40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • lauriem1966
    lauriem1966 Posts: 134 Member
    Hey, I'm a cool kid....46 in less than 2 weeks, eek! I have 3 boys, 14, 16 and 18, looking to lose another 45-50 pounds (we'll see when I get closer) and I'm really into zumba and bikram yoga. Trying to get myself back into running, used to run 25 miles a week, hurt my foot, got better, but also got lazy :(
  • mrso97
    mrso97 Posts: 147 Member
    i am 47 and the proud parent of two border collies!! i have always struggled with my weight..but after spending two years at an ideal weight i went on paxill and gained 40lbs!!! long story...went off paxill rejoined mfp and am training for my very first 10k..another long story...i used to be able to drop 30 lbs like it was nothin...now ...its somethin! can i hang with the "cool kids" too??
  • JulesAtkinson1
    JulesAtkinson1 Posts: 219 Member
    Reward for going to the gym, cookies? I would have thought new work out clothing, or a fit bit. IDK, maybe it is me.

    On the up side, he is doing something for you because he is proud of you. That is awesome.

    Yes, that is his thing. And, I might add, it's not always food. He IS very good at being supportive. He just got the cookies on a whim, and I think, in this case, it was a matter of convenience because he happened to be at the market. If he's at Target, it may be a movie, or if he's at the mall, some Bath and Body Works. Barnes and Noble, a new journal or something like that. He's amazing.
  • JulesAtkinson1
    JulesAtkinson1 Posts: 219 Member
    Wow. I can hear the crickets chirping in here. Helllllooooooo??????
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Sometimes I just turn my computer off on the weekends - particularly on Sunday. So, Jules, that was what happened (for me), yesterday.

    I have this weird "pinch" in my left hip. I'm still going to go weight-train, today, but, depending on how this "pinch" feels, I may have to dial back on some of the weights. Which is fine.

    I'm aiming to get in 3 weight-work-outs this week. Have to squish in one cardio session, too, somewhere....
  • JulesAtkinson1
    JulesAtkinson1 Posts: 219 Member
    I had to dial back on upper body this morning. I have an occasional burst of tennis elbow in my left arm, and could feel it this morning on my first go around. So I lowered my weight by ten pounds and finished. Glad I'm on to lower body tomorrow and can give it a day to relax.
    Any one have any suggestions on recovery nutrition? I usually buy ready made protein shakes, but ran out last week and forgot to get some at the grocery. I know I can sub with most anything protein rich, but was just wondering if anyone had any favorites they'd like to share.
    Working a three day work week this week and looking forward to my children being home for the holiday!!
  • Carm00
    Carm00 Posts: 5 Member
    I am 57, and I hang out with all ages. I would love to be part of this group.! I am currently trying to lose about 15-20 lbs.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    When I run out of protein shakes, Jules, I just grab a protein bar, instead....mine have more "carbs" in them, then I like, but it still has a pretty good amount of protein!

    Welcome, harley - good luck and I'm sure you'll love hanging out here!

    I got my weight-training in. The "pinch" was certainly helped when I stretched it doing curtsy lunges. A couple more days and am hoping the "pinch" just disappears. Also, ROLLING helped! I should hop on our roller at home, tonight....let's see if I can REMEMBER!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Finally had my office birthday lunch out....along with my paralegal who celebrates her birthday next week!

    One of my groupon's is expiring tomorrow - so we went to that restaurant for lunch. Turns out they wouldn't accept the groupon for "lunch" - has to be a dinner! So, I've planned an impromptu "date night" for tomorrow night!

    Hubby won't mind....
  • RiverDancer68
    RiverDancer68 Posts: 221 Member
    I am jumping in with a quick intro...then off to read the rest of the posts!! I'm a 44 yo mom of 3 (14, 12 and 8). I am madly devoted to yoga (part of why I chose my user name) and Irish Dance (yes...like Riverdance-I'm not that good though!). I think I'm mildly cool, and totally geeky....which is just fine with me :drinker:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Welcome, OmShak, luckily it takes "all kinds" to make the world go round....you'll love the 40+ club.

    I'm going to get my weight-lifting in today. Even though my hammies are still screaming at me from Monday's work-out...
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all!!

    Feels like I've been away forever. Welcome new cool kids! There is a whole many more of you than when I left. :happy:

    Was away with a friend. We went to Illinois to a Celebration of Life service for our friend's husband. It was good to be there for her.

    On the way back, we took a little side trip and did some Christmas shopping. Only got a couple of runs in while away, but did do a lot of walking while shopping.

    Jules, I think your husband sounds like a real sweetheart. Yeah, I get the cookies as reward thing, my husband likes to buy me chocolate. :laugh: He means well, but then realizes it's probably not the best thing, and then enjoys them himself. Hey, maybe that's why he buys me chocolate. :laugh:

    Got home this afternoon, unpacked and have laundry going. Back to normal tomorrow- work, workouts and diet.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all the American Cool Kids!! Enjoy your weekend. :flowerforyou:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Yes, happy thanksgiving to all the American posters!

    I *did* get my lifting in, today.

    I also dropped another pound on the scale! Woohoo!! I think I could be down to the mid-140's by Xmas time (or maybe new year's...) if I keep playing my cards right!

    I'M ON FIRE!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving!

    I'm paying strict attention to my diet, today, as no exercise is on my schedule. I'm doing just fine.

    Tomorrow, I lift!
  • tinytasha7
    tinytasha7 Posts: 86 Member
    I'm 46, mother of a 23 year old human female, a 16 week old American Eskimo puppy, 5 cats ranging in age from 14 weeks to 15 years. Obviously did animal rescue for a number of years and got hooked...LOL...

    I joined a couple of weeks ago and since then have lost 12 lbs. I gained the majority of my weight just over 10 years ago within a 4 month period (120 lbs). The next largest gain I had was about 4 months ago where I gained 30 lbs in 2 months.

    I want to get back down to where I was but much fitter than I was (I never did exercise at all even then....getting to find things I like now)....

    Looking for friends to share my experience here.

  • Allison22451
    Allison22451 Posts: 686 Member
    ¸.•*""*•.¸❤ ❤ I'm 40 ❤ ❤¸.•*""*•.¸
  • allshine01
  • Blondeweightloss
    I am British and will be 41 in 3 weeks time. I am Mum to 2 biological and 2 adopted children and I am a HUGE Chelsea FC fan.

    I have 3 boys and one girl (aptly named Chelsea) and I think I am cool as my kids friends always tell me I am :)
  • Blondeweightloss
    I am British too, a London girl now living in the country (Dorset) x
  • Cindy873
    Cindy873 Posts: 1,165
    Still 39. Can I be a Cool Kid prodigy?? :o)