Guys, be honest,....



  • LuccyH
    LuccyH Posts: 266 Member
    Some people like oysters... Some like clams

    Who do you like then?
  • BelleHeart
    BelleHeart Posts: 281 Member
    I think both chubby and skinny guys are cute. It just depends on your mindset and what you think is 'attractive'. Back in the day women who were larger were more attractive. =)
  • ChadB74
    ChadB74 Posts: 128 Member
    My honest answer would be no, guys don't check out obese woman. Think the same goes for females checking out obese men. It's human nature to go by physical attraction before mental compatability. On the other hand, I think skinny girls who look anorexic are more hideous to look at then an obese female. I'm a fan of a girl that looks healthy and happy, even if she's overweight (not obese).
  • CkepiJinx
    CkepiJinx Posts: 613 Member
    I have been over weight my whole life, I have had more than my fair share of boyfriends, I have only asked out maybe two of them, and I have ended almost every relationship I have ever had. I have also had people make comments about my weight, never really payed much attention to them but honestly I have gotten more flack about my weight from women than I ever did men.

    I was that happy fat person, my decision to lose weight was solely based on health factors and because I want my daughter to a see me make better choices in hopes that she will not deal with weight issues like me.

    I walked into Dunkin donuts a few weeks ago and a guy commented to his friend, they were talking about how he knows every one, that he would like to get to know me. Being married I smiled to myself and pretended not to hear them, but I must say it was a quick ego boost :wink: . Anyway my point is they are out there.
  • beyg
    beyg Posts: 212 Member
    I like meat on my bones!! Not unhealthy but meat in my bones is a must. Just saying.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    well yeah its a beauty is in the eye of the beholder kind of thing

    id have to see that to believe it

    Oh, the bitter, "any one who prefers a healthy physique based off of hundreds of thousands of years of evolutionary processes is an *kitten*" person.
  • Cdoug99
    Cdoug99 Posts: 23 Member
    ive always found that people become more attractive once you get to know them and know their personality

    That is very true. Once you get to know someone, depending on their personality, they become more or less attractive. Being Hot aint everything. My ex husband was hot, but once he left me with one on the hip and one in the oven.....he seemed ugly to me.
  • d_Mode
    d_Mode Posts: 880 Member
    As I've aged I've become attracted to women in general and tend to care less about their weight. I prefer a personality and a great mind above all.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    You never look at an overweight or obese girl and say "damn she's hot. do you?? I've even caught my husband saying how thin women are hot, but never any that are overweight or obese.

    please, ask your husband what he considers attractive, not here. Most likely you, he married you. :)
  • zachatta
    zachatta Posts: 1,340 Member
    The majority of men probably don't,

    however there are definently a group of males that like bigger women.

    Ultimately, if you want to increase the pool of men who are interested in you, losing weight will do that.

    Again however, there are always outliers, so of course some men will like bigger women.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,733 Member
    I like meat on my bones!! Not unhealthy but meat in my bones is a must. Just saying.

    yes, it goes both ways. very skinny women with pretty faces are noticed for being pretty, but not for being sexy. very flat-chested and hipless woman don't have the subliminal physical cues that men notice that advertise the woman as being "healthy and fertile", which is i guess how the species survived to this point. :wink:

    for example, this woman (and i'm assuming this is a real photo and not photoshopped) is stunningly beautiful, but i would have no desire whatsoever to be intimate with her.


    she's basically a skeleton with skin over her. there would be nothing fun about a night with her. i'd be afraid of hurting her or myself by accident. :frown:
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I like meat on my bones!! Not unhealthy but meat in my bones is a must. Just saying.

    yes, it goes both ways. very skinny women with pretty faces are noticed for being pretty, but not for being sexy. very flat-chested and hipless woman don't have the subliminal physical cues that men notice that advertise the woman as being "fertile", which is i guess how the species survived to this point. :wink:

    for example, this woman (and i'm assuming this is a real photo and not photoshopped) is stunningly beautiful, but i would have no desire whatsoever to be intimate with her.


    she's basically a skeleton with skin over her. there would be nothing fun about a night with her. i'd be afraid of hurting her or myself by accident. :frown:

  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    I think even in the cases where men do prefer heavier women (hence the fetish market) they feel pressured by friends/society not to express such things publicly.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    You never look at an overweight or obese girl and say "damn she's hot. do you?? I've even caught my husband saying how thin women are hot, but never any that are overweight or obese.

    please, ask your husband what he considers attractive, not here. Most likely you, he married you. :)

    ^^this. Is seems as though this is something that should be talked about with your husband. You appear to have a large degree of insecurity, rightly or wrongly, and really, the only person who can help alleviate that is your husband.
  • charelg
    charelg Posts: 599 Member
    Everyone is different on what is attractive. Someone that has confidence and a great personality is just as important as good looks. But of course a really overweight or obese person would always look better being in a normal weight range.
  • NoahandPresleysMom
    NoahandPresleysMom Posts: 763 Member
    well yeah its a beauty is in the eye of the beholder kind of thing

    id have to see that to believe it

    Oh, the bitter, "any one who prefers a healthy physique based off of hundreds of thousands of years of evolutionary processes is an *kitten*" person.
  • zachatta
    zachatta Posts: 1,340 Member
    Everyone is different on what is attractive. Someone that has confidence and a great personality is just as important as good looks. But of course a really overweight or obese person would always look better being in a normal weight range.

    lol, no.

    This might blow your mind, but men are different than women, *gasp*, and men TEND (not all the time, again outliers etc) to be more visual. So physical traits will almost always trump "confidence and a great personality".

    I lol when women say women having more confidence will boost their success, no it really won't.

    Men can usually judge if they want to pursue you on looks alone. (Again for the 100th time outliers etc)

    EDIT: See exhibit "trophy wife" for confirmation of what I am saying.
  • jigglewiggles
    jigglewiggles Posts: 173 Member
    I know this sounds strange but for me, when I was a healthy weight I noticed more men would hit on me, of all different races. But at a heavier weight, it seemed that only black men would hit on me, and this didn't even happen that often, lol. Anyway, for me, I am attracted to slender men, and also toned muscular men, not like body builder muscular though, more like Channing Tatum, that's just my preference. I can't think of a time that I've ever saw an overweight man and thought "wow he's hot". I've dated plenty of overweight men, but always for their personality never for their looks.
  • Owlie45
    Owlie45 Posts: 806 Member
    I think even in the cases where men do prefer heavier women (hence the fetish market) they feel pressured by friends/society not to express such things publicly.


    When my brother talks with friends about who he finds hot they are nothing like the girls he actually goes for.

    I prefer a chubby guy, but ill be happy with any guy who can make me laugh.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,733 Member
    Everyone is different on what is attractive. Someone that has confidence and a great personality is just as important as good looks. But of course a really overweight or obese person would always look better being in a normal weight range.

    lol, no.

    This might blow your mind, but men are different than women, *gasp*, and men TEND (not all the time, again outliers etc) to be more visual. So physical traits will almost always trump "confidence and a great personality".

    I lol when women say women having more confidence will boost their success, no it really won't.

    Men can usually judge if they want to pursue you on looks alone. (Again for the 100th time outliers etc)

    EDIT: See exhibit "trophy wife" for confirmation of what I am saying.

    you're mostly right, but things do change a bit as you get older... looks are always important, but they become less important as brains, personality, values, compatibility, etc. become more relevant. give it a decade or so and you'll see for yourself. eventually you'll start to get sick of the vapid women who always need to be the center of attention and complimented constantly on their looks.
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