Whats the one thing that set you off to want to lose weight?



  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    It was actually my soon to be ex husband that did it for me. I found out he was having an affair which was bad enough but to find out that he sent his then gf a picture of me with this message underneath. 'She is not a patch on you, you are hot, thin and beautiful and she is fat, ugly and to top it off barren', that statement hurt me so much that I knew I wanted to gain confidence and get out from under his controlling and abusing behaviour. Although I am losing weight for myself and to gain confidence I would also really like to show him the new 'me' some day and wipe the smug smile off his face. I am very thankful to all of my MFP family that push me every day so I can achieve my goal and turn into a beautiful woman both inside and out....
  • mmckee10
    mmckee10 Posts: 405 Member
    stepping on the scale and hitting the same numbers as when i was 9 mos pregnant! my son is almost 2 and i'm still holding all that weight -_- time to shed. i want to be the 135 (or at least close) that i used to be.. and feel sexy in my skin.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I went up a size in my pants and had to buy new clothes. I'm halfway down to my goal weight. ;-)
  • When my boyfriend and I got on the scale and I weighed more than him! I'm only 5'4 and he's 6'3! Oh yea and also the fact that my daily attire seems to be t-shirts and legging because that's all I can fit now.... Hopefully I can lose weight keeping this food diary
  • Does anyone here live in Houston?
  • Trying omn clothes in the dressing room. Made me want to cry just looking at what I ALLOWED to happen to my body. Life changing experience. Left the store, came home and got on the treadmill.
  • SheepyWolf
    SheepyWolf Posts: 8 Member
    Looking in the mirror and expecting a hot person and seeing someone that was unattractive. I still see that after about 2 years, but now, I am finally ready to make a commitment. It's not about how fast I can lose it anymore, it's about keeping it off and making it a lifestyle. I have to make a change.
  • I always knew that I was chubby, but I never felt fat.
    I was content to stay a bit chubby for my whole life, until I talked to a lady in her 40s or so who had to have been 400+ pounds. She said that she was about my size when she was my age. (I was 19 at the time)

    All the sudden I realized that I had been gaining weight very slowly since my teens, and that if I didn't change my habits soon, I would go from being a bit chubby but still cute, to massive in a decade or so.
  • SheepyWolf
    SheepyWolf Posts: 8 Member
    Stepping on the scale and seeing that I weighed the most I ever weighed in my life.
    Oh my goodness I know that feeling. That is another thing that spurred me on.
  • lessofme150
    lessofme150 Posts: 105 Member
    I can relate to almost all of the above posts.

    My big kick in the pants started in April when my cousin (and best friend) committed suicide. She had suffered from depression for a long time and I have had bouts of it myself but never to that extreme. After she passed, I didn't care what I ate or how much of it. I gained 10 lbs very quickly, slept like crap, was very spacey and extremely unhappy. One day in July I stepped on the scale and weighed the heaviset I have ever weighed. I decided that I couldn't let her death run or ruin my life and decided to do something about my weight so I could feel better about myself. So glad I did it!
  • Bigstupid
    Bigstupid Posts: 25 Member
    No aha moment for me but a series of fortunate eye openers.
    *Hitting 191 lbs on the scale without a lot of muscle to account for it on my 5' 6" frame. Too close to 200 for me.
    *Looking at my drivers license photo and thinking, "That's me?"
    *My girlfriend worked as a caregiver and one of the ladies she cared for read palms. She said she saw her falling in love with a chubby man. Anne thought of me.
    *The looming pant size increase heading my way.
    *Being called Fat by a child.

    damn, you said "one thing" sorry!
  • InLaLaLand04
    InLaLaLand04 Posts: 21 Member
    Having my 5yr old ask me several times within a 3 week span why my arms and stomach were so "squishy". Mouthy 5yr olds! That and I refuse to buy a whole new wardrobe in a bigger size. I've been big all my life and it's just time to make a change.
  • stines72
    stines72 Posts: 853 Member
    i have no clue honestly... it was july 4th and i went on a walk to see the fireworks and got really sweaty and it felt good. also i had been feeling pretty crappy lately physically and wanted to start getting healthy so i started out just walking then went to running and before i couldnt even run 2 laps around a track but eventually worked my way up to a mile.. i dont run anymore but i do cardio and im so glad i started this journey and i lvoe eating healthy!
  • I know exactly how you feel! I noticed that less men were approaching me and like you said it's not because you're unattractive it's because they can sense your confidence levels. The thing that made me want to lose weight the most was when I noticed I didn't reckonize myself in my pictures. I use to be a picture freak. Loved to take pictures anywhere! I use to cheerlead and live a pretty active life until I had my baby two years ago. It seemed as the weight was starting to fall off it took an abrupt turn and starting coming back.

    I wanna get my social life back but I feel so ashamed of my weight that it makes me self concious and honestly a little jealous of others that are in shape and wears thing that I use to wear that I wouldn't dare wear now. So that definitely made me say, nuh uh this weight has got to go.

    I was 144 when I got pregnant and when I started this program I was 188. I haven't weighed myself in about 3 weeks so next week I will weigh in. I look better already so I know I've definitely lost some.

    Best of luck to you=)
  • Carol_Magee
    Carol_Magee Posts: 69 Member
    I weighed nearly 350 pounds at 5'7" and had all that goes with it - low self esteem, type II diabetes, high blood pressure and a bad wardrobe. I didn't buy nice clothes because I was going to lose weight and why spend money on clothes that I wouldn't be wearing for long. Sound familiar? Of course I didn't lose the weight. The thing that really set me off to losing weight was falling down and not being able to get up. That was terrifying and extremely embarrassing. I've lost 60 pounds since then and have found MFP. Now I have friends all over the world who are having the same struggles. Thank you, friends, for being there!
  • KenishaFitness
    KenishaFitness Posts: 161 Member
    My clothes size was going up and I was still trying to buy smaller clothes because they were cute and I wasn't even able to fit into it. And the fact that I can barely can stand up no more than 7 hours at work with out all the pain in my ankles.. taking my niece and nephew to the park or out to play and cant keep up. I had to make the change.
  • CDG1013
    CDG1013 Posts: 106 Member
    When I had to buy larger uniforms. I already had 2 sets of everything...my fit size, my not so fit size, and then had to go to a fat guy size. I looked horrible in my dress uniform and made a decision to get back into shape and be an example for younger officers.
  • julielittlefish
    julielittlefish Posts: 134 Member
    I became a new mom. And then, 4 days later, I became single mom. I called the initial phase my "post-partum got a divorce diet". I've kept it off by changing the way I eat.
  • elfpearl
    elfpearl Posts: 191
    When I got on the scale and weighed the same as I had weighed 9 months pregnant with both of my children...but I wasn't pregnant.
  • kristieprn
    kristieprn Posts: 18 Member
    We had to get a specific uniform color at work and within a few months I had to go out and buy bigger ones! WTH! And I had once upon a time sustained very healthy habits so here I go again.