Whats the one thing that set you off to want to lose weight?



  • 504Crystal
    504Crystal Posts: 26 Member
    Clothes fitting wayyyy too tight that were once loose, that ungodly number on the scale, the last measurements I took of myself. The way I felt the last time I looked in the mirror...THAT did it. And here I am.

    ETA: oh and not to mention I am SICK AND TIRED of being apple shaped! Now I do love my legs...however...(and I know I can't change genetics) I can look a lot better than what I do. I truly feel like the Fruit Of The Loom apple character anndddd I'm not feeling that not one bit lol
  • ParaSempreAmor11
    ParaSempreAmor11 Posts: 105 Member
    i've never worn a bikini in my entire life.. WTH IS THAT ya no that right there im like OK time to lose weight went from 207 to 129 and still going :)
  • missabeez
    missabeez Posts: 280 Member
    I had to stop wearing my panties because my *kitten* was creeping out of them and they were too tight, LOL! :blushing:
    I was also over 180lbs and that just was unacceptable for me.
    And like so many others have said, my clothes were not fitting. Not even the larger ones I finally broke down and bought over the summer.
    And don't get me started on my bra size :/
  • njgirl50
    njgirl50 Posts: 62 Member
    I finally realized that there was no easy way to lose & had to do it, was tired of being held back because of my weight. Plus hearing about Rosie O'Donnell, who is my age having a heart attack. That really hit home.
  • erikaaaaaaaa
    erikaaaaaaaa Posts: 155 Member
    Stepping on the scale and seeing that I weighed the most I ever weighed in my life.
  • angiechimpanzee
    angiechimpanzee Posts: 536 Member
    Trying on clothes with my friends at the mall and having them tell me "yeah um no, that doesn't look good" not because the piece wasn't fashionable, but simply because I was too fat to look good in it.

    Laying down with my ex-significant other and having him touch my belly and say "our baby is in here".

    Realizing I could no longer fit into ANY of my jeans and was confined to only wearing skirts and sweatpants.
  • AprilRN10
    AprilRN10 Posts: 548 Member
    I went on family vacation and passed out at the theme park. My body could not handle the stress of the heat and activity. That was it for me.
  • maryjay52
    maryjay52 Posts: 557 Member
    when i turned 50 back in 2010... i did alot of soul searching on how i wanted to spend the rest of my life.. having a background in nursing and working in nursing homes almost 20 yrs i realized i did not want to spend any part of my life there unless i was working.
    taking care of people there closer to my age these days ..most of them are unhealhy as all heck.. alot are overweight and cant walk. the aides hate taking care of them because they are hard to move around.. one person i felt so bad for .she was only 58 and was a below the kneee amputee and they were about to do the same with the other leg. she cried tome that her life was over ..that she can no longer do what she wanted and that she couldnt even go to the bathroom without being put in a lift to a toilet,often soiling herself because people couldnt get to her on time.. she cried that she could never go out on a date again or go to a ball game or a movie.. things we all take for granted in our lives. she was obese and diabetic and never took care of herself. she has passed away since.

    im obese but not diabetic..i do have high blood pressure which is better now that ive lost weight .. but im not there yet. i have that story in my head and knowing my life is more than half over ,well i want to do more.

    the last two years ive enjoyed life big time..traveled alot, ran in some 3-8k runs , working out , social life is great , and im happier than i was. and im enjoying my grandkids alot..i can play with them where a few years ago i wouldnt have been able to. i run with them and take them for walks and swimming in my pool..

    thats why im doing this
  • ErinGBragh
    ErinGBragh Posts: 183 Member
    I got sick of having to wear Spanx under everything, including jeans and t-shirts because my belly is fat! I hate being uncomfortable more than anything, and wearing Spanx all the time is uncomfortable! Also, I lost about 30 lbs about 5 1/2 years ago. I stayed at an ok weight for almost three years and then I slowly let myself go. Having to relose that weight on top of the weight I want to get to below that number sucks since I was just here a few years ago. So done with yo-yoing!

    I'm two lbs away from being out of the 160s (I'm 5'3"), and I plan to never ever ever see that number again!
  • hookandy
    hookandy Posts: 278 Member
    Just after Christmas last year I was bulied into a post Christmas wieght loss challange at work, 10 weeks of avoiding cakes in the office. I weighed in, then worked out what the figure in pounds was in stones. OMG 294 equals 21st..... time to really change life.
  • knitmom71
    knitmom71 Posts: 21 Member
    I didn't really set out to lose weight, but I did set out to get in better shape. I went for a bike ride with a 40something friend of mine, and was totally wiped afterwards. She's a good five years older than me and complained about how out of shape she is. My DH lost 30 lbs and got in much better shape several years ago, and I decided that it was my turn.

