Older women success stories please!



  • michladyme
    michladyme Posts: 7 Member
    I started this the first part of September and the loss has been slow, which can be discouraging but I joined a group and the support and encouragement I receive from them is a tremendous help. I keep getting bombarded with all these quick weight loss pills/drinks offers but don't want to try them, actually can't see spending that kind of money! It will take me longer to reach my goal but I'm plugging along. We can do it!
  • Terree_G
    Terree_G Posts: 69 Member
    Don't throw in that towel -- use it to mop your brow! I am 52 and have lost 25 lbs since March 20th through diet and exercise. I lost 3 of those lbs (after a long, agonizing plateau) in my first week with MFP, three weeks ago, simply by lowering my calorie intake.

    Please feel free to add me if you wish.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    I turned 50 in September of this year.(starting weight 165) On July 5th of this year I took a step towards better health..I started walking..slowly at first 2.5 mph and gradually made it up to 4mph. * the midwest turns brutal about this time of year* -- so I've gained all kinds of free videos on youtube...own a couple of cardio blast dvd's and bought a golds gym mini stepper. I alternate and switch out routines and add zumba in on Tuesday nights through our local Y.


    that picture was taken in August I believe and those were 1 size jeans smaller than I had been wearing. Yesterday I went to the store to buy a pair of size 10's. I have NEVER worn size 10's. Not even during my younger days. So my weight as of yesterday 137.2 and I'm feeling pretty damn good about it. Ps..I'm a shorty too -- height in at 5'2 on a good day.

    I love the poster who talked about the neck and chin skin along with batwings.(one of the comedians said those things have saved lives in car crashes) LOL THOSE we might have to accept (although to be honest I HATE that)...but the rest of this..we can take control of.

    we can sooooo do this at our age! I will always be rebellious -- say I can't do it..I'll prove you wrong!
  • I am 54 years old. I started in July 2012 and have lost 30 pounds. Since 2009 I have lost 55 pounds. I look and feel great. I have abs and muscles in my arms. I love it.
  • Punkin7411
    Punkin7411 Posts: 45 Member
    Absolutely DO NOT throw in the towel. I am an "older woman" at 55 and I have lost 25 lbs, averaging 1.5 - 2 lbs loss per week. I'm using MFP to compute calories and Chalene Johnson's Turbo Jam and Turbo Fire for morning workouts. I just weighed this morning and this week was only a 1.2 lb loss but I'm not sweating it....except later today when I do my 50 min Turbo Jam Cardio Party!!! Keep moving. Track all you eat and up the exercise if you can. I started losing a little mid-summer just trying to watch my diet but the majority has been lost since beginning of September when I got really serious. It is never too late to start this journey. There are 60 year old's out there doing the thing successfully so we can too!! Keep up the good work!!!
  • denise33027
    denise33027 Posts: 108 Member
    I saw this on Chalene Johnson's facebook page: "Don't compare your start to someone elses middle"......I would add don't compre yourself to 20 somethings. I would recommend considering weight training. I have been doing Chalene Extreme for the past 90 days, lost 10% body fat, several inches. I don't weight myself too much, more concerned about how I feel and look plus the scale is just too stressful! Don't give up.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I'm starting to get intimidated by all the 20 something people who lose 100 lbs and look AMAZING!! I'm afraid that when I lose my 60 lbs, I'm still going to look like an "eh" 45 year old. I also have heard that it's so much harder to lose weight post-menopause. Should I just throw in the towel now?:ohwell:

    Maybe you should step back and rethink your attitude! You sound defeated before you've really even started! :flowerforyou:

    I'm 41. Though, I don't personally consider myself to be an 'older woman', I suppose I fit your description. I lost 66 pounds - going from 202 down to 136.

    I cut my calories by 500 a day, which meant I typically ate about 1850-2250 calories each day. I ate whatever I wanted as long as it fit within my calorie goals. So yes... that means I ate pizza, cookies, cake, cheese, wine, etc. I did a lot of walking and lifted weights. The weight came off at a rate of 1-2 pounds a week. It was fairly effortless.

    My 52 year old co-worker noticed my weight-loss and asked what I was doing. I told her about MFP and what I was doing for exercise. Over the last 10 months, she's lost almost 45 pounds following the same plan of moderation.

    I know plenty of 20-somethings that are struggling to lose. And I know plenty of 'older women' who are doing just fine.
  • debb1010
    debb1010 Posts: 12 Member
    Its sure nice to know we are not alone in this journey. I'm about to turn 50. I sure dont feel it mentally but physically, I'm feelin it and then some on some days! LOL I had a hysterectomy (total) almost 4 years ago and am still experiencing menopause to the utmost!!! I have been working at bringing my weight down since January of this year. I've stayed the course really good for awhile and then I up and blow it for awhile then manage to climb back on the wagon again. Seems my weight loss wants to average about 2lbs a month. When I was hoping for at least 2lbs a week. If I had known it would be this hard, I most definitely would have started this years ago...."hind sight" huh!?!?

    I keep telling myself its not going to get better if I quit...I must keep going. Not to get discouraged...so long as the scale continues to come DOWN instead of up, I'm winning the battle. So long as the days that I eat good/healthy out number the days I want to throw caution to the wind and eat anything...then I'm doing good. Also working on my work-outs and trying to build muscle and build my strength. I'm only down 21lbs. and I have a very looooooooooooooooong way to go when I look at the over all picture. But I just try to focus on one day at a time. When trying to succeed at something like this and there's much pain in the body to fight through on a daily basis....I cant look at the whole picture...I would feel defeated before I ever start the day. The good Lord gives me the strength I need to get through each and every day and I am determined to win this battle!!

    I said it once and I'll say it again....it still really good to know we are not alone on this journey!

