and you expect them to show you the same respect. They are your family and friends, they should understand that.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    "Because *kitten* you, that's why"

    I think I'm in love.....:flowerforyou:

    How YOU doing?
  • sss1966
    sss1966 Posts: 110 Member
    I think by the sounds of it u are going to have to be blunt with them. They do it because they think they are being funny. My daughter has the same but not to your extent. She has been a vegetarian for 17 years carand its the meat eaters that make
    The fuss. Just say. I know you don't understand why i eat as a vegetarian but i disagree with the disgusting way animals are farmer and no thoughts for their welfare that i would not eat anything on my plate that once had a face. I bet none of them understand how the animals on their plate werey slaughtered
  • Countryboy_
    "Because *kitten* you, that's why"

    THIS. With bells on.
  • DocMarr
    DocMarr Posts: 132 Member
    If you want to change someone else's behaviour then the person to start with is yourself. This is a repeating family scenario and everyone is repeating the 'same old, same old' roles within it. As it is obviously causing you distress then it is indeed time to break that particular merry-go-round (or carousel as you're American) and you do that by changing the dynamic, so that the outcome changes.

    A good book to read is called 'Hot Buttons' (How to resolve conflict and cool everyone down- by Evans and Cohen - costs $14 on Amazon) - it explains about how you can identify what it is that triggers you off, and how you perpetuate the dynamic by the way you react. If you react differently then the dynamic changes. It has lots of great suggestions about how to handle this successfully.

    I used to have constant arguments with my mum - she'd say something, I'd take offence, I'd snip back at her and she'd then say something else and it escalated into an argument, which invariably ended up by me losing my temper and walking out. Happened that way for 20 years.

    Using the techniques I learned in the book, next time she made a comment, I saw that she'd pushed a button that normally started an argument, but this time I didn't rise to the bait - I just laughed it off with 'Oh you're not going to raise that old chestnut again, haven't we done that to death? LOL' - and I instead introduced a different topic and the conversation went off in a different direction. Change the dynamic = change the outcome.

    The key point to realise is that YOU are the one with the issue here. YOU are the one who gets upset with people mentioning that you are a vegetarian. If you don't let yourself get upset then they can talk to you about it until they are blue in the face and it wouldn't make a difference. The problem is that it pushes your Hot Button and sends you off into defensive mode. If you didn't rise to the bait then they'd soon lose interest. So the person you need to change is yourself - change how you think, and change how you handle yourself when someone attacks your beliefs. That way you can change the outcome.

    I hope that the book helps. It helped me. Best of luck!
  • bokodasu
    bokodasu Posts: 629 Member
    Then the adults make jokes and puts the meat in front of me and starts making animal sounds. It's very disrespectful to me and I'm sick of it.

    You mean the small children, right? I have a hard time believing an adult would do this.

    (Ok, really I've met people so I don't, but seriously, what are they, 12-year-old boys? Miss Manners needs to have a chat with them.)

    Veg for 20 years here, but I haven't gotten this for the last... oh, 15 or so of those. A long stare, the same kind you'd give them if they took a dump on the table, followed by "... wow, really?" and turning to talk to someone else generally works for me. No P-A FB posts, no "defending" yourself (nobody who respects you would need an argument, and anyone who doesn't isn't going to listen to you anyway), just an acknowledgement of their bad behavior and moving on.

    Good luck. I've been blessed with a non-crappy family, I hope yours comes around.
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member

    "Because *kitten* you, that's why"

    bahahahahahaha so much this.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    They mock you and make animal noises???
    That is so rude, childish, mean. I would refuse to goof my family acted that way. ( and I have not gone for other reasons, too)

    My response would be more like "How old are you? 5?"
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I even get this “Jesus ate fish. So if he was giving you a piece of fish you wouldn't eat it?” If Jesus was standing in front of me I would probably pass out and not give a damn about the fish lol.

    There is your comeback....It made me LOL, too!
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    bring gruesome photos of slaughterhouses with you and leave them on the dinner table before meal time. that will shut them up. or, what everyone else said...**** off. i hate that ****, i too am a vegetarian (not as long as you, only 10 years) and i ****ing hate when people are like you don't eat me? what do you eat? i eat food, dumbass.

    Yeah, I clean and eat lots wild game and fish...that wouldn't phase me...

    alright, well not everyone does.
  • RLehotsky
    RLehotsky Posts: 27 Member
    Just be who you are. I am the outcast of my family because I chose to be different therefor It is just my husband and I and his family who are mature and love enough to accept me for who I am. One thing to remeber is ( Hold your head up high with diginity and be true to yourself. ) those who truly love you will stand beside you through it all.
  • funsiiz
    funsiiz Posts: 246 Member
    People need to mind there own business...why does it matter to them what you eat?

    :flowerforyou: Have a great day :)
  • Stella2070
    Stella2070 Posts: 38 Member
    I have the opposite problem. I get made fun of for eating undercooked meat, but it usually turns out the same way; people making animal sounds. I just eat like an animal and don't worry about it. After a long day of smelling dinner cooking and going to the gym all week I'm just too hungry to care.

    Weird, I have never been made fun of for this.
    You're welcomed to take my place at the family christmas party. When they have a barbecue, I cook my own food. My mom will boil a roast for three days and then cook it, because she thinks she's going to get mad cow disease. I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum. I used to get in trouble all the time when I was a kid getting into raw meat in the fridge.

    I think your mother is my mother's twin! When I first discovered I preferred meat on the raw side (I know, gross to some, but I would sneak the hamburger and sausage from the fridge and if you haven't already, you really should try some cured country ham- it's yummy, like southern proscuitto), and would ask her to cook my steaks, bacon or whatever, enough to heat the seasonings she was using to cook everything and she would tell me "you really didn't like it that way" and then proceed to cook it to the point of what tastes burnt in my opinion!
  • BritneysStuntDouble
    With the holidays coming up I get the “Desarae do you want some Ham? Oh, sorry forgot you were a vegetarian.”