What is the one thing you gave up to lose weight (if any)?



  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I gave up that bloated guilty feeling I have after eating a 1000+ calorie bag of potato chips, any kind. :)
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    Animal products. Meat, cheese, dairy, etc. I did not start this for weight loss,however, I started it for my health. The weight loss is just a FABULOUS bonus!!
  • Klopford
    Klopford Posts: 129
    Regular soda (I only have diet now if any at all) and fruit juices that I THOUGHT were good for you until I saw the calorie count. Also don't go out to eat as much but I still go out. Honestly, nothing's off limits, just moderated.

    I also have not had any alcohol whatsoever since I started tracking. Which wasn't a conscious decision, I just haven't had much opportunity or desire for it (the thought of having to log a Smirnoff Ice or a long island iced tea from Houlihan's isn't very pleasant...)
  • Pop, even diet!! Chips.. i use to eat a bag a night 4-5 times a week.
  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    Most fast food. I used to do McD's for breakfast, Wendy's for lunch, and Taco Bell for dinner. Almost every day. I still have Taco Bell's fresco menu occasionally, and when I'm short on time I'll hit a Subway. Even if it's not the best, it's SO much better than what I used to do!
  • achapman01
    achapman01 Posts: 42 Member
    Wheat products and sugary foods.
  • jonesie84
    jonesie84 Posts: 73 Member
    I gave up all pop first and lost 10lb right away. Then it was the junk food and portion control. It was hard to go from being able to eat 4 slices of pizza down to controlling and eating 1-2. We dont keep chips or cookies in our house, its all fruits and veggies and cheese for snacks.
  • sammkate
    sammkate Posts: 9 Member
    Wine may be my worst enemy. I am trying to cut back. used to have a glass a night and more on weekends, but now trying only to have a couple of glasses (3) one night during the weekend. It's hard but so far so good! (2 weeks in)
  • Sleeping in and a life of lethargy. That's pretty much it.
  • msglamazon
    msglamazon Posts: 2 Member
    Two weeks ago my doctor said that I had to cut out bread and pasta (pretty much anything with flour), snacks, and sugar. I'm a snacker, so that part has been hard; and I absolutely love pasta...but I ironically enough, I haven't missed it yet.
  • Diet sodas
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
  • McDonalds Sausage and Egg Muffin Breakfast...I used to eat it everyday! I feel much better eating a more balanced breakfast now though, so I'm not missing it too much. I also gave up the two sugars I used to have in my coffee/tea, I drank about ten cups a day so it really added up!
  • desiree7hanson
    desiree7hanson Posts: 31 Member
    I'm trying to think of something that I gave up completely, and I just can't. There are many things that I only have on special occassions now, like ice cream. I only eat fast food 2-3 times a month when it used to be 2-3 times or more a week!
  • Simple, eating whatever I want whenever I want and however much I want of it. Freedom ain't everything.
  • nonstopper
    nonstopper Posts: 1,108 Member


    I guess i would say ice cream too.....
  • MzGoddezz
    MzGoddezz Posts: 20 Member
    I've given up fast food, candy bars, and chips. Not forever but for right now. I don't want to starting cheating until I start seeing progress.
  • tRiNaBeAnZz
    tRiNaBeAnZz Posts: 114 Member
    Juice, chips, candy...
    In high school I could eat anything and everything and was thinner than I am now. So stupid!
  • bgtorres
    bgtorres Posts: 186 Member
    Most Fast food, cake, sweet bread & soda.