    Everyone have a fabulous day!
  • Very inspiring and I believe thatt. I know losing weight right now my skin just hangs off my body (ugly), but I think weight lifting will help that.
  • There are several factors that affect weight loss as we age and menopause is one of these factors. Aging increases our insulin resistance and we need to dramatically lower our carb/sugar intake in order to counter act these changes. This will be effective regardless of whether you take HRT or not. Taking HRT will dramatically help your weight loss and muscle function but that was not your question. If you set your custom goals to 50% fat, 25% protein, 25% carbohydrates and your sugar goal to less than 20 gm you will see significantly better weight loss. If you weight lift at least once a week, twice would be better, then you will see firming and toning of your skin to avoid the sag.
    Good Luck!
  • otrlynn
    otrlynn Posts: 273 Member
    There are a lot of dedicated, amazing women in this thread! I am 60 and consider myself a success because I have changed my lifestyle considerably and for the better. I walk daily and usually go to the gym 3 times a week. If the weather is nice, I might substitute a longer walk for one of the gym visits. I'm probably in the best physical shape of my adult life. In a way, I think this journey is really what I will call the rest of my life. I have not quite reached my weight goal but I am a few pounds from it. However I would like to continue to build some more muscle. I don't know whether I look any younger, but that wasn't really my goal anyway. I am happy to be buying pants two sizes smaller than when I started!
  • thurberj
    thurberj Posts: 528 Member
    Just turned 58 and lost most of the 20 by last year at this time....working to lose a few more and maintain.....Yesterday at book club I saw a neighbor that I hadn't seen in a while and she commented on how I had maintained my weight loss....I felt great :-) It can be done, but is definitely harder now than when I was 20 or 30!!
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    If you compare yourself to people who are 20 years younger than you, you will always be disappointed! :brokenheart:

    Compete with yourself! Not with others. Its all about improving YOUR health and YOUR life!

    I'm 52 and in better shape than ever! All because of MFP. If you log your calories and exercise every day, you can do it! :wink:

    Feel free to friend me if you want support from an old girl! :bigsmile:
  • charrisonwms
    charrisonwms Posts: 22 Member
    I am 60 turning 61 tomorrow! I'm 5"11 and need to lose about 45 lbs. I too, am not a "Success Story" yet... but I'm working on it. I have only lost 10lbs thus far; however, I will not give up even if the weight shed at a snail pace, I am the better for it! I have lovely grands that I need to stay healthy so that I can enjoy them and watch them blossom. NEVER GIVE UP...
  • 5kidsforme
    5kidsforme Posts: 131 Member
    Hi there,
    I've been trying to lose about 12-18 lbs since October 2011. It has been very difficult. When I was in my 20's and 30's it was not a problem to lose 1 to 2 lbs consistently each week. It just fell off so easily. But now I am lucky if I get a 1/2 pound every once in awhile. I am 45 years old. DON'T give up, even if it takes you much longer than expected. I just keep trying and very, very, slowly the weight has come off! Good luck!
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    Nah....You are going to look like a better you! I'm very excited to be celebrating my 50th birthday in 2 years. I"m really excited that I have achieved my weight loss (okay--2 pounds to go) and moving into maintenance which I have heard is a real chore!

    Keep up the good work, one day at a time, one meal at a time, one great opportunity for the rest of your life!
  • pcotter54
    pcotter54 Posts: 707 Member
    Well, I'm 57 and a partial success-- still have a way to go. It's definitely more difficult to lose weight as you get older. But I feel like my greater patience and perspective make up for the physical side. So hang in there and your perseverance will pay off.
  • MammaC66
    MammaC66 Posts: 122 Member
    I am 64 years old, and don't consider myself a success, more a work in progress, but I have lost a total of 82 pounds now. I lost the first 35 on Weight Watchers before coming here to MFP and the last 47 since joining MFP in March. I don't expect to look like someone half my age when I finish. I have about 22 more pounds to go and maybe more after I get there. I just want to be as fit and healthy as I can be, and look as good as I can at this stage of my life. Don't compare yourself with anyone else! Just work on being the best you can be! It is so worth it! :flowerforyou:
  • claresusan
    claresusan Posts: 121 Member
    I'm 50 yrs old and for many years I tried to lose weight to no avail until I joined MFP.

    By watching my calorie intake with careful consideration to my macros, giving up wheat due to a gluten intollerance, controlling my sodium intake and eating minimal amounts of processed food has given me fantastic success.

    46kg's or 101lb's loss since Dec last year. I'm thrilled with the healthful changes to both the way I eat and my level of fitness. I burn approximately 900-1100 calories every day, six times a week by concentrating mainly on cardio, interspersed with weight training. Best of luck to you on your journey :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I honestly found it sooooo much easier losing weight this time around (starting at age 38... 38.5 if you want to be particular) than it was last time at 32.

    Last time, I tried too hard. I cut calories too much. I was too restrictive. Weight loss was slow and I felt like crap.

    This time, I wasn't even aiming to lose, because I didn't believe I could, I just wanted to get healthier. So I wasn't very restrictive. I didn't cut calories too much... I ate in an appropriate deficit for the amount I had to lose, and lost the amount I was aiming to lose. I became more active and didn't think of exercise as punishing my body like I did in the past ("Ugh... I gotta do something about these thigh! Ugh... I gotta work off that piece of pizza!"), but as a reward... an investment in my health.

    I'm sure to some, what I'm doing now isn't easy. I run 3-6 miles three times a week, and lift heavy weights three times a week. But to me, it's a helluva lot easier and more satisfiying to spend 30-60 minutes exercising most days and be able to eat pretty much whatever I want, and better still, get the results I want, than just cut calories more and more and more and never feel good.
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