7 weeks lost 39 pounds



  • kalch
    kalch Posts: 45 Member
    be safe.
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 797 Member
    Judging that he's probably close to 400 lbs .... I think 40 lbs in 2 months isn't that drastic, you see bigger results on the tv shows.

    Keep up the good work, just realize that it does slow down and get harder
  • Ghette
    Ghette Posts: 350 Member
    You will be losing alot more :smile: Hunting season is here!
  • fleur_de_lis19
    fleur_de_lis19 Posts: 926 Member
    Why is everyone on this dude's jock?!?! He's just reporting what worked for him If it didn't work for you or you dont believe him, who cares. Great job bro! Keep up the good work. The only thing ill say is for a male that is working out (not sure what you do for a workout) you should prob be eating more than 1500 cals. But do yo thang! Great work
  • Arrabindi
    Arrabindi Posts: 169 Member
    Previous commenters: seriously? Can it. A lot of factors come into play at the beginning of a change in lifestyle and this loss is absolutely possible and acceptable (as long as OP has consulted a physician and has the all-forward). If you don't buy it, run the numbers... then factor in water weight lost with a reduction of sodium and intake and voila.

    OP- congrats on your loss and kudos for the steps you are taking to a healthier you! That's great progress and you should be so proud. Don't get discouraged if it does slow down.. it's an inevitable pain in the butt :-) Keep up the good work and don't listen to the dissenters!

    Totally agree with this! It's a great accomplishment.
  • onematch
    onematch Posts: 241 Member
  • shaxnax
    shaxnax Posts: 87 Member
    Wow... I don't understand all the negativity.
    So what if he's lying (which I can't imagine why he would...), it's no skin off anyone's back.
    And if he's telling the truth, then he's made great headway into a 164 lb. journey.
    Either way, no one comes to this website to be shat on. Let's all be positive and support eachother!

    This always.
  • ariesmom07
    ariesmom07 Posts: 57 Member
    Thats fantastic! Don't pay attention to the negativity. My husband and I have 100 lbs to lose and he lost 25 lbs in the first month. He went from doing NOTHING to walking every night and taking in 2400 calories (actually less most days) while I on the other hand have only lost 13. Men just seem to lose quicker. Especially when having alot to lose. Congrats on your loss!
  • Stephy2469
    Stephy2469 Posts: 35 Member
    That's amazing! A true inspiration! Screw the negativity in this post! kepp doing what your doing seems to be working great!
  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    Awesome, it sounds like you are doing everything right, when you have a lot to lose the first few months you can drop dramatically, my Aunt dropped 40 pounds in two months, I could wish but I still weigh a lot. Keep up the excellent work.
  • Must see pictures.
  • Yep me neither. 11lb sin 1st week on a cal limit that high only working out 2-3 times a week? Yeah right.....I workout 7 days a week, eat under 1600cals a day (some days only just on 1200) and it's taken 9 months today to lose 69lbs.

    I don't buy it at all.

    I was 364 pounds to begin with so I have plenty to lose. Ive lost only 9% of my weight in 7 weeks. That does not seem so much. As I said, Im eating well and not starving by any means.

    Ok, everyone needs to back off a little...actually A LOT!!! When someone that is heavier changes their caloric intake it can result in some incredible weight loss results! When you have someone that was eating an extreme amount of calories/fat/sugars/carbs and then drastically change their eating habits it makes a huge difference on the scale! And of course this is in the first 7 weeks, and the OP is well aware that this kind of weight loss will not be as extreme in the weeks to come, but I think it is FANTASTIC!!

    You have done a remarkable job, and I commend you for taking back control of your life and making the necessary changes to improve it! You are doing great, and don't get discouraged! By the looks of things there's only one way now...and that's DOWN!!!
  • underthecherrytree
    underthecherrytree Posts: 532 Member
    Don't listen to the haters, you are doing awesome! Keep up the great work, your doctor must be very proud of you!:flowerforyou:
  • :happy: I BUY IT! GREAT JOB!!!
  • I just wanted to add that I think that you should go back 2000 calories a day. :) 1500 seems a bit low. You'll still see weight loss, I'm sure. It might not be 8 pounds a week, but you won't have many more 8 pound losses anyways if you're doing it healthy, slow, and safe.

    Im eating great and healthy and lots of variety and not suffering or hungry. Im taking no pills or gimicks. Just eating less and working out more.

    Yes, but your body is starting to get used to the amount of calories you are giving it and you are going to plateau. You really do need to eat more to weigh less. The more you work out, the more you should eat.
  • Um....I don't buy it.

    Yep me neither. 11lb sin 1st week on a cal limit that high only working out 2-3 times a week? Yeah right.....I workout 7 days a week, eat under 1600cals a day (some days only just on 1200) and it's taken 9 months today to lose 69lbs.

    BTW I burn at a minimum of 600 cals each day.

    I don't buy it at all.

