Guys, be honest,....



  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I like meat on my bones!! Not unhealthy but meat in my bones is a must. Just saying.

    yes, it goes both ways. very skinny women with pretty faces are noticed for being pretty, but not for being sexy. very flat-chested and hipless woman don't have the subliminal physical cues that men notice that advertise the woman as being "healthy and fertile", which is i guess how the species survived to this point. :wink:

    for example, this woman (and i'm assuming this is a real photo and not photoshopped) is stunningly beautiful, but i would have no desire whatsoever to be intimate with her.


    she's basically a skeleton with skin over her. there would be nothing fun about a night with her. i'd be afraid of hurting her or myself by accident. :frown:

    my husband just saw that and seriously gagged. Poor man is in the bathroom trying not to wretch LOL

    completely shopped, you can easily find the real pic by googling. ;)

    Lol or just look at the shoddy Paint Shop paint job :laugh:

    it's obviously paintshopped. what exactly do you think you have to defend here??

    Am I being punk'd here? :noway:
  • MrMeowGi
    MrMeowGi Posts: 171
    Never in my entire lifetime, and not ashamed of it. I find myself very judgemental but am also my harshest critic.

    Yes , some girls have it easy and are just , skinny and pretty, but I believe humans have the opportunity to increase their human capital , for example I have seen over weight ladies and said, if she ate correctly and got in shape, she would be beautiful. Just like I don''t ever expect to get the calibre of ladies I truly desire until I fix all my flaws, which are many.

    It's the same as hearing ladies say "wow, Ryan Reynolds is so hot, his body omg" - One of my Ex gf's loved telling me about how other bigger stronger men were extremely attractive, in all fairness, I didn't do anything at that time to try improve and better myself.

    So I might sound like a jerk or shallow *kitten*, but I believe that a person who is in shape (not just skinny, you can see the difference with skinny and fit), is someone who takes care of themselves which is an attractive attribute.
    (This excludes things such as medical illness's which effect your weight and such things)
  • NoahandPresleysMom
    NoahandPresleysMom Posts: 763 Member
    I like meat on my bones!! Not unhealthy but meat in my bones is a must. Just saying.

    yes, it goes both ways. very skinny women with pretty faces are noticed for being pretty, but not for being sexy. very flat-chested and hipless woman don't have the subliminal physical cues that men notice that advertise the woman as being "healthy and fertile", which is i guess how the species survived to this point. :wink:

    for example, this woman (and i'm assuming this is a real photo and not photoshopped) is stunningly beautiful, but i would have no desire whatsoever to be intimate with her.


    she's basically a skeleton with skin over her. there would be nothing fun about a night with her. i'd be afraid of hurting her or myself by accident. :frown:

    my husband just saw that and seriously gagged. Poor man is in the bathroom trying not to wretch LOL

    completely shopped, you can easily find the real pic by googling. ;)

    Lol or just look at the shoddy Paint Shop paint job :laugh:

    it's obviously paintshopped. what exactly do you think you have to defend here??

    Am I being punk'd here? :noway:

    obviously you dont belong on a website of men and women trying to lose weight and better themselves. ESPECIALLY since all you do is try and lower their self esteem and make them feel bad about themselves. Shame on you.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    Grouping an entire group of people with the caveat of, "Well, all the thin people I've met have no personality" or "All the overweight women I know are miraculously unshallow" is shallow.

  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I like meat on my bones!! Not unhealthy but meat in my bones is a must. Just saying.

    yes, it goes both ways. very skinny women with pretty faces are noticed for being pretty, but not for being sexy. very flat-chested and hipless woman don't have the subliminal physical cues that men notice that advertise the woman as being "healthy and fertile", which is i guess how the species survived to this point. :wink:

    for example, this woman (and i'm assuming this is a real photo and not photoshopped) is stunningly beautiful, but i would have no desire whatsoever to be intimate with her.


    she's basically a skeleton with skin over her. there would be nothing fun about a night with her. i'd be afraid of hurting her or myself by accident. :frown:

    my husband just saw that and seriously gagged. Poor man is in the bathroom trying not to wretch LOL

    completely shopped, you can easily find the real pic by googling. ;)

    Lol or just look at the shoddy Paint Shop paint job :laugh:

    it's obviously paintshopped. what exactly do you think you have to defend here??

    Am I being punk'd here? :noway:

    obviously you dont belong on a website of men and women trying to lose weight and better themselves. ESPECIALLY since all you do is try and lower their self esteem and make them feel bad about themselves. Shame on you.

  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    all women have things that make them "hot"...not all thin girls are attractive and not all big girls are fat nasty blobs
  • phxrisin
    phxrisin Posts: 4 Member
    I like meat on my bones!! Not unhealthy but meat in my bones is a must. Just saying.

    yes, it goes both ways. very skinny women with pretty faces are noticed for being pretty, but not for being sexy. very flat-chested and hipless woman don't have the subliminal physical cues that men notice that advertise the woman as being "healthy and fertile", which is i guess how the species survived to this point. :wink:

    for example, this woman (and i'm assuming this is a real photo and not photoshopped) is stunningly beautiful, but i would have no desire whatsoever to be intimate with her.


    she's basically a skeleton with skin over her. there would be nothing fun about a night with her. i'd be afraid of hurting her or myself by accident. :frown:

    my husband just saw that and seriously gagged. Poor man is in the bathroom trying not to wretch LOL

    completely shopped, you can easily find the real pic by googling. ;)

    Lol or just look at the shoddy Paint Shop paint job :laugh:

    it's obviously paintshopped. what exactly do you think you have to defend here??

    Am I being punk'd here? :noway:

    obviously you dont belong on a website of men and women trying to lose weight and better themselves. ESPECIALLY since all you do is try and lower their self esteem and make them feel bad about themselves. Shame on you.


    I sincerely hope you are being trolled. :)
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    OP, what is the point? What did you hope to gain by posting?
    So silly. I like what I like, I often find those that are not the "ideal" weight attractive. Like I said before, OP, he married YOU.

    I said this to make you feel better about yourself, thought I was being nice. My mistake.
    Don't be jealous cause I'm thin and pretty, do something about it if you're not.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member

    You have been given MANY answers, most of wish you just argue with..

    I don't get it.
  • Tommy
    Tommy Posts: 127 Member
    Dear Posters,

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    In many cases we are able to edit out the posts that violate this guideline, but unfortunately this particular thread has become too volatile to moderate efficiently.

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