    And, I'm glad I did, because I now have a new doctor, and at my physical, she wanted to run a full blood screening. Turns out my good cholesterol is really low. It was nice to be able to tell her that I'd already started many of the suggestions. I was glad to have started because I wanted to, but I must say that having a doctor tell me that I need to exercise more certainly has helped to keep me on the right track!

    I am seeing the payoff in terms of my overall energy level and clothes fitting differently. I really hope that I see the big payoff when I have blood tests again in the new year.
  • Ghkffb56
    Ghkffb56 Posts: 263 Member
    being cheated on..
  • mjrkearney
    mjrkearney Posts: 408 Member
    There are so very many, but the one that comes to mind is having to pick up a bottle of Lipitor at the pharmacy.
  • starjewel16
    starjewel16 Posts: 18 Member
    My husband is in Basic Training for the military and I really want to lose some weight so that when he does the Airman's run at graduation and sees me standing on the sidelines, he can be proud of me. I got pregnant right away after we got married so I feel like he kinda got cheated out of having me at a good weight. I know I can't lose it all in a month but I want to lose enough that he will be proud of what I've accomplished.
  • girlwapp
    girlwapp Posts: 136 Member
    being tagged in the picture that is my profile picture. Damn.
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I just finally looked in the mirror and said "wow" in a gross, disgusted way. Plus my size 22 jeans were getting a little too snug. My shirts were pushing a 3x too. eeeek
  • HeatherTransformed
    HeatherTransformed Posts: 213 Member
    Love these reasons! I had some of these situations happen to me and still kept eating....

    I had blood work and it showed that I had high cholesterol. I had lost and gained weight many times, but it was the first time I really felt a consequence of my awful eating choices. Eight months and 50 lbs later, I just had blood work done last week. We'll see how my cholesterol has changed soon. :::crossing fingers:::
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    My doctor gave me several shock results on a blood test. My triglycerides and blood sugar were abnormal.

    I also feel that I am running out of chances to lose the weight. The fat is holding back my life. I am out of my early twenties and have not even gone on a date in four years. No guy has showed an interest or asked me out since high school. No amount of makeup or clothing can make up for zero confidence.

    I am pretty much doing this so I can have a chance of getting what I want out of life. I am sick of feeling like a victim.


    I also spent a few days with a relative in hospital and it shocked me into change. She is morbidly obese and in terrible health. She has 15 doctors and has taken over 20 pills a day to manage the symptoms. Most of her issues stem from the weight. I had to untie her hospital gown and walk her to the bathroom at night. She asked me to rub lotion into the rolls on her stomach and back that she could not reach, so they would not chafe under the strain of the fabric. I had to adjust her leg for comfort, knowing that it was infected with an easily transmissible bacteria that her immune system is not strong enough to fight. The bed was about six feet from the bathroom but it took her 15 minutes to get out of it and to prop her feet in a position to stand. She would run out of breath several times during this process. Eventually, we got to the point where she required a pad on the bed, and there were a couple of times when I could not do anything but retch, leave the room and let the nurses handle it.

    The hour she came out of the hospital, she went to Burger King and had a Whopper. I can't help but think how her lifestyle choices are killing her and putting a strain on everyone in the family. Since her release, the diabetes has worsened and she takes insulin shots before every meal. But at least she is alive.

    Seeing how bad her health is, and how much she looks like me - we put on fat in all of the same areas - shocked me into staying on my weight loss plan. I do not want my future to be like that.
  • lmc8774
    lmc8774 Posts: 129 Member
    It was when I realized I was eating enough to satisfy 3-4 people.

    One day I ate Mcdonalds AND Burger king for breakfast... then arbys for lunch.. then chinese buffet for dinner.
    I didn't want to die from a heart attack by age 35

    I laughed when I first saw this because I've been there. But then I saw how much weight you've lost. That's awesome.

    For me it was busting out of my clothes. Not being able to run like I had before. And just seeing all the excess fat on my body.

    Also, I did a marathon at my heaviest weight and it wasn't easy. But I felt so much more fit than I looked. Seeing those pictures of me at the marathon, with cellulite on the front of my legs....it wasn't what I thought I was, so I decided to try to change it. Still not where I need to be, but getting closer.
  • RetroSnowflake
    I'd let myself go because I was so unhappy and I wanted to build myself back up again. And I wanted to have my photograph taken and not look like I was pregnant.