    I'm with you. I workout 5 days a week, doing extreme cardio for atleast 45 mins. My calorie intake for the first 10 weeks was 1200, I've since moved up to 1400-1450. It's taken me 12 weeks to lose 12 lbs.
  • this is awesome and the type of results i would love to have. you go girl you rock
  • That's so AWESOME!!!! I just don't understand all the haters??? I thought this was a place where we could support one another! Back in 2007 I lost 100 pounds, the first week I lost 13. Anyway....glad about your loss, I am back at it again.
  • quiltingducky
    quiltingducky Posts: 103 Member
    Some people got all animated and nasty when I created this thread stating that I lost 39 pounds in 7 weeks. Some were so goofy as to claim I was lying about my weight loss. Some said Im losing to much, too fast. This week, I cut back a little on exercise and only lost 2 pounds.

    That’s 41 pounds in 8 weeks.

    I think that you have had a great weight loss so far. This is totally doable if you are eating considerably less than you were before, though I agree - I would not go too low even with the exercise.

    Being married to a man who was close to 450 pounds when he started losing weight, It was nothing for him to lose 20 pounds the first month (actually each month for the first 3 months). He works a very active job and men in general tend to lose weight more quickly (usually, not always). My husband lost 150 pounds and kept it off for about 7 years but has started to gain it back.

    I commend you on watching what you are eating now and getting to be more active in your exercise, but do not become discouraged if and when your weight loss slows down when you have less weight to lose. Congrats on your success so far!
  • This is exactly the kind of weightloss I want!! I want to lose 39lb! Would you mind giving me some workout ideas/plans to help me?
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    Hey congrats! That's great!
  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    Congrats! (See, I say that because if it's true, which I believe it is if you have a high starting weight as you stated, then you deserve recognition and if it's not true, congratulating you doesn't hurt me anyways.)

    To everyone saying that they workout more and eat less and "only" lose a couple of pounds, I wonder: are you starting out at 364 pounds, with 164 pounds to lose? Working out a few times per week (even just walking at a pretty moderate pace for an hour burns 720-750 calories at his weight) and eating 1500-2500 calories per day is probably a dramatic difference from what the OP was doing to gain all of that weight. And to the "pics or it didn't happen" people, do you really think 39 pounds out of 164 to lose is going to show you the dramatic results you're looking for as proof? OP, I don't mean to offend you while I defend you, of course, and i'm sorry if I have. I mean no disrespect. Believe me when I say my mom would smack me upside the head if she found me to be disrespectful.

    Why comment your doubts and engage in a debate with someone (a real human being with feelings and goals) who could be sincere? There are other places to be skeptical internet people. Coming to the success forum to wave your doubt flag in the face of someone who achieved a personal victory is in poor taste. Take your need to debate everything you read elsewhere.
  • haymancm
    haymancm Posts: 280 Member
    I love it!! The further you are from your goal weight, the easier it is to lose the weight quickly!! Congrats!!!!
  • Great Job! Stay positive and keep doing what you're doing! Negativity is probably what probably contributed to your weight gain. I drown out the negative voices on the treadmill. For every person that doesn't say something positive about my weight loss, I imagine I'm STOMPING on them while running. Not only do I run faster and longer, but it helps me maintain my weight. Be proud of what you have accomplished. You're doing great!
  • wateryphoenix
    wateryphoenix Posts: 644 Member
    Wow...This post is like a year old, lol. thebowhunter's more recent success post is here:


    OffTheRails....I don't know how much you have to lose, but I think it would be damn near impossible to lose weight like this unless you are morbidly obese or extremely close. =/ thebowhunter lost 182lbs total (at least that's what his ticker says), if you ONLY have 39 lbs to lose...it's not going to come off that quickly.
  • everybody always says check with your physician I call honky duty on that doctors don't know everything and they are so quick to prescribe drugs you know your body and if you feel healthy doing what you're doing keep doing it do what works for you and if you feel good feel healthy checking with your physician is not the answer to your overall health you're the only person I can control that not your doctor a lot of people these days are finding out that natural medicine is more beneficial than going to the doctor. a lot of people are so quick to run to the doctor for every little thing and that is not the answer
  • momofGD
    momofGD Posts: 110 Member
    I believe it. I started 10/14 I eat about 1800 clean calories a day and the occasional treat. I work out 6 days a week for an hour doing 30 minutes cardio then 30 min on weights. I started at 319.2 and as of today I am 285.2. That is 34lbs in roughly 5.5 weeks. People loose at different rates and everyone's body takes it differently.
  • TattedInStilettos
    TattedInStilettos Posts: 331 Member
    I think that's awesome... wtg...
  • Artaxia
    Artaxia Posts: 185
    If you have a lot of weight to lose, that would work just fine. For those of you who think this is a lie, it's because you guys are a lot slimmer than this person. Great job to you, and I'm proud of you. I have been limiting my calories since September 30th and I've only lost 9 pounds. However, I haven't been able to exercise as vigorously as I'd like to, due to school and my baby. But it's coming off. ;)

    Good job again! Keep up the good work! keep in mind that as you become slimmer, you're going to need to do more vigorous workouts and strength training. :)
  • Great job! Keep up the good work. Keep us posted to your success because it might inspire others! Also, if you haven't done it yet, take a "before" picture. You'll be really happy with comparison shots and again, it could inspire others.
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